Questions tagged [macos]

macOS (formerly known as OS X or Mac OS X) is the desktop operating system from Apple, found on Macintosh computers. Use this tag only if your question relates to using macOS APIs or macOS-specific behavior, not because you happen to run your code on macOS. Questions relating to using or troubleshooting macOS are off-topic and belong in the Ask Different community instead.

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0 votes
0 answers

SFML macOS Display: How to Achieve 1x1 Pixel Rendering?

I am using SFML on macOS. I have noticed that images and text drawn appear to be of poor quality. After taking a screenshot, I discovered that all the "pixels" drawn in SFML are actually 2x2 ...
0 votes
0 answers

32-bits musl libraries for Mac OS X 11 x86_64 download problem

I started an assembly language course at the university on i386 architecture. Inside the .asm file uses the IO(input output) functions from the .c file. I ran into a problem compiling these .c files. ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to write Finder comment from Swift

Following the code from another answer, I want to read and write Finder comments to files. Those seem to be stored as binary plists so they have to be parsed beforehand. To read a Finder comment: let ...
51 votes
8 answers

Golang: "A Tour of Go": "go tool tour" error: no such tool "tour"

I'm trying out Go for the first time. I was following these docs and wanted to run the go tour locally, but I haven't figured out how to get it to work. Where is the tool "tour" supposed to be ...
0 votes
1 answer

Memory location changing from 0 to 1 consistently on Mac

I have a 2019 MacBook Pro i9 with 64gb of RAM. Last night I got a kernel panic due to memory corruption (just the one time). So, today, I wrote a tiny program in C++ to allocate and probe a large ...
37 votes
10 answers

UnsupportedClassVersionError while 'flutter doctor --android-licenses' MacOS

System Settings: MacOS Ventura Android Studio Electric Eel I am installing Flutter on my Intel Mac. After Running flutter doctor The outcome is this: [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.7.0, on macOS 13....
0 votes
0 answers

How do I install avdec_h264 for use with GStreamer in Python on macOS?

I answered my own question How do install gst-python on macOS to work with the recommended GStreamer installers? by using miniconda. Then I moved on to creating a GStreamer pipeline. But I get an ...
7 votes
2 answers

How to design a NSDatePicker that looks like Reminder's style?

I want to use date picker to select my date, I saw a good style in Reminder, How do I obtain the style using NSDatePicker. Thanks for helping!
-2 votes
2 answers

How to make MySQL start automatically when booting MacOS Sonoma? (legacyLoader-arm64 issue)

I use MySQL on my main Mac (M1 iMac, latest Sonoma, MySQL v8.3.0-arm64), and in its preference pane, I have the "Start MySQL when your computer starts up" option enabled. It NEVER starts ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Why is it when creating an instance with Vulkan on Mac it calls an assert error and if it is put in a try catch statement it calls vkWaitForfFences

I am trying to create an instance for a basic Vulkan renderer. When creating an instance on Mac I am using the same code that I used in visual studio on windows. I am using Xcode on Mac with C++. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a way to play midi sound without having another application such as garageband opened?

I have the code below where I'm trying to play a note in mac from a python application. Unfortunately I have noticed that the only way that the sound is audible is when garageband is opened. Is there ...
0 votes
0 answers

Version 3.6.3 in R not running ANY code on Mac

I'm having to run a bit of code in R 3.6 because of a package update, but when I switch my R to 3.6.3, no code will run. It's like Rstudio is stuck. I just simply wrote x <- 10 to see if Rstudio ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Try to update carthage, from the Terminal, and I get the following error: Build Failed - Task failed with exit code 65

Recently, I updated the macOS to the latest version 14.4, XCode to 15.3 and installed iOS 17.4 Simulator (I saw the SVProgressHUD is missing). Then when I tried to update carthage, from the Terminal, ...
0 votes
0 answers

UI automatorviewer displayes blank: MacOs + Java 8

I am trying to set up UiAutomatorviewer on macOS14.3 (23D56). I am currently using openjdk version "1.8.0_302" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Temurin)(build 1.8.0_302-b08) OpenJDK 64-Bit ...
-2 votes
0 answers

Attempting to open Spyder through Conda running into problems

Trying to launch Spyder in my environment and running into this error: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "cocoa" in "" even though it was found. This application failed to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unable to run GraphicalUnitTest in github-action runners: macos

Summary of situation I'm developing kivy app to run in 3 major OS (linux, windows, mac) and currently writing simple unit tests with the GraphicalUnitTest class in a github-action: class ...
845 votes
33 answers

nvm keeps "forgetting" node in new terminal session

Upon using a new terminal session in OS X, nvm forgets the node version and defaults to nothing: $ nvm ls: .nvm v0.11.12 v0.11.13 I have to keep hitting nvm use v.0.11.13 in ...
565 votes
33 answers

How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on OSX?

The docs mention an executable called code, but I'm not sure where I can find that so I can put it on my path. The zip I downloaded from the VSCode site did not include any such executable. (I am able ...
-2 votes
0 answers

Termios: disable echo fails on bash [closed]

I'm trying to read a secret from stdin in a CLI application. I read 3 values, the 2nd being a secret. Canonical mode is set (the default). So reading a line at a time. Before reading the secret I use ...
-2 votes
0 answers

How to suppress Ubuntu CLI printing gibberish information from binary file when I use a 64-bit LSB executable

a terminal gibberish problem with ubuntu CLI under Apple Silicon Macbook. the machine build by orbstack app and the gibberish is not affect analysis results. I am trying to use a x86-64 LSB executable ...
-1 votes
0 answers
13 views Symbol not found _xmlSecCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrAdoptKey

i'm using python 2.7, mac M2 Sonoma OS, getting error when trying to import the xmlsec lib version 1.3.3 ❯ python -c "import xmlsec" Traceback (most recent call last): File "<...
-2 votes
0 answers

How to restore NTFS partition but formatted by Mac OS Extended (Journaled)? [closed]

I accidentally formatted NTFS partition using "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)".Below are my operations. At first, my hard drive had two partitions, one was in NTFS, the other was in exFat. ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Flutter app not working properly on iOS Simulators

I am facing a very strange issue. I have a Flutter application which I am developing on a MacBook Pro (macOS Sonoma Version 14.4.1 (23E224)) and the app works fine on my Android Emulator and iPhone 12 ...
1 vote
4 answers

No play button in Unit Test in Xcode

Sometimes the play button disappears in Xcode when I want to make a Unit Test (XCTest). For instance there should be a play button to the left of testNSStringUtilities below but there is none. What ...
118 votes
20 answers

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding while mvn install

While running mvn install in my project, I end up with this error. While a lot of answers and resources point out errors in / vs \, I want to mention that I have no local changes and this repo just ...
0 votes
0 answers

.NET MAUI Exception System.PlatformNotSupportedException

I am using .NET MAUI using Visual studio for Mac v17.6.10(build 428) with .net8 preview version and Microsoft.Identity.Client for maccatalyst. It throws exception as **System....
0 votes
2 answers

ImportError: cannot import name 'model_from_config' from 'tensorflow.keras.models' for Mac M1

Trying to run a gym environment with RL agent on Mac M1. import gym import numpy as np from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Flatten from ...
460 votes
42 answers

How to run CocoaPods on Apple Silicon (M1)

I have a Flutter project that I'm trying to run on iOS. It runs normally on my Intel-based Mac, but on my new Apple Silicon-based M1 Mac it fails to install pods. LoadError - dlsym(0x7f8926035eb0, ...
0 votes
0 answers

.NET MAUI Named Pipe Client Stuck on ConnectAsync on MacOS

I'm trying to implement named pipes in .NET MAUI (.NET 8) on Windows and MacOS. Everything works fine when testing on Windows, but when I test it on MacOS, the client gets stuck on connecting. Pipe ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Unable to open application with wine on macOS - requires .NET desktop Runtime

I get this message whenever I open "ArcGIS Pro" (we're taking this software at university) the .exe application using wine.(after installation). "ArGIS Pro requires Microsoft NET ...
1 vote
3 answers

Tkinter Label not Showing on MacOS

I'm currently learning Tkinter and cannot find a solution to my problem. The Tkinter Label is not showing up in the window and no one has the solution why. I am on MacOS M1 Pro. from tkinter import * ...
-2 votes
1 answer

VS Code debug error: EADDRNOTAVAIL - Local (

I have been using VS Code for quite a while now, and I haven't had any problems until now. All of a sudden, I start getting this error when I try to run my code (connect EADDRNOTAVAIL -...
-2 votes
0 answers

Android Studio causing MacOS kernel panic [closed]

I have a MacBook Pro 14-inch, M3 Max chip 36 GB, MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1. After I installed Android Studio Iguana 2023.2.1 Patch 1, the computer would display a purple glitching effect and then restart at ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why does my macos configuration block IPv4-mapped IPv6 UDP responses?

I am currently debugging a DNS problem with an application on my mac. I am hoping somebody can point me in the correct direction for further debugging. My problem is that DNS requests made over a IPv6 ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Python3 is unable to locate any of my installed modules

I am currently trying to work on a project for a course and I am using a python file to collect data using an API. When I attempted to run my code this morning I was met with a ModuleNotFoundError ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Why is the predicted output of a neural network always a value?

I'm trying to implement attacking my own dataset with fgsm, using the resnet18 model, but when I print the predicted output, it always returns a value, And each prediction is a random number. I don't ...
-3 votes
0 answers

How to install rosetta on Mac Apple Silicon? [closed]

The documents from Apple is so indirect. I can't stand it. I want to install then run some app, Apple just want me to find the app first. I check the answer from here softwareupdate --install-rosetta ...
27 votes
7 answers

Preprocessor macro for OS X targets?

I have a project that has both an iOS and an OS X target. Is there a preprocessor macro that is true when I'm compiling for OS X? I tried this: #if TARGET_OS_MAC @interface BFNode : NSObject <...
0 votes
1 answer

Installing the correct arm64 packages when doing a multi-platform cross-compilation Docker build

I built a multi-platform Docker image using Linux and installed numpy via pip requirements.xt file. The image builds fine and the container runs well on Windows/Linux, but when running on an M1 mac ...
1 vote
0 answers

I use ZSH to open several images with Preview on top of each other, but how to offset the Preview windows? [closed]

When I use ZSH to open multiple images using Preview programmatically, I get each Preview image stacked on top of each other. There is no way for the user to tell how many windows are piled on top of ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to correctly get text cursor location from any application with Mac Accessibility APIs?

I'm developing a helper application that provides autocomplete features for any application by using macOS Accessibility APIs. I can get the right location from Xcode, VS Code and other applications ...
-2 votes
1 answer

I use mac, starting django using visual code studio. I fail to start a new app “startapp” I get syntax error “ File ‘’, line 17 ) from exc” [closed]

I am starting django with visual code studio. I fail to start a new app “startapp” I get syntax error “ File ‘’, line 17 ) from exc” I tried changing in putting “except Exception ...
0 votes
0 answers

libproc only showing one mapped region [duplicate]

I've got this MRE compiled on macOS: #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <libproc.h> int main() { int ret, num; struct proc_regionwithpathinfo info[20]; ...
0 votes
0 answers

Optimizing speed of counting in Swift [closed]

I am currently learning Swift. After viewing this page: I decided to write a program to loop a billion times in swift for fun. Here is my code: print ...
9 votes
5 answers

How to install properly CocoaPods on Macbook M1 Silicon

I am trying to install Cocoa Pods on my new MacBook Pro with the M1 Chip. There are some solutions that found from December. Since is February those solutions may be a little outdated. I cannot find ...
0 votes
2 answers

What software is needed to deploy c# applications on Mac desktop

What software is needed to deploy c# applications on Mac desktop? MS have released Visual Studio 2017 for Mac, but I imagine that other application(s) may be required to package applications for ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why buttons on a LazyVGrid are not always pressed within a Scroll view in macOS

I created a LazyVGrid within a ScrollView (vertical & horizontal). Although the layout works as I expect, when the user interacts with the window (eg: by changing its size) then button sometimes ...
6 votes
1 answer

Error "SteamAPI_Init() failed; ipcserver init failed" when game tries to init Steam on Mac

Full error log is: [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; ipcserver init failed . [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() did not locate a running instance of Steam. [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to digitally sign an Excel VBA macro on a MAC? [duplicate]

I see all sorts of instructions for digitally sign an Excel VBA macro that only work on Windows... does Microsoft support this on Mac. I'm using Excel Office 365... the latest version. I can access ...
0 votes
2 answers

SwiftUI View Not Updating After Create/Delete Operations on SwiftData Entities

I am working on a SwiftUI app that uses SwiftData for data persistence. I've implemented a ContentViewModel that handles fetching, creating, updating, and deleting operations on SwiftData entities. ...

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