Questions tagged [perfview]

PerfView performance tool for .NET developers by Microsoft

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Simplest way to write a log message and display in Perfview

I need the to write a log message and capture that in PerfView. I would like to avoid using EventLog or EventSource because they are quite invasive: they require registering a new source or ETW ...
fernacolo's user avatar
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what does AWAIT_TIME exactly mean in the Azure profiler?

I am looking at my performance profile of one of my slowest requests, and I see an AWAIT_TIME of more than 6 seconds, but I am not able to get any more information regarding it. How do I figure out ...
Riz's user avatar
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Understanding BLOCKED_TIME in PerfView

We are suspecting that we're experciencing thread pool starvation on a server that is running a couple of ASP.NET Core APIs and a couple of .NET Core consoles. I ran perfview one one of our servers ...
Joel's user avatar
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PerfView: Analyzing Performance of App including Database Calls

I'm currently getting into PerfView for performance analysis for my (C#) apps. But typically those apps use a lot of database calls. So I asked myself questions like: - How much time is spent in ...
cmart's user avatar
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Performance impact due to StackTrace constructor and getting method name

I have this piece of code in our logging library var stackTrace = new StackTrace(); string operationName = stackTrace.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name; And as per my performance analysis using the ...
StackOverflowVeryHelpful's user avatar
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How can I see me expensive methods in PerfView

I have created a simple console app and execute it from PerfView via Run Command -> PerfMonTest.exe I get the log file and see the process of the app. It is expensive as expected (99% CPU ), but when ...
Mathias F's user avatar
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Perfview command trigger being executed incorrectly on threshold

I am trying to get Perfview to execute when the W3WP service goes over 90% CPU. However it says 118.5? I am not sure where the number comes from but my CPU hasnt been above 20%.
Mike Flynn's user avatar
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