Questions tagged [linkedin-api]

Open web-services and APIs provided by LinkedIn

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41 votes
1 answer

Creating meta tags for Linkedin - Publish Date "not found"

I was using the following tags in relation to the posted date of a website (blog) article: <meta name="article-published_time" property="article:published_time" content="2019-10-21T00:00:00-0600"&...
WEBjuju's user avatar
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21 votes
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LinkedIn in-app browser forcing video to fullscreen on iPhone

We are using LinkedIn to share a link to an HTML5 interactive video. When the link is shared, by default it opens in LinkedIn's browser inside the app. The problem is that when the user starts playing ...
Jussi Pölkki's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

LinkedIn API Refresh Access Token (May 2017)

Could someone please clarify whether it's possible to refresh a LinkedIn access token programatically WITHOUT requiring any user interaction? ......
Michael's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

LinkedIn company follow button opens blank page

Is it normal that LinkedIn's company follow button opens a blank page? The button comes from a javascript snippet provided by LinkedIn. I disabled the ad-blocker I use to make sure that isn't the ...
davidvelilla's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

LinkedIn V2 API permission for reading socialActions and Shares

I get no permissions error when i make the following linkedIn V2 Api call{share URN}?oauth2_access_token={access token} LinkedIn Api Response { ...
Akhileshwar Reddy's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

No publication date found Linkedin POST INSPECTOR

It took me more than a month to find the cause of not finding the publication date. Here my code: <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Rouse - Rouse launches China Software Litigation ...
Long Hoàng Nguyễn's user avatar
11 votes
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LinkedIn App Browser Issues: Background Video and Animations

When you open a website in LinkedIn's app (iOS), html5 background videos set to autoplay do not play, and animations do not fire unless you stop scrolling. So, it often looks like there is a bunch of ...
user9518069's user avatar
10 votes
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LinkedIn not updating link preview Open Graph data

I'm trying to post a link to LinkedIn. Once the link is typed/pasted, a preview appears. This preview is supposed to draw properties such as the thumbnail image, title, description, and URL from Open ...
AKor's user avatar
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10 votes
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LinkedIn ios SDK - user authentication, if user chooses not to download the mobile app from app store

I am trying to integrate linked-ios-sdk for user authentication in my app by following steps provided in this link: Authenticating with the Mobile SDK. In the provided sample app they are using this ...
Devarshi's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to fix SSL error thrown by omniauth LinkedIn

I'm trying to set up an authentication via LinkedIn in the rails 5.2 application, for the same I'm referring to the documentation given by devise but I am getting the following error: ERROR -- ...
Aditya Tiwari's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

linkedin companies api throws error code 500 for company without logo

While getting list of companies for a user it throws 500 error code for the company which does not have a logo. Query with logo-url param: curl ",name,...
Rishikesan Varudharajan's user avatar
9 votes
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Linkedin Member Profile Plugin not working for some profiles

We have a webpage that shows members of a team and it includes references to everyone's LinkedIn profile. We have used the Member Profile Plugin to show a preview of the profile. Now we have a new ...
Codeborne's user avatar
9 votes
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New LinkedIn Permissions - Scope Not Being Communicated

LinkedIn recently changed their API to require that third parties be more explicit in what information they request. In order to access a user's past employment history and education with omniauth, ...'s user avatar
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8 votes
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Issues with Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect

Being a developer of keycloak I recently detected that LinkedIn has a product called Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect to allow social login with the platform. Trying to configure keycloak to ...
Ricardo Martin Camarero's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Linkedin REST API Job Search

I've seen several posts linked to this question (some older than others) but no definitive answer. I want to set a section on my web-page linking to the LinkedIn positions that answer to a particular, ...
Marco's user avatar
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Integration of Linkedin V2.0 / OAuth2.0 in Android app

I have implemented LinkedIn sign-in functionality using linkedin-sdk in one of my application, which was working perfectly. Since last few days, I'm not able to proceed further with an error stating ...
Yama's user avatar
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LinkedIn Javascript SDK authorize stopped working

I have a LinkedIn integration using their SDK and use the method authorize to request permission from the user to post in her/his behalf. It was working fine but today I noticed that it stopped ...
David Montaño's user avatar
8 votes
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Linkedin Javascript SDK - Setting the SDK Domains in the app configuration page has no effect

No matter how hard I try, and no matter the url format I'm giving in the Setting the SDK Domains section of the Linkedin Javascript SDK, I keep getting this error in my console: Uncaught Error: You ...
valentinvieriu's user avatar
7 votes
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How to get URN of members/organizations for LinkedIn Mentions

How can I implement a mention without knowing the URN of a member/organization on a LinkedIn UGC post. Documentation states that you need to provide the URN of the member / organization you are ...
Tashi's user avatar
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7 votes
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LinkedIn API v2 - Possible to get Company job listings?

I've pored over the LinkedIn developer documentation for api v2, and can't find any endpoints or documentation which provides me with a given company's list of jobs. Does anyone know if this is still ...
Ian Kaplan's user avatar
7 votes
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Linkedin v2 API: Cannot get actor displayImage in socialActions endpoint with projections

When I'm retrieving social actions of a linkedin share using socialActions endpoint, I'm using projection to get actor info with displayImage~. But it throws following error, "displayImage!" : { ...
Rishikesan Varudharajan's user avatar
7 votes
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og:description not displaying on LinkedIn

I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue regarding the description of our links not displaying on the LinkedIn site, and I've noticed that the og:description tag is not being used. This is also the same ...
Laurie Dugdale's user avatar
7 votes
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Unable to obtain LinkedIn Access Token using Authorization Code

I am unable to obtain a LinkedIn Access Token. My setup is as follows: I have setup an app on LI with this redirect URL http://localhost:5000/home I request authorization from LI and get a response ...
Goat's user avatar
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Linkedin API user shares statistics

Maybe I'm missing something about the LinkedIn API endpoints, but it seems to me like Linkedin API does not have endpoint URL for profile(wall) published post statistics (likes,comments) or even ...
Dandruff's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Linkedin login android SDK access token is not set

I implement LinkedIn Register in to my android app... I use LinkedIn Android SDK: link and i follow these tutorial: tut However I stuck in one big problem. I successful get token by method: ...
SebastianK's user avatar
6 votes
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LinkedIn API: Find Organization by Vanity Name endpoint returns 500 Internal Server Error

I keep receiving 500 Internal Server Error for the endpoint "Find Organization by Vanity Name" . I tried with the 202307 and 202311 versions, but I get the same result. In the documentation, ...
Carina's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to catch events from linkedin login page buttons in pop-up in main window in angular 9

I am trying to build linkedin login feature in my angular 9 application. I used angularx-social-login npm package for google and facebook login but it can't be used for linkedin. So I am using ...
ajain's user avatar
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6 votes
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Linked In refresh token permissions

"LinkedIn supports programmatic refresh tokens for a limited set of partners on a case-by-case basis." (cf:
Pickymtr's user avatar
6 votes
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How to use (new) LinkedIn API from and with R?

It seems that Rlinkedin is deprecated, that LinkedIn API has changed, and that LinkedIn does not provide a lot of informations for R users in documentation for developers. I don't understand why. For ...
Ludovic Bocken's user avatar
6 votes
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How to retrieve posts where the organization is mentioned

Is it possible to retrieve posts where an organization is mentioned through the LinkedIn API? I found some information in the API documentation (link below) that indicates that it is possible, but ...
Rafaela Lacerda's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a way to get the a video file or thumbnail for a video through the linkedin v2 api?

We're able to get metadata about videos via the ugcPosts endpoint and analytics via videoAnalytics, but I'm trying to get the actual video file or a thumbnail of the video. I'm trying hitting: https:/...
vijay chemburkar's user avatar
6 votes
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Redirect URL Confusion Oauth2 (Social Integration - android)

I'm integrating Linkedin and Amazon login in my Android app. I studied OAuth2 from their docs, and got an idea about the process. But I have some confusion regarding the whole process: What I thought ...
gaurav jain's user avatar
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Warnings when trying to integrate linkedin-sdk for iOS

I am getting these warnings when trying to integrate linkedin-sdk into my project: (Xcode 7.3.1) while processing /Users/<user>/workspace/<app>/ios/linkedin-sdk.framework/linkedin-sdk(...
dudeinthemirror's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to upload an image to LinkedIn via the LinkedIn Share API, or LinkedIn's API in general?

I have long since figured out how to share a link to the image itself, it generates a proper preview, title, etc. However I'd like to know if there is an endpoint for uploading the image to LinkedIn'...
Keith's user avatar
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Plugin com.linkedin.LinkedIn.ShareExtension interrupted in IOS

I'm using UIActivityViewController to share text and link to Linkedin. I got the errors: plugin com.linkedin.LinkedIn.ShareExtension interrupted plugin com.linkedin.LinkedIn.ShareExtension ...
The Seasons Lai Thieu's user avatar
6 votes
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Linkedin iOS login integration issue using SDK

The app opens ok and gives me login imput in an iPhone 6 but on an iPad 3 the login view wont apper, it just shows the normal linkedin starting page. @IBAction func linkedinLogin(sender: AnyObject) { ...
Francis Reynolds's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

LinkedIn Member Profile Plugin error

I'm trying out LinkedIn's Member Profile Plugin Generator: It generated some script tags for inclusion on an HTML page: <script src="//...
Peter Li's user avatar
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Retrieving the linkedin background image through the REST API

Does someone know if it is possible to retrieve the URL to the background image of a LinkedIn profile through the REST Api?
Baron Tankhe's user avatar
6 votes
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Open LinkedIn application (contact profile page) from my android app using intent?

I try to open LinkedIn Android App (Profile screen) from my own app. I found that it can be possible using: intent.setData(Uri.parse("linkedin://profile/"+profileId)); where profileId, it's number ...
Dmitriy Makeev's user avatar
6 votes
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LinkedIn share ignoring OG tags

For some reason LinkedIn won't apply open graph tags. I've tested the OG tags with the Facebook debugger and there were no problems. Here is a link to the page which is serving the OG tags: http://...
hjuster's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Are projections no longer working for /posts in the LinkedIn API 202301

We are fetching all posts by author in the LinkedIn Rest API. We are using a projection to enrich the author with things like name and logo. Here is the query: curl "
reikje's user avatar
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6 votes
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This application is not allowed to create application tokens "How to Fix"

I need a help on REST API for linkedin profile. I tried a lot but am unable to pull those details. Can any one help me on the api of linkedin which helps to retrieve the profile name, profile image.. ...
IMRANKHAN K's user avatar
6 votes
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LinkedIn API: Access Denied when getting Access Token

I'm trying to request for an access token using the endpoint:{clientid}&client_secret={clientsecret} ...
Siya Khumalo's user avatar
5 votes
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Linkedin oAuth login failure with error "Your LinkedIn Network Will Be Back Soon"

[Here's a link to the screen recording of the issue.] ( The problem is not, in general, with accessing or logging ...
Pulkit saini's user avatar
5 votes
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linkedin sharing is giving me a content security policy when using react-share

I am getting an error that shows the error below when using an NPM package react-share. Refused to load manifest from '' because it violates ...
helpmeplease's user avatar
5 votes
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How to send an octet-stream with Axios

I am following the LinkedIn documentations Here to upload a file as an octet stream to the LinkedIn Assets API, but I keep getting back an empty response This is the curl example they gave curl -v -H &...
ololo's user avatar
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Is it possible to get posts with specific hashtag using linkedin API?

I have read through almost all of the documentation of the api v2, and hashtags are not mentioned anywhere. If not, is it possible to get public posts (from both companies and regular users) filtered ...
ericbergquist's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible to schedule a post with Linkedin Api

I am trying to use linkedin API for sharing my web site post on linkedin. One of the feature is to schedule the post after some time or specific date. I would like to know is there any Api available ...
Wahab Ahmed's user avatar
5 votes
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What permissions do I need to get Connections API?

Currently I log in[myclientid]&state=invite&redirect_uri=
Raults's user avatar
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LinkedIn follow button results in about:blank page

After I added the LinkedIn Company Page follow button to our website, clicking the button results in an about:blank page. Apparently, after reading some topics concerning the same problem, the Company ...
robustica's user avatar

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