Questions tagged [pair-programming]

Pair Programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one work station. **Important note:** Development methodology questions are off topic and should be directed to Software Engineering SE instead.

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Is there an IDE or editor with remote pairing options that include indicators for other users?

I'm looking for a cross platform (Linux and Mac) remote pairing option that will allow users to see where the other users are working across open files and where they are in a specific file. I used ...
cmhobbs's user avatar
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What does "'Go to Parent/Child Commit' is not allowed" in Intellij IDEA pair programming mean?

While doing pair programming in Intellij IDEA, there seems to be places in the code where when I place my cursor, I can't move my cursor with left/right arrow key. When I press left arrow then I get ...
Nicolas Othmar's user avatar
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Sharing localhost with Code With Me by JetBrains

I was trying to host a Code With Me session to build Angular app together. When I tried to forward ports there was only the TCP Protocol and I could not get it to get preview to show on his PC. I ...
bozgi's user avatar
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Code with me plugin with running application locally

Is there a way to do that (run same application with host and test output with postman) or can you advise me if there are alternative ones ?
muhammed ozbilici's user avatar
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Server is down, is there an alternative server for ECF than ecftcp://

I was trying to setup up the Eclipse CollaborationFramework using the doc share plgin I managed to connect the through google talk OK, but when I tried to create a collboration to share the workspace,...
Craig Angus's user avatar