Questions tagged [screen-scraping]

Screen-scraping, also known as web-scraping or data-scraping, is a software technique used to collect and parse information from user interfaces. If your question is specifically about scraping from websites or web-APIs, please use the [web-scraping] tag instead.

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1 vote
2 answers

Why is my status code 403 when trying to Scrape from GlassDoor?

I am trying to scrape job info from glass door. Similar code structure worked fine for LinkedIn, but I'm having issue here. I'm getting a Status Code of 403 so I'm guessing I'm running into some sort ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to resolve an HTTP error 503 reading Yahoo Finance from R?

The following code rvest::read_html("") generates Error in open.connection(x, "rb") : HTTP error 503. I know the url is ok because pasting ...
0 votes
2 answers

Get trimmed down text from Powershell

I am scraping version information from a website. I am able to get the information, but unable to get it without formatting. Currently targeting the DIV tag with Id j_idt19. Is there a way to get the ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Scraping presidential speeches with Selenium

I have been scraping with BS4 but never used Selenium before. Now I think I do. I created a list of links to old presidential speeches in the government's website - this is an example. (That's public ...
0 votes
1 answer

Capturing a Maximized Window in Secondary Screen Screenshot with Selenium

I'm a newbie using Selenium. I need to do a secondary screen screenshot of what's appearing there. I need the window to be maximized and appear on the screen 2. Is that possible? Can you please show ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Amazon Product Lookup Sales Data using SellerMagnet Scraping API Json Error

im new into coding and im starting off with my first project, i was trying to write an amazon script which will be able to scrape asin. Im using the scraping api from sellermagnet which is offering an ...
0 votes
2 answers

Extract the review ratings from i-herb webpage using python

I am facing a problem in trying to extract the ratings in the following webpage. When I try to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Scraping ecoomerce website built with php

webiste is php on windows server tried everything from fetching html and text value but i need automation to format these values according to my requirements like product resolutio and all features *...
0 votes
1 answer

Scraping data from a refreshing javascript page in Python

I try to scrape some data from the site The first problem is that I have no way to access the refreshing data in that table. My idea is to check if the first column changes. If ...
0 votes
1 answer

pagination, next page with scrapy

the next page button doesn't change the url when it's pressed, so i have problem with scrapy. ''' import scrapy class LegonSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = "legon" def start_requests(...
0 votes
1 answer

Simple ruby request using httparty with input parameters

I am learning ruby and attempting a simple ruby request on command line to scrape a website. There are 2 input elements with ids = "tb_radius_miles" and "locationSearchTextBox" I ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Web Scraping on Multiple Layers of a Website

I have a question regarding web scraping on multiple layers of a website. For instance, I have a website about US elections having 2 layers. Layer 1: state information: include 50 states. Once I click ...
11 votes
2 answers

Selenium Scroll inside of popup div

I am using selenium and trying to scroll inside the popup div on instagram. I get to a page like '', click followers, and then I can't get the followers list ...
6 votes
1 answer

Sending form data to aspx page

There is a need to do a search on the website url = r'' this is an aspx page (I'm beginning this trek as of yesterday, sorry for noob questions) using ...
4 votes
1 answer

Scroll down google reviews with selenium

I'm trying to scrape the reviews from this link:
0 votes
3 answers

Unable to scrape this site. How to scrape data from this site? [closed]

Iam not able to scrape data from this site. I tried with other sites but it's ok with other sites... from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.request import urlopen response = urlopen("https://www....
0 votes
0 answers

Why Excel PowerQuery result does not display all of the webpage content?

I am screen-scraping a web-page like this one ( using Excel PowerQuery. The output contains only text fields, and not the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Puppeteer.Connect browserWSEndpoint with headless true?

The script below needs to connect to an already open instance of Google Chrome because I am already logged in there with my username and password. If it opens a new one, it will need to log in again, ...
6 votes
6 answers

Can I programmatically log into a website without storing the password in plaintext?

I do a number of projects that involve automatically submitting forms and/or retrieving data from websites. Some of these sites require username/password authentication. (These sites do not have APIs, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Web Scraping Easy Apply Button From LinkedIn URL

I am looking for a tool or a script that will scrape a Linkedin URL job posting in Column D and Return a result of Easy Apply or Apply in Column E. I have a list of 1,000+ links and I want to know ...
114 votes
2 answers

What's the best way of scraping data from a web site? [closed]

I need to extract contents from a web site, but the application doesn’t provide any application programming interface or another mechanism to access that data programmatically. I found a useful third-...
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot simulate this browser request using curl

I'm trying to scrape products from a site (e.g. Whilst on browser it loads normally, when I copy the initial curl request for the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Google Script UrlFetchApp.fetch() does not retrieve the entire HTML

I would like to extract the price of a product from this page link : I am using UrlFetchApp.fetch() from Google ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why web-page in browser close so fast?

Sorry for my poor English When I try to use Pool for open several window browser -it's closed momently. I supposed it's happened course I got this error (I started to get this error recently, when I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Problems with reading a fixed width file?

I'm trying to run this simple script: from ibgeparser.microdados import Microdados from ibgeparser.enums import Anos, Estados, Modalidades if __name__ == "__main__": ano = Anos.DEZ ...
0 votes
0 answers

Way to periodically export data from an active web page to a text file or sheet?

I'm looking for a way to automatically regularly export data from a certain field of a website to a csv or text file from a browser like Chrome or Firefox, I've tried a lot of different extensions ...
7 votes
5 answers

Secure Communication Between iPhone and Server?

I'm developing an app which connects to an XML based API. I have control over both the server and the app - is there any way I can make sure only my app can access the API? There is no user ...
0 votes
0 answers

HAScript: How do you assign an AS400 screen field value to a variable (via Variable Update Action)?

From the guide, I must enter the name of the variable to be updated ($ScreenName$) into the 'Name' section, and the location string ('2,40') into the Value section. No matter what I try, the '...
0 votes
0 answers

Using python and visual studio, how do I intercept a toast notification on Windows, copy the text from it, and then paste it in desired location?

I am trying to create a program (an automated process) that logs into a certain website, which prompts a Duo Push (authentication method) that sends a text message to my phone. I need to copy this ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to use scrapy and selenium to interact with the body of the scrapy response?

I've seen a lot of people making a first request with the get method of the selenium webdriver and then scrape the response with scrapy. I want to do the opposite: a first request with scrapy and then ...
1 vote
1 answer

Scraping In R creates 18 tibbles

I am trying to learn how to scrape data in R. Using some help from other resources and chat gpt I have code that will scrape a table of NAIA baseball stats, but it creates 18 tibbles. It does grab all ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to get the hyperlink destinations for the results of this web search

I'm trying to write a Python script to scrape the hyperlink destinations (i.e., the href values) for each one of the entries in this web of science search results:
0 votes
0 answers

Problem with action chains in interation using selenium and click()

i'm new to Python and i'm trying to build a automatic better in Roulette for training purpose. For now, i've a good setup and everything is fine. I'm passing a "result" object to my function ...
12 votes
2 answers

API/Data Sources - Linking and Pay-Per-Use [closed]

I am an independent developer who wanted to write a simple commercial app to display movie showtime information. After doing a whole lot of research, I could not find any good "legal" way of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Empty Json File when Web Scraping

I'm trying to scrape the website adamchoi for specific information using Scrapy and I'm getting a json file which is empty. All the code seems to be correct so this does not make sense. I've searching ...
24 votes
11 answers

Puppeteer waitForSelector on multiple selectors

I have Puppeteer controlling a website with a lookup form that can either return a result or a "No records found" message. How can I tell which was returned? waitForSelector seems to wait for only ...
0 votes
2 answers

Cloudflare bypass python

I'm trying to parse a site with cloudflare protection. On most cloudflare sites I've worked with, it would be sufficient to extract the cf_clearance cookie from the browser and paste it into the ...
0 votes
1 answer

change the language requests_html python

I have one site trying to scarp it using requests_html but it only take Arabic language I need the English text of the title Etc.. import pandas from requests_html import HTMLSession import time ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to find svg element using selenium and retrieve the value of date/time in a published Facebook post?

As you know recently Facebook is using svg tag to load data and time of published posts. I want to retrieve the value of some particular posts. The challenge is first do Hover and be wait till the ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Web Scraping Automation programs [closed]

This may be off topic but if anyone can help or point me in the right direction.....or the correct place to put this question? Can anyone suggest a good Automated Web Scraping program for use on a ...
0 votes
0 answers

Python Selenium Linux Headless Issue

I have been stuck for many days with a problem that does not allow me to advance my project. I'm trying to scrape onlyfans (obviously information that is available for free, such as profile photo, ...
0 votes
0 answers

What are the possibilities for reverse engineering GraphQL API to batch fetch information?

I’m working on a hobby project that revolves around Reddit’s avatar NFTs. Our small community of weirdos is passionate about collecting and trading these things. As Reddit generally doesn't care to ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Having problems with a simple Instagram Scraper [duplicate]

i am pretty new to all the programming stuff and I am learning Python for my social engineering project. So really sorry if you will hit your own forehead. So now i was looking at a tutorial to scrape ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to Download videos from Windows App (MS store app) for Offline Viewing?

Need help geeks, I have a subscription to an academy providing online video lectures for my course. The videos can only be accessed through a Microsoft Store based Windows application (probably a UWP ...
0 votes
0 answers

Tweet scraping--Error in twInterfaceObj$doAPICall(cmd, params, "GET", ...) : Forbidden (HTTP 403)

searchTwitter('#Houston', n=1000, lang='en')--after using this code, I am getting the below error-- Error in twInterfaceObj$doAPICall(cmd, params, "GET", ...) : Forbidden (HTTP 403). Is this ...
1 vote
0 answers

Selenium fails with page crash after adding login/passwd to simple script

I am using Python but I am not familiar with Selenium. My heat pump producer has a login page where I can see a lot of technical details about my heat pump, and I want to fetch these using a script ...
0 votes
0 answers

Amazon URL scraping with XMLHTTP - Amazon blocking?

So if I use my browser to browse to a list of a product's ellers, for example: I see a list of sellers. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Web scraping from chronotrack running results with python

I'm trying to scrape results from a platform the running events results chronotrack. As an example, you can see the results for Santiago de Chile marathon 2022 on this link: https://results....
1 vote
1 answer

How do I scrape the text that appears when I mouse-hover the element?

On website I tried to scrape all the tool-tip information, the price and date of CPU in "Pricing history"...
13 votes
3 answers

BeautifulSoup and ASP.NET/C#

Has anyone integrated BeautifulSoup with ASP.NET/C# (possibly using IronPython or otherwise)? Is there a BeautifulSoup alternative or a port that works nicely with ASP.NET/C# The intent of planning ...

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