Questions tagged [rstudio]

RStudio is an IDE for the R statistical programming language. DO NOT use this tag for general R programming problems, just use the R tag. ONLY use for RStudio-specific questions.

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Problems installing Torch for R for Mac arm64

I'm using the Macbook Pro with the M1 chip. I have recently installed the R for the arm64 architecture from this link (R-4.1.0-arm64.pkg) and the RStudio from the daily builds (version 1.5.194). With ...
Marcelo Guarido's user avatar
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Setting line length for reformatting code in RStudio?

Is there a way to make RStudio use a length of 100 or 120 per row when reformatting code? So far I can only make it show me where lines end. Is there - using Ubuntu here - some config file?
AltaStatistika's user avatar
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Applying a "static" filter while paging across the RStudio Source Editor GUI

When transforming from pivot longer to pivot wider many columns are created during intermediary steps, while debugging. for me it is easier to use the GUI, while i transform the data when checking for ...
cn838's user avatar
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Downloaded Newest RStudio (1.4.1717) and R files are no longer associated with RStudio and I can't find RStudio in my Programs folder

Also, on a windows 10 machine and R version 4.1.0. Since I can't find RStudio on my machine when it asks what program I want to use to open my code files, I just have to go to through the file menu ...
PirateR's user avatar
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Rstudio server not starting in browser

I connected a GCP VM to my local machine and installed RStudio per this tutorial: However, when I try to access RStudio ...
data_queen's user avatar
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.Rproj file doesn't launch using Rstudio

I have an Renv package stored as tar.gz file. I would like to unzip the folder and do the below steps a) Click the .Rproj file b) Use the "Install and Restart" option in Rstudio to build the ...
The Great's user avatar
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Using default Hugo theme content through Netlify produces blank webpage, but works locally. blogdown

I have found the same/similar question to mine here: Create a new static page using blogdown with same hugo theme as main site but I cannot understand what the solution is as there seems not to be one ...
Jantje Houten's user avatar
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formattable doesn't knit to PDF

I need some help in setting up the R Markdown environment so that the "formattable" package knits to pdf. The package Kable works, but I want to use formattable. Problem: Rstudio's R ...
Oliver Amundsen's user avatar
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Push to Github Stuck on Rstudio

While I am trying to push on GitHUb from rstudio it is stuck and is not reflecting on Github There might be some mismatch in the settings that I have configured watching tutorials. Error Screenshot ...
Iftekharul Islam Shiplu's user avatar
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MemoryError: Unable to allocate 5.88 TiB for an array with shape (275703, 5863139) and data type float32

set.seed(1234) ind<- sample(2,nrow(data),replace = T,prob = c(0.7,0.3)) training<- data[ind==1,1] test<- data[ind==2,1] trainingtarget<-data[ind==1,2:4] testtarget<- data[ind==2,2:4] ...
ranveerdhakal's user avatar
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ggplot2 autocomplete giving additional options

The autocomplete in RStudio is giving me unnecessary recommendations other than the functions itself e.g. GeomPoint together with geom_point. This also seems specific to ggplot2 library. How do I ...
Desmond's user avatar
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Trying to save R script instead executes whole code [duplicate]

Woke up to a weird and new problem. For just one of my scripts, pressing CTRL+S to save is interpreted as SHIFT+CTRL+S and saves while also sourcing the active file (i.e. running the entire thing). ...
nmarieh's user avatar
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How to bookmark lines of code in RStudio?

In Matlab I can bookmark lines of code and cycle through my bookmarks with, I think it was F12. Very handy! Can I do something similar in Rstudio?
babipsylon's user avatar
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Rstudio viewer pane is not working, for plotly and leaflet visualizations?

I'm using latest version of rstudio, I wrote this code: library(tidyverse) library(plotly) data("BOD") head(BOD) ggplotly(ggplot(BOD, aes(x = Time, y = demand)) + geom_point()) ...
Jehangeer's user avatar
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No image in Preview RStudio

I am on RStudio and trying to display the output of a Noteboook in Preview, but actually the output that I am getting is: I set "Chunck Output in Console" option but the output is the above....
Lusian's user avatar
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Why do I get a startup error of R, when I try to start Rstudio?

New information: I have installed a previous version of r-studio (rstudio-1.3.1093-amd64.deb) as was implied in the link that @MViking sent me, and know I am getting a more informative error. Firstly, ...
kostas_bcn's user avatar
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Rstudio saves Rscript and updates file but upon opening there is no code

all I'm having a bit of a meltdown. I have just started coding in Rstudio and making some headway but I have found that Rstudio is not actually saving my code in the Rscript files I created. It will ...
Niall Marsay's user avatar
23 votes
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Error reading R script (),system error 2 when trying to run R Studio on Mac

I installed R Studio desktop in my MacBook air running on Big Sur. Unfortunately, it cannot run due to the error below: Error reading R script (),system error 2 (No such file or directory); Unable to ...
Bundy's user avatar
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Module not found in miniconda installed automatically with RStudio when loading pm4py

I've installed miniconda with RStudio on Ubuntu in order to use the package pm4py. When I try to load the package I receive the error ModuleNotFound. I suppose it's because it tries to look for the ...
Dario Lacan's user avatar
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emacs-ESS run multiple lines of R code with one keystroke

Suppose I want to create this bar-plot in R: barplot(table(mtcars$gear), xlab = "Sample x-label", ylab = "Sample y-label") In Rstudio, I just need one keystroke (...
GA90's user avatar
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R not finding an already loaded function, works on other computers [duplicate]

I am trying to run the code found on this page: Specifically, I am trying to run Centrality_Tutorial.R in the Tutorials folder. All of the code works up to the ...
MonsterNerdMath's user avatar
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Find pandoc executable from R

rmarkdown::find_pandoc helps us to find the pandoc executable w/o the need of specifiying any environmental variable when running form within RStudio: ## in Rstudio !is.null(rmarkdown::find_pandoc()$...
thothal's user avatar
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How to change r chunk font size of Rmarkdown project?

This is my current setup: --- title: "Project" output: rmdformats::material --- <style> body{ font-size: 10pt; } </style> I would like to make r chunks even smaller in size ...
Caterina's user avatar
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how does rstudio choose which files to open on startup/ when a project closes

There isn't any code associated with this question but still a programming related question. When I open RStudio my previous R files that I worked on are displayed in the source viewer (as expected). ...
Mike's user avatar
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RStudio project name

Is it possible to force RStudio to use the project (.Rproj) name instead of the directory that the project resides in? For example, I have a project that I've named shapefiles.Rproj, but it resides ...
derelict's user avatar
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rstudio How to cancel alt+0

Instead of typing "<-", [Alt + -] is very useful. However, sometimes you accidentally enter [Alt + 0] just to the left of [-]. Then my codes hide in Left Right Arrow like images. <...
Min-Su's user avatar
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Compiling R from source: RStudio doesn't find the libraries if started directly

I have compiled R 4.1.0 from source against the Intel MKL. I have put: source /opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/env/ intel64 in ~/.bashrc. If I open a .R file with RStudio, no problem. But if I ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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How can I make Git open commit messages in RStudio on windows?

In general I know that I can use git config --global core.editor "app" using the list of apps in the git documentation to change the default text editor in which commit messages are opened. ...
wzbillings's user avatar
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My code is not being pushed to the GIT, committed. But it's loading without any results

I'm learning RStudio, and I'm stuck with my code not being able to be pushed to the GIT. To give you a brief, I was using another account for the GIT and I used to clone a team repo through it. ...
Ayush Saxena's user avatar
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R studio for Ubuntu 20.01

I was going to download R studio for my project, however, I could not find the right version (For Ubuntu 20.01) in their official website If I download the version that was for Ubuntu 18, then is it ...
Mark Ezberg's user avatar
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What is a correct R Inline code in yaml header in an R script (not Rmd)?

I am trying to follow to render an R script to html. I would like to use roxygen2 conventions and write R scripts so that I can render them to a ...
Jacek Kotowski's user avatar
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RStudio: Running .Rprofile in source file location

I have set up a workflow governed by a Makefile. Under code/ I have multiple *.r scripts each typically responsible for creating one output file (typically an RData file but could also be csv exports ...
Sirius's user avatar
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ggplot2 crashing (Rstudio1.4.1717) when combined with python in Rmarkdown

tl:dr Rmarkdown crashes when loading ggplot2 library in combination with using python chunks in Rstudio 1.4.1717 My Rmarkdown file is crashing after I upgraded to 1.4.something. It's the same ggplot2 ...
Geert Hensgens's user avatar
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RStudio: Get Size of Plot Zoom Window Programmatically

grDevices::dev.size() programmatically provides the size of the Viewer pane in RStudio. Is there a similar command (or maybe even a hack) for programmatically obtaining the size of the Zoom window? A ...
Colin Conwell's user avatar
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Mermaid Flowchart does not render 'longer arrows'

--- title: "Markdown Demo" author: "J" date: "6/14/2021" output: html_document --- ## Setup ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(...
Jordan Williams's user avatar
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RStudio: Matching parens/quotes not inserting space

I just recently downloaded RStudio onto a new computer, and ran across a weird issue I didn't have before. I have the "Insert matching parens/quotes" option selected in RStudio Global ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Select multiple non-sequential lines of code in Rstudio

In Windows the user can select and copy multiple items which are not in sequence by holding down the Ctrl key and then selecting each item by either clicking on it or via pressing the space followed ...
Arthur_Morgan's user avatar
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Blogdown Site not showing my Images after deploying on Netlify

After updating Blogdown package (1.3.2) and with Hugo version 0.79.0, there's a modification on my .html files generated by .Rmd files. The images now have this string: {{< blogdown/postref >}} ...
Francisco Piccolo's user avatar
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How to turn off hovering over function to give description?

When I hover my cursor over a function in Rstudio, it shows parameter options, and doesn't go away unless I click. Is there a way not to have descriptions show when I hover?
iich's user avatar
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change Rstudio R version from outside Rstudio

I changed Rstudio's R version to a non-default one from Tools-options. Now when I reopen Rstudio, it fails to start. Just a blank window with Rstudio title. Uninstall and reinstall didn't help. Is ...
jf328's user avatar
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R and RStudio are slow on macOS

I was waiting for R 4.1. and native Apple silicon support to dome some benchmarks against other platforms. The results on my MacBook Pro with the M1 chip look disturbing to me. Let's start with the ...
QuantumJazz's user avatar
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Why does modifyNumberUp toggle add/remove and next/previous

Note: I actually stumbled across this behavior in RStudio on MacOS yet I assume it is rather about Java/JS. When you place your cursor right after a number you can increment/decrement it via OPTION + ...
mnist's user avatar
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Error: installing tinytex (tinytex::install_tinytex()) in rstudio

I am trying to knit reports to pdf documents in rstudio. I have successfully installed rtools and added it to my PATH, and also installed rmarkdown and tinytex. However whenever I run tinytex::...
afrologicinsect's user avatar
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Creating an R markdown/notebook template file: can I define code chunks to be folded when the `.rmd` file is opened in Rstudio?

I'm creating a template file for R markdown / R notebook. There are several code chunks that I wish will remain folded when the .rmd is being opened. Is this possible? Example Let's say that we have ...
Emman's user avatar
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RStudio is damaged and cant be opened for MacOS High Sierra (version 10.13.6)

I tried downloading Rstudio-1.4.1717.dmg (macOS 10.13+) for my macOS High Sierra (version 10.13.6), I was able to download it and have it in the application but when I tried opening the RStudio from ...
hqazi's user avatar
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Opening RStudio in a docker container

I am trying to use RStudio within a docker container. I have created the container via shell commands: docker run -e PASSWORD=<password> --rm -p 8787:8787 rocker/rstudio And I have retrieved ...
Joe's user avatar
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I installed rstudio and I'm having the indicated problem

I installed rstudio and when I start rstudio, I'm having this problem.
Mr.Robot's user avatar
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keyboard shortcut for assignment pipe (%<>%) in RStudio?

Does the assignment pipe %<>% from magrittr package have a keyboard shortcut in RStudio? If not, how can I add it?
Malvika's user avatar
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how to restore backslash symbol's shape in R

I am R user and after running some R code written by a Chinese programmer, my Rstudio shows the backslash symbol's shape as ¥. How can I restore original backslash symbol \ in Rstudio?
felicias1973's user avatar
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How to write snippet to interact with code in R studio

I would like to create a snippet in R studio that can modify the code after the cursor position. A working example: change the code from some_var: NA to some_var <- What I came up so far is ...
outboundbird's user avatar

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