Questions tagged [mta]

Multiple Threaded Apartment of the Component Object Model (COM), as opposed to STA

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13 votes
3 answers

An MTA Console application calling an STA COM object from multiple threads

Although there are many questions about COM and STA/MTA (e.g. here), most of them talk about applications which have a UI. I, however, have the following setup: A console application, which is by ...
bavaza's user avatar
  • 10.7k
14 votes
4 answers

Is there a Python MTA (Mail transfer agent) [closed]

Just wondering if there is a Python MTA. I took a look at smtpd but they all look like forwarders without any functionality.
Unknown's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

MTA for windows to use for PHP Sendmail

I was trying to setup Processmaker on my Win7 system. For sending Email I want to use PHP's Sendmail(). But for that I need to install some MTA on my machine and need to configure php.ini for it. Can ...
Vineet Jaiswal's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

What exactly does an MTA do? [closed]

This question got me thinking, and I now realize that I don't know anything about the internals of MTAs. What exactly does an MTA do? Everything after the SMTP protocol seems like dark magic to me. ...
Alix Axel's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

What are the limitations of a STA thread in compare to MTA threads?

If we make a thread STA like this: Thread.SetApartmentState(STA); then it cannot run code marked with [MTAThread] attribute. We have seen [STAThread] in windows and console applications but I have ...
Xaqron's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

COM outbound call results in "An outgoing call cannot be made since the application is dispatching an input-synchronous call."

I have a COM server (C++/STA (MFC based app)) and a COM client (C#/MTA). The COM server must live in an STA, since it's an MFC app (I have no choice in this matter). The client issues a call to the ...
Jörgen Sigvardsson's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

MSTest setting Apartment Threading to MTA

I'm using MSTest in Visual Studio 2010 on a project that needs the apartment threading model set to MTA. I've looked online and the items I've found and tried seem to only work with Visual Studio ...
bjwbell's user avatar
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1 answer

Winforms: One COM object needs an STAThread, the other needs an MTAThread. How can I use them?

I'm trying to build a Winforms application with two COM components. However, one of the components only works when using [MTAThread] and the other only works with [STAThread]. What would the ...
hb.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Is possible having two COM STA instances of the same component?

I had a problem discovered on another thread here, I need to access a COM component that is STA. I'll run it on a dual-core computer, a process using this component only reaches 50% of CPU. ...
Victor Rodrigues's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

STA or MTA for indirectly used COM Objects

I think I understand the apartment concept and why STA or MTA is used, however a question came up for which I found no solution so far. If my application uses COM Objects under the hood, for example ...
DanielG's user avatar
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0 votes
5 answers

MTA for receiving mails, in PHP

is there a library/class/code-snippet/etc. that allows me to directly receive mail in php? So that I don't have to run an additional sever in an other process and then have to somehow send the mails ...
Dexter's user avatar
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