Questions tagged [push-notification]

Push notifications are alerts, badges, or sounds which are pushed to a mobile device from a remote server. Apple delivers push notifications via the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS). Android devices receive push notifications via the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) service. In the past, Android devices used the Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) framework. Windows Phone apps receive push notifications either via MPNS or the newer WNS.

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Can we register a call in CallKit but should not show CallKit Push notification/UI in foreground?

I need to display an alert when an incoming call is received while the app is in the foreground. I receive these incoming call notifications via a socket connection, and I display the alert when such ...
Zeona's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) notifications not received in Next.js web app (despite working Android app)

I'm facing an issue with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) notifications in my Next.js web app. I have a working server-side implementation using the Firebase Admin SDK that successfully sends ...
Nima Baghi's user avatar
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FCM V1 notifications are not delivered from Azure Notification Hub

I am following this Microsoft Guide to migrate from GCM/FCM notifications to FCM v1. From the guide, I - Configured the Firebase Service Account Credentials in Azure Notification Hub Updaeted backend ...
Hiren Desai's user avatar
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React native app with expo push notifications failing on deployed build but not locally

I have a React native app with expo managed workflow, and a database in firebase. When the user logs in on the app, they are asked to consent to push notifications. import { View, Text, StyleSheet, ...
teodor fredriksson's user avatar
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Open particular view when user tap on notification in SwiftUI

i am working on SwiftUI app and i am facing one issue regarding notification. i am trying to navigate to particular screen when user tap on notification. right now what i am doing is whenever i get ...
rauldhasmana's user avatar
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Push notification when app is open in react native

I am using firebase to send push notification to my react native app. I am able to send notification to my device. I am using to send notification. Below is the ...
pratteek shaurya's user avatar
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not able detect deeplink from push notification notification when using fcm api in react native

I am using firebase to send push notification to my react native app. I am able to send notification to both android and iOS. I am using to send notification. Below ...
shubham's user avatar
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Max number of endpoints under platform application in AWS SNS

I've created an application where we are creating end-points based upon the device token and publishing message to it. The questions that i have is whether there is any limit on the number of ...
user3866064's user avatar
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Firebase cloud messaging web issues in Safari 17.4

I've been using Firebase messaging web (javascript) on macos/ios Safari since 16.4 and everything worked well, but now i noticed issues with firebase messaging registration (no changes made to my code)...
Andrei F's user avatar
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Firebase Messaging. Web SDK. Setup Delivery report to BigQuery

I have a Web application with Push Notifications sent to this app. Push Notifications itself works fine. I need to set up Delivery report for Push Notifications on a Web Application. I've read ...
Crane's user avatar
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FCM API v1 and deeplinks issue

After switching from fcm-legacy to fcm-api-v1 and everything seems to be working fine, I'm encountering an issue with deeplinks. When the app is in the foreground, it immediately closes upon receiving ...
DonVino's user avatar
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How to request tracking transparency permission before Notification permission in flutter iOS

Each time I run my App, the Notification dialog comes way before the App tracking authorization. I'd like the user to see at first the App tracking Transparency dialog before the Notification dialog. ...
Taoufik's user avatar
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Create alarm in react-native

I'm very new in react-native, i come from react and to get started in this i started with an alarm app, my problem is that there is little information or is very old and i have not found a way to make ...
Naiagu's user avatar
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java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: FIS_AUTH_ERROR - Capacitor App

build.gradle classpath '' classpath '' push notification ts await PushNotifications.addListener('registration', (token) => { ...
sudhakaran R's user avatar
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How to implement Notifications like WhatsApp for an E2EE Chat App built using Flutter?

I'm trying to send a Push Notification like any other messaging platform like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. The message is supposed to be End-to-End Encrypted, so the encrypted message needs to be ...
Rohit Kokate's user avatar
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How can I make an interactive push notification in React Native? [closed]

at work I was given a task to make push notifications for our application more interactive. Application in react native. At first I did everything using the Notifee library, but there are just push ...
Nurlan Isbulaev's user avatar
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how to display notifications when WPF app is closed [closed]

I'm working on a WPF app and my responsibility is to design a notification system (both frontend and backend) but I don't have much experience in both. One of the questions I have is how do I display ...
May Nguyen's user avatar
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expo push notifications "google-services.json" is missing for firebase

I am trying to setup push notifications for my expo react native app. Running in expo go everything works fine. Now for production I followed this Expo GUIDE. The first 4 steps of this guide are ...
aminator's user avatar
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Geofence on ios when IOS app is fully terminated

I'm currently working on an IOS app that requires location-based notifications, particularly utilizing geofencing to trigger alerts when a user enters specific areas, such as when a student walks into ...
Mordechai Green's user avatar
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onesignal subscribe with target data

I need to subscribe users addressed to a specific tag created into onesignal control panel. My code is: <script src="" defer&...
marco's user avatar
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Down Soketi docker when notification with wrong syntax

I set up Soketi on docker server and when I sent this pattern of message with postman to soketi disconnect my connection and docker container down! and show this error! ((1006 Abnormal Closure:No ...
dmbehrouz's user avatar
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MoEngage sent Push Notification to my App are being de-prioritized in Android

In my Unity app i have push notifications displayed which are sent from MoEngage. The issue is, compared to other apps on the phone like MsTeams, AngelOne etc, whose notifications are getting a higher ...
Ganesh Acharya's user avatar
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How do I send push notifications in my Expo managed React Native project? (Firebase backend)

Let's say I have user1 and user2. If user1 likes user2's post, I want user2 to get a notification. For reference, in Firestore I have collections users and posts. I've done a lot of research on Expo ...
spthomas's user avatar
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Is there any way to handle notifications in my flutter application without using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), in all App's states?

I want to know if there any way to send notifications to my flutter application without having dependency on firebase. It should handle notifications in all states foreground, background or terminated....
Yugal's user avatar
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ios cannot receive messages in flutter [closed]

I have an application that uses firebase and backend to push notifications. On Android, I receive notifications when the app is open or closed. As for ios, I have configured the APNs but there is no ...
Nguyễn Thành Tâm's user avatar
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Is Sharing APNs Authentication Key .p8 to Other Firebase Accounts a Good Practice? [closed]

I tried to Google this problem but I don't seem to notice anyone asking this question. I guess no one becomes an iOS developer just to develop apps for himself. Of course in my case too there are ...
Bosco Tsin's user avatar
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How to update android widget by receiving push notification

I want to update my android widget when push notification received (even if my app process killed). There is any ways to do it, or I can update widget only by tap on it? Now I implemented firebase ...
демид владимиров's user avatar
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Notification Data Doesn't Sent

So I created a small project which can send notifications using service-worker, notification API & push API, but after filling in the title, description, button title 1 and 2 and submitting, the ...
Syaamil Maulana's user avatar
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i am using fcm kreait kit to send fcm notifiction. it is woking well but my action_click is not working here

push notification is working well but action_click not working with that use Kreait\Firebase\Factory; use Kreait\Firebase\Messaging\CloudMessage; use Kreait\Firebase\Messaging\Notification; use ...
gaurav sharma's user avatar
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In a flutter Android & iOS app, how can I send a notification to a user when a specific date for that user has been reached in firestore? [duplicate]

Situation I have a firestore database containing documents for all my users. Each user has a collection of documents that each have a date. The objective is to, for each user and every day, check if ...
user24031837's user avatar
3 votes
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PlayFab CloudScript: How Can I Set a Big Picture In Push Notifications

I have this function that runs on PlayFab cloud script that sends a notification to all users and it works, but how can I set a banner (big picture) in the push notification with a given URL? handlers....
Hasan Yousef's user avatar
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Notification received but not displaying in phone (Android specifically)

I get the log message received from Airship, but notification not showing in phone. I am using "@ua/react-native-airship" it is working in iOS but not in android. Below is the response I ...
Digen Kanani's user avatar
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Push notifications from app when new record is added in firebase realtime database [duplicate]

My question is that how can I add the notifications in my app when new record is added in the firebase realtime database. I am using java for backend. I've checked the documentation but was not able ...
Learner's user avatar
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Why does the FCM notification look and behave different when the app is in foreground vs background

The notifications behave appropriately when the app is in foreground mode. However, if the app is in background mode, the notification icon is re-set to its default and on click, only opens up the ...
appym243's user avatar
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How to replacing remote notification's mobile phone with contact name in device react native?

I have a remote notification from backend with format {title: App Name, body:"[$phone] changed something on the app"}. We use firebase cloud messaging for push notification from backend. And ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Show notification count which are visible on the notification tray on my app's icon in flutter

I want to show count of notifications received which are visible on the notification tray on my flutter app's launcher icon. FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((message) { if (Platform.isAndroid)...
MANDAR GAIKWAD's user avatar
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Custom Sound for Expo Push Notifications Only Works in Foreground

I'm developing an app with Expo and facing an issue with push notifications where the custom sound only plays when the app is in the foreground. When the app is backgrounded or closed, the ...
Wael Ben Mustapha's user avatar
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After adding the packages of "Xamarin.Firebase.Messaging", getting error related to JAVA0000 "Compilation failed"

I need to implement Firebase push notification, so I added the packages of latest version into my Maui .net8.0 project. Here are the packages added in csproj file for push notifications. I'm getting ...
Shobana N's user avatar
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How can I schedule OneSignal notifications programmatically from a Flutter app

I am developing a Flutter app where I want to schedule OneSignal notifications from the app itself based on some conditions related to the user, I was not able to find something useful in the ...
ombhd's user avatar
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Firebase push doesnt receive after init in other process

in way of optimization i decide to init push in other process, its works well in android 10 and higher but push isnt showen in lower versions of android i need it works well in all android versions ...
Темирлан Толегенов's user avatar
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Background notification also get muted on removing "sound" from presentationOptions in @capacitor-firebase/messaging?

I'm working on a Capacitor app and using @capacitor-firebase/messaging for push notifications. My expected output is: I want to show background notifications with sound and handle foreground ...
sinan's user avatar
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Push notifications in flutter webview app

i am not getting push notifications in my flutter app I want to implement push notifications , I have website like CRM and used this website in flutter webview mobile app , website is CRM type where ...
Rana Riaz's user avatar
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(iOS) Can we have multiple APNs files for the same app?

We are in the process of migrating from one CCM to another. I need to generate a new .p8 file so our new CCM can send push notifications to our iOS app via APNS. If I do this, can our old CCM still ...
johnhaup's user avatar
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How does iOS notifications handle cases without content-available key

I'm troubleshooting an existing codebase where notifciations do not appear to be firing or at least are not firing to my understanding. Things I have found in testing: Context: The feature is chat ...
Robert's user avatar
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Push notification can't be activated in certain phone models and OS

I'm experiencing a bug that only occurs in iPhone X/XS running iOS 16.2. I cannot tap the push notification when the app is already active. I would like to trigger a function when the push ...
Bawenang Rukmoko Pardian Putra's user avatar
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How to modified remote notification body content in ios using react native

we made mobile app using react native. In this we used below library for push notification. "@react-native-community/push-notification-ios": "^1.11.0", "react-native-push-...
shraddha k vaishanani's user avatar
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Push notification sent from Laravel is received by Android device, but isn't received by iOS device

This is my code to send push notifications to mobile app. The code is in Laravel/PHP $firebaseUrl = FIREBASE_API_URL; $firebaseApiKey = FIREBASE_API_KEY; $registrationIds = $...
Saswat's user avatar
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i want to get the FCM token

I/FirebaseApp(15825): Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] D/eglCodecCommon(15825): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 1 0 D/EGL_emulation(15825): eglMakeCurrent: ...
Gmach Iheb's user avatar
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How to update my service worker for existing web push subscribers?

I have a simple web app that works with web push and notification API, I use FCM for sending messages and a simple service worker in JS that shows notifications once received by browser. My issues is ...
depi's user avatar
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Android FCM push notification not launching the application on click

Im sending a notification via the FCM legacy api like so: // POST { "to": "<device-token>", "notification": { &...
xaunlopez's user avatar
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