Questions tagged [rangeslider]

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In my range slider the track is coming over on thumb while working fine on Chrome

Here are my css html that I am using in my website. View attached images for a better understanding of my problem. Tried z-index and other things but not working. Its working fine on chrome and safari ...
Suton's user avatar
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Price Range Slider: green slider moves outside of range slider when i set new value in text input

[enter image description here]( I wanted to make a Range Slider in text input fields, but the following problem appeared: when I plan to enter a new minimum or ...
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Range slider in React Native

I'm trying to figure out how to add those 'prefixes'. Do I need to handle it through styling manually, or is there a specific prop I should be using? I'm still getting the hang of it, so any guidance ...
med hedi ben salah's user avatar
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Problem with RangeSlider second node is invisible [duplicate]

Expected Actual My problem is that the second node of the RangeSlider turns invisible after i set seats.setShowTickLabels(true); to true. It is still there because the lowValue cannot go beond the ...
Erik Exel's user avatar
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SyncFusion Range Slider

I am trying to create a custom widget using SFRangeSlider and can not seem to figure out how to write the code properly. I get an "Unknown Error". Do I need to declare a newValues variable? ...
Scott Wynn's user avatar
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How to change track radius in Range Slider

I am using Range Slider (material) ( I am using double sided Range Slider as given in above documentation. I am setting the height of the track using ...
Sunny's user avatar
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how to update new range values in range-slider-input package?

I want to use this package I have two text input fields. I want the values to be updated in these text fields when I change the slider, and I manage to do this successfully. However, when I change the ...
user2726957's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does the tooltip for my range slider defy expectations and present an unexpected display glitch?

So, in my bootstrap 5 modal, I have a range slider. I added a tooltip to my three dynamic range sliders. After i add them, the tooltips overflow on the right side ( displaying incorrectly ). I ...
Rejuan hossain's user avatar
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How to implement an vertical range slider with interactjs?

I implemented a vertical range slider based on the interactjs example here The basic slider works well so far: jsfiddle Now I want to add the slider to my website. On the website, the slider is inside ...
stoex's user avatar
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Range slider with consistent increment and overflow action

In this example code below: -The thumb of the range slider is normally set to 70% of the container divided by fCount. fCount represents the max value of the slider (the increment). The width of the ...
ofer dofer's user avatar
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Python/Dash: convert a callback a variable from a integer/float to a list-Type?

Hello and many Thanks in advance for help! I want to give a RangeSlider a value over a variable. Could it be, that a Variable that I create in a dcc.Store (ProzessgraphMin) is changed to a ...
Daniel W.'s user avatar
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Matplotlib: RangeSlider breaks when used from left side?

I am trying to create a Matplotlib figure that handles N plots with a common x axis, a Rangeslider, a Cursor and Annotations. I am very close to making it work, but I encountered the strangest issue. ...
Scar9123's user avatar
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RangeSlider in android generating a lots of thumbs

When creating a range slider with only two points, on thumb position change, it shows all the older thumbs. Looks like mosses or some kind of grass grown up on the slider. I expect to fix the ...
Mukuldeep Maiti's user avatar
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Flutter RangeSlider : How to display different value inside left and right thumbs?

I have a customized RangeSlider with 2 values: RangeValues.start / RangeValues.end. How to put RangeValues.start in left thumb and RangeValues.end in right thumb? As you can see value is the same on ...
Caveira Rainbow's user avatar
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Add HTML attribute to react rangeslider component

I am using react ranheslider component and want to add attribute area role but it's not allowing. can we do that?? As shown below here i want to add role attribute. please help and let me know.
Kalpana Sharma's user avatar
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@change event is not firing with rangeslider.js in vue 3

I'm using rangeslider.js plugin for a custom slider. In vue 3, while I slide/change the the slider value @change event is not firing. How to solve this issue. HTML: data(){ return{ ...
rosudel's user avatar
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Seeking Expertise: How Can I Align a Range Slider's Thumb and Value Display Perfectly?

I've been working on a web development project, and I've encountered a particularly challenging issue. I've been trying to create a range slider where the thumb and the displayed value are perfectly ...
inhobbyteach's user avatar
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Multi-color track in SfRangeSlider in Flutter

I am using SfRangeSlider in my app and I need to customize the track of the slider based on the values. For example: the part of the track that represents values until 30 should be green the part of ...
jux_97's user avatar
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How to customize thumb in range slider

[It is my desired output][1] [1]: I am working with flutter. I use Range Slider widget to select a value range. But can't customize its slider thumb as shown in my ...
Sreerekha K V's user avatar
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Unable to Drag Range Slider Thumbs Using Selenium Actions Class

I'm currently working on automating a web application that contains a range slider with two thumbs using Selenium. The HTML structure of the slider is as follows: ...
Jinal's user avatar
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Customize Range Slider to fill line with color as you move the input using Tailwind?

I have a Range slider component and I want it to fill the line with color as you move the dot along the range slider. I read the documentation here, but didn't find anything helpful. I was also ...
Lindsey Drennan's user avatar
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Setting the default values in RangeSlider

I am looking for a way to set the initial, default values to the RangeSlider, which should correspond to the slider handles being set at those positions when the GUI is initialized. For instance, I ...
ProR's user avatar
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RangeSlider inside of table fails to show value

I have a range slider embedded inside of a table view. When I adjust the slider, it moves at expected however the sliders label and the value of the slider itself does not show. Below is how I have my ...
Zach Wilcox's user avatar
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Creating a custom shape for Slider Thumb in Flutter (Slider and RangeSlider)

I'm currently working on a Flutter project and I need assistance with creating a custom shape for the Slider thumb. I have both a regular Slider and a RangeSlider in my app, and I would like to ...
Hudaif's user avatar
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Dynamically change entry and rangeslider values in custom tkinter

I have a rangeslider with 2 sliding values (lower and higher) and 2 entry boxes. I would like to bind these entry boxes with the slider values of the rangeslider. That is, if i input some value in the ...
Aryan Bansal's user avatar
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Python tornado multiple rangesliders javascript accessing last instance

I am building a tornado application in which I want to update the values of multiple independent range sliders within a form. The problem with my current code is that I only seem to access the last ...
kakben's user avatar
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How do we pass Chakra RangeSlider values into Formik?

I am trying to pass data into a sign up form with chakra range slider using Formik. I cannot get the changed values passed into my handleSignUp() function. They are always just showing the initial ...
Yan Digilov's user avatar
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Update panel rangeslider limits based on selected heatmap from holomap (holoviews)

Description I am creating a holomap of heatmaps with holoviews and I want to add a rangeslider which controls the color mapper of the colorbar. The limits of the rangeslider should be updated when a ...
user19489240's user avatar
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Font-variation-settings Sliderbar only returning :normal

I am trying to make slider bars that will change the font-variation-settings of a variable font. I am trying to get these sliders to appear dynamically using PHP so that limits my options a tiny bit. ...
Rob's user avatar
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How to implement double range date Slider in react

I am tryin to implement date range slider which pick two date from slider in react , I am using material UI Library but there is no such clear explanation to customize it according to requirement. I ...
Rahul Kumar's user avatar
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HTML Range slider with unevenly spaced datalist values

I am trying to create sliders with some ticks and labels. To add ticks and labels, I am using datalist. This is for a flask app. in this app, we will receive some variables and I want to create a ...
RyanAbnavi's user avatar
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plotly range slider without showing line in small

I want to use Plotly to generate a line chart with a range slider. the range slider shows the displayed line again. this code is just an example. in my case, I have a lot of subplots and everything is ...
Alex's user avatar
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How can I get values from a rangeslider for price calculation?

Help me with a code that multiplies each value stored in a rangeslider by 10 and display the output in a specific place I'm in need of a code that multiplies each value assigned to a rangeslider by (...
Azar's user avatar
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How to change default rangeselector in plotly python

I am using plotly(python) to implement range selector where I've created multiple buttons for selecting ranges and I want to show only one month data by default but it showing all data. My code and ...
Devendra Yadav's user avatar
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Need help to create a rangeslider MAUI C#

Im trying to create a rangeslider for my application in MAUI C#. There is no default rangeslider in Maui library so I tried to make my own rangeslider in a very simple way. It works kind of fine but ...
MauiNoobCoder's user avatar
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Assigning value is slow

I created a range slider with conditional rendering in React, I have a select input based on the value min max of the range slider will change, and the thumb for the range slider is misplaced if ...
Kaviya Raja's user avatar
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how to disable range slider thumbs while dragging if the difference b/w minValue and maxValue in kotlin

i want distance between the two thumbs minage is 18 maxage is22 ditance 4...not like that come minage 18 maxage 18 no distance from two thumbs... but i want distance in thumbs enter code here &...
Safiq Rahman S's user avatar
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Range slider Plotly : How not to add a line

I have the code below, that produce a subplot with a unique range slider. Except i want the range slider to be on row 2, not to create a replicated row2, is there a way to do it? import pandas as pd ...
Johann's user avatar
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Why is Range Slider doubling the step when clicked here?

I have a range slider in which the step is 1 before hitting 36 and 3 after going over 36. I control the slider with the left and right arrow keydown functions on a keyboard. It works perfectly, except ...
Wx_Trader's user avatar
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Separate range sliders for multiple y axes in bokeh

I have multiple line plots to draw on a single figure and I am doing this using bokeh.plotting. Using p0.line(), p0.extra_y_ranges(), and p0.add_layout(LinearAxes()) p0 being 1 bokeh figure. I ...
Pranit's user avatar
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Range Slider Multiple Color Track

I'm using a range slider ( with three thumb sliders. As such the bar is broken up into 4 segments. The first with values below any of the thumbs, 2 ...
denver's user avatar
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Range Slider Help chakra React

I need some assistance understanding the correct place to do my OnChange and Map in my JSON data into a Range Slider. The component renders fine, I get the following error when I move the slider: ...
Spatial_TX's user avatar
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How to change the slider step from 1% to 0.5% on Range Slider? - Javascript - React

After many unsuccessful attempts, I wish to get help on how to reduce the step size of the range slider from 1% to 0.5% . The shoe sizes values are between 34 and 50. I would like to get values like ...
Mesca's user avatar
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I Trying to Duplicate a Javascript Range Slider with a Label and Calculation [closed]

I am a newish web designer trying to incorporate a feature for a client. I didn't charge much for this project so it is fine if I cant pull it off but it has become a thing where I just want to do it ...
Addison Roberts's user avatar
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Dash RangeSlider automatically rounds marks

I am using the RangeSlider in Python Dash. This slider is supposed to allow users to select a range of dates to display, somewhere between the minimum and maximum years in the dataset. The issue that ...
nickbagley's user avatar
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How to sync two range slider present on different pages in JS?

I have 2 range sliders on my website. Both of them lie at different sections of the same page. One Range slider is from apache echarts. This controls my candle stick chart.
Pavithra upendra's user avatar
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RTL range slider for filter price using jquery

I want to create range slider with rtl direction. this code work corectly for ltr direction. I see this link before and it's not help to me. but if you can tell me from this link ,it's good for me too,...
gomnam gomnam's user avatar
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How do I set a default image on a range slider with images

I have range slider which flicks through images and gives a number. When I refresh the page the image shows up blank. How do I set a default image so that when I refresh the page the image shows on ...
James Williams's user avatar
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Value change of range slider when drop-down tab changed

I am trying to figure out how to change the value of a range slider when a drop-down unit menu is changed. For example, the slider is currently set to min -29, max 43, and step size 18 for "...
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Create a range slider for a date

I'm trying to create a range filter but for a date. The below code works fine for the columns which are integers, but I'm having trouble making it work for a date. I'm using ion range slider but am ...
kodikai's user avatar
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