Questions tagged [jquery-ui-sortable]

The jQuery UI Sortable plugin makes selected elements sortable by dragging with the mouse.

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11 votes
2 answers

How to programmatically trigger the update callback of a sortable widget with a button?

According to this jsbin i have a sortable list and a button . when click on button something add to sortable and i want to know which event of sortable is fired?(update,receive) and when finding the ...
MBehtemam's user avatar
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3 answers

JQuery UI sortable: restore position based on some condition

I call sortable.stop() to make an ajax call to store some data after drag & drop operation. When the ajax call returns an error (application logic error or net problem) I want to move the dragged ...
dafi's user avatar
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2 answers

jquery sortable serialize returns empty string

HTML: <ul id="categories_list" class="ui-sortable"> <li class="cat_row" style=""> item1 </li> <li class="cat_row" style=""> item2 </li> <li class="cat_row"> item3 &...
stergosz's user avatar
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jQuery UI Draggable/Sortable - Dynamically added items not draggable

I have a Draggable/Sortable set of lists that I am dynamically adding items to, but the trouble is, that once an item has been added, it's not possible to move them to the new lists. You can see the ...
Aaron Wagner's user avatar
11 votes
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Making a jQuery droppable accept items from a sortable which is using connectWith

I've got a sortable list which is using connectWith to ensure it can only be sorted within its own types of list. Now I'm trying to make a droppable trash can element that appears at the bottom on ...
tags2k's user avatar
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4 answers

Creating a jQuery UI sortable in an iframe

On a page I have an iframe. In this iframe is a collection of items that I need to be sortable. All of the Javascript is being run on the parent page. I can access the list in the iframe document and ...
RARay's user avatar
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7 answers

CKEditor 4 and jQuery UI sortable removes content after sorting

I've ran into an issue with CKEditor 4 and jQuery UI's sortable method where if I sort a container that has a CKEditor instance, it removes the value and throws an error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot ...
DMC's user avatar
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2 answers

jQuery Draggable + Sortable - How to reject a drop into the sort?

I have a sortable list of videos and a draggable set of videos. Basically I want to make sure that the videos dragged in are not in the first 5 minutes of video. As the video lengths vary I want to ...
lopsided's user avatar
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2 answers

Sortable behaves wrong when CSS3 scale is applied

I'm scaling a JQuery sortable element with CSS transform. Both the sortable items start positions and offsets while dragging are wrong beacuse JQuery doesn't take CSS scales into consideration. I ...
Adrian Rosca's user avatar
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3 answers

jquery sortable plugin with "sliding effect"?

jQueryUI has got a nice plugin, Sortable: I'm very pleased with that plugin but I'm only missing one thing. And that is instead of let the elements that changes ...
Eric's user avatar
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Why does the update event in jquery sortable seem to run twice when testing for ui.sender

I'm using jQuery UI sortable to sort connected lists. The update event appears to be running twice. Here is the full sortable call: $(".pageContent").sortable({ handle: ".quesText", ...
Jake Zeitz's user avatar
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jQuery Sortable - Limit number of items in list

I have a schedule table I'm using jQuery Sortable for editing. Each day is a UL, and each event is an LI. My jQuery is: $("#colSun, #colMon, #colTue, #colWed, #colThu").sortable({ ...
Adam Tal's user avatar
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4 answers

Call event after sorting in JQuery

Current Problem In relearning jQuery/jQueryUI, I'm trying to call an event on an element after sorting it. This is probably relatively simple to do since jQuery has many ways to implement callbacks. ...
vol7ron's user avatar
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Get ID of dragged list item in a sortable jQuery

I have this html: <ul> <li id='item1'>First</li> <li id='item2'>Second</li> <li id='item3'>Third</li> </ul> and this .sortable jQuery: $(...
kganciro's user avatar
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5 answers

A different kind of jquery sortable

I have elements of different sizes that are arranged somewhat acording to a grid (like in the image below) and I want to drag and drop properly those elements. Is there a plugin that would do that? ...
Ciprian Mocanu's user avatar
10 votes
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Jquery sortable stange mouse offset

I'm working with the jQuery sortable plugin( 2 connected lists) and have a strange bug. When you drag the picture the mouse is above the dragged item screenshot:
Olivier_s_j's user avatar
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1 answer

Sortable items and subitems in list on jQuery ui sortable

If you drag any child element beyond any parent, its position is stored . This is a helluva lot . Element must go back to the previous parent. Child elements must be able to move within the parent and ...
djmartini's user avatar
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4 answers

jQuery + Sortable + live

I'm adding list items to a page dynamically with $.get, then appending them to the OL element. Pretty usual to this point. But jQuery isn't aware of these new items when they get loaded into the ...
user202411's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Why isn't scrolling working in my jQuery UI sortable?

I'm having problems using the sortable function of jQuery UI. The scroll doesn't seem to work. If the second list ( lists are created on the table rows in a tbody and each tbody is connect ) isn't ...
Sam Vloeberghs's user avatar
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Ember.js and jQuery Sortable. How to work around the metamorph scripts

I have an ember.js app that I would like to use jquery ui's sortable widget on. My view looks like <ul id="sort-container"> {{#each content}} <li>{{title}}</li> {{/each}} </...
wmarbut's user avatar
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jquery - while dragging an ordered list item, numbering of subsequent items always increases by 1

While the jQuery sortable widget works fine in most cases, in the case of an ordered list, the numbering gets botched up when we drag an element. The following is a sample program to illustrate this : ...
Daud's user avatar
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3 answers

jQuery using Sortable with dynamically added elements (live refresh)

I have a <form id="#form"> that have a <span class="con"> and inside the span i have many divs that needs to be sortable. <form id="form"> <span class="con"> <...
Pinkie's user avatar
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jQueryUI draggable + sortable bug (Cannot read property 'options' of undefined)

My question seems to resemble this question: dragging from a sortable list to a drag and drop plugin But since there is no answer given to that one i was wondering if anybody could / would be able ...
N.Schipper's user avatar
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jQuery sortable doesn't work correctly with horizontal list if list is empty before init

If I add elements to list after I initialize .sortable it doesn't work correctly. See example jsFiddle Sample HTML: <div class="container"> </div> <br /> <button class="add-...
skmasq's user avatar
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1 answer

SVG icons disappears in Windows 10 IE 11 using jQuery Sortable

I'm experiencing a really weird issue that only occurs in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10. When jQuery sortable stops the SVG icon inside the list element gets invisible. Works fine in Chrome and ...
peeh's user avatar
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1 answer

Make draggable element sortable within droppable using jQuery UI

RESOLVED So I studied sortable() with the connectWith attribute a bit more and found the solution was simpler than I expected, but I was thinking about it sort of backwards because of draggable() and ...
Bobe's user avatar
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jQuery UI sortable tolerance

I'm having some trouble getting smooth operation of jQuery UI sortables. The tolerance I set doesn't always work correctly - for example, if I set it to 'pointer', sometimes I could have the object ...
RS7's user avatar
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2 answers

Detect drop with jQuery sortable

I'm playing with jQuery Sortable ( to display nested lists, move elements and then save the final results. The final goals is to manage a site structure/...
Laurent's user avatar
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jQuery ui sortable inaccurate placeholder placement in nested sortables

I've a sortable element inside another sortable element. Both are connected to each other. Following the the sample markup: <div id='container'> <div class='parent'> <div class='...
T J's user avatar
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3 answers

jQuery sortable item height

I've got a simple jQuery sortable based on a list as follows: <ul> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> <li>Item 4</li> </...
John's user avatar
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4 answers

JQuery Sortable ConnectWith don't work

I have two sortable lists. I want to connect this lists so I will be able to move items from one list to another in both directions. I use sortable connectWith, but still I cant move list items from ...
Dimitar's user avatar
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1 answer

jquery sortable keep within container Boundary

Please look at the fiddle below: HTML, simple unordered list: <ul class="sortable"> <li>first item</li> <li>second item</li> <...
Sammy's user avatar
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jQuery UI sortable with fixed rows

I'm using a jQuery UI sortable with a table (works fine). I would like to make the header and last row fixed (non-moveable). The jQuery UI docs indicate this can be done using a selector for items, ...
Robert Altman's user avatar
9 votes
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Exclude items from sortable

I have below sample table code, <table id="Table1"> <thead> <th>Title</th> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Row 1</td> </tr> ...
user584018's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Sortable w/ Selectable Text

Is it possible to be able to have sortable elements, but still allow users to copy/paste the text inside the elements? <div class="sortable"> <div class="pseudo-sortable">Foo</div&...
vol7ron's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

jQuery Sortable - no dragging past last list item

I have an unsorted list (UL) that contains sortable list items (LI), except for the last list item. I need the last item to stay at the end of the list: <ul> <li>Item 1</li> ...
Prutswonder's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Drag-and-drop Sortable List in Meteor [closed]

How would you make this? The items in the list could correspond to records in a collection, and their position in the list could correspond to a field on each record ("rank" perhaps) which would have ...
Nick Retallack's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Dealing with overlapping jQuery sortable lists

This is a bit of an obscure issue, but I'm using jQuery Sortables and trying to get two connected lists working together nicely when one is positioned as fixed. It all works fine until you scroll the ...
Alconja's user avatar
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Jquery Drag and Drop in nested lists - how to minimise / remove the flicker

Based on I am working on a drag and drop interface that allows the user to reorganise nested lists. As you can see from the link this works great on ...
Mark Robinson's user avatar
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jQuery Sortable - scrolling in div with overflow:auto

I have a page using jQuery with some lists which have been made sortable. The list is inside a div which has a fixed height and overflow set to auto in the stylesheet. The scroll attribute of ...
Graeme's user avatar
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jQuery UI draggable + sortable in iframe - wrong vertical offset

I am solving this problem and I do not know what to do. Situation: I have draggable elements at the top of page and some sortable holders in iframe. When I try to drag element to iframe, it is ...
tomas657's user avatar
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Jquery slim scroll with jquery ui sortable issue

Hi I have a situation where I am using jquery slim scroll plugin with jquery sortable. The problem is when I drag the items from one list items to other the scroll bar on the right doesn't move along ...
Sahil Dhir's user avatar
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jQuery UI Sortable animations

I have a grid-like list, and have the sortable functionality working in it, like planned. I want to animate every item except the one being manipulated to smoothly slide in the list. I have an example ...
Chad's user avatar
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7 answers

jqueryUI Sortable: handling .disableSelection() on form inputs

example: i have an un-ordered list containing a bunch of form inputs. after making the ul .sortable(), I call .disableSelection() on the sortable (ul) to prevent text-selection when dragging an li ...
zack's user avatar
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I can't type to inputs

I have a list which can be sortable. I'm using jQuery UI with widget, mouse, position, sortable addons. CSS: #sortable{ width : 550px; display: inline-block; } #sortable li, #add { width ...
Eray's user avatar
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jQuery UI Sortable: How do I prevent a specific list item from being moved?

I have this list: <ul> <li class="line"><a href="#" class="drag">header (do not sort)</a></li> <li class="line"><a href="#" class="drag">line one</...
kmunky's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does 10px + 10px = 10px?

I have the following script where the margin for the . portlet class is behaving strangely: it should be adding 10px around each portlet, which should mean a gap of ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
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JQuery UI Sortable Disable Update function before receive

I'm using jquery ui to process a list that you can sort within and then also sort between another list. I'm using the update for the sorting within and that works fine. When I sort between I just ...
c12's user avatar
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Pagination sort link on a virtual field/entity property in CakePHP 3.0

I want to create a pagination sort link on a virtual field/entity property in CakePHP 3.0. In CakePHP 2.x I used to create a virtual field, and then create a pagination sort link on that field. ...
Tijme's user avatar
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1 answer

jQuery UI: Only allow sortable within its own parent level, and not above or below

Basically using a list structure, I'm trying to make each li sortable within it's own level, but not within other levels. So if I'm dragging down Number 1 it won't mix with any of the sub ul's or li's ...
kylex's user avatar
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