Questions tagged [polling]

Polling is actively sampling the status of an external device by a client program as a synchronous activity.

467 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2k views keeps constantly trying to use polling on wrong address

Hei, i am trying to use with cross domains. For example lets say domains are: and My client side code looks like this: socket = io....
hs2d's user avatar
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Session Timeout w/Ajax Polling in Spring Web Application

I'm developing a Spring 3.0 based web application that requires all users to log in to view data. Once logged in, certain parts of the screen use an AJAX polling mechanism to update screen content in ...
nwwatson's user avatar
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Is there a way to dynamically assign SQS queues to an @SqsListener method implementation, instead of it having to be static?

Currently, from my understanding of these questions (here, and here), in AWS Messaging for Spring Boot, one has to set the queue name or queue url in the @SqsListener annotation definition as a static ...
Tyler Cheek's user avatar
5 votes
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Angular 4 polling data without overriding the item being updated

Inside the sensors component I have the following code which polls data each 5 seconds: Observable .interval(this.sensorsRefreshRate * 1000) .startWith(0) .switchMap(() => Observable....
Developer Thing's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I get notified about WebDAV/NextCloud file changes?

I want to listen for changes in my NextCloud to be able to react to them. As far as I can see, there are two approaches: Use the OS to sync the WebDAV folder to a local folder and listen for changes ...
Thomas Pötzsch's user avatar
4 votes
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How to create a Logic App Custom Connector polling trigger?

I've been able to create a Logic App Custom Connector with a webhook trigger by following the docs, however I can't find any documentation on creating a polling trigger. I was only able to find Jeff ...
Sander Schutten's user avatar
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Memory leak when doing polling with setTimeout

I was wondering if someone could help me with this issue that I have... Our client has an Legacy API which retrieves messages from users, and they want us to implement a polling mechanism for it that,...
Christian Martinez's user avatar
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How does polling SCM in jenkins work? - in depth

I have a question that how does the "polling SCM in jenkins work"? I am seeking an explanation in terms of how it creates a thread or a process (if it does) to poll, while continuously polling let's ...
Drew's user avatar
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Primefaces poll continues working after OmniFaces FullAjaxExceptionHandler error page is displayed

<h:form> <p:poll id="poll" interval="5" autoStart="true" onerror="window.location=''" partialSubmit="true" process="@...
tehackio's user avatar
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How can I open a nodejs Duplex stream given a file descriptor?

I'm porting an existing program to nodejs. In this program, I open a file descriptor and then hand it off to a thread which calls poll on it in order to determine when it's readable. Instead of ...
Ben Burns's user avatar
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Objective-c simple polling

I'm new to objective-c and I'm building an app that requires a background polling to a generic API to refresh some data on my user interface. After several hours looking for an answer/example that ...
Manjia's user avatar
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Web long polling using

My problem is that I am building a app using parse ( and also a website to support it but didn't find a solution to add the "instant messaging" feature to web (Like facebook messaging)...
doru's user avatar
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Polling, web sockets, or comet on a rails app

I'm trying to determine the best way to go about doing something for a project I have where I rely on an external API/service which takes ~2.5-4 seconds for a reply. Currently I'm using javascript to ...
holden's user avatar
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Linux on RPi debian, hidraw write() to USB device outputs a few junk characters to /dev/hidraw0 which if not cleared jam the device

We have a set of USB devices which we monitor using a RPi. The monitoring code polls the devices using hidraw direct interface about once a second. The protocol uses 64 byte packets to send commands ...
David Gabbay's user avatar
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Is this system an optimal solution to sync an app with a server in real time efficiently?

Problem I have an Android and iOS app, looking like a classic social network. I need to update UI in real time. Currently, I use a classic system of a client polling each second to a php script by ...
Jerem Lachkar's user avatar
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Jenkins poll or push trigger job run for shared library changes too

I have Jenkins Pipeline job define in my git repo as. // File: deployment/jenkinsfiles/staging/Merge @Library("my_shared_lib") _ import pipeline { agent { label "...
Nilesh's user avatar
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Kafka poll suddenly get stuck

I have a Java consumer that runs continuously with a lot of data and messages.. sometimes, the program gets stuck on consumer.poll the data.. it seems like deadlock or infinite loop but I’m not sure ...
ronenpi18's user avatar
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angular4 async template binding don't unsubscribe with zip

I have an async template binding such as: [binding]="polling$ | async" In my code, polling$ is derived from a bunch of initial promise like observables combined into a single zipObs$ for convenience:...
Renaud's user avatar
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What is the best practice for setting a timeout value to socket poll/select?

I am using the poll mechanism to manage upto 100 connections. Is there any standard practice for what the time out value for the poll() call should be or how to determine it. My case details - I ...
siri's user avatar
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ls-remote causes a timeout and returns error code -1 when polling a git server through jenkins

I am trying to configure a Jenkins Server (ver 1.656) to trigger build on commit notification, but every polling scheduled or triggered after the notification received by Jenkins keeps timing out : ...
Dijdkay's user avatar
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How "expensive" is GetDiskFreeSpaceEx? OR - is there a better way to fallback

I am writing a service that saves files and may potentially fill up one storage and may have a secondary storage to fall back to. I'd like to monitor the amount of free space on the primary storage ...
Aerik's user avatar
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Polling mechanism in Perl

I have written a Perl script which executes a task as per the schedule. Sometimes the task runs for 3 hours, and sometimes for 9 hours. The status of the task changes to COMPLETE after the task is ...
user3587025's user avatar
3 votes
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Algorithm to gradually slow down polling requests

I have a requirement to do polling that gradually gets slower over time. Is there a mathematical formula that is common to use in such a scenario? For example I might want to poll 10 seconds after ...
Joel Cunningham's user avatar
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In primefaces dataTable Sort and Filter Not Preserved with Poll

I have been trying to get the sorting and filtering preserved while poll updates the table. Unfortunately, I was not able to do that. When dataTable is refreshed every two seconds, or any interval, ...
z ba's user avatar
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Is it possible in wxwidgets to determine if the window is currently visible?

In my wxWidgets (wxPython) app, I am using a 50 ms timer to do some polling and update a window if there are any changes. If changes are detected it calls wxWindow.Refresh to update the window, and ...
JanKanis's user avatar
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javascript doesn't seem to be getting data from rails source

I am using dataTables to display a nice table to display various information. The javascript successfully sends poll requests to the database/webserver, however the javascript doesn't seem to be ...
Pinpin's user avatar
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Android: connectivity issues in background thread after alarm when "always-on" turned off

Problem description: In my android App, I experience connectitity issues when doing a remote HTTP ("polling") call from an AsyncTask that was started after an alarm went off. The lookup works very ...
Jörg's user avatar
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running libserialport in any event loop

I am trying to integrate libserialport library to a solution which can use poll, libev and libuv. while its relatively easy to get the fd for the serial port file from libserialport and watch it using ...
amit.user105387's user avatar
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How do you poll data from a device in C++ without blocking?

I have a device connected via USB, which is outputting a stream of characters separated by a newline, every few seconds. I want to repeatedly poll this device for input without blocking on the event ...
user19802847's user avatar
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How to write unit test code for polling with Coroutine Job?

I am using polling for an API call. private var pollingJob: Job? = null fun myApi(){ pollingJob?.cancel() pollingJob = viewModelScope.launch{ while(true){ val result = ...
c-an's user avatar
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SelectedItem changes on postback for Dynamically loaded Radiobuttonlist

I have the Radiobuttoncontrol definition static in the design page but loading the contents dynamically from db. But whenever i do postback, my selection vanishes and the first dynamic item is ...
Sams's user avatar
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Update the cache of Apollo client 3 when polling not working

I am playing with the cache of @apollo/client v3. Here's the codesandbox. I am adding a user to a cached list of users using client.writeQuery, and the query has a pollInterval to refetch every few ...
Greg Forel's user avatar
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Polling inside Main Activity

My requirements are to poll a web service every fixed interval. After instantiating the handler as a private field of the class, I'm doing this in the onCreate method of the main activity: if (handler ...
Jumpa's user avatar
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How to install user feedback polls for github issues?

I want to automatically create polls in GitHub issues. I visited and added that to my GH repository and now Polls appears on my Installed GitHub Apps ...
BarryPye's user avatar
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Creation of polling with axios and React

I am trying to implement axios poling with React. I am expecting the get request to return a certain value but because it's async method I have to wait for it. React method: ...
Zotov's user avatar
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How to efficiently detect the change of a variable in Python 3?

I'd like to know how to efficiently check if a variable has had a change in value and if it did, to return this value. For the moment I have something like this: while(True): if paramCHK == x: ...
Kishintai's user avatar
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Using UDP socket with poll. Blocking vs Non-blocking

A lot of examples can be found about non blocking TCP sockets, however I find it difficult to find good explanation about how UDP sockets should be handled with poll/select/epoll system calls. ...
samvel1024's user avatar
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How to poll for a signed url?

I need to poll an image using javascript, and perform an action once the image is found. Here is the code I am using: pollUpload(file) { const stopTime = Number(new Date()) + (1000 * 60) ...
user1031947's user avatar
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Linux poll(2) is interrupted though all signals are blocked

When my complicated, multi-threaded program calls poll(2), the call is being interrupted -- even though all signals have been blocked. Also, the installed signal handler for all signals is never ...
Steve Emmerson's user avatar
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node.js check if copying new file to disk has finished

I'm trying to write a tethered shooting app with electron / node.js. The communication between camera and computer is managed by the software, which ships with the camera. The new pictures are ...
joking's user avatar
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memory issue in nodejs app (Sailsjs)

We've a memory problem in a Nodejs application! We used : Sailsjs as a framework Mongodb as a database Redis as a in-memory database Pm2 as a proccess manager Also we use Sailsjs socket module ...
David's user avatar
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Polling Chat message content to screen using ajax JSON

Hi I successfully designed a chat message system between users and it works fine. The only problem I am having at this point is polling data from chat table to browser real time. The messages are ...
Eddy_Kay's user avatar
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Passing a negative file descriptor to poll

The man page of the poll function says: ... int poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout); ... struct pollfd { int fd; /* file descriptor */ ...
Chaitanya Borah's user avatar
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Most efficient way to poll multiple devices in C#

I've read a lot about this topic, but still am not sure what to do. First, the situation: I have software written in C# using .NET 4.5 that polls up to 64 devices on a CAN network that I communicate ...
user3900520's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Heartbeats vs. Polling for Failure Detection in Distributed Systems

Distributed system failures can be detected either via periodic heartbeats or via periodic polling. It seems polling is more prevalent than heartbeats (e.g., load balancers prefer polling over ...
gmemon's user avatar
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Is REST API Polling the best solution?

Problem: I have a REST API which works as follows: Once a user client clicks on "CHANGE" button on a site, the user is redirected to "my" site. Processing starts on my site. User needs ...
Ean 's user avatar
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Update UITableView dynamically when polling from two endpoints

I am working on an iOS app that displays the last games a user has played. This list displays all the games that have been played in descendant order, and games can be Football or Basketball. The ...
Matias's user avatar
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Performance cost of SetWinEventHook vs Polling in c#?

I am developing a time tracking application, it monitors window changes and user idleness. My question is: which one costs more in terms of performance, wasting system resources: using ...
rendes's user avatar
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long polling vs callback path for asynchronous communication

What is the best way of communication in the following setup: An application platform which registers for some kind of aggregated events at the event processor e.g. three events of type A in one ...
PKuhn's user avatar
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What's the best approach to implement polling in react-native?

The app I am building will be polling the server periodically to determine if the admin disabled the device on the server. When this happens, we abort all requests in progress and immediately “...
Yash's user avatar
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