Questions tagged [radio-group]

radio-group is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of radio buttons. Checking one radio button that belongs to a radio group unchecks any previously checked radio button within the same group.

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236 votes
19 answers

How to get the selected index of a RadioGroup in Android

Is there an easy way to get the selected index of a RadioGroup in Android or do I have to use OnCheckedChangeListener to listen for changes and have something that holds the last index selected? ...
John Boker's user avatar
  • 83.2k
179 votes
6 answers

Multiple radio button groups in one form

Is it possible to have multiple radio button groups in a single form? Usually selecting one button deselects the previous, I just need to have one of a group deselected. <form> <fieldset ...
AlexG's user avatar
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151 votes
8 answers

How to set radio button checked as default in radiogroup?

I have created RadioGroup and RadioButton dynamically as following: RadioGroup radioGroup = new RadioGroup(context); RadioButton radioBtn1 = new RadioButton(context); ...
Sandeep Kumar P K's user avatar
131 votes
9 answers

How to set OnClickListener on a RadioButton in Android?

I have two RadioButtons inside a RadioGroup. I want to set OnClickListener on those RadioButtons. Depending on which RadioButton is clicked, I want to change the text of an EditText. How can I achieve ...
mayur rahatekar's user avatar
103 votes
21 answers

How to group RadioButton from different LinearLayouts?

I was wondering if is possible to group each single RadioButton in a unique RadioGroup maintaining the same structure. My structure look like this: LinearLayout_main LinearLayout_1 RadioButton1 ...
marcoqf73's user avatar
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86 votes
11 answers

How to check if a radiobutton is checked in a radiogroup in Android?

I need to set validation that user must fill / select all details in a page. If any fields are empty wanna show Toast message to fill. Now I need set validation for RadioButton in the RadioGroup. I ...
Srihari's user avatar
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72 votes
12 answers

RadioGroup: How to check programmatically

I create a RadioGroup from XML <RadioGroup android:id="@+id/option" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:orientation="horizontal" android:checkedButton="@+id/...
Bao Le's user avatar
  • 17.1k
67 votes
6 answers

AngularJs: How to set radio button checked based on model

I have a model returning in the storeLocations object with a isDefault value. if isDefault returns true, I wan't to set that radio button in the group as checked. Not sure if I need to do a $each(...
Christopher Marshall's user avatar
64 votes
6 answers

Android: RadioGroup - How to configure the event listener

From my understanding, to determine if a checkbox is "clicked" and find if it's checked or not, code such as the following can be used: cb=(CheckBox)findViewById(; cb....
Ryan's user avatar
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41 votes
8 answers

How to disable a RadioGroup until checkbox is checked

I have a radio group which I do not want to user to be able to select any of the buttons until a particular checkbox is selected within my app. If the checkbox is unticked then this disables the radio-...
W0lf7's user avatar
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38 votes
8 answers

Set mat-radio-button default selected in a mat-radio-group with angular2

I got this problem in my angular app. I have many options in a mat-radio-group but these are dynamically placed according to a json object. Something like this: This is the json object { "list": [ ...
Sergio Mendez's user avatar
37 votes
5 answers

Multiple radio button groups in MVC 4 Razor

I need to have multiple radio button groups in my form like this: I know it's simply done by specifying the same "name" html attribute for each group. HOWEVER MVC doesn't let you specify your own ...
Ali's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

binding radiobuttons group to a property in WPF

Let's imagine that I have: <RadioButton GroupName="Group1" IsChecked="{Binding Path=RadioButton1IsChecked}" /> <RadioButton GroupName="Group1" IsChecked="{Binding Path=RadioButton2IsChecked}"...
Bogdan Verbenets's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

Get the array of RadioButtons in a RadioGroup in Android

Is there any way of getting an array (or a collection) of the RadioButtons in an Android RadioGroup? I would like to add individual listeners to radio buttons but I don't see any obvious way of ...
Tim's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

How to evenly space out radiobuttons in Android?

I have three radiobuttons and I want to evenly space them across the screen. When I use android:layout_weight="1", the buttons are stretched out across the screen. So how would I have the same amount ...
rasen58's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

android onCheckedChanged for radiogroup

I'm writing an Activity in android where I have two radio buttons under a RadioGroup. One of them is checked by default. But I can't trigger the event in onCreate method so that I can do something in ...
user2534310's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

With Bootstrap, how do I show radio inputs as buttons?

My form currently contains this code: <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <label for="opt-0"><input type="radio" ...
Likk's user avatar
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30 votes
13 answers

RadioGroup with two columns which have ten RadioButtons

I have a RadioGroup and I want to align buttons next to each other in two columns and five rows and I am unable to achieve it. Things I have tried: RelativeLayout -> Outside RadioGroup -> Inside ...
Jason Wood's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

Android radiogroup, divider between radiobuttons

Is there a simple way to add a divider between RadioButtons inside a RadioGroup? I've tried using the divider xml attribute and it doesn't seem to be working. In case it's relevant, the RadioGroup in ...
Karakuri's user avatar
  • 38.4k
26 votes
5 answers

RadioGroup calls onCheckChanged() three times

I've been struggling with an issue of programmatic checking of a RadioButton, which is situated in a RadioGroup. It seems that a single check() call raises three events - once for the first ...
user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

How do I listen for changes to a RadioGroup's selected value using JQuery?

I need to register a handler for a group of radio buttons. I'm using JQuery and hoped that its .change method would accomplish this. However I have not experienced the desired behavoir. Here is a ...
Justin's user avatar
  • 10.8k
21 votes
1 answer

Making RadioGroup radio buttons with images in Android... How?

Is it possible to make Radio Buttons in Android, where there are image representation to a button instead of a regular buttons? I want it to look something like that: The cyan in the middle ...
Igal's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Manage Layout Inside a Horizontal Oriented Radiogroup

I am using a TableLayout with TableRows as my main activity. Inside the TableLayout is a Radio Group containing 2 Radio Buttons inside the activity (the Radio Group being inside a table row). I want ...
deteego's user avatar
  • 181
17 votes
7 answers

Preparing customized radio group type of layout

I am trying to prepare custom radiogroup like layout in the below image. I have nearly 8-10 rows to do that. So, I prepared one linear layout which has horizontal orientation and added the imageview, ...
Apparatus's user avatar
  • 411
17 votes
3 answers

Custom layout for RadioButton

Is there any way I can change the layout for a RadioButton and still have the RadioGroup recognise it? what I need is that the layout will include a couple of EditText fields so that when the user ...
theblitz's user avatar
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16 votes
9 answers

How to check which radio button of a radio group is selected? [ANDROID]

I am using two radio groups with multiple radio buttons, I want to check which radio button is selected so that I can call specific functions accordingly. I am using getCheckedRadioButtonId method to ...
User's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

radio group setOnCheckedChangeListener

I have some problem with radio group, I am new to Android development so I don't have much idea to how can handle it.This is form which has some input filed and radio group for choosing gender and ...
mkafiyan's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

RadioGroup empty field check using setError in Android

I was wondering how to setError for a RadioGroup[gender] with RadioButton's [gender_b,gender_c] if it is null. This is how i'm getting the RadioButton values though: private boolean genradiocheck() {...
MetaldroiD's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

android add padding between radiogroup buttons programmatically

I have a radiogroup in xml, and the buttons are generated programmatically. How do I add spacing between the buttons programmatically. I thought it was something like LayoutParams but my object doesn'...
CQM's user avatar
  • 43.5k
13 votes
1 answer

Make mat-radio-button a required field in a form

I am using a form in Angular 6, and I am disabling the submit button on this condition: <button tabindex="-1" mat-raised-button class="submit-btn" color="primary" type="submit" [disabled]="!...
Michael's user avatar
  • 3,163
9 votes
3 answers

RadioButtons with TextView in RadioGroup

Is it possible to add TextView below RadioButton in RadioGroup in any other way than extending and creating my custom RadioButton?
Michal's user avatar
  • 15.6k
9 votes
3 answers

AngularJS: Binding boolean value to radio button such that it updates model to false on uncheck event

In my AngularJS application, I am displaying contacts data in a grid. My typical contacts JSON looks like as below ... [ { type: "IM", value: "mavaze123", default: true }, { type: "IM", value:...
mavaze's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

extJS RadioGroup setValue() function

I have created RadioGroup using the code var radios = new Ext.form.RadioGroup({ columns : 2, items: [ {boxLabel: 'E-Mail', name: 'communication', inputValue: 1}, ...
Sapan's user avatar
  • 83
8 votes
2 answers

How can I change a label text without interfering with an input radio inside the label?

In my html template I've got a label with an input radio inside: <label id="myid" class="inline"> <input type="radio" value ="11"> my text </label> I need to change the ...
kiks73's user avatar
  • 3,728
8 votes
1 answer

How can I create multiple radio button groups on a single form?

With VCL, we had a TRadioGroup class with an Items property you could modify at design time. With Firemonkey, we only have the TRadioButton class. From what I understand, if you add objects of type ...
ardnew's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Which radio button is selected in a TRadioGroup?

As you can see in my question history, I'm developing a eBook manager, that will be open-source and I will release it in about 10 days, but I have a TRadioGroup, as you can see: TRadioGroup Used On My ...
Nathan Campos's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to get value from Radio group in Jetpack Compose

I'm beginner in Jetpack Compose, so I don't know how can I get value from Radio group that I created. This is my Radio group composable function: @Composable fun KindRadioGroup( mItems: List<...
Hooman Hooshyar's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Grails RadioGroup, how to bind labels to radio name

I'm struggling arround with the g:radioGroup tag -- I want to create some radios and some labels correspondig to the radios: <g:radioGroup name="stateOfHealth" value="${review.stateOfHealth}" id="...
john Smith's user avatar
  • 17.7k
7 votes
2 answers

reset my checked radiogroup when the radiogroup is used again in the same activity

I am making a quiz application...I am accessing the questions through "id"...every time a question is answered(any radio button is checked),the id is incremented and doInBackground() function is ...
sagar's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

RadioGroup extending RelativeLayout?

I'm trying to make a grid of radio buttons for my app, what I have learned is that this isn't possible using regular RadioGroup because it extends LinearLayout and if you try to arrange the ...
Kyle V.'s user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

SWT: set radio buttons programmatically

When I create a couple of radio buttons (new Button(parent, SWT.RADIO)) and set the selection programmatically using radioButton5.setSelection(true) the previously selected radio button also remains ...
Mot's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Android dynamic RadioGroup/RadioButtons as flat buttons

this is a similar issue to what is mentioned in a related post but I thought it was different enough to get its own question. Here it goes: I have been able to get the "radio circle" to disappear no ...
aveyD's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Radio Group not getting Focus in Android

So I have a form that contains two EditText components and a RadioGroup. When I click on one of the EditText fields the keyboard pops-out and I can right and everything is great. UNTIL I click on one ...
Mohamed Sobhy's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

how can i set RadioGroup unchecked by default in android?

I am doing an app to conduct simple quiz.I have given the answers are multiple choice using RadioGroup. So on loading each question how can I set RadioGroup unchecked by default ?
Mohammed mansoor's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

remove dynamicallly created radiobuttons from a radiogroup in Android

:) My RadioGroup's RadioButtons get dynamically created from an ArrayList (which resides in my main activity) full of links like so: ArrayList = { "hxxp://", "hxxp://", .....
jeremy's user avatar
  • 145
6 votes
1 answer

RadioButton with Custom View Android

I'm trying to implement a radiobuttons with custom views like the below screenshot. The count of the radio button will be dynamic. I tried to create a Radiogroup and added the RadioButton to the ...
Mahendran Sakkarai's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Radio Button in one radio group in 2 horizontal line

i try to set 4 radio button in one Radio group in 2 lines, but problem is that when i take linear layout with horizontal orientation then radio group functionality not work . All Radio buttons select ....
Shivang Trivedi's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Only one radio button selected at a time

I have two radio button in a radio group. I also have 2 androd:button checkbox- for when the radio button is deselected and checkbox_v for when he user selects the checkbox. I also implemnted that a ...
user182192's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Possible to allow all radio buttons to be unchecked in an Android app?

Just wanted to see if anyone knows if there's a radiogroup or radiobutton attribute or something else quick that will allow radio buttons to be unchecked when they're in checked mode. I'm looking to ...
wajiw's user avatar
  • 12.3k
5 votes
3 answers

Radio Button findViewById within a Fragment

I have looked around and implemented some of the things that I have found in order to get the findViewById to work inside my Fragment. However, I get either the cannot resolve method findViewById or I ...
James Robert Singleton's user avatar

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