Questions tagged [scriptaculous] is a set of JavaScript libraries built on top of the Prototype framework

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Scrolling Image like

I want to write a Javascript like that scrolls DIV. Where I can get help?
user160820's user avatar
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scriptaculous drop down menu not working in IE

I'm using the dropdown menu from and it works fine in all browsers except IE.. the demo on the website works in IE, and the only thing i've changed is the styling....
Gary's user avatar
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How to update a 'div' content after that ActiveRecord values are changed without reload the page?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3 with Prototype/Scriptaculous and I am trying to update a 'div' content after that ActiveRecord values are changed, without reload the page. In the "edit.html.erb" I have: ....
user502052's user avatar
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Fade out, update by AJAX, fade in a div using Prototype

I have a div whose contents I want to update by AJAX. To make the transition smooth, I'd like to fade out the old contents, then update it with the AJAX response, then fade it back in. My first ...
Chowlett's user avatar
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prototype PeriodicalExecuter move div effect

Trying to move a div down while the request is being made then move the div back up in it's original position on complete. But its only getting up with each request. Here is the code new ...
deej's user avatar
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prototype js event observation carrying to elements children

I have a html list as the following: <ul> <li id="one"> <ul id="sub_ul"> <li>sth</li> <li>sth2</li> <li>sth3</li> </ul> <...
manojo's user avatar
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Scriptaculous Autocomplete: Returns a List of Links, Want to Have Link Clicked Instead of Autofilling the Input Field

I am working with scriptaculous' autocomplete. I am returning an unordered list but each element is a link. For example, <ul> <li><a href="link1">Link 1</a></li> ...
Slruh's user avatar
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2 answers

Prototype/Javascript DOM-Element ID as parameter

I want to hand over an id to a Javascript function as a parameter (inRef) and then process it with the protoype Fade.Effect. My function looks as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> ...
doemsche's user avatar
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Disable HTML elements

How do I disable page? I have a following code written using scriptaculous/prototype. It just moves a div to the center (actually at 100,100). I want the entire background (all elements) to be ...
aWebDeveloper's user avatar
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Queuing Scripty2 animations

The docs say that adding position: end queues animations one after the other. Right? But then something like this doesn’t work: $('box').morph('height:100px', {duration:3, position:'end'}); $('box'...
bushytop's user avatar
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2 answers

scriptaculous: onmouseover /onmouseout for several ids and flickering problem

Hi so basically what I want to do is to have the same event happen to different images and only write the code line one time in a .js file. This should be very basic but I can't find any easy guide. ...
beauty-presence's user avatar
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3 answers

Convert jquery Script into Prototype Scriptaculous?

Hi I hAVE my code here in jquery for my footer chat panel And it is conflict with Scriptaculous. I want it to convert into pure js or Using Prototype Scriptaculous. Any Help? Thank you! $(document)....
devzone's user avatar
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Scriptaculous Callback Irregularities with Move Effect

I would like to bump a menu item out 5px on mouseover and have it return to its original position using Scriptaculous. I am using the afterFinish callback to ensure that the bump-out Move effect is ...
VanAlbert's user avatar
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3 answers

Mouseover event triggered by Child Elements - how to stop this?

I have this interface I want to build using Effect.Move from scriptaculous (with Prototype, of course). When the top div is triggered on a mouseover, a span tag is to move 50 pixels to the left - and ...
mwieczorek's user avatar
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getting scriptaculous autocompleter to behave like google instant

You know when you start searching in an autocomplete search box, you get a list of possible results. From those results, say you click one of the items on the list, I want to take that item and ...
user455699's user avatar
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4 answers

file upload using ajax

I am looking for an AJAX method that can be used to file upload. It will be super if I find a function that uses Prototype +
user160820's user avatar
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Implementing a horizonatal <div> carousel using prototype.js and scriptaculouas

I need to implement a carousel of 5 divs with 3 that appear and two the are off screen. I want to cycle through the divs with arrows so that they move around like a carousel. I know you can do this ...
Mr Foo Bar's user avatar
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Prototype Form Submit Validation

I have a form with id 'new_profile_choices', and I am using Prototype to validate the form. When I tried to validate the form submit event, it does not seem to handle the event. Could you please help ...
felix's user avatar
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Hoverable tooltips with AJAX-pulled content on Prototype/Scriptaculous (to act like Twitter's)`

Twitter recently added hoverable multi-media "tooltips" -- when you hover over a username or avatar on your feed, it pops up (in-place) more details on the user (tweets sent/received, location, last ...
Arron's user avatar
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How come I can find hundreds of examples of jquery slideshow navigation and zero w/ prototype/scriptaculous?

magento comes bundled with scriptaculous so I figured I'd use those for a simple slideshow with navigation to jump between slides. -what a mistake, I can't find anything other than pause/play ...
robert's user avatar
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How to implement a function called in the method "onUpdate" when using sortable.create in Rails

I am creating an application using ROR and would like to know how I can implement a function which I want to call when using "sortable.create". Below is a sample code from my "*.html.erb" file. <...
Supreet's user avatar
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sortable.create: option "dropOnEmpty" not working inside a table with tbody element

I am trying to implement drag and drop functionality using "sortable.create" among 4 tables. The drag and drop functionality is working perfectly fine but is a particular table is empty then ...
Supreet's user avatar
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Rails: " Draggable_elements" not working inside table elements

We are trying to implement a functionality in our ROR application such that we are able to drag and drop rows between different tables. We tried using Scriptaculous Drag and Drop method but it does ...
Supreet's user avatar
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Is it possible to drag and drop an element from a different page to a Droppable?

I am trying to get the following requirement to work. I have a test page that has a Droppable area. <%= drop_receiving_element( "basket", :onDrop => "function(element) { alert(element) }", :...
Ioannis's user avatar
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4 answers

What is Magento using scriptaculous for?

Anybody know? I'd really like to pull it out & use jquery, but if the core Varien js is using it...
dbcn's user avatar
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2 answers

Ajax prototype to load page then update hash

I have 3 page with different concept/layout/animation. I'm using prototype & I have this in my navigation: <ul> <li><a href="#page1" id="page1" onClick="showPage(...
milo's user avatar
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2 answers

Limit drag area of scriptaculous draggable

Im usign this to create a bunch on draggable elements: $$('.box').each( function(item){ new Draggable(item) }); How can I limit the draggable area? This way, the boxes can be droped anywhere on the ...
JoaoPedro's user avatar
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7 answers

Scriptaculous: How to make blind or slide smooth and not jump? Or is it not possible?

I was seeing a strange phenomena when using Scriptaculous BlindDown and SlideDown effects, where they would smoothly slide, and then at the very end, they would jump an additional amount, maybe 10% of ...
William Jones's user avatar
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Hoverintent for Prototype / Scriptaculous

Recently came across the HoverIntent plugin for jQuery. It acts like a regular mouseover or hover observer, but waits to fire the action until/if the mouse slows down or rests. With tuning, it ...
Laizer's user avatar
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Matching single character word with Scriptaculous Autocompleter

I'm using the Scriptaculous Autocompleter to search a set of film titles but it's not matching single character titles such as "M" even though it starts searching after one character has been entered. ...
blim8183's user avatar
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lightbox prev next position change

I am using lightbox slideshow and it is working fine, there is Next-Prev button also in that. But I want it to show at the bottom of the image and also currently it will show only when I mouseover the ...
Venugopal Ravi's user avatar
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rails and scriptaculous appear effect

I have a rails view with this html: <body onload='<%= visual_effect(:appear, :main_counter, :duration=>3.0) %>'> <div class="counter" id="main_counter">some content</div&...
Ido Weinstein's user avatar
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Prototype's Effect.Parallel equivalent in jQuery

I am trying to convert a Prototype slide-show plugin to jQuery. The animation function is fairly simple an intuitive: fade-out visible slide, fade-in next slide, both animations start and stop at the ...
Salman A's user avatar
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Pause effects

Is it possible to pause all effects? So when I need I can just resume them from state where they were paused.
tig's user avatar
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How to avoid "Position.includeScrollOffsets = true;"?

I'm using scriptaculous to enable Drag&Drop (using Sortables) for components within a CMS. To ensure that even long component list (with scrolling) can be used without side-effects I had to set ...
pagid's user avatar
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Android Web Development...Div width (more likely inner text) is changing in pixels based on device zoom

I developed an application that interfaces with an institution's emergency alert system. How it works is, when there is an alert, on all of the institution's web pages it displays a scrolling marquee ...
Riley's user avatar
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Is there a jQuery version of Scriptaculous?

Scriptaculous is built on Prototype. Is there an effects library similar to Scriptaculous, but built on jQuery? There are many questions discussing jQuery and Scriptaculous, but none that directly ...
Crashalot's user avatar
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What is the preferred way to enqueue just a function in scriptaculous?

I have an application, that uses scriptaculous' effects queue to render the view of a game. Ajax-requests read events from a server, from these events, effects are generated and enqueued. Some ...
keppla's user avatar
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jQuery conflicts with Scriptaculous

WHY is it that i cannot use Scriptaculous and jQuery in the same page without calling: jQuery.noConflict() ?
Lucian's user avatar
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Javascript (prototype) plugin to cycle through images

Can anyone recommend a javascript plugin that rotates some small images on a card. For an example of the functionality I want check out Would prefer Prototype implementation, ...
Brian Armstrong's user avatar
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Scriptaculous Effect Queue Not Working

I've used Scriptaculous before (including effect queues). For some reason, I can not get two images to animate one after the other. Here is the html code: <img id=redDot src='images/...
tba's user avatar
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Submit Button is not working but checks validations

The following code works when I submit the form with valid content. But When I submit the form with invalid content, It validates and shows there is an error and reloads the page. But then the form ...
felix's user avatar
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Submit button doesnt submit form but checks the validations

The submit button works only for validating the javascript in the question.js file, but it doesnt do the basic function, which is submiting the form itself! Your help is very appreciated. `Ruby page ...
shenario's user avatar
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Prototype/Scriptaculous/JavaScript Data Picker control

In a current project we need a calendar control that can display 2 months at a time rather than the standard 1 month. Unfortunately the project is heavily tied to the Prototype API and Scriptaculous, ...
Chris's user avatar
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Scriptaculous problem in IE

We've got this very annoying problem with Scriptaculous and Internet Explorer 7/8. We have two Effect.toggles on the same page, but only one of them is ever working (the first one). I hope it's some ...
Chuck Le Butt's user avatar
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Ajax.request not working

I am sorting a list using scriptaculous, i can't get the ajax request part to work. This is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> Sortable.create("images_list", { onUpdate: function(...
user195257's user avatar
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Sortable with scriptaculous problems

Im following a few tutorials to sort a list, but i can't get the DB to update. The drag drop side of things is working, also, i javascript alert() the serialize list onUpdate and the order is printed ...
user195257's user avatar
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Observing 'click' event on <a> tag generated by scriptaculous Builder

I'm using scriptaculous Builder to generate some DOM elements dynamically, and one of them is a link tag. I wasn't sure how to generate this with the click callback inline along with the rest of the ...
bratsche's user avatar
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My fade in goes to all opaque for it goes to transparent

So, I'm trying to fade in a transparent div, kinda like hulu does when you click dim lights... here is what i have: //show the bg new Effect.Appear('darkBackgroundLayer', {duration: 0.3}); then ...
NullVoxPopuli's user avatar
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Alternative to position: relative; for overflow: auto; bug in IE7

I have content arranged thusly: <div id="thumbnails" style="width: 40px; overflow: auto;"> <div style="float:left; width: 20px;">content</div> <div style="float:left; width: ...
Myles's user avatar
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