Questions tagged [push-notification]

Push notifications are alerts, badges, or sounds which are pushed to a mobile device from a remote server. Apple delivers push notifications via the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS). Android devices receive push notifications via the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) service. In the past, Android devices used the Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) framework. Windows Phone apps receive push notifications either via MPNS or the newer WNS.

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Problem with white square notification icons after FCM V1 upgrade

I upgraded to v1 since legacy will shut down, but during tests I realise that my icons are white square im V1 but showing correctly in legacy. I didn't find any solution on the internet, since my icon ...
Rodrigo Pissinate's user avatar
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Expo React Native Notifications listener addNotificationResponseReceivedListener works in an android "development build" but not in a "release" build

My code is basically the same like here. I'm testing with the App closed, tapping on a received notification. The registered function under addNotificationResponseReceivedListener is not being hit in ...
Sammybar's user avatar
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React Native Expo Push Notification ExpoPushTokenManager.getDevicePushTokenAsync has been rejected

I'm using expo push notifications and on login I am setting the expo push token and saving it in the backend. However it is returning this error, couldnt find out how to solve it. Works fine when ...
Anirudh S's user avatar
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Why expo notifications not popping up when app is in background/ completely close?(android)

I followed what the documentation said. I can receive and send notifications. The problem is the notifications didn't pop up (only sound) when my app was in background or totally close. The pop up ...
bebeadonis's user avatar
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Incorrect Notification Badge Count on Android Devices with Expo React Native

Affected Versions: Expo SDK: 50 React Native: 0.73 react-native-onesignal: 5.0.3 onesignal-expo-plugin: 2.0.2 Description: Currently, there's an issue with the OneSignal integration in Expo React ...
Jitendera Kumar's user avatar
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Expo Ringing Push Notification

I want to implement a whatsapp like notification in expo where the notification can come in and ring even when the app is in the background. I am creating a food delivery app so I want the driver to ...
Leago's user avatar
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push notifications with CURL on PWA application with PHP

I am working on a PWA web application. I already completed the code on the browser side. On the server side I use PHP and I have the following information: $publicKey = '123456789...'; $privateKey = '...
MrBrown's user avatar
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Generating push token for device using expo push-notification in bare react native

I am using expo push-notification library to generate device push token and using it to send the notifications to the devices. It is working fine in expo managed workflow but when i am using the ...
Ayush singh's user avatar
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Require payload format to send the notifications with action buttons like accept/reject using azure notification hub

I want to send the notifications with actions like accept/reject using azure notification hub and I am using Google FCM V1, so require payload which supports sending the actions Tried this for FCM ...
Guru Tejaswini's user avatar
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FCM test notification does not appear on my Android Emulator

I am trying to send a test notification from Firebase to Android Emulator using Firebase Cloud Messaging and React Native. I receive the FCM registration token in my VSC terminal, but when I try to ...
AranAli's user avatar
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Why iOS app for some user is not showing notifications with entitlement

I am trying to do troubleshooting on a messaging application forked by signal. In general, the application works well for all users, so my issue is limited to few of them. THE ISSUE: These users, do ...
biggreentree's user avatar
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Firebase project migration to new server changes to be made?

I am migrating my firebase project along with laravel and reactjs application to a new server with the same code and database. I am able to send push notfication to my live server from my application ...
unn's user avatar
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How can I integrate MoEngage for web push notifications using different server-side methods?

I'm in the process of implementing web push notifications for my website and I'm considering MoEngage as a potential solution. However, I'm seeking guidance on integrating MoEngage for web push ...
Vishesh Kumar Singh's user avatar
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How can I integrate MoEngage SDK for push notifications in both frontend and backend?

I'm unsure about integrating it into my backend. I lack knowledge on integrating SDKs into backend systems. Could someone provide guidance on integrating MoEngage SDK into my backend system? What ...
Vishesh Kumar Singh's user avatar
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Push Notification routing using deep links in SwiftUI

I'm currently working on integrating push notifications into my SwiftUI iOS app, and I want to implement a feature where users can be directed to specific views within the app upon tapping on a ...
Aruna's user avatar
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Send OneSignal notification using API in flutter on specific time

I want to send notification with API of OneSignal in Flutter. On tap of container i want to fire a notification. I want a method which define all the logic for that. also need code for initializing ...
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How can I get a scheduled notification that repeats every day in Flutter?

I am using the flutter_local_notifications package and attempting to implement a notification system where I receive notifications daily at various times. For example, one day I might receive a ...
Auvee's user avatar
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android notifications fail to sort completely by lexicographical order when grouping with sortkey

I am testing sorting android notifications by using grouping and sortKey, the order android shown in the tray seems incorrect to me according to lexicographical order. Referring to android official ...
Chloe L's user avatar
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Schedule daily notifications with awesome notifications

I tried to create routine tracker, where user would get notification everyday at some time to remind him about certain routine. This is the code I used to create it: Future<void> ...
Sohatzky's user avatar
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Is there a method in react native to persistently display the badge count, even after all notifications have been cleared or dismissed on android?

I aim to maintain the badge count even after all notifications have been cleared or dismissed. Despite utilizing 'setApplicationIconBadgeNumber' to set the badge, it disappears when notifications are ...
Adnan Ashraf's user avatar
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How to ensure consistent delivery of Firebase Cloud Messaging notifications? Inconsistent FCM Notification Delivery while sending to large user base

I am using Firebase Cloud Messaging for sending notifications to the user. But i am not getting notifications consistently on all devices. I am sending notifications to audience around 7M. Below is ...
Sumanta Paudel's user avatar
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Xamarin restryle the push notification when app is in killed state

I am receiving Firebase push notification and restyling it before display to the user. This will work on app in foreground and background also. When I killed the app notification is handling by the ...
leo's user avatar
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Flutter ios push notification issue

Flutter ios firebase push notification works well on simulator or browserstack, but it does not works on real IOS device. I am using APNs Auth Key. IPhone 13., ios version 17. After upload testflight, ...
y yy's user avatar
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How to test Push notification listening

I don't receive the test push notifications in my android application. I've done all the Firebase push notification reception steps in delphi 12, and I get the device token. When I test sending a ...
Devint's user avatar
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Handling Notification Click Event to Open Specific Page in .NET MAUI Blazor App (Only for windows platfrom)

I'm working on a .NET MAUI Blazor app and have implemented a notification service using Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications with ToastContentBuilder. (Only for windows platfrom) I want to handle the ...
Suman Mondal's user avatar
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when i click on background notification it should open the notification in Home but now it is going to Home but not showing the notification

i am using react-native and firebase cloud messaging for sending the notification and i have setup my project with the firebase everything is working fine and i am also getting the notification, i ...
Laxman's user avatar
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Changing Firebase project of Flutter Application

After migrating my flutter application from one firebase project to another I am facing several problems. When I connected firebase to the flutter project that time firebase push notification was ...
Md. Samiul Islam's user avatar
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onNewIntent() method called multiple times

I have below requirement. I want to create notification. On tap of notification app should open and navigate to specific fragment based on data received from intent extras. I need to handle this ...
SaurabhG's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Messaging : push notification, firefox app in foreground

I'm implementing FCM, and I'm struggling with receiving Firefox notification when app is in foreground : when the website tab where's the user has subscribed has been closed. It's OK when website is ...
Vivien's user avatar
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Sound Not Working on iOS Notifications Sent via AWS SNS Using FCM

I'm currently using AWS SNS to send push notifications to both Android and iOS apps. However, I've encountered an issue where notifications on iOS devices are received without any sound, while Android ...
Alpha Algorithm's user avatar
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Notification and notification click event with FCM in PWA

I received 2 notifications in background case and can not handle click in foreground case I am implementing push notification function on PWA using FCM. But I am getting issues In background case. On ...
phong vu's user avatar
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How should I open links on web-push notification click - service worker or"click_action"?

I'm currently working on integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for push notifications in my web application. I have a question regarding the behavior of clicks on web-push notifications and how ...
NoobCoder's user avatar
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How can i solve routing issue that works on simulator but not on device for my react native driver app?

I have an e-hailing, driver and user app. When a new request is made from the user to rider app, the notification comes on the driver mobile phone but its not routing. Though it routes on simulator. ...
Tekwabs's user avatar
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Notification push if is close with flutter

I have finish a app, notification push is work but it only works if I leave the app open all the time. If I close, the notification push don't work and it doesn't check. But, the every social as ...
Cristiano Z's user avatar
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Forgot Firebase account | Firebase Console | Can ı move an app to another project in a different firebase account?

I am having an a Android App linked with a firebase console, but I forgot the user email&Password. As I am using Android Push notifications in that app, I need to update the Firebase credentials ...
NITHIN KUMAR M's user avatar
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google-api-php-client Library crashing after cleanup command

I am using the google-api-php-client for integrating the firebase API, I'm only using the core client function and not using the dedicated library in apiclient-services which comes with the google-api-...
Sankalp Chari's user avatar
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How is a messages sent to a specific user after it has been registred by the BackEnd using Azure Notification Hubs

The Backend code to send messages using Azure Notificaion Hub to a specific userId: var hubClient = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, hubName); var notification ...
dev_ice's user avatar
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How to pass an ID to the Expo Notifications Server in the notification push request that would be returned in the response?

I'm integrating expo notifications into an existing system with an established architecture for accessing web services. When processing the response all I have is the request and the response jsons. I ...
Sammybar's user avatar
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Xamarin Forms - android issue in redirect to page, display blank page

I have created the intent to redirect to the page ( Basically while clicking the Notification message need to display the Review page) Project structure Xamarin Project ReviewPage (Content page) ...
leo's user avatar
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push alarm message in android

I'm developing an Android app and I have a question. I receive an alarm while developing a push alarm, but I want to customize the icon as shown in the image below. What should I do? enter image ...
FOXY's user avatar
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The notification appears in the notification bar, but the notification banner popup does not appear in the background or terminated state

Here my issue is "The notification appears in the notification bar, but the notification banner popup does not appear in the background or terminated state. The banner works correctly after ...
Nns_ninteyFIve's user avatar
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How to bring app in foreground when a push notification is received

I am trying to make an app with Expo CLI that will alert me if something happens with my servers. I implemented push notifications with expo-push-notifications, but I need the app to wake me up if ...
Alex Bleotu's user avatar
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Maui Push Notification open push how to navigate to HomePage with parameters

We have a Maui Application that has received Push Notification. When we open the Push Notification, we need to navigate to the 'HomePage' with parameters. The default start page is 'HomePage' without ...
user23507855's user avatar
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React-Native - How is it possible that when I close an app like messenger I can still receive incoming call notifications

React-Native - How is it possible that when I close an app like messenger I can still receive incoming call notifications from others I'm using react-native-notifee and react-native-firebase-messaging ...
Vikas Kumar's user avatar
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Notifications AWS SNS with android

i want to ask, right now i'm using react-native-notification and my problem which are i already publish message at AWS SNS and it is working fine with IOS but it not working for android. i received ...
One's user avatar
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TypeError: ProjectNotifications is not iterable at fetchNotifications

I'm getting error while merging two function in notification ,there is an error in " const mergedNotifications = [...ProjectNotifications, ...RoleNotifications];" and while ...
Diya Shah's user avatar
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Register an iOS device

From my .NET8 MAUI application, I managed to register successfully the device in the Azure Notification Hub. The payload I use for sending the request to the installation API of Azure Notification Hub ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Android app running in background must run in foreground

I need to receive a notification/event through FIREBASE in Android app that is running in background. After that I need this app runs in foreground. In addition, i need this notification/event to be ...
aejunior's user avatar
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How do I find the Workflow corresponding to a specific Fiori-App?

my Company wants me to enable Push-Notifications for a Fiori-App from SAP. But I can't find anyone who knows how to do that (even the Basis Team).  As far is I know now from googling it has to do ...
Schesam's user avatar
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.NET MAUI Android FireBase service OnMessageReceived strange behavior

I am getting a strange behavior of the FireBaseService implementation on Android. public override void OnMessageReceived(RemoteMessage message) { base.OnMessageReceived(message); ...
Wasyster's user avatar
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