Questions tagged [load]

A measure of the amount of work a computer is performing. CPU load is closely related too, but not exactly the same as CPU utilization.

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7 votes
2 answers

Window load function does not work on Safari

When using Safari (Version 11.1 (13605. every window event functions that I have tried are not working: Pure JavaScript: window.addEventListener('load', function() { // code here }); window....
George Stoilov's user avatar
7 votes
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App Wide Themes in Swift on iOS

I have a solution, but to me it looks like a very hacky and not very elegant solution. But I searched, and searched, and could not find anything else. Maybe someone can suggest a better solution? So, ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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When opening the application takes a long time to load in react native Android apk in device

When open Android app takes a long time to load. It takes approximately 5 seconds. And white screen before it is displayed. please guide me .
user4967246's user avatar
5 votes
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Gatling - show failed requests only after max retry

In my test scenario I'm polling user session for possible responses. due to the product behavior' this is normal to receive 503 several times before receiving response and this is the reason why I'm ...
danny.lesnik's user avatar
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How to add and use Sqlite Load Extension in android?

Is it possible to use the SQLite load extension in Android?
WISHY's user avatar
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Google Chrome intermittent load issue: possible to Programatically disable "Predict network actions..."?

I'm having a very strange problem with a site in Google Chrome: When I click on a link (from a list view to a detail page), the page hangs and I Chrome throws up a dialogue asking me to kill the ...
Reuben's user avatar
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is it possible to load test an web application using cypress?

I have to login with 1k+ users to test the front end. And the other perspective is to test the app to check the endurance of the app that how app reacts to number of users?
waqar anwar's user avatar
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How to load dynamically a jar at classpath with java 11

To load dynamically a jar to classpath I used to use the following code with Java 8. File file = new File(jarPath); URL u = f.toURI().toURL(); URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) ...
mariem's user avatar
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2 answers

THREE.STLLoader is not a constructor

I have been trying to load a STL model on three.js I keep getting THREE.STLLoader is not a constructor on the console this is my code: var loader = new THREE.STLLoader(); loader.load( '...
V.Anto's user avatar
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how to get the load average of a container inside it which is based on cgroup such as docker?

How to get the load average of a container inside it which is based on cgroup such as docker? The command line uptime and top show the load average of the container host.
Dongfang Qu's user avatar
4 votes
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Run injected JavaScript script only once WKWebView web page has fully loaded

I want to run a particular script in WKWebView only once the webpage has fully loaded (including images). What I've been doing so far is running the function func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, ...
ch1maera's user avatar
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Sybase IQ Load Table using client file is failing

I am using Sybase IQ 15 version database. trying to load IQ table from delimited flat file Load Table test (a,b) using client file '/xyz/test.dat' ESCAPES OFF FORMAT BCP DELIMITED BY '|'; is it ...
Nishad's user avatar
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What model is needed to detect facemark by using OpenCV_Contrib?

I'm trying to detect the landmarks of human face by using OpenCV_Contrib. However, there are some problems to detect face landmarks. I received one answer that I need to use "
Hsmlee's user avatar
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cPickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, 'Z'

I am trying to read a pickle file "pcadata.pkl" using cPickle, this file i got from github but i am not able to load the file. Same ways when i try to open a file which i created i'm successfully able ...
Srishti's user avatar
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Force Pivot To Load Elements

I have multiple PivotItems in a Pivot which each have a ListView. The first time I enter the PivotItem there is a small delay because the ListView is being loaded. Once the ListView elements are ...
Vivida's user avatar
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Proxy could not connect to the destination in time

I have been having issues with loading pages from the website I created. The strange thing is that after I reload a page (e.g. Ctrl+R) especially if I do it multiple times in a row, sometimes that ...
Alze's user avatar
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Analyzing load on Windows machine with respect to Linux /proc/loadavg calculation

I have a program that runs on both Linux and Windows and reports the load on the machine. Since this program was originally written for Linux I want to implement Linux's load calculation alogorithm on ...
ItamarBe's user avatar
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Jmeter 2.13 shutdown issue in distributed non-gui mode

I generate load with new jmeter 2.13 in distributed non-gui mode and try to stop it with shutdown.cmd -- and it doesn't work. I see in console "Command: shutdown received from /" -- but load ...
seizezeday's user avatar
4 votes
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Dynamically load CSS to document head and wait after load

How can I dynamicaly add CSS files to document HEAD and wait until the files is fully loaded? I'm using iframe so here is my example how I'm inserting CSS dynamicaly to document loaded in iframe. $(...
quarky's user avatar
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How to reduce elasticsearch high load average/cpu usage?

My Elasticsearch cluster has been suffering from high load average recently, ranging between 2-5. I have a 5 node cluster and each node has 1 replica. The cluster total document size is 2G and 2,000,...
lam's user avatar
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How to load previously stored svm classifier?

I'm working with openCV SVM in Visual Studio. (OpenCV I trained it: mySVM.train(trainingDataMat, labelsMat, Mat(), Mat(), params); Saved it:"classifier.xml"); I'm loading it ...
la lluvia's user avatar
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How to find the line in the input file that caused an error - PigLatin?

I have a file a few files with 250k lines each. I'm trying to load them: apache_log = LOAD 'apache_log/httpd-www02-access.log.2014-03-17-16*' USING TextLoader AS (line:chararray); apache_row = ...
psmith's user avatar
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Apache Benchmark timeout and 14648 errors

When running the apache benchmarking below: ab -n 1500 -c 150 I am getting the following error, and the benchmarking is stopped with only a limited number of requests ...
Lucy Weatherford's user avatar
4 votes
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Breakpoint on DOM load

I am trying to use a really old page on a website I do not have control over (so I can't edit it's resources). The problem is that it is redirecting the page via javascript (to a 'we don't support ...
Brendan Annable's user avatar
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How load page to the webbrowser object from htmlagilitypack document - wpf application

What i want is download the webpage via htmlagilitypack, modify some values like inserting a jquery function and then loading that modified page to the c# 4.0 wpf webbrowser object. How can i do that ?...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
4 votes
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Open local PDF file at a certain point

Thanks to a quick search on stackoverflow and google, I was able to find that we can directly open a PDF file from a URL at a certain point. As explained below, we can do so using the "nameddest" ...
Kapil Kaushik's user avatar
4 votes
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Implement Loader Image for JQuery / Javascript Image Gallery using .load();

I am using the code below for an image gallery and would like to show a loader gif in the background when images are loading and then remove it once the image is loaded. What is the best way to do ...
jeffreynolte's user avatar
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Creating and loading Avro file, file gets created but empty

I am reading a CSV file and loading it into an Avro file in the GCS bucket. The Avro file gets created but there is no data. There is data when I print. I checked the buffer but there is no data in ...
Ananya Dwivedi's user avatar
3 votes
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How to open multiple pickle files in a folder

I have multiple pickle files with the same format in one folder called pickle_files: 1_my_work.pkl 2_my_work.pkl ... 125_my_work.pkl How would I go about loading those files into the workspace, ...
user9445536's user avatar
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How to use resnet by reading the .ckpt file of my learned weights with pytorch

In pytorch, how can I write the code that loads my .ckpt file instead of model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True) Here is my attempt below model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=...
t24akeru's user avatar
3 votes
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Create specific environment in Google Colab notebook

I am working a lot in Google Colab notebooks. Recently I noticed, that some functions which I'm using in my code, don't work anymore. The reason was an upgrade in the version, which causes problems. ...
PParker's user avatar
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Pickle load error: cannot instantiate 'WindowsPath' on your system

I ran a python program on Windows 10 which generated a .p file with pickle to save the data structure. When I tried to open this file on a Linux machine I got this issue: 25 """ 26 ...
kabhel's user avatar
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Flutter: Unhandled Exception: Unable to load asset

I am trying to build an app where one of the buttons should open a pdf. I used the guide in this link : however it won't work on the first time ...
Fady Samir's user avatar
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#2000 - LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is forbidden, check mysqli.allow_local_infile

I would like to run command on MYSQL to load csv data into database: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'XXX.csv' Then I got this error: #2000 - LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is forbidden, check mysqli....
mira's user avatar
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Event when the first prefetch load of service worker finish

I'm working on an angular 7 app. I can't find how to know when the first prefetch load of the service worker is finish ! I've 20Mo off data to download in order to be sure the app work OK offline. I ...
frixo's user avatar
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Sidekiq slow on development machine only

I'm running sidekiq 5.2.2 on Rails 5.2.1 with the following settings in the sidekiq.yml file; --- retries: 1 :concurrency: 25 staging: :concurrency: 25 production: :concurrency: 25 :queues: - ...
map7's user avatar
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Frequently high cpu load on netdata installation in Docker environment

We are running netdata in a docker environment on big machines (64GB, 10 CPUs) with many machines (>40) running the same setup including postgres, mongo, tomcat, httpd, solr. Inside each machine we ...
Andre Baresel's user avatar
3 votes
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Swift - WKWebview takes a lot of time to load url

My mobile app uses Swift 3/ Xcode 8.3.2 and iOS 10. I have used webview/WKWebView to render website in mobile app. Because Xcode doesn't provide functionality to insert wkwebview, I have associated ...
SRM's user avatar
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2 answers

Loading Java Properties Files by Profile

I want to load Properties Files in Java code. But I use profile to config or dev... How to load properties files by profile Something like this: classpath:${spring....
Jerry's user avatar
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Xcode 8.2.1 CPU Load is HIgh

Im experiencing high CPU Load when I open my Xcode and it bothers me because it affects my productivity, my xcode keeps on compiling when i type a code and it also takes time to give the suggested ...
Basil Mariano's user avatar
3 votes
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Why my mac lldb generate core file not recognized by lldb itself?

$cat testleak01.cpp #include<iostream> int main() { int*p=new int[3]; return 0; } Compile it with debug information $g++ testleak01.cpp -g And then start it with lldb (lldb) b main ...
Troskyvs's user avatar
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How to list all loaded libraries and helpers in a CodeIgniter application?

Is there a way to list all currently loaded libraries and helpers of a CodeIgniter instance? I don't want to check them individually by iteratively calling $this->load->is_loaded($item).
Hugo Miura's user avatar
3 votes
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Putting a Load on Node

We have a C# Web API server and a Node Express server. We make hundreds of requests from the C# server to a route on the Node server. The route on the Node server does intensive work and often doesn't ...
Scotty H's user avatar
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Swift how to load an HTML page with URL that contains #

The URL address I want to load the HTML page from ends with "#2". My problem is that the every time it loads page 1 instead (#1). Why does that happens? func getUrl ( Page: Int) -> String { ...
Franc's user avatar
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Why jQuery tries to load an image more than one time?

I want to load an image and before completely loading want if any error happens and it couldn't load it, just do some works. For the first time, it works fine. But for the second time when I want to ...
motevalizadeh's user avatar
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Loading really large RData Files in R

I am trying to load a really large RData file with ~300 objects (mostly data frames and matrices) and a total size of ~47G. It's really slow and takes about a day to load. Is there any faster ...
Blade Runner's user avatar
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Web API - Load Testing

I have a WebAPI method for the POST operation. I wanted to do load testing with the same using Visual Studio 2013. Per my knowledge, what I did is, added a load test and called the unittest method ...
Srikanth G's user avatar
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iFrame begin and finish loading

How can I do an event when the iFrame start loading and another event when the iFrame finish loading? I'm using AngularJS Any ideas? Thanks in advance
user1269586's user avatar
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jQuery mCustomScrollbar disappears after Ajax reload

like here written I have a problem with jQuery mCustomScrollbar. Binding the scrollbar at the first load works fine. $("#contenDiv").load("dummytext.php", function() { $("#contenDiv")....
user2053754's user avatar
3 votes
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SyntaxException with Neo4j LOAD command

I'm using neo4j 2.1.2 for windows I was attempting to use Neo4j's load csv command but I get the following error... neo4j-sh (?)$ load csv with headers "file:../test/unclaimed.csv" AS csvLine MERGE (...
EamonnEd's user avatar

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