Questions tagged [multi-layer]

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How to Layer image on top of another to show different variant of a product?

I'm working on an e-commerce web site. It has few products with multiple color variants. Each product has 3 options that can each have 3 different colours. For example: Product 1 -> Option 2 -> ...
Sejal Shah's user avatar
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Attribute specification problem in multiple layer networks using ergm.multi in R

I try to run a multi-layered ERGM with the ergm.multi package in R with two layers. Before, I ran an ERGM for each layer, which all worked our perfectly. However, when trying to run the respective ...
Amelie's user avatar
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Create multi-layer (multiplex) network from adjacency matrices

I faced the following problem. I have several adjacency matrices that represent different types of connections for the same set of nodes. Let's say I have 3 types of connections. I am trying to build ...
Daniel Alexsandrovich's user avatar
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Multi-layer social network (multiplex) using networkx

For my thesis, I am trying to built a multilayer social network from twitter data I received from my professor, to analyze the reciprocity of emotions and check out occuring spikes and their relation ...
Enie's user avatar
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Point Color not reported in multilayer in Superset

In superset, I create a map layer with Scatterplot chart and define categorical color for each point. The color is define in dashboard properties "label_colors": { "Bus": &...
Carole's user avatar
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Mulitlayer Perceptron prediction result not only as a double, also as String (using Weka (Java))

I would like to make a prediction using multilayer perceptron. For this purpose, I have created test data to be predicted. Now I go through all records in a for loop and want to append the prediction: ...
Micmac's user avatar
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Turn raster files (4-dimensional) into structure that allows to conduct a random forest classification

My goal is to conduct a random forest classification for agricultural landuse forms (crop classification). I have several ground truth points for all classes. Furthermore, I have 37 raster files (.tif)...
talocodat's user avatar
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Multi-layer well screen in Flopy

I want to implement wells that screen several layers in the model domain. However, when setting up the wel package in Flopy, only one layer can be entered in the stress period data of each well, as ...
Aeonian's user avatar
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Plotting boxplots in one graph of rasterlayers of different extents

I have 4 rasterstacks of different zones containing each 12 layers (one for every month) containing data on atmospheric NO2 concentration. I made a layer for each rasterstack containing the mean ...
Benjamin Van Roozendael's user avatar
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Multigraph from two simple graphs in igraph?

How to get a multigraph from two or more simple graphs in R igraph? G <- graph_from_literal(1-2:3-4-5:6) E(G)$at <-"a",6) G2 <- graph_from_literal(6-7-5-4) E(G2)$at <- c(...
Sebastián's user avatar
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requirement failed: A & B Dimension mismatch! : Multilayer Perceptron Pyspark

I build a pipeline with the Multilayerperceptronclassifier but when I try to evaluate the results I obtain an error. Can anyone hel me to fix the problem? I think there is no problem with the pipeline ...
Lorenzo Maggio's user avatar
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Getting 'numpy.int64' object is not callable and "Size mismatch between tensors" errors in PyTorch while building an MLP

I have 4 text files,one of which includes x1,x2,x3 as training features and the other one is y for labels and the same applies to testing. I have to construct a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) model in ...
sepideh naghshineh's user avatar
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Embeddings in sentiment analysis task with PyTorch and Multilayer Perception

I have the body of the code, which should work fine, I think it doesn't because of something I'm messing up here, probably having to do with the embedding. import torch.nn as nn class ...
Flavio Spadavecchia's user avatar
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Compute quantiles for each pixel across a number of raster layers probs 0.05

I want to compute quantiles for each pixel across many layers library(raster) r <- raster(ncols=36, nrows=18) r[] <- 1:ncell(r) s <- stack(r, r*2, sqrt(r)) s[10:20] <- NA beginCluster() ...
Marcos's user avatar
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MLP Classifier in Python

I am new to machine learning and I have been trying to implement a neural network in Python using Keras library. I want to implement a MLP classifier for a multi-classification problem with input ...
RS A's user avatar
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Matrix inverse approximation with keras dense model

I am training a neural network to calculate the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. I am using a Keras dense model with 1 layer and 9 neurons. The activation function on the first layer is 'relu' and linear on ...
Jesua Israel Epequin Chavez's user avatar
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How to understand the ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> in multi-layer loop, the ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> contents are the same?

when I use ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> in multi-layer loop, the ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> are weird. import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(...
Helin's user avatar
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How to unite two graphs in R to form a multilayer network?

Could you please help me? I work with ecological interactions, and some of them are modeled as multilayer networks (multiplex, to be precise). The best way to input this kind of data into R's package ...
Marco's user avatar
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How to use session storage data in multi layer architecture in C# with ASP.NET MVC?

I am working on a project and using N-Layer architecture (web layer, service layer, data access layer). I am facing an issue regarding the use of session storage in the data access layer. I am storing ...
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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Modularity maximization and GenLouvain implementation in python

I have a temporal multilayer network that I want to find communities by using modularity maximization. I was wondering if there is an equivalent version of Matlab GenLouvain in Python for maximizing ...
Ulgen's user avatar
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How to fit a MultiLayerPerceptron Classifier in Pyspark?

Hi I am trying to fit a MultiLayerPerceptron with PySpark 2.4.3 Machine Learning Library. But every time I try to fit the algorithm I get the following error: Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while ...
David Mora's user avatar
3 votes
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tf.keras.layers.RNN vs tf.keras.layers.StackedRNNCells: Tensorflow 2

I am trying to implement a multi-layer RNN model in Tensorflow 2.0. Trying both tf.keras.layers.StackedRNNCells and tf.keras.layers.RNN turns out identical results. Can anyone help me out to ...
AidinZadeh's user avatar
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How do I perform multi layer classification?

In my dataset, I explored there are actually three layers of labels. All are not independent labels. For the first layer, the label is binary. If the class is 1, we can go to the further layer. The ...
Nasimul Hasan Chowdhury's user avatar
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what is the metric used to gauge the significance of ranking using SPSS's MLP-NN ? (is there something like Matthew's coeficient in SPSS?)

I have used SPSS's Multi-layer perceptron model to rank some variables according to their importance in contribution to a specified target. My question is... what is the metric used to gauge the ...
Leon D'Cruz's user avatar
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PySpark MultiLayerPercepTronClassifier seems to not work wirh OneHotEncoding

I'm running a duummy example to perform classification with PySpark. I created an ETL pipeline in which labels are transformed to OneHotEncoding, but PySpark throws: IllegalArgumentException: '...
ignatius's user avatar
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How to make a multi layer horizontal recyclerview or gridlayout?

I am novice to android studio and I want to make a 2 or 3 layer of cardview in one recyclerview or gridlayout/gridview that can scroll horizontally, but I can't find any tutorial about it. Can someone ...
Mr. Baks's user avatar
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Where should the controllers be in a multi layered solution

Description: I have a solution in Visual Studio which has multiple projects as application layers. Business Logic (.NET Standard) Data Access Layer for database operations (.NET Standard) Web ...
Arman Kocayan's user avatar
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Audit in Data Layer instead of single Layer Application

This is my first kind of task and i am using this tutorial. Link The differences are that this tutorial is made in a single layer so it is easy accessing the Identity properties. My project has ...
nightowl's user avatar
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Python Error in extracting data from nested json

I could not find any solution similar to my json structure in python in the forum, so asking a fresh help. I am trying to extract the value of Latitude and Longitude from the file called geolocation....
Bukaida's user avatar
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Create DbContext dynamically for multiple database architecture with repect to logged-in user

I am working on multi layered architecture with supporting multiple database per tenant in MVC. I need to create DBContext depending on the user logged in into data layer. How should I create generic ...
Swapper's user avatar
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Dependecy injection in Spring using annotations

The main concept of Dependency injection - as I understand it - is the practice of "design for interfaces" to make dependent components loosely-coupled of each others. However, I have seen many ...
ibrahim ali's user avatar
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Keras: can I use a Flatten layer as input to multilayer perceptron model

I am trying to use MLP to classify images in Keras. My codes are: from keras.preprocessing import sequence from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, ...
BAE's user avatar
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How to increase accuracy of network running on MNIST

I followed this code: It is quite easy to understand. It produces 94% accuracy. I have to convert it to a network with deeper layers(ranging ...
Nerd Giraffe's user avatar
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Recursive call for tree like structure with multi-layer parent-child in Java

I took over someone's project and I came across with a function where it takes a condition and checks if that condition has children. If yes it will check if the children are objects or other ...
Zelalem's user avatar
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multi layer LSTM net with stateful=True

My question is does the this code make sense? And if this makes sense what should be the purpose? model.add(LSTM(18, return_sequences=True,batch_input_shape=(batch_size,look_back,dim_x), stateful=...
D.Luipers's user avatar
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Pymnet - creating a multilayered network visualisation

I have the code below to load the data: from pymnet import * import pandas as pd nodes_id = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 1, 2, 3, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc'] layers = [1, ...
zamad27's user avatar
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Keras seq2seq stacked layers

In tutorial: we have one layer seq2seq model. I would like to extend this model with one additional layer ...
Amel Music's user avatar
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What extra layers can there in n-layer architecture for an application?

i studying on software architecture principles. i understood that what is three layer architecture (contains Presentation-Business -Data Access). but anybody has any idea or extra layers for doing it ...
PProg's user avatar
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how to conduct the proper multilayer perceptron on interval data

I have a dataset of the daily temperature for a couple of years. The data is in the interval form, including daily high temp and daily low temp. I want to do a forecasting of the data, and I recently ...
user456649's user avatar
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Dropwizard multi-layer application

I had simple Dropwizard rest service application which had only two layers: controller layer (aka resource) and persistence layer (aka dao). Dropwizard application was small and concise and worked ...
tyomka's user avatar
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Weka Multilayer Perceptron Taking a Long Time to Complete?

I've got 5 attributes and 3310 instances (hidden layers = a) using a percentage split of 70%, however I've left it for a number of hours now and it is still stuck on 'Building model on training data'. ...
J.Extra2's user avatar
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Drawing a multi layer network

I want to draw a Multi layer network by using Python. The expected graph likes this: I want to use Python's Multinetx to draw this network. This is my command: import Multinetx as mx import ...
taylor's user avatar
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How to train a multiplier with MLP?

I'm new to neural networks. Im trying to understand what kind of solutions a multilayer perceptron can learn to achieve. Is it possible to train an MLP to do multiplication by just giving discrete ...
M.kazem Akhgary's user avatar
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How to build a multi-layer LSTM in Tensorflow for a video sequence?

I want to build a 3 layer LSTM in tensorflow for video analysis. I read some examples online, but still confusing. Could anyone help to write a concise code snippet to do a task as below: Input: 5 ...
yzhu's user avatar
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Multi layer RNN with LSTM in Tensorflow

I have coded a single layer RNN with LSTM in Tensorflow (ver 1.5) by Python (ver 3.6). I would like to add 3 hidden layers to this RNN (i.e one input layer, one output layer, and three hidden layers). ...
Sad Vaseb's user avatar
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Backpropagation with Lots of Inputs

I'm a beginner and I'm trying to implement Backpropagation in C# for school purposes (so no tensorflow for now, we have to learn it manually). I have 64 nodes for input layer and 64 nodes for the ...
James Arnold's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible to implement a multilayered LSTM with LSTMCells modules in PyTorch?

In PyTorch there is a LSTM module which in addition to input sequence, hidden states, and cell states accepts a num_layers argument which specifies how many layers will our LSTM have. There is ...
Amuoeba's user avatar
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Strategy to persist entity's associated objects with NHibernate

I am working on a rather larger application that tries to follow a layered architecture pattern. On DBAL I use fluently configured NHibernate. Database objects sometimes have associations like these: ...
Yuri Makassiouk's user avatar
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Is it possible to optimize a Tensorflow MLP with the averaged loss after n iterations instead of every iteration?

The input of my network is n sequential pixels of a NxN image (where n is small compared to N) and the output is 1 pixel. The loss is defined as the squared difference between the ouput and the ...
oldsqlwnb's user avatar
7 votes
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Cannot stack LSTM with MultiRNNCell and dynamic_rnn

I am trying to build a multivariate time series prediction model. I followed the following tutorial for temperature prediction.
zdarktknight's user avatar