Questions tagged [libical]

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Proper way of building and importing libical

I may lack in general understanding of how I should build a project like libical. I am trying to build this and add it to my main project. After reading its install instructions, I ran these commands ...
Megool's user avatar
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Is there a portable way to get the local system timezone into a libical icaltimetype?

libical seems to only accept the Olsen city name to look up timezones in its database. What I've got that's portable is a struct tm which has a GMT offset and the shorthand 3-4 letter code (EST/EDT ...
stu's user avatar
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Compiling libical for armv7 and arm64 with cmake

I've gone through the various solutions of compiling libical v1.0 for armv7, however the latest libical library available on github seems to have moved to cmake: ...
strangetimes's user avatar
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Compiling Libical for arm64 and x86_64 for iOS

It took some time for me to compile LibiCal for arm64 and x86_64 architecture for iOS(device and simulator). Thought it may be useful for others. Here is the steps I followed to compile LibiCal-1.0. I ...
Girish Adiga's user avatar
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Cross compilation of libical

I'm trying to port libical to a arm based platform but there's an error while compiling. Here are the results of my build steps: $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/libical --build=i686-gnu-linux --host=arm-...
Noir's user avatar
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Building libical-1.0 on OS X fails

I'm trying to use libical for a C-project. Unfortunately, the make command gives me the following output: /Applications/ all-recursive Making all in design-...
chollinger's user avatar
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can't get C method icalrecur_expand_recurrence to work

This is a bit frustrating. I've been working on this for a while now, and I can't seem to get this method to work like it says it does. #include "icalrecur.h" #include <time.h> /* for time() */ ...
obimod's user avatar
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RRULE parsing in Postgresql

The goal: to generate a list of timestamps, each representing an event occurrance, from an RRULE string (i.e. FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=8;WKST=SU;BYDAY=TU,TH) and a starting timestamp. Since these ...
1 vote
2 answers

iOS - libical / const char * - memory usage

I am using the libical library to parse the iCalendar format and read the information I need out of it. It is working absolutely fine so far, but there is one odd thing concerning ical. This is my ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Objective C - char with umlaute to NSString

I am using libical which is a library to parse the icalendar format (RFC 2445). The problem is, that there may be some german umlaute for example in the location field. Now libical returns a const ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Compiling libical

I would like to compile libical and add it to my Xcode project. I have read the README file and run the following commands in ./configure and ./configure --prefix=/proj/local/ Am I ...
user913059's user avatar
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libical-based CalDAV server

I'm looking for some pointers or example code on how to build a CalDAV server using libical. Specifically, how would you use libical to produce a text representation of an event that you could use to ...
laslowh's user avatar
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Parse .ics data in an iPhone project

I am making an iPhone application, and I want to use libical to parse .ics dat from an .ics file or from the URL location of the .ics file. Firstly, how would I go about using libical in my project? ...
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