Questions tagged [nscondition]

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2 votes
1 answer

Thread-safe access to a datasource during a tableView update

My app uses a tableView with a data source that can be updated asynchronously by multiple threads. When the data source is changed, the tableView is updated, not reloaded, using tableView....
Reinhard Männer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Waiting on asynchronous methods using NSCondition

I am downloading four plist files asynchronously over the internet. I need to wait until all four files are downloaded, until I either on the first run, push a UIViewController, or on all subsequent ...
Brandon Mcq's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Pause Main thread until background thread retrieves user input

In my main starting thread I need to pause the code and start a new thread and wait until I get user input. Then Id like to discard the new thread made and go back to where the main thread left off. ...
4GetFullOf's user avatar
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