Questions tagged [scheduled-tasks]

A scheduled task is a computer task that is scheduled to happen at a certain time and may repeat.

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Method Annotated with @Scheduled is not working in spring boot application , when added as another dependency to another spring boot app [duplicate]

We have spring boot app, which contains the one method annotated with @Scheduled, in a class. I created jar file from this spring boot app and added this as dependency in another spring boot ...
Bravo's user avatar
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Creating Scheduled Task from MVC sometimes fails via LocalService user

I'm creating a Windows Scheduled Task from a MVC app # by using the c# TaskService namespace. It normally works fine if the IIS AppPool is set to run as the LocalService user, but every now and then ...
Cameron Castillo's user avatar
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Solution to periodically send data from iOS 11 to server

I have a requirement to periodically send back some data from the mobile app to my backend server. I have written my mobile application in 2 versions: Android and iOS. For the Android version, it's ...
xtiger's user avatar
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Spring scheduled work at 21:30 gmt+3

I'm trying to trigger a method with spring @Scheduled . I thought i should use zone but nothing happens. By the way I'm increasing minute like 30,31,32 for test also tried for gmt+2 and gmt+3. This ...
guney's user avatar
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Android Fall Detection Issue

I'm trying to implement a simple fall detection algorithm using android's accelerometer. The current acceleration of the phone is stored in mAccel and if a sudden shake is detected Timer t begins. ...
Xenofonos's user avatar
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Scheduler Job not called in SpringBoot app

I have this SpringBoot app: @SpringBootApplication @EnableScheduling @Import({SecurityConfig.class}) public class BlogsApplication implements CommandLineRunner { .. } and I also have this class, @...
Nuñito Calzada's user avatar
38 votes
7 answers

batch file from scheduled task returns code 2147942401

I am trying to schedule a job to run a batch file with Windows 10 Task Scheduler, but it results in return code 2147942401. The batch file is on remote location so I am giving the absolute path "\\...
S B's user avatar
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10 votes
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spring @scheduled cron with variable

in our system we use a settings class to point to the properties file, depends on which eve it loads different property file. To access specific property, we call 'Settings.getString('...
user468587's user avatar
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Recon events are not generated for trusted reconciliation

After running scheduler recon events are not generated but the status of scheduler shows "success" Log shows the below error : ORACLE.IAM.CONNECTORS.ICFCOMMON.RECON.SEARCHRECONTASK oracle.iam....
Sairu's user avatar
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5 votes
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Scheduling Python script using Python CronTab on Windows 7

I want to schedule a python script using the python-crontab module on Windows platform. Found the following snippet to work around but having a hard time to configure. Script name from ...
g1devops's user avatar
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windows server task scheduler works manual but not auto

i'm having problem with task scheduler for php script, when i click run manual in task scheduler works, also the timer runs perfect, but not the auto I try several ways but cant make it work First ...
GDedieu's user avatar
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bull task in sailsjs not working?

Well I (naively) tried to get bull working in a sails application: ultimatelly I wish to have a queue to which I can add/remove/check tasks based on incoming routes. Now as I understand sails to ...
paul23's user avatar
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"at" function is not working from schedular from lumen

Currently i am using PHP 5.6.32 and Laravel Framework Lumen (5.4.6) (Laravel Components 5.4.*). My problem is, when i use $schedule->call('App\Http\Controllers\SebiController@frickSchedule',["...
Amol Rajhans's user avatar
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Trigger cronjobs on Fibase Firestore update [duplicate]

I'm trying to build a scheduling system to run a firebase cloud function after 60 minutes from a specific event in the database. After some lectures I know that firebase has not a built in schedule ...
Dario Ielardi's user avatar
6 votes
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@Scheduled and @Async are sharing same threadpool in spring-boot

I have configured two different thread pools, one for @Scheduled and other for @Async. However, I notice that the thread-pool for @Async is not being used. Here is the Scheduler configuration @...
brain storm's user avatar
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Selenium ChromeDriver script through Task Scheduler while logged out

To preface, I cannot run in --headless mode because I unfortunately need to get a file to download, and using ChromeDriver without --headless is the only way I can get it to work. The script runs fine ...
Trevor Bye's user avatar
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How to force an interrupt on function execution that is taking too long within a scheduled tick

I have written this scheduler, but I am not able to make it "kill" that input function f when f takes more than the input recurring time interval. If that f was a process instead of a thread, then ...
TPPZ's user avatar
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How Do I Manage Scheduled Events in Swift 4?

Looking for some direction on how to best manage scheduled events in swift 4 (either external library or Apple support). I would like to be able to put a task (with a timer) in to some kind of hub ...
john's user avatar
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PowerShell - Transfer Files Using BITS protocol as a scheduled task - not working when logged off

I have written a PowerShell script which uses the BITS transfer protocol in order to transfer large files from Source machine to destination machine. When I run the PowerShell script manually logging ...
Kamal's user avatar
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ScheduledExecutorService end after a timeout

Good day! I have scheduler and I need to check how much time does it works. How can I do that? I need to return an error from someFunction() when scheduler works more than 5 minutes ...
Nikolai Neverov's user avatar
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Cron Trigger on Jenkins

I'm trying to get a job to run the first wednesday of the month AFTER the first sunday. From what I gathered the code is: H 12 4-10/1 * 3 But I get that the code is ran on all wednesdays. Any ...
Ricardo Bolio's user avatar
-4 votes
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Schedule repetitive task daily

I have an app where a user inserts an entry and saves it in sqlite database. This entry automatically saves the current date. When the entry is created I am able to get the number of days passed since ...
SimpleProgrammer's user avatar
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Issue in laravel 5.5 task scheduling with cron job, command handle function not called

**this is Kernel.php** namespace App\Console; use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule; use Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel as ConsoleKernel; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; class Kernel ...
Aamir Mir's user avatar
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Making Spring Boot cron tasks configurable

Spring Boot allows you to create background "cron-like" tasks like so: @Component public class MyTask { // Every hour on the hour @Scheduled(cron = "0 0 0/1 1/1 * ? *") public void ...
smeeb's user avatar
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GetScheduledTaskInfo NextRunTime is wrong

I'm trying to use Powershell to get the NextRunTime for some scheduled tasks. I'm retrieving the values but they don't match up to what I'm seeing in the Task Scheduler Management Console. For ...
JeffR's user avatar
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Task Scheduler will run a PS1 script if it is the first Action but not if it is the second action

I have a task scheduled on a Windows 10 computer to run our billing at night. The billing program creates a log file. The file is definitely closed at the end of the billing program. The second ...
Jim Wilcox's user avatar
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Run php cron job on same Chrome tab

I have a Cron job which launches a Chrome window every time it runs and points to a php script running with xampp in background. The problem is every minute it opens a new chrome tab, how can i make ...
Trance84's user avatar
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Scheduling/Queueing Tasks Django/Celery

I'd like to add a scheduling option to allow user to manually input a date and time that would delay their post to be published to that specific date/time. So if the user uploads five posts in one day ...
Glenn G.'s user avatar
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Running powershell script to perform automated webpage login from task schedular behaves differently from running the script manually

My university requires all computers to perform a web-based login in order to get-access to the internet, and claims that all users will log-off automatically in the mid-night (sounds strange, but it ...
Cloudy's user avatar
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Android JobScheduler delay in start or stop

I have created a JobScheduler to intimate user few features in my app based on date and time. But found out that the Job's are not scheduled at exact time which I am expecting to. Neither the job is ...
Sreehari's user avatar
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How to execute .bat file based another .bat file execution completion?

I have two .bat files. lets call them first.bat and second.bat. Upon executing first.bat file, a Selenium (node) automation script execution will start and export console outputs to text file. Since ...
Alunkan's user avatar
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bundler: not executable: bin/rails

I'm trying to create a cron job that runs a model method with the whenever gem but i'm having trouble. I'm getting schedule.rb every 1.hours do runner "DailyAttendance.fetch_data" end I also ran ...
Santosh Kumbhar's user avatar
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Schedule task creation with option ""Run whether user is logged in or not"" using powershell

I have below schedule task powershell script which creates a schedule task and runs under a service account. $taskname = ''myscheduletask' $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'Powershell.exe' ...
usr021986's user avatar
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How to Schedule a daily task to run a batch file?

I'm trying to schedule a task on Windows Server 2008 to delete some images on a folder. I create a batch file to execute this, my code below: forfiles /s /m *.jpg /D -10 /C "cmd /c del @path" (I ...
Zita Noriega Estrada's user avatar
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Spring batch does not start reading the list from the beginning

I am using a Task Scheduler to run the batch job that runs after every 10 seconds. But, after every 10 seconds the reader begins the reading from 2nd element in the list. My custom reader: public ...
Arpit Inder Singh's user avatar
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Task Scheduler Not Running task with Network Path

I am working in a test development environment and I am creating a task in task scheduler that is using a remote network location to access an executable file. Although in my scenario that network ...
DevX's user avatar
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linux 2.6 scheduling and preemption - preempt_count use

A little discussion before the question. Linux 2.4 kernel is non preemtive, so if there is a need for context-switch when we are proccecing a system call in the kernel mode, we only do ...
Ilya.K.'s user avatar
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Windows 7 Task Scheduler will not open web page

I have read a dozen articles on here, and tried over 50 different syntax variations in task scheduler, and bat files with several different syntax variations, and it still will not work. All of the ...
Aging Hippie's user avatar
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Timer service only and only with CDI

I am trying to build a web application using JSF 2.2, JPA 2.1 and CDI without EJB, since my application should deploy on Jetty server which doesn't support EJB in its 9th version. I have searched a ...
user3420018's user avatar
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ms project : issue in wbs number reset

I have project schedule as below. I need start wbs from number 1 from kick-off meeting. Till Kick-off, I used customised wbs code, ie M1,M2,M3,M4. it is working. From from kick-off meeting on wards I ...
Ravi Kannan's user avatar
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sending reminder mail when specific no. of days are left Which is manger by the Query SQL Server?

i want to send the Email on Certification expiry when 21,14,7,3,2,1 days are left by a scheduler which picks the data by the Query . i am using the ExpiryNotification bit a flag(as previous it ...
Deepak Jain's user avatar
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How to loop a function for a period of time

Trying to loop a function for a specific period of time, bear in mind the function takes about 20 seconds to finish executing. There's obviously the option of using something along the lines of: ...
a.khaled's user avatar
33 votes
7 answers

ECS Fargate Scheduled Task not running

I'm trying to setup a scheduled task with ECS Fargate but I cannot figure out why it is not running. I can confirm the task works correctly using RunTask but when I try to trigger it on a schedule all ...
coolboyjules's user avatar
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Task schedule in windows server from other computer

I am scheduling a task from with these parameters. Generates the task correctly and executes it. This works correctly in local, but I need that task to be created on the server. Any ideas? ...
Sorginah's user avatar
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Script won't run properly in Task Manager but runs fine manually

I wrote this script which functions 100% perfectly when I run it manually in ISE or otherwise but it doesn't run properly when launched from a scheduled task. It won't delete files from the local ...
Eli's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can I add context in @Scheduled?

This is my code : @Scheduled(cron = "30 3 * * * *") public void myCron() { //we don't care what we do here } I want to know if it is possible to add a tracking id (or other ...
ahammani's user avatar
2 votes
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Spring Boot Scheduled task not working on docker container

I have a problem with my Spring Boot project running on docker container. Scheduled task doesn't work if I run container as demonized ( docker run -d). When I run image non in background everything is ...
Paolo Juve's user avatar
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How do I schedule opening of a HTML in windows scheduler?

I got a HTML site, example.html. I would like to schedule its opening on hourly basis, so I wrote a .bat file, execute.bat that I would like to schedule to open in default browser @echo Off start C:\...
Patrik_P's user avatar
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Having issues passing counts in my scheduler function

I'm working with the schedule package built by Dan Bader and I'm not sure how to pass a counter into the package. Here is the basic example of how this is used: def job(message="stuff"): print("...
madsthaks's user avatar
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How to schedule running a bat file not using Windows Task Scheduler? [closed]

I have a batch (*.bat) file that triggers a Python script and this script takes about 25 minutes to complete interactivly (through command prompt manuallly). This batch file needs to run in the ...
alextc's user avatar
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