Questions tagged [multimarkdown]

MultiMarkdown (MMD) is a superset of Markdown, a lightweight markup language.

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3 answers

Keep some text in Markdown file but not showing up in exported pdf file? (a function similar to "%" in latex)

As the title shows--I thought this should be simple but I just could not figure it out. I am using quarto but I guess it is a question about markdown files. I want to write some notes for myself in ...
redmouse's user avatar
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1 answer

Command line tool to convert Markdown Pipe-Tables to Double-Pipe-Header-Tables

I write my Markdown tables usually in the Pipe-Table syntax (used by Pandoc, multimarkdown, php extra and others). Here an example: | fruit | price | |--------|------:| | apple | 2.05 | | pear | ...
halloleo's user avatar
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2 answers

Skip processing fenced code blocks when processing Markdown files line by line

I'm a very inexperienced Python coder so it's quite possible that I'm approaching this particular problem in completely the wrong way but I'd appreciate any suggestions/help. I have a Python script ...
avggeek's user avatar
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2 answers

modify link behaviour in Jekyll

I have an itchy issue I definitely need solve. Every time I insert a link in my Jekyll website, independently if I write it in a Markdown file or an HTML file, I write the following: <a href="...
Tommi's user avatar
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1 answer

Mermaid and MMD in BBEdit?

I'm a noob in scripting (for years now...) and a BBEdit fan user. I usually find solutions to my problems on StackO or GitH, but this time I do not, and I finally decide to create an account. First ...
GGB_C_'s user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to format text using markdown inside a markdown table?

I need to be able to build a markdown only table with formatted text inside (html inside the table is not an option). It seems that the h3 is not applied by markdown parsers: | | | | --- | ---- | | ...
Maxime Thomasson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

pkgsrc: cannot install multimarkdown

It seems I could not install multimarkdown using pkgsrc: $ sudo pkgin -y install multimarkdown pkg_summary.xz 100% ...
Meng Lu's user avatar
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0 answers

How to generate a Table of Content with page numbers using MMD Parser

I'm writing a shell script (.sh) to: Convert a markdown file ( to HTML Convert a HTML file to latex. Convert a latex file to PDF. The shell script uses MultiMarkdown v6 (by Fletcher ...
csi21's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I generate html pages referencing each other from md files

Can I write documentation in multiple .md files that reference each other and then use a tool like Dillinger to turn all these .md files into multiple html pages referencing each other? I.e. can I go ...
Lolo's user avatar
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2 answers

Using a file type plugin file (ftplugin) to change the file type in vim / neovim

To automate a step for creating multimarkdown notes. I'd like for neovim to change the filetype of a file based on the contents of first line. All of my multimarkdown notes begin with title E.g. ...
tkolleh's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I make linked references to sections of the same document using Markdown where the heading title is a sentence with spaces?

While this works 1. [Notifier system requirements](#requirements) This does not work 1. [Deployment steps](#steps to deployment) Steps to deployment and requirements are the header/section titles ...
theyCallMeJun's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Link to an arbitrary spot in a multimarkdown file

I'm trying to make the following work: Here is my markdown text I would like to link to. [link] Then I write something else. Then I say [see above](link) This does not work and I cannot find a way ...
Ray Salemi's user avatar
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4 answers

Converting HTML Text to Markdown

I have an html Text which we get from rich text editor and where I need to convert that rich text to markdown text for ex : rich text return <b> strong </b> to **strong** Can ...
Anbu's user avatar
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1 answer

Sublime Text 3 Automatic Selecting Build System for MultiMarkdown File

I want to create a build system for Sublime Text 3 that will automatically run on any file that ends in ".mmd". I understand from the unofficial documentation that the "selector" option provides this ...
Matt Spicer's user avatar
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pandoc markdown or multimarkdown

I am thinking of using an editor like sublime text to write markdown files. Then I could later convert those to HTML, PDF or LaTeX, which would be very convenient for me, as I aim to write fiction and ...
Jessica Paulsworth's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to add metadata in Github-Flavoured-Markdown?

I would like to add metadata information to my markdown files like author, tags, ... . Is it possible to add metadata to a github-flavoured-markdown file, like you can do with multimarkdown?
Peter's user avatar
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3 answers

Parsing elements from a markdown file in python 3

How might I get a list of elements from a markdown file in python 3? I'm specifically interested in getting a list of all images and links (along with relevant information like alt-text and link text)...
Andrew Spott's user avatar
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1 answer

How to convert multiple markdown files at once

I have a folder with several markdown files and I need to convert them to HTML at once. This works fine: multimarkdown -b file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt But this doesn't: multimarkdown -b *.txt I ...
john c. j.'s user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there a lightweight markup language that supports numbered headings? [closed]

Languages like Creole, reStructuredText, Markdown, and others allow headings = Food == Fruit === Apples and numbered lists # Food # Food 2 but I want something that can give me headings I can ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting bgcolor in markdown

I want to set the page bgcolor through markdown. Is there any way besides explicitly including, say, <body bgcolor="#336655"> in the .md file? In particular, this seems to be implemented ...
MichaelChirico's user avatar
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Multimarkdown tables with pandoc

Is it possible to render in pandoc a Multimarkdown table with collapsible columns like in the example: | | Grouping || First Header | Second Header | Third Header | --...
lf_araujo's user avatar
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latex-markdown labels on matplotlib

I have a matplotlib chart which I want to annotate with latex markdown. axs.annotate(s='$r_f = {:.2f}$'.format(r), xy=[2005, 7], xycoords="data", fontsize=18) this works fine, but I ...
DeanLa's user avatar
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Beside creating snippets, are there other ways to quickly create Markdown tables in sublime text 3?

I'm talking about writing table[r]x[c] and pressing <tab> to generate a Markdown table with the required numbers of rows and columns (in GFM or whatever markdown flavor one prefers). I don't ...
Huy Nguyen's user avatar
10 votes
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Multimarkdown in GitHub's Atom editor - made a start, want to make more progress

To extend the basic Markdown support in Atom, I've converted the TextMate Multimarkdown bundle (unescaping one hash sign - see the process on this Atom discussion). The (converted) TextMate bundle ...
Dave Everitt's user avatar
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How to turn HTML into Markdown with Python with support for footnotes?

I'm using Aaron Swartz's script to turn HTML into Markdown on my web app. However, it doesn't support footnotes (the <sup> tag is being removed). I want to make it functional with ...
Readerbility's user avatar
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1 answer

How to style an individual list in markdown for HTML output

I'm trying to style an individual list in an Markdown document which will get converted into HTML. I cannot style the li tag via CSS, because than all lists are styled and I cannot use a div around ...
halloleo's user avatar
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add link to YAML in multimarkdown metadata

I'm writing my CV in MMD. I'd like to add a link to my website, twitter account etc in the mmd metadata and then reference that in the pdf, html, latex that is generated from the mmd. Here's an ...
mark's user avatar
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Multimarkdown to custom HTML Template

How do I use MultiMarkdown 4 to take my markdown document and create a full custom HTML document. As just using multimarkdown > file.html would create the body of the HTML document I could ...
Daniel Granger's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I use custom css / jquery plugins / html in my markdown file

I am trying markdown for creating notes and I feel limited in terms to style my notes and making it rich in style. for e.g. I would like to add warning/info style blocks using bootstrap css. How can I ...
Chetan Sachdev's user avatar
376 votes
14 answers

How to add footnotes to GitHub-flavoured Markdown?

I am just trying to add footnotes in my GitHub Gist, but it doesn't work: Some long sentence. [^footnote] [^footnote]: Test, [Link]( I am following this guide and I don't think ...
Enrico Susatyo's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Regex to Extract #hashtags from MMD metadata in Python

I'm trying to extract all the #hashtags from the "Tags: #tag1 #tag2" line of a multimarkdown plaintext file. (I'm in Python multiline mode.) I've tried using lookaheads: ^(?=Tags:\s.*)#(\w+)\b and ...
other_other's user avatar
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WYSIWYG editor for multimarkdown?

I was looking at MultiMarkdown just a bit ago, a subset of Markdown which adds some extra features (such as tables). Is anyone aware if there are any WYSIWYG editors for Multimarkdown, and if they ...
Zauberin Stardreamer's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

markdown pandoc creating a span with an id

if I wanted to set an id on a span element or a list element in pandoc markdown (or multimarkdown) is there anyway to do it other than <span id="stuff"> my text </span> or to write out ...
Tahnoon Pasha's user avatar
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1 answer

Multimarkdown well configured header data

Hi I'm trying to get the top of my multimarkdown file to look like: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" ""> <html ...
Tahnoon Pasha's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Sublime Text 2 - writing a script to process multimarkdown

There is an excellent package to preview markdown written using sublime text. I wanted to know how I might modify it, or perhaps use it as the basis for writing one that could process multi-markdown. ...
Tahnoon Pasha's user avatar
264 votes
13 answers

Create a table without a header in Markdown

Is it possible to create a table without a header in Markdown? The HTML would look like this: <table> <tr> <td>Key 1</td> <td>Value 1</td> </tr> <...
adius's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get MultiMarkDown to view tables in Sublime Text 2 OSX

I am trying to avoid using inline HTML to get tables working in my MD file. I have Markdown Preview and Table Editor installed via the package installer, and multimarkdown installed via homebrew, ...
chris Frisina's user avatar
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sublime text 2 build system for multimarkdown under windows 7

To process a .md file in multimarkdown, I've written a build system file: { "shell":true, "working_dir" : "${file_path}", "cmd": ["C:\\Program Files\\MultiMarkdown\\multimarkdown.exe", "-b", "$file"],...
Lescar's user avatar
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pandoc mmd_title_block appears not to load

I am new to pandoc and an attempting to use it to convert some simple mmd files to docx. These mmd files contain a mmd style title block in the following form: Author: Author_name Title: Title_name ...
user2205147's user avatar
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4 answers

Replacing double backslash and brackets in Python

I am trying to write a script that could convert things like \\[ or \\] to $$ in order to convert a MultiMarkdown document to Pandoc markdown document that could display equations in HTML. I am using ...
Shruti Kapoor's user avatar
42 votes
4 answers

Add ID or Class to Markdown-element

Is it possible to add an id or class to a (multi)markdown element? For example a table, a paragraph or block of code? I would like to style a table with css but non of following work: [captionid][...
Tieme's user avatar
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Sublime Text 2--Doubled Autopaired Characters

I'm a newish Sublime Text 2 user, using it largely for Markdown/MultiMarkdown at this point. In my writing workflow, I use _underscore_ pairing for all italics, and **double asterisk** pairing for all ...
AncientToaster's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Vim maths syntax highlighting

I'm trying to improve the syntax highlighting of maths in markdown documents. Multimarkdown uses brackets \\[ .. \\] and \\( .. \\) to indicate display and inline math respectively. I want to ...
aaren's user avatar
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how to create a sql comment in multimarkdown?

It appears that multimarkdown has a feature which converts two consecutive hyphens -- into an emdash —. For example, in the Byword editor, when you type those two hyphens it automatically converts to ...
Edward Q. Bridges's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How to handle special characters in markdown?

I am just discovering Markdown and MultiMarkdown and I am loving it so far. However, special characters are not properly escaped when exporting to HTML and come out as garbage in the browser. ...
clstaudt's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any Markdown syntax parser for JavaScript with table?

I am looking for a Markdown syntax JavaScript parser with the table feature. It seems that I cant find one so I am having the hassle of implementing this feature into existing code, but I am not being ...
Renato Gama's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to perform "tabs" in Multimarkdown?

Is there a way to realize tabs in Multimarkdown syntax? My Goal is something like: Item:-----------tab------->Value An other item:---tab--->Value And one item more:--->Value I could realize that by ...
Aufwind's user avatar
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2 answers

Retrieving variables (document metadata) from a MultiMarkdown document with PHP

How can I retrieve MultiMarkdown document metadata (as defined here) using php? I was rather surprised that I couldn't find a MultiMarkdown php parser, PHP Markdown Extra doesn't do MultiMarkdown. I'...
pax's user avatar
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Converting multi-markdown to HTML & back in python

Is there a python library for converting multimarkdown to HTML (python-markdown seem to have its own extensions). Further is there a library for converting a HTML into MMD? Thank you, Joseph
jjude's user avatar
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Best markup format for future-proofing large text chunks?

I have a number of records (=< 100) that contain sizeable chunks of text that require marking up (semantically: lists, headings, tables, links, quotations, etc...) before storing in a re-usable ...
Dave Everitt's user avatar
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