Questions tagged [jquery-ui-tabs]

The Tab widget that forms part of the jQuery.UI library

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Manually activate tabs jquery ui 1.10.3

I am really getting mad, I searched through jquery ui doc and stackoverflow's questions (tons of questions) but I cannot figure out how to manually activate tabs ( .tabs() ) in jquery 1.10+ . I ...
steo's user avatar
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Enable a tab with jQuery Tabs

I disabled the tab like this: $("#tabs").tabs({ disabled: [1, 2] }); But when I try to enable one of the tabs it is not working: $("#tabs").tabs({ enabled: [1] }); Is there something I'm doing ...
dotNet Zombie's user avatar
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How to get the URL of selected Tab

I want to appnd data dynamically in Jquery default tabs but How I can get the selected tab HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href="
Muhammad Usman's user avatar
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jquery accessor id vs class?

at this link: when we look "view source", we have: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">...</a></li> <...
asdf_enel_hak's user avatar
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Cache JQuery UI-Tabs Ajax loaded Content?

I use JQuery UI Tabs. What I do is load the content of each tab with Ajax as it is suggested here: Problem: If the user clicks on Tab A, then Tab B and then Tab A again,...
Michael's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLLIElement> has no method 'find' in Chrome

Might be related to : Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLLIElement> has no method 'find' Here is a chat of the discussion of my problem:
Naftali's user avatar
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Jquery ui dialog widget with tabs

I'm looking for a JQuery widget mixing dialog and tabs. The idea is to have the close in the same line as the tabs and an option for the ok/cancel buttons. There is an old entry in stackoverflow, but ...
ic3's user avatar
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jQuery UI tabs without href and/or content, only with events?

I wanted to do something like Wordpress editor. I took jQuery UI tabs (I don't want to use another tabs plugin, becauase I already use jUI for tabs on the site) and created two tabs named like "...
WRonX's user avatar
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enable disable jquery tab

I have a jquery tab container, in which there are two tabs. Now what I want is initially second tab will be disabled. On clicking a button on the first tab second tab will be enabled and open ...
Krisanu's user avatar
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Adding unsortable element to the end of a sortable list

I need to add an element to the end of a sortable list, e.g. I need to add an extra li. This Li cannot be sortable and must at all times stick to the end of the sortable list. Just like in firefox ...
HGPB's user avatar
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How to pre-load all tabs by default with jQuery

If I have 4 tabs where the first 2 are loaded with ajax and the last 2 are static, how do I pre-load the 2 ajax tabs by default? For the moment, only the first tab is automatically loaded, the second ...
rfgamaral's user avatar
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Jquery Tab link to another tab from content within a tab

I'm using the JQuery tabs plugin. I'd like to link content within tab 1 to take me to tab 3 instead of having to click Tab 3 to get to it. How do I do this? @redsquare... So, i modified it based on ...
Evan's user avatar
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Jquery Tabs - Too many tabs

I am using JQuery tabs. The problem is when there are too many tabs, some tabs are squeezed to the next line and the layout looks weird. I am not setting the "width" property of the <div> of the ...
David's user avatar
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how to add loading spinner image to each tab in jquery tabs?

I have loaded items in jquery tabs. When page loading, i want to show loading spinner image to each tab available inside tabs. When the count label shown, i want to remove spinner image. My code is ...
RGS's user avatar
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Horizontal Bullets Showing In jQuery UI Tabs (IE 8 Only)

I'm getting a weird bullet in IE 8 on jQuery tabs. It's showing as the image displays below. The bullet disappears if I click on the tab. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Jeff Borden's user avatar
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jQuery TABS is not working under new ASP .NET MVC4 project

What I did is I have create new ASP .NET MVC4 project. I have used example code So I have got this: _Layout.schtml <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> &...
NoWar's user avatar
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Google Map API V3 on hidden div (jquery-ui tabs)

I know this problem is ancient, but I can't seem to find a clear instruction for it. The gist of the problem is the Google Map wouldn't load completely (partly shown) when it's loaded on a hidden (...
Rex's user avatar
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How to Load Partial Views with Jquery UI Tab by passing parameters?

I have a parent page (DistributionReview.aspx) that has a Deposit Date to select using DatePicker. Just below I have two tabs(*DistributionByType* and DistibutionByStatus) that I want to load ...
Rita's user avatar
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jquery Tabs with ajaxOptions

Scratching my head on this one. With jQuery tabs I am attempting to use ajaxOptions to post data to the page before I load it. So I have a form on the page before my tabs with some input fields. ie, ...
Lee's user avatar
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jQuery - Tabs inside of tabs?

I'm trying to arrange tabs inside of tabs using jQuery. Below is the HTML, CSS, and JS that I'm using. How can I insert a couple tabs within #tab2? HTML <ul class="tabs"> <li><a ...
J82's user avatar
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How to unload jquery ui tabs that are hidden/ not active?

I am using Jquery UI tabs in my mvc web application. I have total of 6 tabs. Each tab contains a user control. I am dynamically loading the contents into each tab using ajax like this: <...
Sai Avinash's user avatar
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Uncaught type error: Object[object Object ] has no method 'tabs'

I'm trying to make tabs int the web browser. I have included all necessary .js files. I am still getting this error: $("#tabb").tabs(); where tabb is the div id. Uncaught TypeError: Object [object ...
irshad.ahmad's user avatar
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Why jQuery ui tabs are not working?

I found the same question here jquery ui tabs not working but it didn't help me. This is my HTML which should create the tabs but it's not working: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <...
Piscean's user avatar
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Why does ui-state-disabled get applied to my elements dynamiclly?

I have an add button for adding new tabs. The tab list is also sortable. When clicking the button to add a new tab it gets "ui-state-disabled" added to its class dynamically. It's pretty annoying. ...
HGPB's user avatar
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How do I create tabbed UI in codeIgniter with jquery UI?

am using codeIgniter to develop a web app and for my UI, I want to use jQuery-UI-Tabs. I am locked down as to how to get my views to show up in their respective tabs. Any help?
Don aMOEBa's user avatar
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JQuery-ui : tabs with heightstyle fill, in a resizable panel, tab content height is not updated

My problem is that when I have a tabs element with the heightStyle set to 'fill', and this tab is inside a resizable element, when the parent resize, the tab content does not resize accordingly. The ...
Sarumanatee's user avatar
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jQuery UI tabs and dialog

How do you add jQuery ui tabs to a dialog box on click? Here is my code. <p> <a href="#" class = "premium_payer">Premium Payer:</a> <span data-bind = "text: ...
KO.'s user avatar
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JQuery UI Tabs - Clear Cached Tab

I have a set of JQuery UI tabs on a given page and have set the cache property to true for them to reduce the number of requests that are issued. I also have a select list outside of the tabs which ...
Nick Olsen's user avatar
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TinyMCE inside jQuery UI-tabs doesn't size right in ui-tabs if not on initial selected tab (jsFiddle example)

If TinyMCE is in jQuery ui-tabs, it will only properly size if in the 1st tab (or the tab selected to be open when ui-tabs is created). On every other tab, TinyMCE will only have a couple of lines ...
Reno's user avatar
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jQuery tabs() function not displaying tabs

The following is my HTML code for creating a tabbed page. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <script type=...
vishakad's user avatar
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Height of JQuery UI Tab Content Panel

How can one get the height of the content area in a JQuery UI tabbed panel? $('.ui-tabs-panel').height() clearly returns the height of the content area + the height of the tabs. I am assuming there ...
Chris's user avatar
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jQuery UI Tabs - How to Select a Tab on Hover

Using the jQuery UI Tabs component, is it possible to select new tabs on hover instead of when clicking on them? I found an example here, but this does not seem to work with the latest (stable) ...
Ben's user avatar
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Cannot get Datatables and Jquery Tabs to display correctly

there is a working example on the datatables website here: BUT, i believe the example is using jquery-ui 1.8 something ...
user1096865's user avatar
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How can I handle different json data for each of the jquery tabs?

I have three 3 (jquery) tabs: Overview Pricing Destination info Each of these tabs have entirely different data. I can specify a URL in the href to make an AJAX call. However, how do I handle the ...
brainydexter's user avatar
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jQuery UI - Style Delay on Page Load

I'm using the jQuery UI tabs widget to style my page: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tab-1">Tab 1</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-2">...
Dismissile's user avatar
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Firebug - Debugging script loaded dynamically

Using jQuery UI tabs I load pages which contain JavaScript code. Is there any way using Firebug to debug that code? Can't see then in the 'Scripts' tab of firebug, showing 'all', 'static, eval and ...
martok's user avatar
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jQuery tabs, use like menu, load page when click on link

I have added jQuery tabs to my upcomming site. So far no problem. But I want - when clicking on a tab - that it should do and behave as a regular link. Exampel 1: Look at this link http://jqueryui....
Fredrik's user avatar
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JW Player: cross-browser "display:none" player behavior

Is there a simple, upfront method to have FF and IE treat hidden JW Players the same? I am placing different instances of the player dynamically in jQuery generated tabs. In effect, switching tabs ...
two7s_clash's user avatar
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Accessible semantic jQuery tabs plugin

Just a quick question to see if anyone knows of any jquery tabs plugins that run based on a similar structure to: <div class="tabs"> <div> <h4>Tab one</h4> ...
Glo 's user avatar
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jquery ui async ajax request set to false causes issues

I have got an issue with our beloved browser IE (all versions) and the tab ui control from jquery. I load my content for the tabs with the ajax option. Problem now is that i have to do that ...
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JQuery UI 1.11 Set tab to active

I have Jquery 1.11 and I have been trying for hours to get the newly created tab to be set to active and show it. Jsfiddle I also would like to add an "x" on the tab to close the tab. I have went ...
Big Al Ruby Newbie's user avatar
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How do I append a Sortable row to a table in another tab using jQuery UI?

I have a page with jquery-ui tabs and each tab contains a table. I have set tabs to be droppable and the tables to be sortable. I would like to be able to drag a row from the table inside active tab, ...
mcoomey's user avatar
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When using nested tabs with jqueryui, how can you catch events from only the parent widget

I'm using the jqueryui widget, tabs. I'm in a situation where I have tab nested within tabs. I want to handle events from the parent tabs widget only (#tabs) but ignore the nested child (#tabs2). Is ...
matt burns's user avatar
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Handling programmatically added div in jquery ui tabs

i am having problem with handling dynamically added div using jquery ui tabs. My goal is to have just one div element where content of that element is filled depending on what tab user selected. Now i ...
Bojan Kovacevic's user avatar
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jQuery UI Tabs with 100% height has content and vertical scrollbars that are extended below the visible area

Have a strange problem (strange because I do not understand it) Trying to use jQuery UI Tabs with 100% height and a vertical overflow scrollbar for the content. This does not work - the scrollable ...
Beast's user avatar
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jQuery tabs: disable first tab, select second

I'm using jQuery tabs to create a tab bar with four tabs. After the tabs are initialized, when a certain link is clicked, I want to disable the first tab and select the second tab. I can successfully ...
daGUY's user avatar
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jQuery working with multiple tabs group

I have a page with multiple tabs. But if you copy/paste the code and view in Chrome, you'll understand exactly what I am talking about. When the page loads, I'd want to show the tabs which correspond ...
Abhisheik Deo's user avatar
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How to open a link from within jQuery UI Tabs INSIDE said tab

To start, I have viewed this question and it is not the same issue. Ultimately, I am trying to allow a link with an opened tab, which once clicked fetches the appropriate URL and displays that URL ...
JM4's user avatar
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