Questions tagged [lang]

Any HTML element may have a lang attribute with a value from the IETF's "BCP 47" list of language codes. This tag is for questions about the attribute's usage; problems with specific browsers should add the relevant tag as well.

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If lang and hreflang are used at the same time on a web page, do they conflict?

Screenshot here webpage link: Is this right? Or is it appropriate to write this way? Do they conflict if they exist simultaneously? How is the code for this ...
Klein's user avatar
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Flex and bison in c++, when compiling, it gives me an error that there are too many arguments to the function 'int yylex()'

lexer %{ #include "" enum { STRING = yy::parser::token::STR }; extern int yylval; %} %option noyywrap c++ debug WORD "\""(\\.|\\...
tomdawncats's user avatar
-2 votes
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Errors occur in simple calculator programs using bisonc++ and flexc++

The following error occurs in the following program I have looked at the flexc++ and bisonc++ references and think I understand some of it, but I have not been able to put together working code ...
tomdawncats's user avatar
0 votes
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How to set correct html property "lang" for multilingual site on Angular with Transloco?

I made multilingual web site (3 languages) on Angular using Transloco. Means, I don't have different page versions or sub domain for every language, I just have all text content in Transloco json ...
Svt1108's user avatar
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Is there a way to use not-found.tsx inside of [lang] folder in Next.js 14?

I have a problem with Next.js 14 project, which uses app router. I use [lang] folder to localize my app. So, I have all my pages, including page.tsx and layout.tsx inside of [lang] folder. This way, I ...
Slobodan M.'s user avatar
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Filament translation stoped working after Laravel translations was implemented

I am building a laravel project with filament. Everything worked normally, but after working on translations in Laravel, the Fillament translations stopped working. Has anyone ever experienced this? I ...
mlila_p's user avatar
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how to identify a lang attribute on a HTML in vue file without using vue-i18n

i'm new to vue and i got this task to solve. 1.- I display some dummy data from index.html on my App.vue file 2.- The next step is to identify the language of the index.html without using vue-i18n 3.- ...
Jose's user avatar
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What is the right lang attribute to write in the html tag?

I have a site with this code: <!doctype html> <html lang="es_ES" prefix="og:" class="no-js"> I thought that es_ES is the lang attribute ...
Carlos Esparta's user avatar
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Trying to wrap my head around this multiple html select that need to run the same js code

I've been trying for hours to get this working, but I'm simply missing something simple (I'm not a programmer). I have this code I've picked and mashed up from various sites including this one: <...
Guy's user avatar
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How to use Nextjs internationalization with a default lang?

It's two days I'm reading the Nextjs internationalization doc I want to use two langs: en, fa. I can switch between them as well, and the URLs would look like this: https://...
Shafizadeh's user avatar
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How do you make a language selector and dark mode work together?

I have written the below script that toggles between two languages and also to make the background change to dark mode, but I am having trouble making the two stay when either one is selected. So when ...
Timothy's user avatar
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How can I make the Metronic calendar change its language based on user selection among several languages?

I use the Metronic theme and the calendar is always in English by default. There are 5 languages in my system and I want it to change according to whichever of these languages is selected. How can I ...
Kutay Aygün's user avatar
3 votes
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NextJS: Override html lang

So I've recently migrated a website from React to NextJs and the website is active in Sweden and Norway with the URLs; and When we migrated the website we thought it was a ...
ossan's user avatar
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Filtering the text in SPARQL query based on the language using owlready2

I have an ontology in an 'owl' file (quran_data_full.owl) and I saved it in a folder in my google drive (Quran Corpus). To perform some queries in this ontology, first I tried the query on Apache Jena ...
Reem's user avatar
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Cannot deserialize value of type `java.lang.Long` from Object value (token `JsonToken.START_OBJECT`)

Getting the following error while hitting the POST API call via postman for the following code. Requirement : Place an order given the list of <component_id>, and . Consider that an order only ...
Vishesh Dab's user avatar
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Qt/Qml VirtualKeyboard, switching language by physical keyboard shortcut

in my application i using QtVirtualKeyboard and i have a problem: When using the virtual keyboard, I cannot use the system keyboard shortcut to switch layouts. The application will be used on touch ...
sidsukana's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Does Rust allow distributing closed-source libraries?

I'm new at rust and just finished the book. I'm trying to understand whether everything in rust must be distributed in the form of source code, like golang perhaps. This may not be the accurate way ...
user1206899's user avatar
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How to get swiss quotation marks for a html website with rmarkdown/quarto

I try to get swiss quotation marks («text») in a markdown (quarto) document. My _quarto.yml looks like that: project: title: "quotes" book: chapters: - index.qmd format: ...
Benjamin Fretwurst's user avatar
2 votes
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Are all combinations of language codes and regions in the language-subtag-registry valid?

RFC 5646 ( and IANA language subtag registry ( describe and list the ...
Dave Cherkassky's user avatar
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How to set <html lang> dynamically for different pages in SvelteKit?

In my SvelteKit app, some pages are in English (en) and some pages are in Farsi (fa). The app.html file sets the lang attribute to en statically for the entire app. How can I make the lang attribute ...
Bushehr Hoopoe's user avatar
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React and multilingual site: good pratices / SEO

I have a site done with React. On this site, two languages are available: 'en' and 'fr'. Here is how I implement it: When the user comes on my site for the first time, I determine the language from ...
Saelhenen's user avatar
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2 answers

Change HTML language from en-US in to en-UK in WordPress?

How can i change HTML lang from en-us to en-uk, i have selected en-uk in wordpress dashboard but its displaying en-gb <html lang="en-GB">. Simply i want to change <html lang="...
bgcoder's user avatar
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2 answers

HTML lang attribute changes font completely

tl;dr; - use the toggle button, see what happens: document.getElementById('toggle').addEventListener("click",function(){ if(document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].lang == 'bg') document....
Marin HTML's user avatar
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Laravel translation

I added loadmore word and it doesn't translate it. It is in same folders like news and it translate that word. I don't know why it doesnt recognize it. SHould I do comting when I add new translate in ...
milica98's user avatar
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Parse Intel hex file to extract only the data part in c language

I am in search of a c program which parses Intel hex file format and extracts data part which can be further used for crc computation. If anyone knows about it please post the program. Thanks in ...
varun b.m's user avatar
1 vote
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Select All Japanese Text, But Without Romanization

Important Edit— It appears that there's nothing wrong with my language code here, something else somewhere I've done in my CSS has stopped my code from working. This means all my guesses as to why it'...
916's user avatar
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1 answer

Decrease size between objects go lang fyne image and text

for some reason there is so much space between the text and the image, how do i resolve this ?? this is the code i use to create it with, tried with resize and some diff options ...
Ronny Fontex's user avatar
2 votes
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Go lang fyne change container content with button

I'm very new to coding so this is difficult for me to figure out how to do, I've tried looking docs n google but without help! I got 3 buttons where I want one of them to change the new,vmax container ...
Ronny Fontex's user avatar
0 votes
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multi array fetch language with $_GET['en'] PHP

i have little complex array with languag english and french, i just want switch with button $_GET['lang-fr'] and $_GET['lang-en'] that my array and code with foreach... i have array multidmension, ...
user avatar
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Extract html conform language value from pythons locale package

I create HTML output with a Python script. The <head> tag need a lang= attribute. I wan't to use Python's locale package for this. But the values from locale (e.g. de_DE) are not HTML conform. e....
buhtz's user avatar
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3 votes
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Safari doesn't respect lang attribute for Greek locale for text-transform:uppercase

Safari doesn't respect lang attribute for Greek locale for text-transform: uppercase; css rule, but it works perfectly for Chrome For string with all uppercased letters accent should be removed But if ...
Valentin Grinkevich's user avatar
0 votes
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How To Fix This Bug java.lang.RuntimeException [duplicate]

I'Am Face This Bug How To Fix It java.lang.RuntimeException: at ( at
Supun Madushanka's user avatar
0 votes
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Method that takes any setter as a parameter

I have an Item class public class Item { Long id; String name; Boolean isGood; // getters and setters } And I want to declare a method that can take a method reference and some value as ...
Alex Melnikov's user avatar
1 vote
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Show existing post if no translation instead of going to home page in polylang

I'm using Polylang to support multiple languages on my site. Right now, if I'm on a post that say is in English and if I click a flag for which it has no translation (e.g. French), then I get taken to ...
Elliptica's user avatar
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1 answer

Wordpress Multilanguage with variable and get request

i tried almost all plugins and not giving me what im looking for im looking to click on a _GET link and convert site / content to another dir / lang and have 2 variable for each Lang as example : $...
Amjad's user avatar
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java.lang.NullPointerException: 'boolean' on a null object reference

How Do I solve this issue? Java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean' on a null object reference Here is My Code ...
desertfox77's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to change language to German in ChromeDriver while running Selenium tests in Java

I am having some problems setting the language of my chrome-browser to english when running Tests in my CI/CD-Pipeline. I use Selenium and TestNG for testing. Everytime I run my tests locally it works ...
JanR443's user avatar
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When `lang = "jp"` is given to an attribute, the ellipsis is vertically centered

when lang = "jp" is given to an attribute, the ellipsis is vertically centered like this But i want to like this I want to keep the font family and lang but only the ellipsis down
lovepeacfineapple's user avatar
1 vote
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Remove a duplicated array element but getting some error [duplicate]

When the code flow gets to the removeIf() logic the code breaks and it doesn't return anything as if it was a lang error. Please use the same code logic if possible. public static SalmonSumario[] ...
Alex Rodriguez's user avatar
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Vanilla JS - .replace() with array and loop

I wrote myself a little script that converts English words to Elvish words. var clickMe = document.querySelector('#button-7993f34d'); clickMe.addEventListener('click', function (event) { ...
Kamil Paciepnik's user avatar
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recall apis that depending on lang param with ngx-translate

I'm using ngx-translate when I change the language to 'ar' it makes the dir property to 'rtl' and it works fine the problem is that I'm using a 'lang' value from localStorage to send it with each ...
Sarl sbeer's user avatar
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Textarea 2 languages spell check

My goal is to have a html textarea tag which spell checks in 2 specified languages. The lang attribute is great for spell checks in 1 language but I can't find any way to spell check in more languages....
Unlucky's user avatar
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CSS Lang selector - dynamic multi language

Lets say I know I currently have "en-us". I know I will add more (en-gb and etc.). I currently use :lang(en-us) in CSS. Is there a way to have a CSS variable where I can just add languages, ...
Rogelio's user avatar
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Functions in go lang, can someone please break this down for me?

I was taking the tour of golang when I stumbled upon closures, one thing led to another and I landed at Here I was stumped by the code ...
suramana's user avatar
1 vote
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How to switch between languages in laravell

I'm new to laravell and would like to understand how to switch between two Languages the best way. My website only uses two languages. I want to build a simple language switcher. Here is my HTML -> ...
bobderbaumeister's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor1

what's reason of it ? I have migrated to gradle 7.02 and agp 7.0.2
jitendra kumar's user avatar
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Cannot access 'java.lang.Object' which is a supertype of ''

I upgraded to gradle 7.02 and i have this error : can not access java.lang.object what's possible reason ? I already tried. Invalidate cache and restart. deleting build, .gradle, .idea file .. still ...
jitendra kumar's user avatar
2 votes
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how can I type persian text in pillow library

How can I write Persian text on photos with the help of Pillow Library in Python? When I try to write text, the letters of the word are written from the end to the beginning. For example, when I want ...
alireza shabanpour omaly's user avatar
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Which is the best use of lang attribute

HTML syntax - Is one of these versions better or more "correct" than the other? <p><em lang="fr">Ceci est un paragraphe</em>. The remainder of this paragraph ...
user3428418's user avatar
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NextJS / next-translate : get lang outside of components

We have a short question for our application (NextJS 11.0.0 + next-translate 1.0.7) The library contains a function to make an API call (/lib/mylib.js) : export const getDataExample = async (lang) =&...
Yos6's user avatar
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