Questions tagged [ruby]

Ruby is a multi-platform open-source, dynamic object-oriented interpreted language. The [ruby] tag is for questions related to the Ruby language, including its syntax and its libraries. Ruby on Rails questions should be tagged with [ruby-on-rails].

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2 answers

Rails - how to correctly implement a payment/booking process

I'm building an events app in rails and I'm using Stripe to collect my payments. It took me a while but I've got payments working. However, when I try and increase the quantity of spaces to book, the ...
Mike.Whitehead's user avatar
2 votes
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Partial Pivoting in PostgreSQL or Rails

Assume I have 3 tables, and I can't change any DDL Class id: integer name: string and Student id: integer name: string class_id: integer //Foreign key to Class table and Score id: integer ...
Kuzunoha's user avatar
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Access two tables inside tr tag of an outer table, which in turn contains tables and other elements like select list, text area

My need is to identify the table and check the values of each select list for particular Problem name and their corresponding notes values. Here I found that the question itself got split into two ...
irs102info's user avatar
2 votes
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Ruby slim inline if

I'm trying to do an inline if with Ruby Slim. Given my example below... - if @droppable .panel data-draggable="true" span More content here - else .panel span More content here In both ...
Mobidi's user avatar
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how to pause/resume of file during uploading on server in rails

i want to make a resume able video up loader in rails . what is the best way to make this .should i use to fineuploadr , or jquery-file-uploader. is it possibale with paperclip gem ruby or not ? I ...
Ali Raza's user avatar
1 vote
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Get set of hashes from array of hashes between two date values

I have an array of hashes that contains a date and total key. For example: hash = [{ "Date"=>"01/01/2016", "Total"=>10 },{ "Date"=>"02/01/2016", "Total"=>20 },{ "Date"=>"03/...
Cameron's user avatar
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Quickbook Create invoice error in rails

i am getting this error when i am creating invoice using Quickbook rails gem (quickbooks-ruby) Quickbooks::IntuitRequestException (Required param missing, need to supply the required value for the ...
vipin's user avatar
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Custom gemset RVM

I want to create my own gemset for my application. Gems installed and using from local dir(app/vendor/bundle/...) When I try to execute: rvm gemset create myapp it's creating new gemset. But how I ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Ruby On Rails - Order By external column count

I have table rooms and table contributor. On Ruby on Rails : How order rooms depending on the number of contributors (conributor.room_id ==
Charles Bourrée's user avatar
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Getting a huge list of files in ruby

I'm trying do some operations on a directory which contains nearly 20 million files, I tried Dir.glob, Dir.foreach and Dir.entries to no success. Is there anything similar to Csharp's Directory....
Jeremy Mc's user avatar
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1 answer

Rails Rspec test with carrierwave image

I wrote an API which can return latest 5 Newsletter and its image, but I am stuck at writing its rspec test. First of all, here is the relationship between model. Newsletter has_many ...
rj487's user avatar
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2 answers

HTML - ruby form action and URL redirection issue

I am using rails at the back end and html for in the front end with angular js. I have an HTML email and this form is present inside the email. I want the user to input his contact and submit the ...
Savvy's user avatar
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3 answers

ruby Compare values between hashes in different arrays

I have two different arrays, each consisting of different hashes. new_array1 = [ {:index=>4, :column=>0, :ID=>"ABC"}, {:index=>4, :column=>1,...
danynl's user avatar
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undefined local variables or method for main: Object <NameError> For Ruby

I'm getting this error message that says rb:10:in 'activities': undefined local variable or method 'beach_bum' for main:Object I'm calling the method/function by typing in activities, I'm not sure ...
Nathan Vu's user avatar
4 votes
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Rails 5 - how to use Pundit

I've had a long break from my 2 years of effort in trying to learn how to use pundit in my rails app. I'm back and trying to learn how to use pundit. I've made a completely new rails 5 app and ...
Mel's user avatar
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Optimal Selection in Ruby

Given an array of values, arr = [8,10,4,5,3,7,6,0,1,9,13,2] X is an array of values can be chosen at a time where X.length != 0 and X.length < arr.length The chosen values are then fed into a ...
d123's user avatar
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3 answers

Ruby Array: string into integer

I'm new to Ruby. I have a series of arrays with two strings each: ["[[\"Wayfair \", \"57\"]]", "[[\"Move24 \", \"26\"]]", "[[\"GetYourGuide \", \"25\"]]", "[[\"Visual Meta \", \"22\"]]", "[[\"...
catch22's user avatar
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2 answers

How to key-value store with history (through timestamps) in ruby?

I want to store a bunch of elements inside a hash, but the key must be the timestamp at that time. How should I go about doing something like this? This is in pure Ruby not Rails.
manyo's user avatar
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Bind ERB Template from more than one class

I am trying to interpolate ERB template from multiple objects in Ruby. It works fine if the source of variables is one class. Whats the best way of doing the interpolation when the ERB contains ...
jaypal singh's user avatar
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Error in using dashing on raspbian

I've trying to implement dashing on a raspberry(1) witj raspbian (jessie lite). Once i've installed raspbian, i've done the following things with success : sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ...
Nightf's user avatar
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2 answers

regex to check url format [closed]

I want to check if my url format is correct, it has some AWS acces keys etc: /[.+]&Expires=[.+]&Signature=[.+]/.match(url) ^ ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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6 votes
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Rails 5 - nested controllers with routes

I'm trying to make an app in Rails 5. In order to keep the file structure neat, I'm trying to make folders inside my controllers directory, that I can use to group similar resources. For example, I ...
Mel's user avatar
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LoadError: cannot load such file -- dbd-mysql

i could use a little assistance... I have searched everywhere and can't seem to find anything pertaining to this particular gem throwing errors. I just installed dbi mysql and dbd-mysql gems just ...
Micky Scandal's user avatar
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How to refer rails session from grape api

I try to refer rails session from grape api. I used grape_session library( And I refer same name Rails session parameter from grape api. But session of ...
yone's user avatar
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In Ruby (or Rails), is it faster to compare two large Strings as is, or convert it into Fixnum before using uniq? [closed]

Given 2000 Story objects, each with a body attribute that equates to a string of about 500 characters. What is the fastest way to compare them? Doing it like this: @stories.uniq { |story| story....
Ka Mok's user avatar
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Change font size of notebook tabs in ruby tk

Using ruby (1.9.1) with tk, I am creating a simple notebook/tab page. I want to change the font of the tabs and haven't found a way to do that yet, though I know it can be done in other languages. ...
David Ljung Madison Stellar's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Rails: An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details

I made this on my server: deploy@ubuntu-512mb-ams2-01:~/applications/spa_backend/current$ bundle exec rake secret 4b921910** deploy@ubuntu-512mb-ams2-01:~/applications/spa_backend/current$ export ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Ruby-on-Rails toggleable sidebar to edit particular item of list

I have a table displaying a collection of cards, one card per row. When I click on a particular row, I get redirected to the page where I can edit this card. I would like to edit them in a toggleable ...
V. Déhaye's user avatar
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In RoR, how do I initialize fields in my model based on a field in my model that has no underlying database column?

I’m using Rails 4.2.7. I have an attribute in my model that doesn’t have a database field underneath it attr_accessor :division This gets initialized when I create a new object. my_object = ...
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Bundler claims that it is installing pg but later complains that it can't install it (RHEL7)

Do you know why bundler would claim that it’s installing the pg gem and then afterward complain that it can’t compile it? It indicates that gems are not installed in parallel, but then goes on to ...
Angelo's user avatar
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4 answers

Rails 5 very slow startup on Windows

I have installed RoR 5 in my laptop Windows 10 SSD 4gb ram i5 5thgen I started working on a project which i wanted to specificaly test under windows , and i noticed some lags and latency. So i ...
frcake's user avatar
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TWO dynamic dropdowns with ONE model

I have a search field where I want to add two dropdowns that should help me filter my search results. In my database I have one Product model with two columns, named country and type. The first ...
AaronDT's user avatar
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Issue finding controller concerns only in production

My application has a number of controller concerns in app/controllers/api/V2/concerns When I work on this in development, everything works well. However, as soon as I push to production, I get the ...
Karim's user avatar
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How can I show that the Ruby `for` loop is in fact implemented using the `each` method?

In the book Eloquent Ruby (page 21, first edition, sixth printing), the author (Russ Olsen) advocates using the each method instead of the for loop and this is in line with everything I've read ...
Sagar Pandya's user avatar
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Where should I call a Ruby class method?

I have a Ruby method: class ClassOfSomeSort def self.methodOfSomeSort(argument) ... end methodOfSomeSort(5) end I heard calling the method in the class itself is a bad practise. Where ...
Jes's user avatar
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URL's in body of text being changed into relative url rather than using given url

I recently migrated old data from a news site into a new platform built using Ruby on Rails. Mostly seamless migration except for one thing that I have not been able to figure out. Inside the body ...
Aaron Wortham's user avatar
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Rails custom error pages won't render on Nginx

I am new to Rails and Nginx. I was asked to add custom error pages to our app. I found instructions to do so on this site and my custom error pages render just fine locally. When I go to the url /...
zilla's user avatar
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Change owner of everything inside a directory

I am using teh following directory chef resource to change ownership of all files within /etc/temp.d directory. [ /etc/temp.d ].each do |path| directory path do recursive true owner ...
meallhour's user avatar
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Unable to use [square bracket] method in Custom Ruby class?

I am learning Composite method from Design Patterns in Ruby. I came across the following code. The goal is to have a base Task; in this case its job is to keep track of time and that's it. There are ...
Iggy's user avatar
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How to make a general method to check for winners in Tic-Tac-Toe

I made a Tic-Tac-Toe game in Ruby. The method below checks for a winner in the vertical columns. How do I make it so that this method can be applied to boards of different sizes, like 4x4, 6x6? def ...
Paly CS's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: Get nested modules?

In my Rails project I want to get all modules that are nested inside the module A. The file lib/assets/a/b.rb, consists of: module A module B end end In the Rails console: A.constants => [...
Vorpulus Lyphane's user avatar
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2 answers

Rails having a naming error on a form_for that is causing an unknown path error

The issue is I get this nasty little controller error... NoMethodError in Contacts#new undefined method `contacts_path' for #<#:0x0000000124b228> Did you mean? contact_path on my view: contact#...
ekr990011's user avatar
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How to fix cannot load such file -- Nokogiri (LoadError) in

I'm using Cloud9 IO for Ruby. I ran bundle install. Even installed the gems. But I'm still getting this error. scarletmclearn:~/workspace/nokogiri_tutorial (master) $ ruby web_scraper.rb /usr/...
Scarlet McLearn's user avatar
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Filter chain halted as :redirect_admin rendered or redirected

When I try to login to my Rails application, I'm getting the following error in the logs: I, [2016-10-03T11:44:17.136518 #13441] INFO -- : Started GET "/" for at 2016-10-03 11:44:17 -...
Godzilla74's user avatar
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RSpec: testing sidekiq worker for race condition

Sometimes I have situation when the same worker running twice - when user sending requests fast, one by one. I added condition: if worker was already started and inside worker's payload is class ...
kwaigon's user avatar
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20 answers

Homebrew install: Failed during: git fetch origin master:refs/remotes/origin/master -n --depth=1

I ran the following command on terminal (Mac El Capitan) $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" and got the following error message: ...
anm's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to align horizontally a multiline CLI help text with OptionParser

I am trying to make the output of my CLI Ruby gem my_command --help cleaner. There is some CLI options and flags that need a couple of sentences to explain them. I don't have found a way to properly ...
Hartator's user avatar
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How to display a certain value from nested hash

I am trying create an app where the user could transform his name or a word with chemical elements (like breaking bad logo). After couple of questions here, trying, and long reflexion I that I have ...
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Rails 4: Order Loops depending on HTML Selector

I wanted to do that for a while now, and I am just missing the right approach I guess. What I exactly want to do. I have a loop through items and just want to order them differently depending on what ...
Gugubaight's user avatar
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What's the best way to store checkboxes in a PostGres database

what would be the best way to store a student's vehicle in a database? They can select bike, scooter or car. Some say the best way is to store a hash in the database (what would the attribute type be?...
crievino's user avatar