Questions tagged [lapack]

LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a software library package to solve linear algebra equations. LAPACK is written in Fortran 90.

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Linking Ipopt with Intel MKL

I'm trying to link Ipopt with Intel MKL (instructions). Intel's Link Advisor suggests: Link line: -Wl,--start-group ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_ilp64.a ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_core....
Agrim Pathak's user avatar
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lapack zheevd gives wrong results

I am trying to use lapack's zheevd in order to diagonalize a complex Hermitian matrix. I' ve written a small example which doesn't produce any compile or run time error but gives wrong results for the ...
user3474189's user avatar
-9 votes
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C algorithm to invert 1024x1024 matrix?

this is my firs question on this website. I am (desperately) trying to invert a big matrix in my program. I would like to use lapack in order to do this, and I found this thread which looks quite ...
Davide's user avatar
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How to use lapack in C++ on Macbook air

I have installed lapack,blas and fftw package on my Mac using Macport. Where can I find these libraries? What do I need to specify to link these libraries in a C++ program? Thanks.
Resorter's user avatar
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LAPACKE/GNU C++: Weird bug in LAPACKE_zheevx() function

here is a description of a weird bug I have encountered when using LAPACKE's function LAPACKE_zheevx(). Simple test code that calculates three out of four eigenvalues/vectors (the example from the ...
Boki's user avatar
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Cython: low level BLAS and LAPACK functions

I am trying to implement certain algorithms using the low-level BLAS and LAPACK functions via the built-in wrappers in Cython. I am following the guidelines given in [1] and, more concretely, as ...
Engineer 007's user avatar
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Lapack dgeev degenerate eigenvectors nonorthogonal

I am making a program which makes extensive use of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. While testing the program, I ran into a case where two eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue are not quite orthogonal. ...
Tony Ruth's user avatar
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Solving ill-conditioned system of linear equations with Lapack&co

I have the following 11x11 linear system of equations Ax = b with: A = { {1.0000000000000000, 8.0000000000000000, 6.0000000000000000, 12.0000000000000000, 24.0000000000000000, 24.0000000000000000, 8....
user1584773's user avatar
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Segmentation fault when linking with Lapack and OpenMP

When I link the following code PROGRAM MAIN implicit none integer(8), PARAMETER :: N=2**9 complex(8) ::A(N,N),B(N,N),C(N,N) C=matmul(A,B) end program MAIN with Lapack and OpenMP via: gfortran ...
Tarek's user avatar
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Generalizing to multiple BLAS/LAPACK Libraries

I am developing a linear algebra tool in C++, which relies heavily on matrix multiplication and decompositions (like LU, SVD), and is meant to be applied to large matrices. I developed it using Intel ...
The_Anomaly's user avatar
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Integration of Shared Libraries with external dependacies into MATLAB | ie Armadillo, LAPACK, BLAS

New to MATLAB and infact, am only dealing with it for simulation purposes. I came across an issue with importing shared libraries into MATLAB. Say I have a complicated set of c source files that ...
D. Haxton's user avatar
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Installing LAPACK to Visual Studio 2015

I seem to have problem with installing LAPACK library to my Visual Studio 2015 (C++, Windows 10). I have downloaded precompiled libraries from here:
Milan Smolík's user avatar
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LAPACK: Solving large periodic banded system of equations

I have to solve a large number of simultaneous equations (~1000s) to solve at every time step for a general mean curvature flow problem. The problem is defined over closed manifolds so the boundary ...
hkrish's user avatar
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dgtsv - LAPACK not returning answer

I'm trying to solve a simple tridiagonal system of equations using LAPACK library. The code below explains it all. I'm getting an array full of zeros (initialized ones), not the correct answer. I ...
LM_O's user avatar
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Julia: Linking LAPACK 2.0 on Linux

I am using eigs() function in Julia for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Results are non deterministic and often full of 0.0. Temporary solution is to link LAPACK 2.0. Any idea how to do it on ...
M.Puk's user avatar
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error while installing scipy module in python

I'm trying to install scipy module in python using is showing following error.. Command "c:\users\sony\appdata\local\programs\python\python35-32\python.exe -u -c "import setuptools, ...
Shubham's user avatar
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lapack/blas/openblas proper installation from source - replace system libraries with new ones

I wanted to install BLAS, CBLAS, LAPACK and OpenBLAS libraries from source using available packages you can download here openblas and lapack, blas/cblas. Firstly I removed my system blas/cblas and ...
Bociek's user avatar
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numpy with OpenBLAS slower than blas/lapack

I wanted to install openBLAS on my linux mint 17.2 to speed up some computations. I followed this tutorial [1] and successfully installed openBLAS and numpy (I used 1.9.3 version). I run the test ...
Bociek's user avatar
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C++, Lapack Cholesky decomposition implementation inaccurate result

I am trying to implement Cholesky decomposition in C++ which is previously implemented in lapack dpotrf_. Cholesky decomposition: R' * R = A code: #include <iostream> #include <armadillo&...
ar2015's user avatar
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compilation error whith boost-python and lapack

I created a program using boost for extracting python variables and lapack for solving matrix. However I have some trouble in compilation process Here are my includes and the firsts line of code : #...
Nicolas Matton's user avatar
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64 bit LAPACK precompiled Windows Mingw

I'm trying to build a 64 bit executable on Windows using MinGW that links to LAPACK and BLAS. Several sources referred me to the prebuilt MinGW 64 bit lib and dll files here:
Mat's user avatar
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Compile LAPACK for windows using MinGW-w64

What I want to do is use LAPACK on windows 64 bit. The steps to build it using mingw 64bit are noted here: It mentions that ...
deadlift's user avatar
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Format banded matrix for LAPACKE

I'm trying to solve a general banded matrix using the C interface to LAPACK called LAPACKE in Intel's MKL. The function I'm trying to call is *gbsv, where the * denotes the format. Unfortunately, I'm ...
ThatsRightJack's user avatar
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Issue when linking lapack and fftw3 libraries

I have a Fortran 90 program which uses lapack subroutines, and is successfully running on my Ubuntu system. Now I want to run it on Mac (OS X Version 10.11.4). I am using gfortran compiler as a part ...
John A.'s user avatar
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When to use dsgesv versus dgesv to solve a system of linear equations

In the LAPACK documentation, it states that DSGESV (or ZCGESV for complex numbers) is: The dsgesv and zcgesv are mixed precision iterative refinement subroutines for exploiting fast single ...
EMiller's user avatar
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lapack zheev.f gives wrong eigenvalues

I wrote a f90 program to test the subroutine zheev.f provided by lapack. What I do is building a 6x6 diagonal matrix (with real entries for testing purposes) and compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors. ...
Davide Mandelli's user avatar
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ArrayFire is missing LAPACK - but I have it

I just downloaded the latest release of ArrayFire (3.3.1), and am trying to build it. I'm stuck at cmake . though. I installed a bunch of missing libraries, reran it, and now I get: -- Could NOT find ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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LAPACK dgetrs vs dgesv

In LAPACK documentation, dgesv Solves a general system of linear equations AX=B. dgetrs Solves a general system of linear equations AX=B, AT X=B or AH X=B, using the LU factorization computed by ...
maverick's user avatar
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Install CLAPACK-3.2.1 in fedora 23

Hi I use fedora23 to calculate matrix. So I am trying to install CLAPACK-3.2.1 to my computer. In the procedure, 1. download clapack.tgz (version 3.2.1) from -> done 2. cd ...
JWShim's user avatar
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why is my program using system cpu time?

I wrote a time-consuming python program. Basically, the python program spends most of its time in a fortran routine wrapped by f2py and the fortran routine spends most of its time in lapack. However, ...
atbug's user avatar
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Fortran LAPACK: high CPU %sys usage with DSYEV - no parallelization - normal?

See further update below I am observing a quiet high system CPU usage when running my Fortran code. The "user CPU usage" is taking about one core (system is an Intel i7 with 4 cores/ 8 threads, ...
PrinceOfMe's user avatar
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Lapack Orthonormalization Function for Rectangular Matrix

I was wondering if there was a function in Lapack for orthonormalizing the columns of a very tall and skinny matrix. A similar previous question asked this question, presumably in the context of a ...
Jack Hessel's user avatar
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System of linear equations in fortran using DGESV [duplicate]

I am new to fortran and are trying to solve a set of linear equations using DGESV. I am trying to make the simplest program possible just to get the method running, but are getting this error message: ...
Lars Lotsberg's user avatar
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Wrong eigenvectors using LAPACK eig function to solve bessel function

I'm wondering if someone can help me with my problem. I've been trying to solve Bessel equation using finite differences so i can translate the problem to a problem of finding eigenvalues and ...
user5983411's user avatar
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Install LAPACK in windows 7 cannot find fortran compiler

I am trying to install Lapack on my Windows 7 64bit to use SciPy. I have run into many different answers about this topic but I have not seen anywhere anything about this. I am following the guide ...
sokras's user avatar
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Julia Memory Allocation for Addition of Two Matrices in place

I'm curious why Julias implementation of matrix addition appears to make a copy. Heres an example: foo1=rand(1000,1000) foo2=rand(1000,1000) foo3=rand(1000,1000) julia> @time foo1=foo2+foo3; 0....
Mael's user avatar
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Using cmake to compile CSDP

I trying to use CSDP which is a mathematical library for SDP. I download the library an extract the lib (libsdp.a). It is using lapack and blas lib, so I add -lblas and -llapack options. I want to ...
razzi's user avatar
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Error in "birthdeath" function (phylogenetic tree analysis)

I want to determine birth and death rate of a given phylogenetic tree using birthdeath of the ape package, and I get the following error: birthdeath(phy) Error in solve.default(out$hessian) : ...
Robert's user avatar
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Can dgesvd in LAPACK be used for economy-size SVD computation?

I have a rectangular matrix, X, of size 50×4000, where m=50 and n=4000. As can be seen, m < n. I need to compute the economy size singular value decomposition (SVD). MATLAB has a built-in function ...
shashashamti2008's user avatar
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Linking numpy to linear algebra and optimization libraries [duplicate]

I have been trying to link my numpy installation to various Linear Algebra and Optimization libraries that exists in the system. It currently does not have any file in /numpy/core because ...
pg2455's user avatar
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undefined reference _cblas_dgemm in Mac OS X

I have installed the shark machine learning library on Ubuntu and linked it with and was in libatlas-base-dev package. Now I want to do the ...
ManiAm's user avatar
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Error in linking gfortran to LAPACK and BLAS

I have installed LAPACK and BLAS from Synaptic package manager in Ubuntu. whereis libblas libblas: /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/libblas.a /usr/lib/libblas whereis liblapack liblapack: /usr/lib/...
Rajarshi's user avatar
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Cygwin install from cmd find a package for liblapack0

After seeing the method of this post, I was trying to install liblapack0 in cygwin from the command line: setup-x86.exe ^ --quiet-mode ^ --packages ^ liblapack0 But it seems it does not work. While ...
ar2015's user avatar
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Can't find in ubuntu 12.04

When I ran a matlab code in ubuntu 12.04, an error occurred: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Then I installed lapack and libatlas, but only found ...
qqwqert007's user avatar
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Linking NumPy with BLAS on windows

I'm trying to install Theano on a Windows system and need to install BLAS and LAPACK. I've got the .dll files for these in my System32 folder. When I run from Anaconda, the paths ...
PrithviJC's user avatar
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understanding Lapack_row_major and Lapack_col_major with lda

I have three questions regarding lapack_row_major and lapack_col_major: 1) Is my understanding correct that if A = [1,2,3,4,5,6] with dimensions 2*3 then the lapack_row_major results in [ [1,2,3],[4,...
Mina's user avatar
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Linking LAPACK, 64-bit, Visual Studio 2013

I'm unable to compile introductory Lapack code in Visual Studio 2013 for a 64-bit platform. Summary of what I'm trying to do: Get Lapack up and running in support of 64-bit C++ software I'm writing ...
gboy's user avatar
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How to call LAPACK code (cpbtrf) in Julia

I'm currently trying to translate my existing Python code into Julia, and I need to compute a Cholesky Decomposition of a banded, complex matrix. The correct LAPACK routine is cpbtrf (the one ...
jimbarrett27's user avatar
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Not able to install fOptions R package on ec2 spark cluster

I have deployed a spark cluster on ec2 using the spark-ec2 script. I am trying to install the 'fOptions' R package in Rstudio on the master but I am getting the following errors while the install....
ArchAngel27's user avatar
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Installing pymc - Lapack issues

Hoping someone might have some experience with this issue, I checked google but had no luck even finding the error message. I'm trying to install pymc (using pip install --user pymc) on a server with ...
analystic's user avatar
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