Questions tagged [playframework]

Play Framework is a modern open-source web framework for Java and Scala.

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Play framework- design suggestion for validation

I need to validate if a certain newly added entity, part of my model has already been added. The addition would happen by taking input from a user. I believe the standard way to do it is to add ...
0fnt's user avatar
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Play 2.3 play.api.Configuration$$anon$1: Configuration error[]

When doing sbt run everything works fine. But if I do sbt start I get this very much useless error: play.api.Configuration$$anon$1: Configuration error[] at play.api.Configuration$.play$api$...
Machisuji's user avatar
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Play! 2 Framework doesn't recognize Apache port forwarding

I've just finished developing my first Play! 2 application and have to deploy it to my school server. The application runs on port :9002 and we use port forwarding in order to have a nicer URL (e.g. "...
Alex Ardelean's user avatar
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Display warnings in sbt continuous compilation mode

I am running "activator ~run" on my scala project to have it update immediately after I make a change to the code. This works nicely, but I dont see any warnings any more on subsequent compiles. The ...
nemoo's user avatar
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Ebean model based on a OneToOne field

If I have a model which contains a OneToOne relationship: class Person { int id; String name; int age; Detail detail; } class Detail { int id; String description } If I have the id of ...
Budi Sutrisno's user avatar
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How to get Constraints annotation in Play! framework scala template helper?

I 'd like to write a helper that generates code for easyui in Play! 2.2.3. In my model, I have a field,eg @Entity public class User extends Model{ ... @Required @Email public String email; ... } ...
soleverlee's user avatar
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How to send a message from other java controllers to an Akka actor in play?

I've implemented a basic web socket example with Akka actor, this is the code i used in the Play framework application controller: public static WebSocket<String> socket() { return ...
Ilproff_77's user avatar
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Can we get value from action methods in play framework?

Here I have a action method, def foo = SecuredAction { implicit request=> val someImpData:String = request.someData Ok(someImpData) } is there any way to run this method and get ...
mane's user avatar
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How does a higher version of a library in build.sbt affect Play (that uses lower version)?

So here's a part of my build definition: libraryDependencies in Global ++= Seq( ... "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-core" % "2.4.0", "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-...
supertonsky's user avatar
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Deploying to heroku play framework java

I get this error when deploying my play 2.3 java project. This is my first time deploying [info] Set current project to scala_buildpack_build_dir (in build file:/tmp/scala_buildpack_build_dir/) [...
user2595818's user avatar
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Form submiting with Play/Scala and MongoDB

I am currently writing my first application with scala (2.11), Playframework (2.2.3) and MongoDB (with Salat). Since I dont really know any of them too well I've got a bit of a beginner problem: I can'...
Markus's user avatar
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How to include war in play 2 app?

I have a play 2 Scala application and my customer wants to add a blog solution in a subfolder of this application. I came accross this java blog solution called Apache Roller. The issue is that I am ...
Cristian Boariu's user avatar
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Array query in Scala and ReactiveMongo?

I have a MongoDB collection whose documents look like this: { "name" : "fabio", "items" : [ { "id" : "1", "word" : "xxxx" }, { "id" ...
ticofab's user avatar
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Play framework artefacts only found on second attempt

I'm setting up a build system for a play project on Atlassian bamboo which runs on AWS. When I do a command such as "play dist" it fails to download core play artefacts: [error] download failed: com....
mangecoeur's user avatar
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Play Framwork Java Angular - redirect to html page

I have a and the method public static Result getAllToDos() { return ok(index.render("Your new application is also ready.")); } How can i redirect the page to ToDo.html ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Why does activator report invalid sha1 in Play 2.3.2 project?

I am using Play Framework 2.3.2. Upon running ./activator it ends with the following FAILED messages: [info] downloading httpx://
RayYen's user avatar
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SBT can't resolve Play source jars (play

The setup I've recently set up an Artifactory to protect our project from jar infection and my Play scala project is now having some issues resolving dependencies. My ~/.sbt/repositories file: [...
Michael Allen's user avatar
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1k views - How best to fill default form values

Trying to add a filter form to a standard crud 'list' page. // set filter defaults ImageFilter defaultFilter = new ImageFilter(); defaultFilter.setYear(currentYear); defaultFilter.setColor(user....
davur's user avatar
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Parse deeply nested JSON as Scala Option[Object]

I have read several JSON parsing techniques, but I cannot exactly understand how to get the functionality I want. I am trying to parse a deeply nested JSON, returned from the Facebook Graph API (user ...
kiambogo's user avatar
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Can we use Groovy Template Engine in Grails Framework(GGTS)?

I am planning to convert a project from play1.2.5( Java Based) to Grails framework and in the html files we have used Groovy template engine to generate html components. Can we use Groovy Template ...
sukanta das's user avatar
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HTTP headers for public Assets in play framework

How to set headers for public Assets in play framework? Assets are like javascript, css and images files. How to set X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection,and X-Frame-Options headers to these files?...
Bhagyashree's user avatar
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Play: Exclude certain tables from being managed by the evolutions?

I have a Scala Play app over a MySQL instance. I store my evolutions as conf/evolutions/$db/$step.sql files. However, some of my tables are dynamic i.e. their schema may be modified during the runtime ...
pathikrit's user avatar
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Unit test in Play Framework 2 (Java) not rolling back changes between tests

I have a unit test where I would like to test that a certain runtime exception occurs. However, it seems that the database changes are not rolled back between each test in the test class, which is the ...
plade's user avatar
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calculate the body length

def logTime(result: PlainResult): Result = { result.header.headers.get(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE) match { case Some(ct) if ct.trim.startsWith(MimeTypes.JSON) => result match { case ...
user3231931's user avatar
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How to enable HTTPS together with debug in play framework 2.2.x

I'm using the play framework in version 2.2.3. I can configure play to use HTTPS and specify the port like described in the documentation. If I use the ./nameOfMyApp -Dhttps.port=9443 it works just ...
Kris's user avatar
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Scala, Play framework. REST request to Google Custom Search Engine

I'm new to Scala and Play Framework, and trying to learn them by doing small tasks. Now i'm stuck on how to make GET request to CSE of Google. Usual GET-request i can do like this : val ...
partTimeNinja's user avatar
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Running multi-module Play tests from SBT

I'm quite stuck at the moment with my multi-module Play project. I have 2 Play projects and 3 libraries. As the projects are interdependent (APIs are strongly linked) I'd like to manage all the ...
Sofian Djamaa's user avatar
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Play Framework 2.2.3 : Define a default date format for data binding

I have searched for a while but I didn't find anything in the play documentation : I have a class customer that contains a date : private Date birthday; My controller creates the object by binding ...
anthofo's user avatar
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How do I provide the proper type information to get my generic filter function working for slick

I'm trying to implement some generic filters in a base class for my slick tables. What I'm trying to accomplish is the ability to translate url query strings into database filters. I've come up with ...
mgeiger's user avatar
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How to init case class from one JSON string instead of separate fields of form

New to the Play framework. After reading the doc, I know the standard way to initialize case class by using form like this: import import val userForm ...
DiveInto's user avatar
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To deploy Play Framework apps in AWS (Amazon) ec2 using Ansible playbook

I am very new to AWS ec2 platform. I wanted to deploy my play 2.* app in the ec2. Also I need to deploy it through git in future update. I have done a decent research on it and found Ansible playbook ...
Sagiruddin Mondal's user avatar
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No test run when running "play jacoco:test" whereas "play test" works fine

I'm trying to run jacoco against my junit tests in play framework environment. I can run them using: play jacoco:test but the result is: [info] Loading project definition from /home/git/release-...
user3611522's user avatar
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Issue updating Heroku JDK to 1.7 with Play 2.2.3

I am trying to update Heroku to run with JDK 1.7, from a Windows development environment. In following with the docs here I created a file in my app's root directory, containing the ...
Jack Hopkins's user avatar
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error: cannot find symbol, symbol class With - Play framework java

I am trying to use play framework's Composing actions using Java. I am getting a compilation error. error: Cannot find symbol @With(Menus.class) ^ Can any one tell me what is the error?
Siddhu's user avatar
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Play framework with Google App Engine, will this destroy scalability?

Could I get some advice on what is the better way? My questions regard Play framework, Google App Engine and web development. So I am about to start writing a website which (the hope is) will be ...
Saad Attieh's user avatar
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Play Framework WebSocket disconnecting IE clients

I've asked on the Play Framework forums, but figured I'd ask here as well for the additional coverage: Using Play Framework 2.3, I have a WebSocket handled with an actor that I'm using to push "...
ffxtian's user avatar
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Result method called 3 times upon page call

I use simple method to view page, but upon using it I see that ok() method is called 3 times no matter what. @Security.Authenticated(Secure.class) public static Result index() throws SQLException { ...
Slx.x's user avatar
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Play framework model relationship

I'm studding play framework trying make a api using play java, I did insert, delete, update. When I was making login system with sessions, I face a doubt about relationship between two models. I ...
sidneivl's user avatar
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SecureSocial doesn't save the user session, and therefore cannot get past the login screen

I'm running Play 2.2.3 with SecureSocial, and it redirects to /account once the user has logged in. However, the session cookie doesn't get saved and I get redirected back to the login screen, despite ...
Jack Hopkins's user avatar
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Updating an ArrayList not permanent

Good day! I'm having a problem when updating an entity. When I click the "update" button, the changes are saved. However, when I go a different page, the recently changed (or added) items are there ...
user3698432's user avatar
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error: cannot find symbol login.render(form(Login.class))

i was trying to do this tutorial here: but after adding this method to my "" class, i have the problem, that the variable "...
MinionDeveloper's user avatar
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How do I get the template editor for Eclipse scala SKD?

I am trying to get started developing with the Eclipse Scala SDK with the Play Framework. But when I try to select an editor with which to open my views (*.scala.html), there is no option that I can ...
John K's user avatar
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Play Framework : Lining up a FakeRequest with an temporary file action wrapped in maxLength

Trying to test a play controller, but caught in their super clever meta-programming tar-pit. How do I line up a FakeRequest with a temporary file parsing action wrapped with a maxLength? : trait ...
Hassan Syed's user avatar
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Incrementing a column without using plain sql

I am currently incrementing a column (not a auto-increment PK column) in my database using the following: def incrementLikeCount(thingId: Int)(implicit session: Session) = { sqlu"update things set ...
Blankman's user avatar
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Play template compilation error on initial load

Since we've been using Play, one issue has continued to plague us. We have a page consisting of JQuery Ajax calls to a small number of additional Play endpoints. When Play is first started (...
Ewen's user avatar
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input date and time in play framework

i am trying to input date and time in play framework. in my model i have this import java.util.*; @Required public Date date; and then in my views i am using bootstrap-datetimepicker <div class=...
mshukla's user avatar
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Integrate Wowza Module and Play Framework For Restful API Development

I am going to write a restful api with wowza Currently i am using Wowza default HTTP Provider Class for that but Wowza HTTP Provider is not that much scalable. I need to know can i somehow integrate ...
Usama's user avatar
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Overloaded method value [apply] cannot be applied to ([String])

I am studying to use play and scala to build a web app, and have some problem with checkbox post. My controller: val serviceForm = Form(tuple( "id" -> number, "name" -> text, "...
Sato's user avatar
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How to generate hierarchy/UML diagram with Play 2.2.x?

I know you can use scaladoc itself to generate hierarchy diagrams but how do I use play doc to do that?
pathikrit's user avatar
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Is there any page which provides Syntax and explanations for Helper Form of play framework?

I actually looking forward to learn Syntax to develop pages using HelperForm in playFrame Work for Creating Forms. I don't get Syntax any where to create a dropdown box which gets values from a table ...
user3650034's user avatar

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