Questions tagged [overload-resolution]

Overload resolution is a language mechanism to select among several viable function overloads. Its rules are intricate and often surprising, even for experienced users.

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C++ Inheritance and Overloaded Methods

I would like some clarification as to the behavior of the following: #include <iostream> class A {}; class B : public A {}; class Q : public A {}; class C : public B {}; void doOverload(...
Patrick Wright's user avatar
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Why are members from multiple inheritances of same class template ambiguous?

When inheriting from a class template multiple times, there is the problem that multiple inheritance of these template classes makes member functions ambiguous (also here), because apparently it is ...
vohir's user avatar
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9 votes
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Overload resolution for function templates with auto non-type template parameter

What are the rules for the selection of overloaded function templates in case of non-type template parameters, if one of the parameters is a placeholder type. I am confused with the current behavior ...
Fedor's user avatar
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Does const "this" pointer implies constness of all its members?

I know that if we add a "const" qualifier after a function declaration, it implies the implicit "this" pointer become const so we cannot directly modify any member However, in a ...
torez233's user avatar
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is it possible to resolve template T to array reference instead of pointer to an array?

Disclaimer: This is an XY problem kind question. Is it possible to resolve template <typename T> to (const T (&)[N]) overload instead of (const T*)? For example: template <typename T> ...
Sergey Kolesnik's user avatar
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When should I put a `requires` clause in a template function's signature instead of before it?

In C++20 you can add a requires clause (1) after a template parameter list as well as (2) after a function declaration (like a specifier). In the following snippet foo is an example of (1) and bar is ...
nebuch's user avatar
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Overload resolution of user-defined type conversion

I considered a type conversion from one type to the other, which are defined by two way, i.e., type conversion constructor and type conversion function. struct to_type; struct from_type{ operator ...
hmIto's user avatar
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Why is my function override for STL class function used even for wrong argument type? [duplicate]

Consider this program: #include <iostream> #include <stack> class MyStack : public std::stack<double> { public: void push(char) { std::cout << "Using char ...
Lukáš J.'s user avatar
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In C#, how can I select the correct overload based on a generic argument?

// overloads void f(int x){} void f(float x){} // generic void s<T>(T t){ f(t); // <<< cannot convert from 'T' to 'int' } // use s(10); The C# compiler responds that, in the body ...
xtofl's user avatar
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C# overload resolution and generics

I have the following methods public static EnumerableAssertions<T> AssertThat<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection) { Debug.WriteLine("Enumerable!"); return new ...
Oliver Saggau's user avatar
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Avoiding template parameter substitution completely

I have a class that can accept arithmetic types and std::complex. A simplified code of the class is #include <complex> template<typename T> struct is_complex : std::false_type {}; ...
SomeoneWithPassion's user avatar
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how does overloading with C linkage work in C++?

Consider this example: int foo(void); extern "C" int foo(void); int main() { return foo(); } It errors out with: $ g++ -c main.cpp main.cpp:2:16: error: conflicting declaration of ‘int ...
stsp's user avatar
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How to detect overload resolution failure?

Consider the following code snippet: #include <tuple> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> #include <cstddef> template <typename ...> struct always_false : std::...
El Mismo Sol's user avatar
4 votes
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Compilers work differently for overload resolution with user-defined conversion to rvalue reference

I encountered a weird behavior in that gcc and clang select different overloaded constructors when their arguments are implicitly converted from user-defined conversion operators. The concerning code ...
s417-lama's user avatar
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Different results of std::isinf for different types and different compilers

Compiling with MSVC(v19.33), this does not compile (C2668 ambiguous call to overloaded function): std::cout << std::isinf(0) << std::endl; But this compiles: std::cout << std::isinf(...
starriet 주녕차's user avatar
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Why is const char * overload chosen instead of std::string? [duplicate]

In this code: #include <string> #include <iostream> void my_function(const char* value) { std::cout << "char * " << (value ? value : "nullptr"); } ...
Rob L's user avatar
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User defined operator conversion resolution order

Is it possible to configure the resolution order of user defined operators? Consider the following code: #include <memory> #include <utility> using P = std::unique_ptr<int>; struct ...
Deev's user avatar
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cannot convert ‘<unresolved overloaded function type>’ to [duplicate]

This question relates to Call a class method inside a function which was passed as a string parameter I have two class hierarchies. The most base classes for each are obj_t and obj2_t. I have a ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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What's the relevance of the Note in [over.load]/1?

(You might see this question as a duplicate of this, but, to be honest, I've not really understood the matter, so I'm asking separately with my own wording.) [over.load]/1 reads: Not all function ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Check the viability of a conversion function [duplicate]

I have the following code: struct S { operator int(); // F1 operator double(); // F2 }; int main() { int res = S(); } Since neither F1 nor F2 is cv-qualified, the type of the ...
mada's user avatar
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Initialization by conversion function for direct reference binding

I found out the rules for determining the candidate conversion functions, for direct reference binding, are not described clearly by the standard at least for me. The rules are found in [over.match....
mada's user avatar
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Overload resolution of int vs std::vector<int> with an initializer list of a single int

Why does c++ choose a primitive type overload match over a "better" matching initializer list? #include <vector> void foo([[maybe_unused]] int i) {} void foo([[maybe_unused]] const ...
Oliver Schönrock's user avatar
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Overloaded method resolution for variadic tuples displays strange results

I'm getting strange and unexpected results for this code: #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <tuple> using namespace std; struct Foo { ...
David Bien's user avatar
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The type 'T' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method but it should not use generic method [duplicate]

In my code (.NET6.0) I have a class with two very similar methods. One is not generic, but has a second optional parameter. Second method is generic with only one (generic) parameter. var c = new C(); ...
Beyboy's user avatar
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Raw int pointer vs vector::iterator<int>

I was trying to understand difference between a raw pointer and an vector iterator. However, the following program trips me out. Does template function have priority over non-template function? ...
Hee Hwang's user avatar
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Overload resolution and array-to-pointer decay - why is int (&a)[2] and int* a considered equally exact regarding overload resolution

tl;dr; why is - regarding overload resolution / function declaration - the pointer type treated as a more equally exact match than the array type, even though a passed variable is really of type array ...
Chilippso's user avatar
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Specialization of variadic template function over the non-variadic arguments

I have a template for a function that accepts at least one parameter and performs some formatting on the rest: template <typename T, typename... ARGS> void foo(T first, ARGS&&... args) { ...
sorush-r's user avatar
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What part of overload resolution (or more generally of the function call processing) does the value category of the argument play a role in?

C++ Templates - The Complete Guide, in §C.1, reads Overload resolution is performed to find the best candidate. If there is one, it is selected; otherwise, the call is ambiguous. Then, in §C.2, ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Deduction of template arguments for friend function declared in class template

Consider the following example: #include <iostream> template <class T, int V> struct S { friend int Func(T) // decl-1 { return V; } }; struct U { friend int Func(...
Shinuzi Kyura's user avatar
8 votes
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How conversion of pointer-to-base to void is better than pointer-to-derived to void conversion

[over.ics.rank]/4: [..] (4.3) If class B is derived directly or indirectly from class A, conversion of B* to A* is better than conversion of B* to void*, and conversion of A* to void* is better than ...
mada's user avatar
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Understand the whole process of function template overload resolution

I found out that the overload resolution process is the more complicated I have ever learned in C++, Therefore, bear in mind that this topic is relatively difficult for me to understand easily, so be ...
mada's user avatar
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foo(int, int) is picked over foo(int...)

In this piece of code, why the compiler is not able to reference the method that has varargs argument from static context. private static void doSomething(int... nums) { System.out.println("...
anupamD's user avatar
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C++ function resolution matches different function when I adjust their sequence

I've got a test program to see how compiler(g++) match template function: #include<stdio.h> template<class T>void f(T){printf("T\n");} template<class T>void f(T*){printf(&...
Immanuel Kant's user avatar
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How does function template ordering de-prioritize empty function parameter packs in C++? [duplicate]

In the C++20 standard, [temp.func.order] contains the following non-normative example: template<class T, class... U> void f(T, U...); // #1 template<class T > void f(T);...
user3188445's user avatar
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How can I specify an overload when passing an overloaded function to another? [duplicate]

Simple example: std::vector<std::string> strings{"1","2","3"); std::vector<double> doubles(3); transform(begin(strings), end(strings), begin(doubles), std::...
bitmask's user avatar
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Why is this function call didn't reject the unsuitable overload?

Consider the following code: #include<vector> #include<ranges> #include<algorithm> //using namespace std; using namespace std::ranges; int main() { std::vector<int> a = {}; ...
zclll's user avatar
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How to ensure correct overload resolution with variadic template constructor in C++

I have browsed similar threads, but none have answered my question. I am looking for a way to ensure correct overload resolution with two competing constructors, where one takes two parameters and the ...
Mikesz's user avatar
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Why are static member functions considered to have an implicit object parameter during overload resolution?

In this link : Implicit object parameter In this quote : If any candidate function is a member function (static or non-static) that does not have an explicit object parameter (since C++23), but not ...
f877576's user avatar
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ADL conflicts with a function in the current namespace

I have a function in my namespace. Its name is destroy. std namespace also contains a function with this name. When I call my function within my namespace, the call is ambiguous, because std::destroy ...
anton_rh's user avatar
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SFINAE doesn't work in recursive function

Let's create currying function. template <typename TFunc, typename TArg> class CurryT { public: CurryT(const TFunc &func, const TArg &arg) : func(func), arg(arg ) {} ...
anton_rh's user avatar
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Can constrained templated conversion operator kick in overload resolution of builtin operator? [duplicate]

For example: #include <concepts> struct A { int v; template<std::same_as<int> T> operator T() {return v;} }; static_assert(std::same_as<int, decltype(A{4} + 2)>); ...
VainMan's user avatar
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Question on [over.match.funcs.general]/9 and inherited copy/move constructors

Per § [over.match.funcs.general]/9-sentence-2: A constructor inherited from class type C ([class.inhctor.init]) that has a first parameter of type “reference to cv1 P” (including such a ...
mada's user avatar
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Confusion about "perfect match" and "matchb with minor adjustments" in the context of perfect forwarding ctor vs other constructors

I was reading Chapter 25 from C++ Templates - The Complete Guide - 2nd ed., where, given code more or less like this #include <utility> template<typename...> struct Tuple; template<...
Enlico's user avatar
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C# Method resolution does not work as expected at runtime

I looked at and the method resolution is not working as expected in my instance. I have JSON coming into a method that I want to create a typed object from ...
ScubaSteve's user avatar
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R: Overloading primitive, non-generic functions

I'd like to find the minimal hack to be able to say module::obj when module is not a package but a list or environment. After some digging, I see the following works for the new use case, but breaks ...
Abel Borges's user avatar
11 votes
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Passing a concept-constrained function overload

The following code fails to compile (Godbolt link): #include <concepts> template <class Fn> decltype(auto) g(Fn&& fn) { return fn(); } template <typename T> requires(std::...
jcai's user avatar
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Array reference binding vs. array-to-pointer conversion with templates

This code sample fails to compile due to ambiguous overload resolution void g(char (&t)[4]) {} void g(char *t) {} int main() { char a[] = "123"; g(a); } and careful reading of ...
AnT stands with Russia's user avatar
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C++ user-defined conversions, ref-qualifiers and overload resolution

Please, help me understand what's wrong with this piece of code: #include <string> #include <utility> class Sample { public: explicit Sample(std::string data): _data(std::move(...
Yurii A's user avatar
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Compiler variance for overloading over array reference parameters

The following program is, as expected, accepted by both GCC, Clang and MSVC (for various compiler and language versions): // #g.1: rvalue reference function parameter constexpr bool g(int&&) ...
dfrib's user avatar
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C++ name lookup inconsistency for template/overloaded functions

I'm building a minimal binary parser/serializer for one of my projects and I got this error that seems inconsistent at first. I have two top functions I want to expose T parse<T>(bytes) and ...
petoknm's user avatar
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