Questions tagged [meteor]

Meteor is a modular platform for developing web and mobile applications in JavaScript based on the NodeJS platform.

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cordova-plugin-barcodescanner crashing after scan on Android

cordova-plugin-barcodescanner crashing after scan on Android. Camera launches. Able to capture text from barcode and print to log. App then crashes and goes to login page. barcodescanner works as ...
A42 Labs's user avatar
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Setup for Helmet and ReportURi?

I'm using Helmet and getting one of these console.log messages: :3000/:48 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src ...&...
VikR's user avatar
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GA Preview Says Tags are Working on Ngrok But Not on Production?

I have a react web app. I installed GA tags using the npm package, react-gtm-module. I put the app up on ngrok and tested it in GA on preview mode. Everything worked great. The Google Analytics tag ...
VikR's user avatar
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Running a project in meteor, Errors prevented startup. While downloading [email protected]...: > error: certificate has expired [duplicate]

This is the error that appears in the terminal: Errors prevented startup: While downloading [email protected]...: error: certificate has expired and so more messages of this type. It's ...
Alexis Leguizamon's user avatar
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Why does this meteor publication go slower when using limit?

I just "solved" a major performance issue in a Meteor.js application I maintain, but what I did seems completely counter intuitive. My guess is that my confusion has to do with my lack of ...
Eric Mittler's user avatar
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Migrating from meteor 1.8.3 to 2.6

I have an old project and I want to use MongoDB 5 which is supported by Meteor 2.6 and the current software that I'm using is on version 1.8.3. I understand and see the changelog and migration guide. ...
Sheraz Ahmed's user avatar
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Meteor wallet app tutorial mins 9:27 - 12:12 Type annotations can only be used in TypeScript files error

I'm using meteor js for a project and keep getting this error following the tutorial in meteor university. for context i'm on the first project build meteor wallet app tutorial mins 9:27 - 12:12. does ...
Patty Sanders 's user avatar
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MeteorJS Oplog: Got exception while polling query MongoError: no primary server available

we needed to duplicate a legacy meteorJS app recently, onto a new server and a new database. So we cloned the server, created a new database and pointed the cloned server to the new database. The ...
mkto's user avatar
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Login forbidden after upgrading Meteor version 2.2 to 2.4

Meteor version: 2.4 Node version: 14.x After upgrading Meteor version 2.2 to 2.4 I face some issues. In the project, I used useraccounts:core and connected with that some other dependencies. After the ...
VIKAS KATARIYA's user avatar
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Expo react-native app crashes right after launch in Test Flight

I have an expo app and trying to do my first release in TestFlight. The app is built successfully in the eas servers and then delivered to Apple for deployment. Everything goes well until I download ...
Emo's user avatar
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How to download a file stored as Binary in MongoDB

I am using MeteorJs, MongoDB and React. I want to simply make a module to upload/download files and store them in a MongoDB collection. So far, I can upload the file but I don't know how to download ...
TOTΣM's user avatar
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Meteor server side packages debugging

Does anyone know of a way to debug imported server side packages in meteor? I came across this link I followed the ...
Don's user avatar
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Profiling packages and services for meteor apps

How can I easily profile my meteor app without filling the code with console.logs or console.time. Their is an old discussion on this (
Jochen Kunze's user avatar
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MeteorJS passwordless email authentication sends a link pointing to the specific server instead of domain name

I am using MeteorJS passwordless authentication, Cloudflare for DNS, Mailgun as an email server, and Nodechef for app hosting: Whenever a user ...
theredtexan's user avatar
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Meteor app is not working with nivo on runtime

I am now responsible for a meteor app. App has UI and server parts. UI part is written in ReactJS. In this app we have a component called AnalyticsDashboard which contains some anayltic data as a ...
Alper Bilgil's user avatar
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Meteorjs equivalent of ws.send

Im trying to send a simple message that event has happened on the backend, specifically i have a observable that listens if anything changed/update in mongodb then updates the related record in ...
obsidian's user avatar
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Meteor/Vue/Framework7: No style being used

I am using Framework7 with meteor and vue and I have included framework7 like this in my main.js: import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { createApp } from 'vue'; import { VueMeteor } from '...
AntonSack's user avatar
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Meteor/Vue: Display result of search

I would like to add a search field to my app and show all articles from my Collection that match the entered value. The searchArticles method is called but the values are not shown as defined below ...
AntonSack's user avatar
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Meteor Blaze dynamic template CSS results in duplicate element IDs

I was given an old Bootstrap template to make it dynamic, and I had issues with dynamic CSS with ::before and ::after selectors check the below example image The core issue is, that it works fine for ...
Abdul Hameed's user avatar
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Inconsistent behavior with Map.entries

When I run the following code in dev console, I get the expected response: const map = new Map(); map.set(1, "one"); map.set(2, "two"); map.set(3, "three"); for (const [...
funkypops's user avatar
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How sign a message on Near with Meteor Wallet in js app?

I would like to get the signature of a message 'hello' on Near in my Next Js app. I wanted to use this code :, but I did not manage to connect to ...
Matthew M's user avatar
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Evaluate's METEOR Implementation returns 0 score

I have the following codes: import evaluate reference1 = "犯人受到了嚴密的監控。" # Ground Truth hypothesis1 = "犯人受到嚴密監視。" # Translated Sentence meteor = metric_meteor.compute(predictions=[...
Raptor's user avatar
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How can I make a TextField appear if the user selects the "Other" value from the SelectField?

I'm working with React and Bootstrap 5 to create a Meteor application. I want a text box to appear if the user selects the "Other" option from the drop down menu. this is what I've tried so ...
rosie's user avatar
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Configuring MUI Components selector API with Babel in Meteor "TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null" on project start

I have a Meteor React project, for which I have added Material UI v5 (installation instructions), which comes with Emotion for CSS-in-JS styling: $ meteor create --react meteor-react-mui Created a new ...
ghybs's user avatar
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meteor run android, got this errorAndroid target: Command failed with ENOENT: avdmanager list target spawn avdmanager ENOENT

meteor run android Your system does not yet seem to fulfill all requirements to build apps for Android. Please follow the installation instructions in the mobile guide:
Evan's user avatar
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Rocket.Chat ignores "ROOT_URL"

I downloaded the new Rocket.Chat 6.4.4 from tar.gz file (installing it as a service without docker)I and set up the service with the below environment variables: ROOT_URL="https://full.domain....
Tamar's user avatar
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NPM install other packages also with current package install command

I have a project and it is dockerized. Project use Meteor and Nodejs. So my Dockerfile conatians both : FROM geoffreybooth/meteor-base:2.0 as build and FROM --platform=linux/amd64 node:14.21.3-...
Alper Bilgil's user avatar
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Meteor.loginWithToken throwing 403 Login forbidden

I am implementing the login logic my own, instead of using Meteor.loginWithPassword. After perform all the checking on user credential, i will generate access token from the backend: And frontend ...
Xinhao Koh's user avatar
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Accessing parent Template from within {{#each}} blocks

In my code, I do the following: <template name=A> {{#if something}} {{#each items}} {{> items}} {{/each}} {{/if}} </template> Elsewhere I need to get the instance of ...
Stevel's user avatar
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Unable to use the jquery smartwizard npm package with meteor

I want to use the smartwizard package in my meteor project. I followed the installation instructions, but I' getting an error. I installed it with: npm install smartwizard added it in the js file: ...
Odem G.'s user avatar
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Meteor production and dev environments has different public folders

I notice that DEV ENV on meteor, public folder is under /public. So I use something like: fs.writeFile(process.env.PWD + "/public/" + file) To save files. On production, I notice that public ...
Ricardo Assis's user avatar
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Button outside the <form> is not triggering its onSubmit function

I am creating a Popup screen. Here is the code so far - import React, { useState } from 'react' import { TasksCollection } from '../api/TasksCollection' const TaskForm = () => { const [text, ...
Parth Gupta's user avatar
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@swagger-api/apidom-reference/configuration/empty' error altough I run meteor npm i swagger-ui

meteor npm i swagger-ui after run the code above still gettings same error, when I look for node_modules/@swagger-api/apidom-reference/configuration/empty , I see there is no "configuration&...
enes sayacı's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'slice') when trying to run our meteor application in chrome only

All of the sudden on our Meteor sites (only in chrome), we get the following router error message from time to time: If you click on where the error is in the console, it points to this line: var ...
Nicholas Siegmundt's user avatar
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No such file or directory, open '/usr/src/app/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/keycloak.json' when using keycloak-connect with meteorjs

I have the following main.ts : import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base'; import { TasksCollection } from '/imports/db/tasks'; import '/imports/api/...
Reda Bourial's user avatar
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executing a long running server method in meteor.js

I'm developing an app where : the client clicks on a button to trigger a long running task on the server the server executes the long running task and updates the task progression (lets say 10% every ...
bssyy78's user avatar
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Unable to Integrate Datadog APM with Meteor Application

I have tried to integrate Datadog APM with Meteor app, but it is not working. My meteor app is dockerized. Whenever I add the below configs for dd-trace within Dockerfile, container is getting started ...
arbitrary_A's user avatar
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Disable Rocket Chat message formatting

I wanna disable the Rocket Chat formatting like whenever i send a message that contains @@ it will automaticly converts to @ and i wanna disable it globally. I know there are some solutions like using ...
Nima Beheshtaein's user avatar
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Meteor fibers/future.js Push is not defined

I am attempting to run an old meteor app that is giving me some trouble. Below is the error I receive when using the command: meteor --settings settings-development.json run ios Example of what my ...
James's user avatar
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Updating array of objects with arrayFilters

I am trying to update an array of objects by applying a filter but no updates happen on any of the objects and no errors appear. I would like all objects according to my filter to be updated. I am ...
Gravity123's user avatar
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Webrtc issue - Skipping STUN server because of address type mis-match

I have been working with Webrtc project in the meteor platform. I am facing a strange issue whenever the peers are connecting from different network. Here's step to reproduction - Open https://...
Partha Roy's user avatar
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Meteor hangs on installing Meteor tools

I am having an issue when trying to run meteor projects with version code < [email protected]. I am able to create and run a new project with no issues. I have tried the following commands with no ...
Brianmuks's user avatar
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Why can't an app inside a docker container access it's own API endpoint?

I use the docker desktop app on Windows. Inside a Ubuntu WSL2 I have a docker container with a meteor / nodejs server running. Started via docker-compose from inside the WSL. docker-compose.yaml ... ...
Gobliins's user avatar
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​ Collection helpers meteor-dburles-collection-helpers with typescript

I am using dburles:collection-helpers in my meteor 2.12 project with typescript. I added this package with meteor add dburles:collection-helpers and the types with meteor yarn add @types/meteor-...
Carlos Tomas's user avatar
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How to change browser router depending on the type of user logged in

I am building a web app using Meteor.js with React. The app has two types of users: "user" and "employer", each with their own routes (like different dashboards and other pages). ...
Kaley's user avatar
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Node fibers error while running RocketChat self hosted on M1 Mac

Setup Reference Error screenshot: enter image description here I am trying to setup RocketChat v6 on a local ...
ParagC31's user avatar
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How to configure meteor app creation folder structure

I would like to ask how do we configure or modify the default behavior of Meteor create app. I only need to add my own folders automatically whenever I use Meteor create, so I don't have to add ...
Don's user avatar
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Meteor Unit Testing with meteortesting:mocha

I'm trying to add unit tests to my application. Currently I'm using meteor 1.8.1, and meteortesting:mocha as test driver. My issue is that when running a meteor test command the app seems not to load ...
Victor Fernandes's user avatar
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Docker image run offline

I have a problem with image get from mupjs. I'm base on meteor (v2.10.0) and Vue 3. I get image from server(digitalocean) to run locally(offline) but container alway restarting and use Mup js (v1.5....
Roeurb Navy's user avatar
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Cannot parse key privately (github actions CD. deploy meteor app to ec2)

I am trying to setup up a simple CD workflow through github actions that deploys my meteor starter project on ec2 whenever i make a commit to the main branch. I have successfully configure my ec2 and ...
benwl's user avatar
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