Questions tagged [lex]

Lex is a computer program that generates lexical analyzers ("scanners" or "lexers"). Lex is commonly used with the yacc parser generator. For questions about Amazon Lex, use the tag amazon-lex instead.

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Bison/Yacc still printing debug messages despite tracing being explicitly disabled

I am using flex and bison on windows from this repository along with Visual Studio 2019 to produce a small calculator application. Earlier I enabled bison debug messages through the build properties ...
BenLewis's user avatar
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Regular expression matching with re but not lex

I am trying to parse a file in order to reformat it. For this, I need to be able to distinguish between full line comments and end of line comments. I have been able to get lex to recognize full line ...
Eric's user avatar
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Handling new lines in Flex/Bison

I am trying to make a C-like language using Flex/Bison. My problem is that I can't find a proper way to handle new lines. I have to ignore all new lines so I don't returnt them as a token to Bison ...
John Baker's user avatar
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Yacc parse won't finish reduction of a production

I am working on building a small interpreter through lax and yacc that works on a basic programming language that performs addition and multiplication as well as printing lists of ints. For example ...
Geoffery Crawford's user avatar
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Yacc not accepting valid input

I am using Bison/Flex to create a compiler for a C-like (simplified version of C) language. I am trying to implement arrays and I am running into an issue and I can not find the source of the error. I ...
sengineer23's user avatar
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How to make a parse function receiving string as argument regarding lex and yacc? [duplicate]

I want to write a parser that provides API like const char *convertA2B(const char *input). It looks like: lex_and_yacc(input) -> myADT myADT.intepret() -> ouptut In yacc, there's int yyparse(...
delta's user avatar
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Way to create productions for boolean operands in Bison

I'm creating a parser in Bison, and I am trying to convert the rules: E := E op E op := + | - | > | & There are other rules for E, such as negation, and of course, E can be a number. I was ...
Naz1706's user avatar
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How to invoke yyerror() from flex?

I have yyerror() defined in my Bison file: parser.y ... %code { void yyerror(YYLTYPE* yyllocp, yyscan_t unused, const char** errorReturn, const char* msg); } ... void yyerror(YYLTYPE* yyllocp, ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to write a regex in lex that negates the whitespaces

I am new to Lex (Flex) and I am solving a question that asks me to write a lex program that copies a file, replacing each non-empty sequence of whitespace by a single blank. Here is what I have tried %...
Prithvi singh's user avatar
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flex's unrecognized rule (about an optional phrase)

I wrote a simple flex file: %{ #include "" %} %% COMMON(/[45]\.0)? return GOTCHA; [a-z]+ return ETC; %% and tried to compile.(flex -d question.l) Then the ...
plhn's user avatar
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cannot find -ll collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I got a similar error when I tried to compile my lex.yy.c file generated from lex helloworld.l using gcc lex.yy.c -ll in cygwin. The helloworld.l contains %% [0-9]+ { printf("saw an integer:%s\n&...
Free Man's user avatar
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How to print shift or reduce grammar rule? (flex,bison)

I'm trying to implement a C grammar parser with lex & yacc and show the reducing procedure. I have to print token list on the left and shift or reduce rule on the right. Like: 2*4+4/2 //iniput ...
Hwing's user avatar
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regex detecting single line

Need regex for detecting string in only single line,i tried this regex \"(\\.|[^"\\])*\" but this works also with multiline input: Example : this is a "string and the string ends ...
Hassene's user avatar
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regular expression in lex

I want to print only when the whole line matches the pattern. But that's if even part of the line matches the pattern, it prints out. How should I use regular expressions?
boyman's user avatar
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Syntax error by Yacc even though the syntax is per grammar

My yacc parser is showing syntax error even though the syntax is as per grammar. my Yacc code: %{ void yyerror (char *s); #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include &...
vashist99's user avatar
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Why `string` `vector` etc does not work in union in bison?

I was trying to write a parser for a subset of C language . But when I include string or vector inside the %union , it throws error . Using char* or array seems to be fine . %union{ string s; ...
Zarif's user avatar
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Bison/Flex parsing issue

I am working with bison and flex and am currently have some issues. Currently the first character is read and passed to Bison, but immediately yyerror() is thrown. It should print 1 as 'w' is an ...
sengineer23's user avatar
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Flex & Bison: "true" being interpreted as and ID

I am writting a parser and a scanner in Ubuntu OS. In my flex code "scanner.l" I have an IDENTIFIER token and BOOL_LITERAL token. IDENTIFIER is any word and BOOL_LITERAL is either true or ...
Christopher Barrios Agosto's user avatar
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Implement LEX program by using EBNF & Syntax diagram

I have created the following syntax diagram and EBNF meta-language structure of it. My ENBF structure, var_part = var [identifier { "," identifier } ":" type "κ" { }]. ...
Alex_Pap's user avatar
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Regex that does not match ( and ), but matches '(' and ')'

I am trying to fix a regular expression used in tokenization so as to match everything (including '(' and ')', but not match ( and ) without being surrounded by apostrophes). Use case examples which ...
Theodor Badea's user avatar
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how can i use ^ expression properly in Flex?

I am trying to use the ^ expression to get any string that is not certain characters, but I can't seem to figure it out. this is what I am trying to do STRING [^<>"<!...
bendush's user avatar
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Starting a parser for scheme language

I am writing a basic parser for a Scheme interpreter and here are the definitions I have set up to define the various type of tokens: # 1. Parens Type: PAREN Subtype: LEFT_PAREN Value: '(' ...
carl.hiass's user avatar
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Regular expression in FLEX finding text

I got lex file with this rule: %option noyywrap %{ %} LNA [^<>] LNANA [^<>!] %% (<!!) fprintf(yyout, "begin_comment\t\t\t%s\n", yytext); (!!>) fprintf(yyout, &...
Max Boyar's user avatar
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How to achieve capturing groups in flex lex?

I wanted to match for a string which starts with a '#', then matches everything until it matches the character that follows '#'. This can be achieved using capturing groups like this: #(.)[^(?1)]*(?1)(...
Sourav Kannantha B's user avatar
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Rule-patterns used by (f)lexers

I walked through a number of lex files and in some I found some strange constructs regarding the usage of the square brackets. I would expect that inside square brackets it is possible to use other ...
albert's user avatar
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Can we use BNF for parsing AND lexing instead of regex?

With a Backus-Naur form grammar (BNF), we can specify the syntax of the programming language in order to parse it and produce an abstract syntax tree (AST). <if> ::= "if" <...
Xitog's user avatar
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Unable to find cause of 'syntax error' in Bison code

I'm trying to connect simple flex and bison code that would just recognize a character for now. Yet I'm facing this error. I've read through a lot of answers to figure out what is wrong but am lost. ...
koulini k satya's user avatar
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Error when trying to run parsing program using lex and yacc

i am trying to use lex and yacc for a laboratory on linux but i got an error. These are my 3 commands in the terminal: lex scan.l -> generates lex.yy.c (the lexical analyser) yacc -d gram.y -> ...
Jurca Bg's user avatar
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What decides which production the parser tries?

I am trying to build a parser for a desk calculator and am using the following bison code for it. %union{ float f; char c; // int } %token <f> NUM %token <c> ID %type <f&...
Chaitanya Chavali's user avatar
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How to pick only first N number of characters and drop remaining while matching pattern in LEX/FLEX

I need to write Lex/Flex code to recognize Identifiers. Here, Identifiers is defined as - Identifiers- It can have alpha (lowercase) numeric combination, start with alphabet or underscore and only ...
Akash Dahane's user avatar
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Using yacc and lex, I got a compile error : usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ly

I'm reading compiler book that Jhon R. Levine's lex and yacc Even after following the first example in Chapter 3, the first example is as follows. /*parser.y*/ %token NAME NUMBER %% statement: NAME ...
Any morning's user avatar
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How to implement the grammar for this exercise in lex & yacc

Exercise I'm trying to implement the grammar of this exercise using lex & yacc, but it throws this conflict: warning: 5 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr] and takes every string as invalid, I ...
Juan Posso's user avatar
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Lex program to check the structure(struct)

I'm trying to create program to check if the input such as struct st{ int j; real i; } it should print correct otherwise not correct. but I have this error prog.l: In function 'yylex': gyg.l:10:5: ...
lena's user avatar
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Flex Bison and Gnu Automake

I wrote a small text-filter based on flex-lexer and bison. A boolean expression is applied to the specified string(logvar). Boolean expression consists of strings and boolean operations. example: *...
Max's user avatar
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Flex/Lex: Regular Expression matches double characters

I have a flex program written in C++ that needs to complete the following rules: I want yytext to accept the following: ○ Zero or one of the following characters ABCDEFGH For example - input: "...
Costas_'s user avatar
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Defining lex include files for (f)lexers

When having multiple lexers one sees that, especially, in the pattern part some definitions are repeated in each lexer (e.g. whiteSpace [ \t]+ ), this is not nice that one has to do define it each ...
albert's user avatar
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Rule cannot be matched in Flex (LEX) when using ^

I'm trying to run some simple regex in Flex but I cannot get the operator "^" to work as a negation. This is my code:` %% [^abc] printf("rule triggered\n"); . \n It ...
Johnny Lerec's user avatar
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Why premature eof on this flex program?

I am making a program in flex that takes a user's input in the form of a string that describes a shape. Now my code seems correct, but I get a premature eof on compilation. I have also tried doing ...
AlVa's user avatar
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C/Lex/Yacc - How To Write The Most Basic Parser Generator Using Yacc

I found it easy to learn about Lex/Flex however learning Yacc/Bison seemed a lot more confusing due to the lack of simple example programs. From my observations, the first example parser introduced to ...
HamzaKerem's user avatar
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Not getting output of LEX program

I am trying to run a lex program to find number of vowels and consonants in a given string. The program accepts the input but not giving the output. After giving the input , the program accepts the ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
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how to convert a XML table to HTML table using lex(flex) yacc(bison)

**from this type of xml code (program will take this type of xml code as input)** <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"...
Sutrisna Anjoy's user avatar
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How to install and use Lex on Cygwin?

I need to use Lex for my Compiler Design course but how do I install and use it on the Cygwin environment?
arunkumaraqm's user avatar
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C# writing a first parser, early stackoverflow detection

I've just started writing a simple parser in C# that you can find here: The main feature being that I wanted to be able to write ...
John Ernest's user avatar
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why are these bison rules useless?

I am trying to create a simple compiler using flex and bison, however all the rules i've written down have shown to be useless "14 useless nonterminals and 66 useless rules". What makes a ...
sterling128's user avatar
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Lex: rule cannot be matched

I get a warning for "[" and "]", but I don't know what the problem is. lex.l:27: warning, rule cannot be matched lex.l:28: warning, rule cannot be matched %{ #include <stdio.h&...
Killlin's user avatar
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YACC grammar for WHILE loop and statements wouldn't work

I am trying to generate intermediate code of the following grammar for while loop and general statements, but I keep encountering syntax error. Though earlier, the grammar for statements and ...
Hamza Hussain's user avatar
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cannot convert 'char*' to 'float' in assignment flex/bison

i am making a programming language using bison/flex but i get errors i just found a simple programming language tutorial in then made some changes now im making a variable system or anything ...
Ariya1234gamer's user avatar
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YACC expression grammar wont execute

I am trying to generate intermediate code using the following grammar, but the output i am getting is as if my parser isn't evaluating the input based on this grammar. below is my lex.l file: %{ #...
Hamza Hussain's user avatar
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Problem when try get $4 with some arguments- YACC -> C

i was stack when i tried got 2 or more arguments to another condition. The big idea is to build Symbol Table to identify errors in code, i was build a tree but now we need build the table, but i didnt ...
Almog Sofer's user avatar
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Get numbers Yacc & Lex

I need to write parsers and lexers for a specific file type and store the information I need. But it doesn't even come out to get a list of digits from the test file text.txt port ( 3, 5, 7, ...
Killlin's user avatar
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