Questions tagged [message-passing]

Message passing is a data transfer mechanism that is used in various forms in a number of programming languages

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When I try to calculate FFT I get an error

I have implemented a c++ program that calculates the fast Fourier transform, but for some reason it does not work. Can you tell me what the problem is? I split tasks between threads and get them in ...
user23994688's user avatar
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Why MPI_REDUCE shows different number at some array locations?

program main_mpi_test use mpi implicit none integer(kind=8) :: n integer(kind=8) :: max_optical_depth integer(kind=8) :: bin integer(kind=8) ...
HyungJoe Kwon's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I communicate with 2 reactjs components - using Jotai

I have 2 reactjs files: Reports.js (used to request report and display the result) AuthContext.js (has a socket connection to maintain communication with the backend server) user first goes to the ...
Axil's user avatar
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MPI Scatter and Ibcast leads to deadlock

I have tried to create a simple program that scatters and reduces some simple data between processes in MPI and in the meantime sends a broadcast to other processes in a non blocking way. Almost all ...
Stelfano's user avatar
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MPI struct ring program

Can you help me solve the advanced version of this question A set of processes are arranged in a ring. Each process stores its rank in MPI_COMM_WORLD into an integer variable snd_buf. Each process ...
Mohamed 's user avatar
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How to efficiently manage message passing and tab state in a chrome extension?

Goal I am trying to build a chrome extension that adds UI components to an existing third-party website which uses Next.js for its frontend. Approach The content script is in charge of injecting the ...
gradient_dissent's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does the "MPI_Comm_split" funtion always fail to split them into different subcommunicators?

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <mpi.h> //Please run this program with 4 processes int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); // Check ...
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matrix multiply with mpi

I have a problem with the result of my m1 function when I check that some of the array between rank 0 and the last rank is empty and unfortunately none of the workarounds help to solve this problem. ...
Mostafa Khastkhodaei's user avatar
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Is there any way to inspect a non-active chrome tab within an extension to see the JavaScript-rendered DOM elements?

I am trying to build a chrome extension that does web scraping in the browser instance. I have been looking into the chrome.devtools api to see if I can inspect element in certain sites the block ...
mfshi03's user avatar
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How to design a process for communication that is used by multiple processes

I have written a c++ app on Windows that uses a secondary thread to communicate with a PLC. The content of the messages are vectors (of fixed size around 120) of uint_16t. The interface also allows to ...
Chenoille's user avatar
2 votes
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Pass react native webview content to an api paragraph by paragraph and highlight the content on wepage based on the response received by the api

I am creating a react native application in which user can load any website in the webview. I need to pass the text of the webpage to an API paragraph by paragraph and highlight the content returned ...
stuti rastogi's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Use an OS process like a bash pipe: Send it STDIN and get its STDOUT

I'm trying to use an external process which reads the STDIN, and writes to STDOUT. I want to write the equivalent of this in Elixir, without using an external library or wrapper script: $ echo foo | ...
Adam Millerchip's user avatar
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How to send multiple comments to content.js from popup.js?

Actual behavior: When I click any single button like btn1/btn2/btn3, the console shows "message", "message 2" and "message 3". Expected behavior: When I click button 1, ...
hadi's user avatar
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parallelizing Mandelbrot using MPI

I am trying to parallelize the Mandelbrot. the correct output should be around 1.510659. however I am not getting that correctly. ** PROGRAM: Mandelbrot area ** ** PURPOSE: Program to compute the ...
Mohammed's user avatar
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Popup HTML page doesnot show messages unless dev tools are open

I am trying to pass message from my content script to Chrome extension Popup HTML page. The messages are rendered in the popup page only when I open dev tools. It works perfectly fine. Here is the ...
novice_kd's user avatar
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MPI Ubuntu -- mpirun hangs

I am trying to build a cluster between 2 Ubuntu servers. I installed mpi by running: sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev I can ssh through both servers without password and have created a share NFS ...
yoshcn's user avatar
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Pass Data between two Nodes erlang

I have recently started learning Erlang and I am trying to implement a server-client sample program. I have created a registered process and I would like to send data to it from another process. The ...
Vaishnavi's user avatar
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Bug in chrome extension (manifest v3) messaging passing blocks map objects [duplicate]

I'm developing a Chrome extension which scrappes some data via content scripts and passes one composite object to the background worker. In the passed object, I have many properties. Some are strings, ...
César Rodriguez's user avatar
7 votes
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High CPU usage when using pebbe zmq proxy at high message rates

I am currently experimenting with ZMQ as a possible message broker for IPCs. Version -> ZMQv4 I am using pebbe ZMQ , a go library over zmq's C library and performing tests. I am rate testing it ...
Abhilash Gopalakrishna's user avatar
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Chrome Extension Content-Script as Listener & Popup as Sender, But Gives Receiving End Does Not Exist

Answer Found This extension is for google meet. What I have written in manifest.json is wrong, line "matches": ["*://**"], should be "matches": ["*:...
Hongwei-W's user avatar
-1 votes
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IPC Message passing (windows)

I've started to learn Inter-process communication mechanisms. It seems that two the most popular are shared memory and message passing, but I can't find any tutorials how to use message passing in ...
Діма Лучик's user avatar
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Implementing a permanent thread that manages a resource and other threads that requests this thread to do some task and return a result

I want to have a thread that have a permanent lifetime (think of it like a process) and that manages a resource (a critical section in my case it's a 3G modem accessed via a serial port). Other ...
Aminos's user avatar
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Why didn't x86 implement direct core-to-core messaging assembly/cpu instructions?

After serious development, CPUs gained many cores, gained distributed blocks of cores on multiple chiplets, numa systems, etc but still a piece of data has to pass through not only L1 cache (if on ...
huseyin tugrul buyukisik's user avatar
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2 answers

Does C++ let a program compiled by itself to return pointer to an array to be used directly?

For example, if I have some code string like this: std::string code = R"( #include<thread> #include<iostream> int main() { int array[@@size@@]; std::cout&...
huseyin tugrul buyukisik's user avatar
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1 answer

How to handle async requests when message passing within chrome extensions

Im building a chrome extension and need to get data from google cloud firestore in background.js before sending the returned data as a message to popup.js. This is what background.js looks like: //...
ChocolateSushiRoll's user avatar
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What commands can be sent on the message port of UHD USRP Sink block?

I have been experimenting with message passing in the Signal Source block in GNU Radio companion. I can see from its source code that we can pass messages to change the frequency, amplitude, offset ...
Mobi Zaman's user avatar
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More elegant and secure solution to passing object path references

I've been reading SICP and one concept they teach is abstracting certain details away from the user. I'm trying to build a set of subfunctions that return object paths that can be passed as an ...
Wheelwright's user avatar
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MPI.NET Send/ImmediateProbe not working when using multiple hosts

I developed an MPI test program where the master node distributes work to the worker nodes. The worker node uses comm.Send() to request work and the master node checks with comm.ImmediateProbe if any ...
trenki's user avatar
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in one component have an array. and want the other component to have access to this array. they aren't parent-child. i am using routing

i want to pass addedToCart array from this component export class ProductComponent implements OnInit { *** addedToCart: Item[] = []; constructor(private data: DataService) { } addToCart(...
vaxo0012's user avatar
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Passing messages between service worker and popup.js

I'm currently writing a Chrome extension and I'm having trouble passing messages between the service worker and popup scripts. The service worker script is supposed to send a message to the popup ...
beetsbydre's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a Python package that supports object message passing? [closed]

I'm interested in making my current Python project conform to the object-oriented paradigm as it was originally conceived by Alan Kay--which, from my understanding, is about objects messaging each-...
Matthew Milone's user avatar
12 votes
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Understanding the point of supply blocks (on-demand supplies)

I'm having trouble getting my head around the purpose of supply {…} blocks/the on-demand supplies that they create. Live supplies (that is, the types that come from a Supplier and get new values ...
codesections's user avatar
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Checking if a react block is ready for business

When writing concurrent code, it's fairly common to want to spin off a separate (green or OS) thread and then ask the code in that thread to react to various thread-safe messages. Raku supports this ...
codesections's user avatar
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Pass data between steps in Airflow from EMR job

In airflow, I am executing a jar using EmrCreateJobFlowOperator on EMR cluster. This job writes some data on S3 and I want to pass this S3 path to the next step in the airflow dag as this path would ...
seou1's user avatar
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How do I send messages from a react app to my chrome extension?

I am trying to send session data in the form of a message from my React app to a chrome extension (MV3). According to the documentation, I should be using chrome.runtime.sendMessage(editorExtensionId,...
Hasan's user avatar
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installing MPI with VS on Win10

I downloaded the MPI from this MPI , but I have problem there is no include folder and bin does not contain all the files inside it !! Then I'm trying with other version but the same problem!! next I ...
lena's user avatar
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Python3.6 is there a erlang style message queue?

I'm looking for a message queue implementation for python 3.6 (this exact version) that can be used to communicate between multiprocess.Processes, specifically, It should be a multiproducer, single ...
Incömplete's user avatar
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All to All broadcasting implementation and MPI

I am learning MPI and currently trying to implement a all to all broadcasting using send and receive operations. I know that number of processors is going to be the power of 2 and I wanted to ...
Kaya Gokalp's user avatar
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Dart callback - passing asynchronous message to parent object

I am trying to pass data (bool) from a child class through a callback Function (ondone) provided by the parent class, which will be called in a periodic function with a boolean argument. import 'dart:...
Swarup's user avatar
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3 answers

Implementing a Sticky Service in android/flutter

I need to add a native sticky background service in a flutter application, in order to achieve 2 things: Starting at boot time and running in background indefinitely Exchange data with the main Dart ...
docdev's user avatar
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Passing a JSON object from the background script to the content script in a chrome extension

I have a JS array in the "background.js" file of my Chrome extension. I converted the JS object to a JSON string to pass it into the "content.js" file but am unable to do so. Can I ...
Samarpan Das's user avatar
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Inter-process communication via shared memory vs message passing used in Mach OS

The following paragraph is from Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition by Abraham Silberschatz pg. 138; The major problem with message systems has generally been poor performance caused by copying ...
Jamāl's user avatar
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Implement multiprocessing in Python with a message passing interface [closed]

I'm trying to convert some JavaScript code into Python, but JavaScript runs code asynchronously and has an easy event emitter-listener function to communicate between different instances. Is there any ...
Ram's user avatar
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How to update text in the label in another form in VB.NET when both form are active (Message Passing) [Visual Studio 2010]

I have created two forms say Form1 and Form2. Form1 consists of a label and a button which shows Form2. Now Form2 contains a text box and a button. When the button in Form2 is clicked, the content in ...
user3804152's user avatar
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Binding for message passing scope in Chrome Extension [duplicate]

I'm trying to follow along with this question, but my code is not working and I cannot figure out why. I'm passing a variable to my content script from a script controlling an iFrame (popup.js), and ...
MRB's user avatar
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Crossbeam zero-capacity channel which does not block on send

I need a variant of Crossbeam's zero-capacity channel, crossbeam_channel::bounded(0), which does not block on send() if there is no receive operation. In my case, messages that are sent while there is ...
rubik's user avatar
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Same messages being passed more that once while switching tabs fast : Chrome extension issue

I am currently new to building the chrome extension. However I have started to build a chrome extension that scrapes a webpage and stores the data in the google spreadsheet. Here is my manifest.json: ...
Suraj Mandal's user avatar
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Chrome extension message passing from background script to content script error: receiving end doesn't exist

I'm working on a chrome extension currently, and I keep getting this error: Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist I'm trying to pass a message from ...
MRB's user avatar
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My chrome extension content script is multiplying same function that is send from popup.js

I was trying to send input data from the popup.html to content.js. after may try i was able to send the data but when I test it. it starts executing the onmessage.listener one time when I run it again ...
Hassan Raza's user avatar
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Edit: Will Wasm/WASI implement processes with message passing?

Do the Wasm/WASI developers ever plan on implementing processes that can communicate with each other through message passing in the Wasm/WASI runtimes (without going through the JS runtime)? Old ...
Darsunuk's user avatar

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