Questions tagged [query-string]

The part of a URL after the ? (question mark), containing parameter=value pairs separated by & (ampersand). In a request made to a web application at a particular URL, the parameter+value data in the query string is parsed/consumed by the web application on the backend that receives the request.

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NextJS app router - get all query parameters in string

I thought this would be easy but I am struggling greatly. I have a page with multiple query params: /pathname?param1=lorem&param2=ipsum&param3=dolor&param4=sit All I want is to be able to ...
Santi's user avatar
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Blazor Server failing with unexpected query parameters

I have a Blazor web app with an index page at the route "/". When accessed through myhost/myapp everything works fine. However, I published the url in a Facebook post and when users tap that ...
balintn's user avatar
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Global search parameters that works on any and almost every APPLICATIONS

Good day all, I have a platform where we manage users 2FA tokens, we search and manage users one after the other. However, we need to manage multiple users at once but there is no delimeter, ...
Frank Tobi's user avatar
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Apache Traffic Server 9.2.x cannot redirect `target` url to `replacement` url that contains a query-string

Recently, I've migrated my environment from the VERY old Apache Traffic Server 5.x to Apache Traffic Server 9.2.x. Everything's working great! EXCEPT I no longer seem to be able to redirect a target ...
Gregory Potts's user avatar
-1 votes
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how can i send query string through react to the backend

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { Form, Row, Col, Button } from "react-bootstrap"; import { useParams, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; ...
Shijo Thomas's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to split the query params that is present in a string and then encode

I have few strings that could be in this format: const s1 = ""; const s2 = "" const s3 = "
lrr59's user avatar
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1 answer

Change query parameter in @QueryParam in JAX-RS

I'm new to JAX-RS, so I apologize if I'm doing something really off base here. I'm consuming an external API (that I have no control over) that requires you to first send a request to get a list of ...
jmcogan's user avatar
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How I can pass the URI as a query param for my Blazor WebAssembly app?

I am creating a Blazor application with .NET 5.0, I need a parameter to be passed when starting the app that is used throughout the app, not just on one page of the app. That is, while the app is ...
JuanMa Corrales's user avatar
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How to correctly parse query params from a server redirect to client in RN Expo development mode

I am building a React Native app (currently trying to work with Android) using expo-router (and SupaBase, but I think that is slightly less relevant to the issue). I created a development build in ...
Yafim Simanovsky's user avatar
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QueryString is empty during ASP.NET Core 8 MVC form post

Note: the answer may be in either VB.NET or C#. I have no preference for this Q&A. I'm following this example to build a simple ASP.NET Core 8 MVC application that uses cookie authentication. I'm ...
InteXX's user avatar
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Oracle SQL parameter not bounding properly

So my situation simply includes a data source and an Oracle SQL query in ASP.NET. I have the following data source defined in the aspx. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="DataSourcePFEP" runat="...
Dinosbacsi's user avatar
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Custom WooCommerce Query String to Display Only First 3 Products

I have tried the following URL parameters below, and orderby parameter works fine, displaying all the products sorted by date, but I want only to display the 3 first products (limit parameters doesn't ...
CWLocal's user avatar
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webapi core [FromQuery] dto model ignoring [Required(AllowEmptyStrings = true)]

i have a controller endpoint with two parameters sent from body sent as a query string parameters with dtoModel i using [FromQuery] for the second object ,becouse i cannot pass two object in the ...
NajiMakhoul's user avatar
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JSON parameters added directly to query string failing

Hopefully a fairly simple request here. I am hitting the following endpoint through Postman: For a different tool, I need the full query string ...
user2985888's user avatar
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2 answers

Add a list of enum values to a query parameter

For example you have this enum : public enum MyEnum { enum1, enum2, enum3, enum4 } And you want to pass a IEnumerable<MyEnum> as a query parameter? I tried this : var ...
user7849697's user avatar
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Query string with dot as decimal separator in C#

I would like to build a query string with a dot as decimal separator but I can not figure out how / where I should use the CultureInfo to convert the comma to the dot in the Account property value. ...
Frankie's user avatar
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Blazor not found when using query parameters

When i use query Parameters and start to navigate to the url my .Net 8 Blazor Web App shows me not found Url: https://localhost:7015/qrcode/info?Id=4a6830b2-0e4a-4c46-8cf0-ed01855ee65e&Type=...
Steini's user avatar
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String with query parameters in generateStaticParams

Could you please advise me, I have a following page.tsx which gets the data from the server and delivers it to the Component: export async function generateStaticParams ({ params: { product } }: ...
feelingreat's user avatar
3 votes
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Brackets in JavaScript/React in Query Params

How do I achieve the brackets as shown in this URL? {{url}}/invoices?orderBy[created_at]=asc&orderBy[reference_number]=asc invoiceApi.js import api from '@/api/api'; import { useMutation, ...
Joseph's user avatar
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HTMX - Read URL Search Params / Query String and pass into fetch request

Very simple landing page, thought it would be a good place to start playing with HTMX. The objective is really simple: Landing page with a query string in the URL. onLoad it fires a request to server, ...
Chris's user avatar
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postgresql function inserts new records with the pass-in timestamp parameter problem

I have two text boxes where the user can specify the fromtime and totime. My applicaton has many code like - SELECT * FROM event_transition -- first ? is fromtime and second ? is totime WHERE ...
lee chen's user avatar
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Axum Query Parameter is only deserialized up to the first parameter and all the rest are left as None in lambda

I am using Axum rust to handle Query parameters in the URL within the runtime. The issue that I can't figure out is that the program will only deserialize the first query parameter. If there are two ...
Lacrosse343's user avatar
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Convert Wordpress url with querystring to slash-delimited "friendly" url

I want this link: Convert to: I found this code and edited it a bit: add_action('init', function () { add_rewrite_rule('^c/web/theme/([...
Monoor's user avatar
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2 answers

Type error while passing query string as props to arbitrery component in Next.js 12.4

I newbie in Next.js and I've just started learnig routing and query params. I wanted to pass query params down as props to a component to sort my list based on that params. However, when I got my ...
Alireza's user avatar
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How to Validate Comma-Separated Query String as an Array in Fastify with Ajv?

I'm working with Fastify and fastify/ajv-compiler in my project to handle and validate HTTP requests. I've encountered a problem when trying to pass arrays through a query string, where they aren't ...
ZhiHan's user avatar
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opensearch single field, string_query only find document when a random field is added to the field list

I have a very weird situation with opensearch... This document: { name: 'Andrew Jones', contact_name: nil, address_nil, account_id: 1234 } is NOT searchable with this query {:bool=> {...
user3143913's user avatar
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Is it possible to search for multiple categories in a single MapQuest API call?

I am using the MapQuest API to search for certain types of businesses within a 1 mile radius of a given location. For example, to find grocery stores in downtown New York, I would use this link: https:...
Jason Thuli's user avatar
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AWS Amplify support for APIs with query string (image components having strapi urls with query sting not loading/ being ignored)

I have hosted a Next js app (version 14.x, with node 20 (app routing)) in aws amplify (from github) that uses Strapi as Headless CMS. I am unable to access any cms content from stapi that has a query ...
eccentricCoder's user avatar
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Modify query param in url with angular application

I have a small mini game in which the input is a random number, so it would be something like that: http://localhost:4200/minigame In order to that mini game to be "repeatable" I want to ...
Manuelarte's user avatar
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.Net controller not receiving value in query string correctly

I found that if my endpoint uses method Get with [FromQuery] then the input value is parsed incorrectly. Check my image below My postman sent request My endpoint received the request the ...
Duc Thang's user avatar
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Atmosphere framework - Is there any security concerns because of query string in request URI

I am using Atmosphere framework for web socket communication in my application. The generated web socket URLs contains X-Atmosphere-tracking-id, X-Atmosphere-Framework, X-Atmosphere-Transport, X-atmo-...
Srinivas Dasari's user avatar
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Use an enum when passing a parameter through SupplyParameterFromQuery

I am trying to use an enum type (to avoid hard-coding the values) when passing a parameter through SupplyParameterFromQuery as follow: Counter.razor public enum EnumType { One, Two, Three } [...
Cfun's user avatar
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How to manage modal based on query parameters in React?

hello i have this problem to solve with React/Next.js: basically in an e-commerce website, if a user holds a certain status, let's say "specialUser", i need to display a modal at checkout ...
queercoded's user avatar
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skyscanner query string url

Generate a skyscanner url by passing two pieces of data as a query string with FROM and TO locations, so that the skyscanner search is already filled in when the user lands on the site from my url ...
basilisk's user avatar
-2 votes
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Compress lowercase string into mixed case

How can I compress a string such that: the compressed input is lowercase alphanumeric and the dot character (37 possible symbols) the compressed output output is alphanumeric mixed case only (62 ...
Adrien's user avatar
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How can I prevent alphabetical sorting of query parameter in Spring Boot RestTemplate?

Because of our company infrastructure and security guidelines I had to write a proxy to enable other services to communicate with an external API. The flow of a sample request would be a GET from a ...
anscheinbar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mockoon how to add filter to CRUD route

New to Mockoon. I have a data bucket like this: [ { "id": 1, "parentObjectServiceType": 14, "parentObjectId": 4, "title": "Note ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Pre fill google contact add form from url query field

I want to add a feature in admin panel, in which when admin click on phone number, it will redirect to google contact add url and I will pass customer data in query URL. This query data will ...
Dishant Dave's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to pass query parameters with spaces in Open API 3

I have query parameter http://localhost:8080/test?username=User Name . Below is the spec used /test: get: description: Pass name parameters: - name: username in: ...
shyama moneymohan's user avatar
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"message": "MongoServerError: unknown top level operator: $${match}price$${match}

"message": "MongoServerError: unknown top level operator: $${match}price$${match}. If you have a field name that starts with a '$' symbol, consider using $getField or $setField." ...
Gregory 's user avatar
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How can I bind a list of numbers in C# in CSV format to a controller-level property?

I have this URL:,2,3 I want to bind that 1,2,3 CSV to a List<int> in my code. I'm using this code, but it does not work: public ...
behnam rahmani's user avatar
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Building correct API query URL to filter data from by multiple keywords

I am trying to get some data from a public API and need some help figuring out the correct query syntax for the request URL. Below is my script. (Never mind fixing or improving the function, it is ...
mandmeier's user avatar
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3 answers

How to retrieve all query params from the URL which has a redirect URL as one of param

I have below logic to retrieve query PARAM form the application URL. But this logic is not working when there is a URL as a query param which has its own query parameters. Example below Ex: https://...
Satheesh's user avatar
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AngularJs and ASP.NET getting internal server 500 error while updating record

From a list of records edit button is added, when clicked edit page is loaded, button code is: <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="...
user940959's user avatar
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Why asp-route encodes get string parameter?

I tried two approaches to create a link: <a asp-page="/page" asp-route-param="[1]"> <a href="/page?param=[1]"> And got two different addresses: ../page?...
Yola's user avatar
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.NET 6 web API receive wrong query parameters

I am calling a GET method to my server with a query parameter courseTierSlug=advanced, and it receives "avanced" though (missing the letter d). Then I try the word "adtanced" (...
Duc Thang's user avatar
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Suppress the vscodeBrowserReqId query parameter in vscode simple browser

I have a simple server application written in go and I'm using vscode as my editor. If I run the debugger (or run the binary via go run .) vscode gives me a couple of options in a pop up... Your ...
Fraser's user avatar
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about ngnix / htaccess config

i need to get querystring end of the path all path define a url variable i can get all path to variable but i can not get the querystring "...
Erdem KOÇHAN's user avatar
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.htaccess redirect rewrite rule with slug and params coming from an old WordPress site

I moved away from a WordPress site and need to clean up some page redirects. Feel like this should be easier but I'm stuck on the slug with parameters, and can't find a good example to figure it out. ...
Cory's user avatar
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Too many if statements? Display div on page depends on hash param

I have multiple pages (about 250) and they each have a button at the end of the page that will send the user to the same page consisting of the download link. So, on click of those buttons the user ...
Phillyday's user avatar
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