Questions tagged [mobile-chrome]

Chrome mobile is Google's browser for mobile phones. It is available on android and iOS

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462 votes
11 answers

Is it possible to open developer tools console in Chrome on Android phone?

An AngularJS application works fine on desktop, but is not rendering properly on mobile (actual code is showing). This is on an Android phone. I would like to see what errors are showing in the ...
7 votes
5 answers

How to keep header at top of visual viewport after layout/visual viewport changes in Chrome mobile web?

I know there have been multiple SO questions about this, but none of them seem to work anymore since the browser teams have made changes since those questions were asked. I'm trying to find the most ...
0 votes
0 answers

Chrome-mobile "forgets" settings in indexedDb & local Storage

We got a website installed as a PWA (via intune) which needs a configuration to be saved on the device. In the begining the config was saved in the indexedDb and the devices would "forget" ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why is Mobile Chrome not Rendering the Referenced SVG?

I have the following SVG referenced as a background image with the width and height defined in my CSS file. It displays perfectly in Safari (desktop and mobile), Brave (desktop and mobile), Firefox (...
0 votes
0 answers

Highcharts render issue on Android 14 and Chrome 121

We have a very strange and serious problem with highcharts The chart renders but upon any movements like scrolling up and down the page or touching the chart to see the tooltips, it kind of jumps ...
0 votes
1 answer

Display Button for installing "Web App" without using the Browser-Dialog

I use manifest.json on my website for installing the service as a "webapp". Normally, Android/Chrome-Users have to do the following steps to install the service: Click on the Menu-Icon ...
0 votes
0 answers

URLSearchParams not working in chrome mobile?

im making a react web app with the spotify api and the authorization works correctly on both my pc (in brave browser) and my phone on firefox. however, it doesn't work on my phone on chrome. more ...
0 votes
0 answers

Chrome Mobile: (Angular) Input scroll to end on focus

pre: I have an Angular2 application (PWA) that is only used on two different android devices inside our facilites, and only chrome is supported, so no worries about compatibilties. These devices are ...
0 votes
0 answers

chrome mobile browse has additional space below body

enter image description here I'm facing two issues. Basically [ONLY] chrome mobile browser has additional space below the body. It cause can scroll even tough I make body unscrollable. normal case(...
0 votes
0 answers

Alert user before leaving page to prevent unsaved data on iOS browsers (Safari/Chrome)

I'm developing a website which allow users to fill a form. I tried to show an alert to prevent users from accidentally leaving the page with unsaved data, by creating handlers for those events: ...
5 votes
3 answers

Chrome-Mobile PWA Fullscreen: App Area Exeeds HTML Height

So, I got an Angular PWA, which is set to run in full screen. But when I set the "display": "fullscreen" in the webmanifest, instead of "display": "standalone" ...
0 votes
0 answers

POST call does not work on mobile Chrome browser (but works fine on Desktop)

I have an Angular application that is deployed to Heroku. The login feature page requires an email and password, which after filling out the user clicks a LOGIN button and my application makes a POST ...
199 votes
11 answers

100vh height when address bar is shown - Chrome Mobile

I came across this problem a few times and was wondering if there was a solution to this problem. My problem occurs on the Chrome mobile app. There, you can scroll down a bit and the address bar ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is a way to see the errors of a site on android mobile without installing any app?

I use github to code html sites and to host it but I do not find a way to see the errors of my site on mobile. Is a way to see the errors of a site on chrome or samsung browser on android mobile or ...
6 votes
1 answer

remove/prevent chrome mobile dev tools context menu on long tap

I'm developing(debugging) a mobile app on chrome's mobile simulator, and I kinda irritated on chrome's context menu when you press and hold on the mobile. Is there a way to remove/prevent it from ...
4 votes
1 answer

How can I enable client certificate ios 12 so that chrome uses it

On iOS 12, safari presents the client certificate and I am able to choose it and proceed to website because the client certificate was authenticated successfully. Chrome doesn’t ask and therefore ...
0 votes
0 answers

Subdomain mobile site is not displaying on iPhones

The html5 website configuration is a stand-alone desktop with redirect to subdomain mobile website, sitemap shows this and also have a mobile sitemap both in the root directory. Mobile site has no ...
1 vote
1 answer

Force link to switch from in-app browser to real browser

When someone clicks a link to my website on an app like Instagram or TikTok, the link opens in the apps in-app-browser. When they click a link to another site, it also opens in the in-app-browser, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Chrome mobile - wrong background cover position

This is the HTML code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <style> html { ...
2 votes
1 answer

React web app does not work and keeps refreshing on mobile browser

This web App(reactjs) works fine on desktop and tablets. However, when trying it on mobile browser(like Safari), the progress bar keeps flickering and refreshing like: Please click to view the gif I ...
12 votes
1 answer

Mp4 video in html5 video tag not playing in mobile chrome and mobile safari

I have this code to play a video in a html5 page: <video autoplay loop id="bgvid"> <source src="video-background.mp4" poster="/poster.png" type="video/mp4"> </video> The ...
0 votes
1 answer

Push API: Mobile browsers don't receive push notifications anytime. Only when SW is running

I am developing a PWA with node.js. It is installable and it runs nicely. Lately I tried to implement Push Notifications like explained here:
2 votes
1 answer

How to make text-align right in selectbox list in Android chrome

I have a website which has Arabic version. While accessing the website from mobile, the menu will be shown as a select box list. Since the Arabic is rtl I need the text to be aligned to right. I have ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can float virtual keyboard over html element in mobile chrome

VirtualKeyboard API is deprecated in mobile chrome. but i need floating virtual keyboard over html element. how can i implement this javascript or html or css in chrome? navigator.virtualKeyboard....
1 vote
0 answers

javascript determine what browser is being used on iPhone devices

This is the code I'm using to determine what browser user is using on iphone. var browser = (function (agent) { switch (true) { case agent.indexOf("edge") > -1: return ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why some of the sites don't respect Text scaling in Chrome mobile browser? [duplicate]

Case in point: using latest Chrome version on Android 11 on Pixel 3a. Text scaling is set to 100% in browser settings. If I navigate to CNN.COM the font is rather too small for me to read. If I change ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to get scheme url of an installed app? (Android)

From the mobile web, I am trying to open an application that I installed from the store. So far, I found out that apps can be opened by scheme URLs and deep links, but couldn't find out a way to get ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Google Pay Autofill won't work on chrome mobile

When I use chrome, google pay automatically suggests I pay using one of my saved cards. This is working for my site on desktop but on mobile it is not. It asks me to select my card then to put in my ...
3 votes
1 answer

Web based Timer application using window.setInterval method in JavaScript does not work as expected on mobile browser (Chrome, Firefox etc.)

Web-based timer application using window.setInterval method in JavaScript does not work as expected in the mobile browser. The reason behind this is that after a certain time, the display goes off due ...
1 vote
1 answer

Custom web-notification sound in Chrome on Android

Is it possible to set custom web-notification sound in mobile Chrome on Android (using javascript from service-worker)? And if so, are there any restrictions to this (file type, size, sound length)? ...
1 vote
1 answer

window.focus() does not work for existing tabs in ALL IOS browsers

I'm trying to create a "re-launch" button that should bring the user to an existing opened tab. So far, this is how it's implemented: Using initially to create the tab and focusing to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Access Chrome Mobile Browser History SDK >= 23 Android Studio

I'm trying to access the browser history of the user and display it from my app. From what I've read, Android used to support using Browser.BOOKMARKS to do this, but it got removed in Android 23 and ...
8 votes
2 answers

NotAllowedError: Must be handling a user gesture to perform a share request. navigator.share

I have a simple page with some details whose action I handle via an AJAX request. On success callback of the AJAX call I am trying to trigger navigator.share which gives me an error: ...
1 vote
0 answers

Safari and Chrome in IOS does not listen to server sent events when the browser is in the background

I'm trying to redirect my Angular web application to a different URL that receives from server-sent events. This feature works well when the browser is in the foreground in IOS. However, when a user ...
0 votes
0 answers

repeating-linear-gradient stops repeating on high height containers on mobile Chrome and Brave

Noticed the following behavior on Mobile Chrome and Mobile Brave on an Android device (probably iOS too): As shown by example, I have this div with height that is 39000px. At some point after about 2/...
0 votes
1 answer

webRTC is not reconnecting after internet dropout on Chrome mobile

I have a webRTC video which is working as expected between Chrome on PC and Chrome on mobile but if the internet connection is disrupted on the mobile it will not resume the webRTC video when it is ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to find-out reason of Chrome: Aw, Snap

A web page randomly crashes only in mobile Chrome with the only message: "Aw, Snap!" All desktop web browsers (Chrome, FF, Safari) works OK. I didn't find anything suspicious by DevTools: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Mobile Safari & Chrome - ontimeupdate not functioning, working in desktop

I have built a solution that overlays text on to a video background which is timed to the video, this work really well in desktop browsers however in my mobile browser testing (iOS 15 (Safari) and ...
3 votes
1 answer

Chrome mobile progressive web app returns error when offline

I'm trying to create a progressive web app for a personal website of mine. The PWA is able to access the cache (through the service worker) when offline no problem when on Chrome Desktop, Firefox or ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to focus <input> with readOnly attribute in iOS?

I try to use readOnly attribute for preventing autofill for an input. I add handler for focus event what remove readOnly attribute and handler for blur event what add readOnly attribute. But it does ...
14 votes
2 answers

Disable Chrome mobile's "tap to search" on a web app

I would like to be able to disable, through JavaScript or some sort of HTML meta-tag, the tap-to-search/touch-to-search feature found on mobile Chrome which shows a banner at the bottom of the browser ...
1 vote
1 answer

Launch Chrome with default home page (not about:blank)

All examples i can find are intented to open a specific internet adress, but not just the Chrome browser with a new tab. Se below screenshots for the difference between opening a "about:blank&...
0 votes
2 answers

React Dev Build: The Operation Is Insecure With Safari or Any Mobile Browser

I have a React app. The app works as expected everywhere except, Safari for Mac and any mobile browser. All the solutions I find online are outdated and not relevant to my versions. I've tried playing ...
1 vote
0 answers

HTML <input type=“number”>, for mobile devices enter key not working

I've got a single line of code (no forms involved) here: <input name="txtQty" type="number" id="txtQty" class="form-control" autocomplete="off" ...
0 votes
0 answers

Website mobile Chrome sizing is not correct when source is QR code or hyperlink

This issue only seems to occur in mobile Chrome (iOS, android untested) but not in mobile Safari or mobile Opera. When going to the website on mobile by typing in the URL directly, the objects ...
2 votes
0 answers

Disable Horizontal Scroll in Mobile While Allowing position:sticky

I'm trying to disable the horizontal scroll in mobile browsers. I tried: body { max-width: 100% !important; overflow-x: hidden!important; } However, while this worked for mobile Safari, users ...
3 votes
2 answers

Mobile Android Chrome choppy laggy scroll after "window.scrollTo" with "behavior: smooth"

In my React app a have a product list with a pageNav component. I show 8 products per page, so when you click on the NextPage button (which is located at the bottom of the list), I need to scroll the ...
0 votes
0 answers

History.replaceState() not working on Chrome (mobile browser)

The situation After a user registers on our website, they receive an e-mail with a link to our homepage with verification token. Once a user clicks on the link, enters the page and sees a welcome ...
4 votes
2 answers

iOS 9.2: Select List (multiple) incorrectly firing change event and setting value to first option on focus. (safari and chrome)

I am having issues with a multi select list in iOS browsers (chrome and safari). In my case I have an angular model binding on the select which is firing watchers and updating the model value as soon ...
14 votes
5 answers

Mysterious White Space at bottom of Web Page in Mobile-Chrome

I've looked at many "mysterious white-space at bottom of page" issues here on SO, and played with the viewporttag many times, but I still cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong! The page in question ...

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