Questions tagged [recipe]

In general terms, a recipe is a set of instructions that describe how to prepare or make something, with respect to computing it's typically used to describe a set of rules used to manage building code.

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2 answers

RDFa / Microformat - Recipe markup standards

I wonder if anyone can help? After Google announced that it will take note of RDFa / Microformats for online recipes, I've been looking into this for a couple of recipe based sites I run. However we ...
MrFidge's user avatar
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Recipe not being executed in Chef

I'm making a simple recipe that apt-get upgrades the whole system. include_recipe "apt" execute "apt-get upgrade -y" do command "apt-get upgrade -y" action :nothing end but it never ...
Disco's user avatar
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PCA, TidyModels; how to change rotation method in step_pca?

I'm trying to preform PCA (principal component analysis) using TidyModels. I have created a recipe but I don't know how can I change the default rotation used in `step_pca() method (such as changing ...
Papa Analytica's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

PHP MySQL recipe search based on what ingredients are provided

Say I have a database of recipes, and I want to search through them based on what ingredients I have. There should be 3 tables: Recipes (rid, rname), Ingredients (iid, iname), Relationship (rid, iid)...
digiwig's user avatar
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IMAGE_INSTALL vs PACKAGE_FEATURES - what's the difference?

I am trying to create my own customized linux image and I am trying to figure out how to install packages I need and found that there were multiple ways of installing packages. I read through the ...
dianaleeg's user avatar
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Bitbake recipe not applying patch as expected

I have a tarball src.tar.gz whose contents are unpacked into src/ and a patch of this sources generated with this command: $ diff -Nurp src/ src_mod/ > my.patch The patch header starts with this ...
aicastell's user avatar
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Database Schema for Recipe/Ingredient/Measurement/Amount

I'm creating a recipe app to help my wife with her cake hobby. The idea is to create a recipe database to hold all of her cake recipes. Each recipe would have multiple ingredients. Each ingredient ...
4ndyG's user avatar
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3 answers

Make yocto skip a recipe instead of stopping

I have a recipe that does a check during parsing. What I would like to do is instead of issuing a warning or stopping with an error, I would like to make yocto completely ignore the recipe as if it ...
user18197's user avatar
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How to add preprocessor definition in CMAKE project build by Yocto

I'm working on a existent project that use CMake to configure and generate. The target is an ARM device, so I build all the system with Yocto/OpenEmbedded. I manage to build a recipe to build the ...
AntoineC's user avatar
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2 answers

How to pass value from one resource to another resource in chef recipe?

I am trying to change an attribute in one resource and want to use updated value in another resource but updated value is not getting reflected in another resources. please help me Code node[:oracle]...
SASI's user avatar
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How to install a Python Recipe File (.py)?

I'm new to Python. I'm currently on Py3k (Win). I'm having trouble installing a .py file. Basically, i want to use the recipes provided at the bottom of this page. So i want to put them inside a .py ...
st0le's user avatar
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Is it possible with chef 'include_recipe ' to append cookbook version?

i know we can include version when we run cookbook like chef-client -o "recipe[[email protected]]" How can version can be appended when doing include_recipe include_recipe "apache2::mod_ssl"@...
aplg34san's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails time helper

I'm working on my first Rails Application. I am a little stuck with the time. I'm working on a recipe application. I need to add two fields. Preparation Time Cook Time Out of the two, i would like ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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"make clean" issue in MSYS/Cygwin

I finally managed to compile a program in Windows, which took a while and would have not been possible without some help from here. It all works now, except: "make clean" yields /bin/sh: del: command ...
Peter's user avatar
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1 answer

Type error in chef recipe

I have the following node definition: { "prestashop_sites" : { "site1": { "username": "dave", "password" :"password123", "URL":"" }, "site2": { "username": "dave2", "...
Disco's user avatar
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Adding Boost recipe to Yocto SDK

My goal is having a Yocto SDK with included boost libraries. Some of the libraries provided by Boost are header only but many others need to be compiled for my target architecture. I'm quite new to ...
Podarce's user avatar
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Build Yocto sources

I need the source packages for a Yocto project. I have already all the sources for the whole project, but they also include the development tools. I would like to have a way of generating the (...
jchnkl's user avatar
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2 answers

Yocto Recipe - Override python module version

I've created a layer to install some python modules, but some of them are already included in a third party layer I need (meta-openembedded). The version of python modules installed by the other layer ...
RiccardoCh's user avatar
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Specifying prior recipe using PREFERRED_VERSION doesn't work in Yocto bitbake?

I'm working on Yocto bitbake. I found that once can specify the recipe using PREFERRED_VERSION directive in conf/local.conf, if there are multiple recipes for the same component. I'm using "Rocko&...
user45573's user avatar
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Yocto determine what recipe a file came from

I am trying to determine how I can find what recipe a source file from the build/tmp/work directory came from. Basically normally most of the recipes in the source folder are uri. Then get downloaded ...
noone392's user avatar
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1 answer

homebrew: the difference between `prefix.install "some_binary"` and `bin.install "some_binary"`

When writing a homebrew recipe, whats the difference between prefix.install "some_binary" and bin.install "some_binary"
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
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Bitbake does not populate so symlinks to shared libaries

In my Yocto layer I have such bitbake recipe for Qt Gstreamer libraries: SUMMARY = "QtGStreamer libraries for Qt5" DESCRIPTION = "QtGStreamer is a set of libraries and plugins providing C++ bindings ...
lewiatan's user avatar
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2 answers

Using bitbake is it possible to have a different do_install for a package based on the target image?

We have a single MACHINE which we use to build two target images; foo-image and foobar-image. Both images consume the same version of a package, but we would like to add a change to the do_install ...
Timothy's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to to tune parameters inside a recipe workflow?

I'd like to use the step_impute_knn function from the recipe package to impute some missing values in my data. I've tested it with the default parameters (neighbours = 5, nthread = 1 and eps = 1e-08) ...
GreenManXY's user avatar
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QA Issue: Package version for package went backwards which would break package feeds [version-going-backwards]

I'm trying to build a core-image-minimal image using an updated recipe of Yocto 3.1 (pytest from 5.x.x to 6.x.x) that has been successfully builded with devtool build. The work has been added to a ...
Antonio Santoro's user avatar
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1k views for complex or multi-part recipes

I am trying to determine how to mark up a Recipe in where the recipe has multiple sub-recipes. For example: A Victoria Sponge might have: Set #1: Ingredients, preparation steps, and prep/...
le Pusscat's user avatar
3 votes
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How to automate user interactive command in chef recipe

I am trying to write code for automating /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure command where as it needs 4 inputs to proceed. Default user to own the driver interface [grid]: grid Default group to own the ...
SASI's user avatar
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0 answers

BitBake - what defines the order of tasks for a recipe?

Is there a way to list the order of tasks that shall be executed when a recipe is built with BitBake? I know I can build the recipe and then inspect log.task_order, but that's not what I'm after - I ...
JindraPompo's user avatar
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How to create custom recipes for p4a in Python?

So I am trying to use the SpeechRecognition package with my Kivy app. I am using buildozer to build and deploy, but I need to create a custom recipe for the SpeechRecognition package. So far I have ...
lukasmvv's user avatar
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0 answers

Variables in Chef guard interpreter

Is variable evaluation possible with the chef guard_interpreter resource? It does not work in this code. Thanks! guard_interpreter :powershell_script not_if '( (gwmi win32_computersystem).name -...
Stan Morsky's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is gnu make ignoring my explicit pattern rule and using a built-in implicit rule instead?

My makefile has this rule/recipe: %o: %cpp Makefile g++ -Wall -Wextra -MMD -MP -O2 -c -o $@ $< This worked fine until I upgraded Cygwin recently and got Make 3.82.90 (previous version was ...
Dan's user avatar
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bitbake recipe - doing a simple copy of the image

I am attempting to write a recipe that would simple copy two files (MyfileA , MyfileB) to a specific directory when the overall image is built. This is what my directory structure looks like: MyDir/...
James Franco's user avatar
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How to create user having member in multiple groups in chef user resource

While creating user we can specify group in gid to which he belongs and if this user belongs to multiple groups how can we specify in chef user 'random' do supports :manage_home => true ...
SASI's user avatar
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2 answers

How to install files in Yocto

I wrote Yocto recipe for library and try to install to image. When I run command "bitbake myproject" I get follow error: ERROR: sxe-0.1-r0 do_package: QA Issue: sxe: Files/directories were installed ...
Ziegfried's user avatar
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2 answers

Yocto recipe using cmake cannot find git

I am trying to build a recipe for mongo-cxx-driver ( I have working recipes for libbson and mongo-c-driver, which are requirements, but when I try to build ...
hme's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't bitbake find and install my script?

I'm trying to write a simple bitbake recipe which will install some scripts into a target Root File System. I must be missing something, because I feel like I set this up correctly, but I keep getting ...
Mike's user avatar
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how to add custom step in recipe

I want to transform my features for a machine learning model using a custom transformation. my function is : step_customFunc <- function(x){ 1/(max(x+1) -x)} Is there a way to add this in the ...
Abdelouahed BEN MHAMED's user avatar
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Library installation with yocto recipe

have a bit of a problem creating a recipe for yocto. More specifically i have to install a library from git that normally installs like this: ./bootstrap ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc make sudo make ...
Mihai's user avatar
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What is the leading "@" at the recipe of a makefile

In a makefile that is generated by eclipse, I see the following rules: ./Cores/$(TARGET).core.3.srec : ../$(TARGET).core.3/Debug/$(TARGET).core.3.elf @mkdir -p ./Cores/ @e-objcopy --...
ysap's user avatar
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Force Chef to run recipes multiple times with different attributes

I have a cookbook (CB1) with a recipe (install_app) that will install applications. install_app actually executes a series of other recipes in CB1 and it uses attributes to change which application ...
red888's user avatar
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How to change /etc/shadow permissions in yocto recipes?

I followed something like: but didn't work. Expected results: 4.0K -r--r----- 1 root shadow 974 Jan 3 2001 /etc/...
Ederick Colmenares's user avatar
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Bitbake recipe that includes opencv

I am trying to get a very simple recipe to build using bitbake, and I cannot figure out why opencv cannot be included. All the example I have found use this setup and appear to have no problem ...
Matt3511's user avatar
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4 answers

Django and Buildout Deployment Problem

I am trying to deploy my existing django project via buildout, following loosely the instructions here. my buildout.cfg file is: [buildout] parts = django python develop = . eggs ...
Dave's user avatar
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Kivy application crash after loading

I'm a student of Bachelor of Engineering and still in my second year, but I'm trying to develop a basic Assistant app using Python and Kivy (which I tried to learn on my own). I have the code written ...
PSKPK's user avatar
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How to invoke a python module in Yocto bitbake recipe?

I am working on a linux open-embedded project (Yocto), and I need to use gRPC. Below are my recipes that try to invoke the gRPC python module. (grpcio-tools) In local.conf TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_append = ...
Anson Tan's user avatar
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BitBake recipe for custom

In my recipe I have to download git repository and run CMake. After CMake finish its work additional directory OUT is created which contain file that I like to run in do_install? I have tried:...
PatLas's user avatar
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Bitbake: modify a bbappend depending on the image compiled

I have two different images which use a lot of common packages. One of them is the wpa-supplicant, which provides a file wpa_supplicant.conf installed by the default recipe. However, I want my own ...
Javi's user avatar
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Chef recipe - how to run a resource only if user resource did manage_home

I have two resources in my recipe. The first one is a user resource that sets the user uid/gid/home directory etc. It uses supports :manage_home => true. My second resource is a bash resource. ...
tytk's user avatar
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Undefined method `checksum' for Chef::Resource::Directory

While running a recipe for Pyramid, the following is failing in chef-solo: ================================================================================ Error executing action `create` on resource ...
jamesc's user avatar
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Where to specify attributes when installing recipe in chef (ubuntu)?

New to Chef's world. I found this useful recipe : I see the following default attributes : default['drupal']['version'] = "7.14" default['drupal']['...
Disco's user avatar
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