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Questions tagged [prettify]

A JavaScript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an HTML page.

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eslint react to format curly braces

I can't find any react eslint rule to prettify the content between the curly braces <div> { => (<div>{i}</div>)) } </div> It should ...
shinpei's user avatar
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Python BeautifulSoup prettify

I am trying to web scrap a webpage to download the data. The code is as follow: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests link='
ryantl's user avatar
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emacs prettify-symbols replacing characters at same point

I am using prettify-symbols to switch between the following words and shortcuts. The problem is that when the replacement is more than a single character, all letters are being inserted at the same ...
Dilna's user avatar
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How to run prettier automatically in Nuxt.JS

Using Nuxt.JS, while on development with npm run dev, I want to trigger the command npm run prettier automatically when saving, to keep the code clean. In any other project, I would achieve this with ...
adelriosantiago's user avatar
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How to format SQL Queries inside PySpark codefile

I would like to format my existing SQL queries inside the PySpark file. This is how my existing source file looks like: from flow import flow f = flow(["xxx"], ["xxxxxxxx"]) # this ...
Anuj Sharma's user avatar
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Prettify with BeautifulSoup using a formatter that will preserve &nbsp AND Cyrillic characters?

I'm generating some HTML with python and BeautifulSoup4. At the end, I'd like to prettify the generated HTML. If I prettify as follows: soup.prettify() BeautifulSoup converts all the &nbsp ...
bikz's user avatar
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BeautifulSoup prettify encoding non-English (Cyrillic) characters strangely

I have HTML with Cyrillic characters. I am using BeautifulSoup4 to process this. It works great, but when I go to prettify, it converts all the Cyrillic characters to something else. Here is a dummy ...
bikz's user avatar
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1 answer

VS Code formatter for HTML emails

I'm looking for a code prettifier/formatter extension that will format HTML, specifically in the context of marketing emails. ALL of the existing products I've seen don't take MSO conditionals into ...
Paulo_dev's user avatar
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Why is Sublime Text context menu disabled (image below)

I have installed HTML-CSS-JS Prettify package in Sublime Text 3 (on Ubuntu 18.4). The image below shows that it appears on the context menu. However, when I select its context menu (the second context ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 answers

How to merge code after prettify ran upstream

I'm maintaining a fork of an open source project where we pull approximately every month from upstream in order not to branch too much. When I tried to pull from upstream this month I found out they ...
Dan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to prettify JSON.stringify() partially?

Users can download JSON files from our application, which I want to prettify for easier debugging than if all is in one line. However this increases the file size by nearly 40% even if the indentation ...
Konrad Höffner's user avatar
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Google prettifier line slicing and white background

When I add line numbers with more than 4 digit numbers it's lines are sliced out of the code box. When I use background-color: #eee; all works great but it works not for white colour background-color:...
Ivan Shelonik's user avatar
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JSON Prettifier Using Azure Function w/ PowerShell and HTTP Trigger

Thought this would be pretty simple, but alas, I can't figure it out. It appears that PowerShell will prettify JSON with a single cmdlet. Goal: Prettify JSON using a PowerShell Azure Function app ...
ericOnline's user avatar
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How to find an element that prettify doesn't show

I am trying to get the origin of this product with Beautifulsoup. I am trying to select the div in which the product data is ordered but I can't. Later I tried to obtain other div in the code, one of ...
Flor Pupi 's user avatar
-1 votes
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Drop javascript in html and auto-format all <code> and/or <pre> blocks

I am looking at this google prettify project: In the usage section it says to use it like so: <pre class="prettyprint">class Voila { public: // Voila ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
9 votes
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BeautifulSoup Prettify custom new line option

I'm using BeautifulSoup to build xml files. It seems like my two are options are 1) no formatting i.e. <root><level1><level2><field1>val1</field1><field2>val2</...
teebagz's user avatar
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Issues understanding Vim's regex engine

I am trying to set up a script for the conceal feature to prettify strings in Python. This worked fine so far for single word substitutions. But now I would like to replace "not in" with "∉". I tried ...
lo tolmencre's user avatar
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Python - CSS formatting lost when Beautifulsoup4 prettify() on a local .html file

I need to edit hundreds of .html files with beautifulSoup 4. My CSS formatting is lost when I write back the changes to file. Before prettify(): And prettify(): My code: from bs4 import ...
joke4me's user avatar
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Format html code in flask?

Is it possible to format html code before I render it with flask? In my current project, I use many jinja templates and everything is working, but the source code in the browser, doesn't look so good. ...
Keanu Hie's user avatar
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What is the state of the art approach for creating own rules for Google's Prettify?

What is the state of the art approach for creating own rules for Google's Prettify? I am not talking about changing the colors of existing rules, furthermore, I want to create new rules: e.g for ...
user avatar
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Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup in Python - JavaScript Table

Im trying to scrape a table from a website but I cant seem to figure it out with Beautifulsoup in Python. Im not sure if its because of the table format, but I basically want to turn this table into a ...
Frank Drin's user avatar
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3 answers

Python prettify create xml version

when I launch this code he generated xml file which contain xml version <\?xml version="1.0" ?>, I tried exclude this line using xml_declaration=False, but error appears: TypeError: prettify() ...
Oleg's user avatar
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Using google prettify in bootstrap website with php pages

I have a bootstrap website with css built in and am trying to implement google prettify as described on this tutorial: ...
Compoot's user avatar
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How can I run Prettify in a WPF WebBrowser to apply syntax highlighting?

I'm creating a WPF application that allows the user to enter text in a TextBox. This text may contain Markdown syntax, which is evaluated by a MarkdownDeep object to convert the text to HTML. I take ...
Mage Xy's user avatar
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Display a string as prettified HTML source code

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC web application. On one page, I have a string that looks as follows: <p> <i>This</i> is some <strong>text</strong>&nbsp;! </p>...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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Guidelines for Google Code Prettify [closed]

I'm hoping to pick up Issue 295 from Google's Code-Prettify project; i.e. to add support for lang-powershell. Whilst I've found some code examples, I can't find any documentation on how this code ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Android syntax highlighting using Java prettify, not showing (less than) < or <= sign in textview?

I am using java Prettify for syntax highlighting of java code in android app. I followed this example Android Syntax Highlighting? public class PrettifyHighlighter { private static final Map<...
Jitin Jassal's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I make prettify code work in one line?

I load prettify.js and format my code as such: x = a; y = b; It comes out all proper and pretty, but... I need to squeeze this code into an SQL column so it needs to be in one line without any ...
Arthur Tarasov's user avatar
2 votes
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'unicode' object has no attribute 'prettify'

I am using BeautifulSoup to parse an html article. I use some functions to clear the html, so I can keep only the main article. Also, I want to save the Soup Output to a file. The error I get is the ...
photeesh's user avatar
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prettify adding extra lines in xml

I'm using Prettify to make my XML file readable. I am adding some new info in to an excising XML file but when i save it to a file i get extra lines in between the lines. is there a way of removing ...
LeeEng's user avatar
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Android TextView SyntaxHighlighting

I know that the title is a duplicated question but I have no other choices as some threads here in StackOverflow are old. Anyway my question is, is there a code for android to highlight syntax? I've ...
David Diaz's user avatar
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How to display properly formatted JS code snippets on a web page?

I am storing a JavaScript function in DB without spaces. Later I am retrieving from DB and showing on a Web page using google prettify but the code-snippet shows in a single line, var Pizza = ...
user2225263's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to beautify/prettify a Json/JS file in a node.js script

I am searching a way to prettify Json files in a node.js script (not CLI). I found a lot of npm beautifier packages, but none that can simply beautify directly a file. There is esbeautifier that do ...
jck's user avatar
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How to print out the first and last 1000 lines using beautiful soup

I am trying to print out the first and last 1000 lines using "prettify' from BeautifulSoup. I have downloaded Kafka's The Metamorphosis to my hard drive and I've successfully created a BeautifulSoup ...
James's user avatar
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Prettify prettyPrint() function not loading inside <script> tag

I'm using Googles prettify.js and prettify.css files hosting them myself. This is a javascript and css script that highlights source code snippets inside <pre> or <code> tags. Doc can be ...
fartagaintuxedo's user avatar
2 votes
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Automatic SyntaxHighlighter with Prettify

Working on a school project where we have creating a forum based website. We are using PageDown and Prettify to handle the text. but like it's now we have to use <!--?prettify?-->on the code to ...
elektronet's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

How to configure atom-beautify package to format with babel/jsx javascript files?

I searched for a package to auto-indent and beautify my React/babel code. I just tried atom-beautify which seems to have good feeback on Atom. But the result on an usual babel file is not good enough:...
Damien Leroux's user avatar
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Unsuccessful attempt using "google-code-prettify" with dynamically DOM

Inside head tag I have: <link rel="stylesheet" href="google-code-prettify/prettify.css"> <script src="google-code-prettify/prettify.js"></script> Somewhere inside body tag I have: ...
galah92's user avatar
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nginx, express, angular URL redirect loop

Not sure how to describe this problem. localhost:8000/home on my app works fine. However when I deploy to my digitalocean server and go to it looks like the url flickers and ...
Garuuk's user avatar
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Python bs4 'bytes' object has no attribute 'prettify'

I've recently tried to pull data from a website but it seems that I get an error which I can't solve on my own. So I started looking around to see if any other people had my exact same error and I ...
Naomi's user avatar
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Avoid CSS prettify creates new line for each tag on sublime 3

I'm using HTML - CSS - JS Prettify Plugin and sometimes when I write CSS styles I like to put them next to the other, like this h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .uk-h1, .uk-h3, .uk-h4, .uk-h5, .uk-h6 but ...
miguelopezv's user avatar
2 votes
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Python - write Xml (formatted)

I wrote this python script in order to create Xml content and i would like to write this "prettified" xml to a file (50% done): My script so far: data = ET.Element("data") project = ET....
Creative crypter's user avatar
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Insert comments with CSScomb (using Sublime Text)

I client of mine asked to have a lot of comments in the code - including css files. So I thought about using CSScomb to reorganize the css code and add comments automatically. It doesn't make sense ...
YannickHelmut's user avatar
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Calling google-prettify in Angularjs

I am trying to apply Google Prettify to my AngularJS code but it is working after the ng-route. I also have added a directive for prettify but still facing the problem: app.directive('prettyprint', ...
Ramana Uday's user avatar
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How to select commands based on file syntax in Sublime Text

I spent way too much time working out exactly how to override a particular code formatting tool in favor of another one when editing JavaScript, but leaving the other one in place for formatting HTML ...
shanemgrey's user avatar
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Sublime Text HTML-CSS-JS Prettify Removing Code

HTML-CSS-JS Prettify is by far the best formatting plugin I have found for Sublime Text, but I work on HTML Emails being sent with ExactTarget. ExactTarget's Amp script for variable emails uses the ...
JSturgessMeyers's user avatar
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Code highlighting problems with prettify in VoltRb

I've been having some problems getting the JavaScript prettify library to work on a project in VoltRb. The problem is that the code highlighting seems to work only when an error occurs and the page is ...
GDP2's user avatar
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does prettify not work with html?

I am trying to use prettify like this: <code class="prettyprint lang-html"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/myPlug/styles.css?v=1.0"> <script src="js/myPlug.js"></...
Matt Welander's user avatar
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AppleScript prettify for Sublime Text

I am looking for a way to prettify my AppleScripts when working in Sublime Text. When working in the Script Editor, compiling the script (Cmd + K) also takes care of setting the correct indentation ...
smizzlov's user avatar
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Can Prettify.js be used to highlight code on Wikipedia?

I want to add highlighted Mathematica source code to Wikipedia pages, samples of brief apps like those in WR's Tweet-a-Program. Currently, there's good support for Mathematica syntax highlight in ...
andandandand's user avatar
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