Questions tagged [protocols]

A common means for (un)related objects to communicate with each other.

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Pycharm+Protocols - how to silence spurious 'Getter should return or yield something'

class MyProtocol(Protocol): @property def my_property(self) -> str: ... class MyClass(MyProtocol): @property def my_property(self) -> str: # the actual ...
prosody's user avatar
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Scapy packets creation and the principles used behind

I am actually working on a network sniffing tool in python by using scapy. I am not an expert in Network but i had some lectures about it so it's not completely new for me. My problem is that I don't ...
tsiory rajaonarivony's user avatar
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C# UDP messages over internet ip

I have the following code on the server side to listen incoming messages via udp: class Program { static void Main() { UdpClient udpServer = new UdpClient(27016); while (true) ...
Akhuwat Rauf's user avatar
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How to catch the params of the custom protocol in chrome?

As the title mentioned, how could I cache or know the parameters of the custom protocol in Chrome? Every time the popup comes up and I have no method to know what will pass to the custom application(...
kocoler's user avatar
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Why can clients send encrypted data before the server sends the change cipher spec in TLS1.2?

I was observing the handshaking process of tls1.2 and found that in many implementations of tls1.2, there are cases where the client sends the application data after sending the change cipher spec ...
pharaohW's user avatar
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Protocol Error When Using Vite.js + Cloudflare

I am using Cloudflare in my Laravel project and it gives a protocol error in the Vite.js console. The data I have is as follows: When I set the server setting as below, I see that my js and css files ...
Burak.H's user avatar
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'Protocol not known' value error when loading data with the 'datasets' package

I want to train a pasta classifier and I'm currently preprocessing the data. I split it into train, validation, and test sets and I saved it onto my laptop with the following code: datasets....
gidimicc's user avatar
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Is it possible to communicate with a client without disconnecting in an asynchronous server socket using the Python asyncio library?

The primary purpose of this project is for the server to store information about the client in a session upon receiving the client's initial request. The client then waits until the user inputs a ...
2QNRpDwD's user avatar
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Does Swift support covariance-return-type in protocols?

I found here that function overriding is available in protocols. Obviously, it can be overriding of signature, not of implementation. So, if it isn't shadowing, it makes sense only for covariance/...
Valentyn Zakharenko's user avatar
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NEC Infra-red remote control protocol address registry

AFAICT the NEC IR protocol works by sending a "Device Address" which can be either 8 bits followed by the inverse of the initial 8 bits, or 16 bits where the second 8 bits don't match the ...
David Partridge's user avatar
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Conflicting arguments to generic parameter when trying to draw an Array of multiple views as Protocols

I am trying to use a protocol to draw multiple items in a VStack. When adding one item to the array of protocols, it draws as expected. When adding multiple items from different structs conforming to ...
reza23's user avatar
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Simulating HTTP Server Responses issue while connecting

I am working on a practical exercise related to HTTP and I need some guidance. The exercise involves simulating HTTP server responses from the command line using cat. Here are the specific tasks I'm ...
PRO grmr's user avatar
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Interfacing ROS2 with Ethenet/IP

I have an ABB robot that I have interfaced with ROS2 via abb_ros2. I have an industrial equipment that I need to read from and write data to using ethernet/ip and command the robot using some logic ...
user0221441's user avatar
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I want to change the default app for a specific protocol ('roblox') to launch multiple Roblox UWP apps on my system

I want to make a tool which will launch multiple roblox uwp apps, but the apps use same protocol 'roblox'. Because I want to have a control of what app I want to launch, so I want to change the ...
Ldopperk's user avatar
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Problem with Received fatal alert: protocol_version

My code that aims to return reports in PDFs is generating some errors, initially talking about the SSL and TLS protocols. I haven't found a solution yet, can anyone help me? PDF generation is linked ...
Bruno Colares's user avatar
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How to design architecture for framework that supports different protocol

We are developing a framework using LabVIEW. We have separated the framework into the front end and back end and any communication protocols like gRPC, Rest APIs or TCP can be used. To achieve ...
Giri's user avatar
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I am facing HTTP2 protocol errror or ERR_Connection_closed when http2 request is with more than 45 cookies

I am facing one Problem on the Production webshop. When we are sending a request to Hybris Server then we are facing an issue(generally with POST request). This is not happening everytime but ...
sunil sharma's user avatar
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Kafka Binary Protocol : ARRAY or COMPACT_ARRAY?

There are 2 types of arrays specified in the Kafka protocol documentation : ARRAY and COMPACT_ARRAY. But in the protocol details for the different messages, it does not explicitly specify if the array ...
Neeraj's user avatar
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Flutter support for IKEv2 PSK

I need to create a mobile VPN app that requires to use IKEv2-PSK connection between the router. I've searched for ages for flutter packages that supports IKEv2-PSK but unfortunately as far as I know, ...
taikichi's user avatar
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Check if Express App is configured to use HTTPS

I've figured out how to configure Express API to utilize https, but I have a "globals" check for some variables including things like Is_Node or Is_HTTPS because I run my source code both ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
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Purchase events sent via the measurement protocol do not have any properties. "not set"

For the past two months, I have been trying to set up event tracking through the Measurement Protocol. My ultimate goal is to track conversions in Google Ads for setting up smart campaigns. I send the ...
ivan Inti's user avatar
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ESP-NOW communication MAC adress fail

I have a problem regarding the ESP-NOW communication between ESP32 boards. I have a simple sender/receiver code. The problem I have is regarding the MAC address. If I use a broadcast address 0xFF 0xFF....
Robert's user avatar
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When using a tunneling service with Node.js, how do you get the actual URL from a request? (express.js)

I've searched everywhere about this issue, but I can't seem to find any solution. Say I use Express.js in Node, and I use localtunnel or serveo to tunnel it so anybody can access the site. I want to ...
Normal's user avatar
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How will be the bit stuffing applied to the identifier field 0x03E? (CAN PROTOCOL)

Suppose we are transmitting a message with identifier 0x03E. Its binary in 11 bit form is 000 0011 1110. So while transmitting this how will it get stuffed? After transmitting the first five zeros ...
SUPERPIE's user avatar
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How in swift one should use DI when conforming to a protocol with associated type?

I want to achieve something like this in swift: protocol P {} protocol P1: P {} class P1Impl: P1 {} protocol PBase { associatedtype T: P var prop: T { get } } struct S: PBase { typealias T = ...
as_danmark's user avatar
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Changing view color using Delegation

I have a UIView class ( delegator) within a UIViewcontroller class . I need to change color of viewed view in the UIViewcontroller using protocol conformance from the UIViewcontroller. I have the ...
Michael Drammond's user avatar
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How the TEC AND REC actually increments in CAN protocol?

I have read the specification from BOSCH but it is very confusing! Is it like this? A node, which detects an error and sends the ERROR FLAG (whether it is a transmitter or receiver ), will increment ...
SUPERPIE's user avatar
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S3 Protocol (Aws, minio etc...) List subset ordered by creation date DESC

Is there a way to query a s3 “folder” without retrieving every single entity? I need to query an s3 folder (where I have no control over) and it has 60k elements, it’s taking like 5 minutes to list ...
Paxx's user avatar
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Where can I find a list of the HID SDP record values?

I'm trying to implement an HID mouse/keyboard device with bluez. I found a keyboard only version that worked and based my code so far on that. Now I need to add mouse so I need to understand this ...
Edward Strange's user avatar
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What cause my C# socket connection to port 2131 to be refused?

There is a server running on we lost power and the server had to restart, the thing is our application have a function called StartReceive() that create a Socket then call a socket....
Elzardi's user avatar
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Organizing Multi frame app using Tkinter and MVP architecture

I built a multi frame app that uses MVP. It works but I'm not very satisfied with what I done and I hope we could discuss about the different (better) ways to do this 🙂. In order to have a starting ...
Riddeen's user avatar
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What layer 4 protocols have port numbers?

What layer 4 protocols (specifically, the ones that have a protocol number registered with IANA) use port numbers? I know TCP, UDP, SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol), and DCCP (Datagram ...
WakkaTrout's user avatar
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Problems with Snort rule option Metadata

I've encountered a strange behavior of Snort IDS in TCP packets content filtering. Using rule option 'metadata' I try to distinguish such protocols as SSH, FTP, IMAP, HTTP, HTTP2 using following rules:...
gentser's user avatar
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Reverse engineering checksum calculation for Proflame 2 RF remote

Intro The SIT Proflame family of fireplace controllers is used in many brands of fireplaces. It uses an RF remote that transmits on 315MHz. I would like to be able to generate valid command packets ...
Felix's user avatar
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Error with permission policy header: unrecognized feature: ch-ua-form-factor and Access to XMLHttprequest

<iframe width="1000" height="550" src="" allow="autoplay; fullscreen;"> </iframe> i got this error in ...
simple coding's user avatar
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How to reference a protocol's associatedtype

I have some enums that conform to a protocol with an associated type: protocol MyProtocol { associatedtype T func foo() -> T } enum MyEnum1: MyProtocol { func foo() -> Int { ...
WongWray's user avatar
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Protocols, standards or languages that are lacking of implementation

Is there some protocol, standard or language, like YAML, GeoJSON, server-sent events, that doesn't have an library implementing it in some language like C, Python or Rust? Looking for ideas for some ...
Afkaaja's user avatar
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Zero-knowledge card shuffle

I'm trying to design a zero-knowledge protocol for the creation of a shuffled deck of cards for use by two players. Naturally this requires that neither player knows the order of the cards after the ...
JP.'s user avatar
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Using Swift protocols extensions instead of static funcs

I have begun to see protocols and their extensions being used solely to hold general purpose functions. These funcs only use global symbols or input parameters. The code could be contained in static ...
Jeff's user avatar
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URL-Protocoll registration - It doesnt recognize any parameters

Hi I just tried to register my own URL-Protocoll and read through this Thread How do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://...) It kind of works, but my application doesn't receive any parameters. ...
Sacume's user avatar
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Protocol handler is opening alternative browser but repeating endlessly

I have a registry key for opening a link in myBrowser from Firefox and Chrome. But it keeps opening the same link over and over again... 60 tabs and more! Set up as a "protocol handler" the ...
Kendo's user avatar
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Use Protocol classes with torch.nn.Module

I would like to create a Protocol class to specify types of PyTorch models - is it possible to create a Protocol that inherits from torch.nn.Module? Something like this: class DiffusionModelProtocol(...
Dan Jackson's user avatar
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Decrypting AES 256 GCM - Audio Package finding

i am currently working on a project, in which i am trying to see the audio packages sent by my computer in a zoom call. I am doing this to manually check if there is a signal. Alert: i am an extreme ...
Thamori LP's user avatar
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Make android print bypassing print dialog

My goal is to develop an Android app that can print an image directly without prompting the user for print settings. I want the app to send the necessary data to the printer and initiate the printing ...
centenond's user avatar
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How to send Data using GT06 protocol?

I am trying to send the GPS coordinates to Traccar GT06 device. But I Don't know how to send the data in flutter. This is the Implementation void sendDataToGT06Device() async { final socket = await ...
Vedant Kakade's user avatar
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SRT socket connection time out

I'm facing an issue while connecting to socket on my local server, Where i am getting an error of connection time out (1001) shown in attached screen shots. Is there any default SRT socket address and ...
NøBi Mac's user avatar
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How to use smb protocol with Sensetalk

Read a file with sensetalk smb protocol Is this correct? put "username" into username put "password" into password put "server_name" into serverName put "path/to/...
maseyh's user avatar
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What might be a secure way to transfer files outside LAN?

I am a complete novice developing an application which deals with securely transferring files from one peer to another without storing the said file anywhere. Any suggestions on how to do it? I tried ...
Blitz's user avatar
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Electron: load and display local image successfully, but can not copy and paste the image

In electron render process: load and display image on the app, success: <img src="file:///Users/test/1.png"> The Problem: When I tried to select, copy and paste the image, failed! So ...
hijack's user avatar
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What protocol do scanners user to send image data over USB?

I'm in the process of designing a piece of custom scanning hardware, and I'm wondering how traditional scanners (flatbed, film, etc), transfer image data over USB. I'm wondering if there is a ...
flimsy's user avatar
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