Questions tagged [render]

Rendering is the process of generating an image from a model (or models in what collectively could be called a scene file), by means of computer programs.

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2 answers

Update parameters render view

I have a view, that actually is rendering only after an axios request finish, but I need to render the view first, and when the request is ready, I pass the parameter to the view. Actually: app.get('...
Kloves's user avatar
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React - Loop inside a loop not rendering

I have a map loop inside another loop like this: {"undefined" !== typeof this.props.categoryObject['products'] && Object.keys(this.props.categoryObject['products']).length > 0 && ...
Diezel's user avatar
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React componentDidMount and setState not seeming to cause a rerender to show my component [duplicate]

/*After fetching data and setting to state, I am attempting to generate an array of jsx items to display. But the array is showing as empty and nothing is rendering. Tried, hardcoding and this works. ...
graveltrunk's user avatar
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Vulkan can you do nested render passes?

Is it possible to call a render pass to a different target while a render pass is already being recorded? In pseudo code (using the hpp header) something like this: cmd1.beginRenderPass(&...
Makogan's user avatar
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Can't reach user data field, console says can't find user of undefined

I want to display logged use name at a left section on the page. When i try to reach user displayName it says that it can't fin value of undefined. Can someone explain me why? I have tried ...
Man H's user avatar
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How to fix: variable in return section of render method not updating when render is called a second time React

I am pulling in data from a Flask api to React asynchronously and updating the page after the data has been received. The new data correctly updates the state, and re-rendering the page shows the new ...
ryankuck's user avatar
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web component after page load is getting destroyed

I created a custom element(web component) and using webpack will render without any issues but as I include on the working page(which is a wordpress) on render will show up and at the end of the ...
fefe's user avatar
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Having an issue with rendering table in a React component

I am trying to render a table inside a react component but having trouble aligning the rows with the header render() { console.log("Top Searches",this.props.topSearches) return( ...
user12049337's user avatar
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Rendering content from a text file in pygame [duplicate]

I would like some help with my python code. I am trying to render my high scores from a text file onto a new screen. Im able to open a new window when I push a button called high scores. It displays ...
Butter's user avatar
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I get NoReverseMatch error when trying to pass data from a form to database in Django

I am new to Django and i wrote some code which is supposed to take some data from a form in orderr.html and pass it to the data base ( the app is called order) orderr.html <form action="{% url "...
Mary Poppins's user avatar
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Reverse for 'order_page' with arguments '('',)' not found

i am trying to write a Django project in which i pass data ('cart') from detail.html in the app called 'cart' to another app ('order') and display it in its template. However i get the next error : ...
Mary Poppins's user avatar
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Does React has element like <template/> in vue which is only for wrapping stuffs but not has true effect on html's structure?

I have a problem on React conditional rendering these days. As we all know, when we use conditional rendering to determine whether some elements will be rendered or not.We have to wrap these elements ...
Sherr_Y's user avatar
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How can i switch from one app to another in Django while passing data?

I am writing a Django application and i got stuck at this line of code in html in one of my Django apps: <a href="{% url "order:order_page" request.cart %} "> ORDER </a> I want the word '...
Mary Poppins's user avatar
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How to Redraw chart in JavaScript

I have application which needs to update the chart with the javascript. To do that I have created for loop. However It does not do that. What is wrong with my code. Any help is appreciated. Thank You. ...
GhostDede's user avatar
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React Native render HTML to string for alert function

As the title said, i don't want to render in component, just to strings. i want to pass it on Alert function I know there are a lot of library for rendering html, but all of them render to component....
Dell Watson's user avatar
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What's the point in fetching remote data in componentDidMount method if it will cause change in what is shown to user?

You are right that there are too much words. The only remaining question now is: Why is it considered to be normal to fetch data in cDM method if it is called after rendering and will cause an extra ...
user6419217's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Update React Hooks State During Render Using useMemo

Can useMemo be used just to avoid extra referential equality checking code/vars when setting state during a render? Example: useMemo with a setState during render taken from this rare documented use ...
ecoe's user avatar
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How to use ref in (conditional render)

I want to use ref, however I am not able to use this in the conditional rendering which is initially false. constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { filterActive: false, } ...
Anup Mishra's user avatar
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Rails - how to redirect, flash an error / notice, and download a csv in the same action? [duplicate]

I'm building a feature that allows a user to process a mass update of records via a csv. I want the functionality to be, from the index page: upload csv return a flash notice of how many records ...
Misha Krul's user avatar
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HTML JavaScript React: Front-End React Component Throwing react-dom.development.js:506 Warning

I have rendered a front-end react / redux component using JSX syntax. It executes but throws the following warning in my console: Below is my code: import React from 'react' import {connect} from ...
PineNuts0's user avatar
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JavaScript React Redux: Field from Database is not Rendering in Web Page and Can't Select Value in DropDown

I have a table with a field called isAdmin on the back-end. The isAdmin field is either true or false for different users. Below is my react/redux code that renders that front-end using the field ...
PineNuts0's user avatar
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JavaScript React Front-End: Opening one collapse button, all collapse buttons open instead of just the one

I am trying to setup a toggle button in react JSX. When I click the Order Details Toggle button I want the toggle to only open for the selected order. Right now, I am able to do that. But the ...
PineNuts0's user avatar
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render text as component reactJS

I'm creating a platform for math exchanges with reactJS and i wish that users can write latex codes so i found react-latex and it works fine but when i store a paragraph in database with some latex ...
blocus's user avatar
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Datables how to sort by on screen rendered mData

HI am using fnRender/mData to get some values and do a distance function before displaying on screen. How do i sort by the data that is being seen onscreen by user? The data is using "bServerSide": ...
Beginner's user avatar
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3 answers

How to render React Child Components from a function call?

I'm trying to call a function, rows(), in my App component, which will render PhoneBook child components: import React from 'react'; import PhoneBook from './components/PhoneBook'; const App = () =&...
Brendan's user avatar
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React native search onChange input text, code structure

I am building a searchBar, whenever I do search I get undefined error because the value doesn't exist in state till I finish the whole value so I know that I will get error yet I am unable to solve it ...
Faris ll's user avatar
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I need inner join for my project FLASK PYTHON

I have some problem with my inner join. Please take a look for this code. @app.route('/products', defaults={'page':1}) @app.route('/products/<int:store_id>', methods=['GET']) def productcheck(...
Jamiryo's user avatar
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Change codemirror render function in show-hint.js

I would like to modify rendering hints in code mirror using render: fn(Element, self, data) in show-hint.js with some id and replace those IDs in hint text inserted while reading value from ...
kayal's user avatar
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2 answers

React setstate does not work in IE11 after render is called

I am new to react development and I have a react app where on the componentDidMount am setting the state of value as "add" and it renders the div content for "add" and once button click on the add div ...
jackson89's user avatar
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React Redux State is Updating, but Component Props Not Updating

Disclaimer: this is my first react app and im a cs student thats still learning I did some console logs and the the props and nextprops are correct, but it doesnt render correctly unless interacted ...
trob0697's user avatar
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Drawing to a Windows device context (hWnd/hDC) from WPF MediaPlayer/DrawingVisual or convert to System.Drawing.Graphics

I need to draw a video to another window where I could get the device context hDC using GetDCEx. I can already achieve drawing using System.Drawing.Graphics: g = Graphics.FromHdc(hdc); // Now I need ...
Luke Vo's user avatar
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Django list of objects doesn't render properly when using a form on the same page

I have developed a very simple Django app about music bands and their members (complete code: I used just the ...
devedzic's user avatar
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How to quick render simple scenes in low res in Blender?

I have started using blender to make simple 3d animations, but my laptop will heat up too fast when rendering, and also it takes too much time to render even simple scenes. I just want to output ...
Lorentz Ipsum's user avatar
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Is the rendering of a child component in react different from react native?

First of all, I have a basic level in english. So I hope you understand. Is the rerender of a child component in react native different in react? Let me give you an example: class App extends React....
pedrohpinho's user avatar
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Is there a receive shadow only in a-frame

I'm trying to create a plane that will receive a shadow but will be invisible to the camera in order to make a 3d model look like floating tried to make material transparent <!-- this is the ...
Adam's user avatar
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disable_with Doesn't work as intended when using render js: "window.location=some_path" in the controller

I'm currently using Rails 5.2.3, simple_form and slim, and disable_with is automatically added when submitting forms in Rails.However disable_with doesn't wait for the Javascript to finish rendering ...
TTD's user avatar
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How to effective manage object in render function using react

I have a date in string form like this: 2019-08-05T20:36:51.283Z. And for example, I want to render new Date('2019-08-05T20:36:51.283Z').getDay(). My question is: Is effective to create object each ...
ninoxa's user avatar
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rmarkdown::render() failed to generate pdf, but the rstudio 'knitr' buttons works

I use tineytex package and have no problem knitting a pdf when I click on the knit button in rStudio. However, when I called rmarkdown::render() with the same .Rmd file as input, only an intermeidate ...
Stephanie Wong's user avatar
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error moving from jquery 1.8.1 to jquery 1.9.1

i need to use the bootstrap js file but my jquery plugin was 1.8.1. so i updated my jquery to 1.9.1. how ever when i try to render a template now with the new version it throws the following error ...
marry's user avatar
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How to refresh/re-render flatlist on react-native?

im trying to refresh my flatlist from some page without going back to the principal menu, but it doesnt work. I've already readed about extraData, but it doesnt work either. Basiclly my program is ...
Pedro Correia's user avatar
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How to call method whenever screen loaded, Like always should call method in react native

I am developing react native project and I am loading some graphs from server response. It is a Tab based app and this code is written in first tab. But, In some use cases that data is not loading to ...
Anilkumar iOS Developer's user avatar
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How to render two paths in an array with an only render?

I'm refactoring a view and built a class to return two paths. They look like this: ["paths/path1", "paths/path2"] and the view should present something like: render "paths/path1" render "paths/...
Edi Junior's user avatar
-2 votes
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Reading a json file with a JavaScript loop and post the result [closed]

I need to read a .json file with a JavaScript loop, and I have no idea how that is supposed to work. After I read the .json file I'm supposed to post the things I read out, on a HTML file. I'm not ...
doctorx22's user avatar
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Different rendering of character intersection with specified opacity

I have just noticed strange behavior of semi-transparent text with negative letter-spacing in Chrome. Basically, this CSS leads to darker intersections: div { opacity: .5; letter-spacing: -.2em; }...
yakunins's user avatar
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Unity: can't get Post-Processing Stack v2 effects to work with LWRP

I'm trying to set up some post processing effects for my scene in Unity 2019.1.1. I'm currently using LWRP v5.7.2 and Post Processing v2.1.7 I created a PostProcessing Profile and I attached a Post ...
N Dev's user avatar
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OpenStreetMap OSMXML not rendering

I am trying to offline-render a part of OpenStreetMap, previously loaded as map.osm (OSM XML). I'm starting a localhost and loading the xml from disk. I tried to use similar example (https://...
Alex Sherzhukov's user avatar
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Rendering to another html page [duplicate]

I am selecting info from the database and rendering it to an html page. My queries work but for some reason when it sends it to the html page it displays an array that says object inside each index. ...
cLax's user avatar
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Is it okay to pass React elements as a prop value of another component for it to render them?

I have a question while using reactjs. Declares a variable (?) that has a B component in the Render part of the A class component. In return, bind the variable to the proxy of the C component. ...
Woooong's user avatar
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How do you call render() if it can't be in your Rmd file?

I would like to end an Rmd file with the render() command to create an (in my case) Word document of the finished report. The reason I'm using the command render() instead of the Knit button is to ...
AdrieSC's user avatar
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3 answers

How to render html in svelte

I have tried rendering the html by storing the html in a variable but it is not working , I also tried the triple curly braces <script> let name = 'world'; let val = "" let ...
Hypermystic's user avatar

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