Questions tagged [scrum]

Scrum is an agile framework that helps manage a project, usually software development. PROJECT MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS ARE OFF-TOPIC. Please ask these questions on ProjectManagement.SE -

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Is it posible to create a custom burndown chart in

I am very new to using SCRUM in and I need to create a Burndown Chart of only certain Tasks. (for example a burndown of only the Developmente tasks or only the tasks that assigned to ...
Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez's user avatar
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Fibonacci Vs Binomial estimation points? [closed]

Are there good arguments for using the modified Fibonacci series (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, etc) instead of a geometric progression (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc) when estimating story points in Scrum (...
Scott Miller's user avatar
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Where in Jira do I indicate that I have burnt down some story points?

I am using Greenhopper in Jira and I have a user story of 25 points which has a number of tasks. I see there is a 'statistic burn up chart', so my question is if after 3 days of the sprint I have ...
JD.'s user avatar
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One team project, multiple teams [closed]

Is it possible to have one team project collection defined in TFS 2012 with multiple teams that work on different projects and each with its own product backlog, burndown chart, different access ...
lex87's user avatar
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Event stores, domains and agile, how to handle [closed]

At my work we use a Domain Driven CQRS architecture for our software platform, with an event store system so that we can reload events in the domain, in the case of domain changes in new releases. ...
Dennisch's user avatar
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Managing shared product backlog items across multiple platforms [closed]

I am using TFS 2012 to develop a application that will be available as a website and a mobile application, i.e. Windows Phone, Android, etc. While I've been building up a list of features for this ...
MotoSV's user avatar
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Estimating tasks using points [closed]

I recently started working in an environment where task estimation is done using points. I failed to find any resources that underline the benefits of this process so I must turn to SO community to ...
MK_Dev's user avatar
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Is it possible to edit Reports in Visual Studio 2010? [closed]

I want to edit the Velocity Report generated with Visual Studio 2010s scrum template. How can I edit it?
learnerplates's user avatar
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How should we name PBI's that have been split up across multiple sprints?

After stopping our current sprint we need to move a lot of items to the next sprint. This raised some questions where we, as new scrum users, did not find an answer to. We understand that we need to ...
Jensen's user avatar
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When using Microsoft Test Manager 2010 with SfTS, can Acceptance Tests be reused for regression testing?

We are moving our projects to TFS 2010 using the SfTS v3 (Scrum for Team System) template. We need to understand how Microsoft Test Manager is supposed to be used in this Scrum process. Specific ...
MADCookie's user avatar
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Free online application for doing scrum on rails [closed]

What is the best free online software to help do agile development and management on my ruby on rails application? What I am looking for is an online form that multiple people can interact with with ...
GTDev's user avatar
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Scrum: task dependency and task for architecture design [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Scrum: task dependency and task for architecture design I have some Scrum problems: Task dependency: Most books I read seem like treating the tasks as independent from each ...
janetsmith's user avatar
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No data in the Test Plan Progress Report in TFS

I'm having some problems with the Test Plan Progress Report in TFS. It is not showing any data in there, even when i have several test cases and in different states, and also have assigned a ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Manage DB changes after first deployment? [closed]

I am a single developer that tries to apply the Agile and Scrum ideas in my work. One aspect of implementing this methodologies are short iterations. In the end of my first iteration I deliver the ...
Roy Tsabari's user avatar
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Develop an online multitouch scrumboard | Flex or Silverlight? [closed]

My company want to develop an online multitouch scrumboard for our scrumteams. We are still in doubt between flex and silverlight as platform for the application. (don't want to fire a hole new flex ...
user460323's user avatar
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How can I manage multiple Scrum Backlogs with Agilo? [closed]

We have now installed Agilo to manage our Scrum projects, and we have that proble: we can handle just one backlog. How can we have different backlogs? Thanks for your time!
raspayu's user avatar
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multiple scrums code integration [closed]

The company where I work has been trialling scrum on a project and is now looking to roll scum out to three or four different project teams. We are envisaging that these teams will work in separate ...
Jeremy French's user avatar
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How can I attach a Parent Issue Name to a Subtask Name in Jira?

in a Jira Issue, I have a "Definition of Done" Field where we have 5 default tasks to execute before we can mark an Issue as done. From those tasks, I'm able to create a Subtask. However, I ...
Hoang Quoc Duy's user avatar
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Display remaining work from tasks on PBI in kanban

I've got a backlog setup where we track product backlog items through the kanban board and add estimated times on tasks. The default view of the kanban does not display the time estimated on the tasks....
duxck's user avatar
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Pull multiple 8 digit numbers from the same string of text and have them delimited from one another

Typically the length of the text is 100-300 letter & number characters in the cell. I don't want dates or shorter number than 8 digits. As an example the cells will have combinations of text ...
Erin Haag's user avatar
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Is there a way to automate GitHub Actions to automatically inherit an iteration from a tracked by issue to simplify Story/Task management in Projects?

I have migrated from AzureDevOps to GitHub to manage my Scrum artifacts (Product and Sprint Backlogs) but I'm trying to simplify the usage with some automated actions. I have settled on issues with a &...
Aaron Huff's user avatar
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How to link user stories in Azure DevOps which can be tested together

Problem Statement I regularly have several user stories in a sprint. All stories have separate tasks for development and testing. Usually these user stories are developed independently, but sometimes ...
twSBS's user avatar
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How to create a work item type, that is shown under related item, but not on backlog?

i need help creating a work item type, or a rule that can be used for work items, so they won't be displayed in backlogs, but they should be visible in boards and sprints. I tried to create a new item ...
Dawid Małyska's user avatar
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In jira automation, can set a configure field of an issue to display its "is blocked by" issue?

In Jira I am trying to show in the swim lane card itself, on which issue it is blocked if blocked at all. For this I tried creating a configure field "Blocked by" and added it as a field to ...
Lokesh Purohit's user avatar
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Restrict access of partial implmented API in Production

We need to develop an API which takes a CSV file as an input and persists them in database. Using vertical slicing we have split the reuirement into 2 stories First story has partial implementation ...
Biswajit Banerjee's user avatar
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How to implement Agile Scrum for a testing team that does BAU and project work simultaneously

Recently, I have taken over the role as a test manager for a company. I am looking at avenues to implement agile. The team does BAU tasks and project work in parallel. Basically, the work is shared ...
user2852847's user avatar
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Azure DevOps - Change PBI state when PBI is added to a sprint / iteration

I want to set up a rule in my custom Azure DevOps process so that when we're doing sprint planning and we're looking at the PBI backlog with the Planning side pane open, when a PBI is dragged to a ...
SGlosScrum's user avatar
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Azure Devops - Create private task [duplicate]

Is there a possibility to set the visibility of a task to private or a subset of the members, so that not all the ppl in the board can access the specific task? i hope to raise acceptance of using the ...
efkah's user avatar
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work item migration, but custom fields where not available on the target environment

we started the worktime migration from DEVOP to other DEVOPS but we forget to create the board columns and a custom field Stakeholder (identity) So, we created and did run the migration tool again, ...
Dick Wenning's user avatar
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Who should ensure that the project with one product uses 1 PO and 1 Product Backlog?

Management are involved. They want to split the product into multiple streams but it's still one product. Management have introduced multiple Product Owners and given then a stream each. The Scrum ...
learnerplates's user avatar
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JIRA-Merging two subtasks of the same story into one subtask

I am currently working on a story that has further subtasks in it. The developers later discovered that they made two subtasks by mistake and they are both actually part of each other, so now they ...
Ramaq Noor's user avatar
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Sprint estimation handling after QA increase

Long story short: we had a team of 3 devs and 1 QA working in a stable rhythm of a two-week sprint of 50 story points. We discussed increasing the team by one dev and 1 QA with the PO. The QA was ...
Biggie Mac's user avatar
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Scrum fixed date planning, number of sprints

For fixed date planning with a 2 Weeks sprint, I will determine how many sprints I have between two dates, April 1, 2020, and June 4, 2020. The number of weeks between the two dates is 9, 1 weeks. ...
Astha's user avatar
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how to include Azure Devops CMMI template Risk element into Scrum Template

Is there any opportunity of include the Risk Work Item used in Azure DevOps CMMI template, into an already created Scrum template project??? If not, can I create my own customized work items? as for ...
Aitor Ruiz's user avatar
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How is the average burnup and average burndown calculated?

I would like to know how the "average burndown" and "average burnup" are completed. Also, what is the formula for these metrics? I added the standard burnup and burndown charts in ...
PMARCOS's user avatar
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Scrumban + Gantt diagram?

I have a project, and my team and I have decided to use Scrumban where we use Kanban for "To do" list, "progress," which is WIP, and "Done." However, as we understand ...
Lillie's user avatar
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How do I get assigned hours for a specific resource in a specific sprint in Azure DevOps? Is there any API available for that?

Basically, we would like to calculate the availability during each sprint as well as the entire quarter for all the developers by collecting all the assigned tasks and the corresponding original ...
melleck's user avatar
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Azure DevOps: Change state used to determine velocity for velocity chart on dashboard

My team's workflow goes New -> Active -> Ready to Relearse -> Closed. Ready to Release is used after the Product Owner approves the work to go to Production. Once the work is in Production, the story ...
VSm's user avatar
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AzureDevOps Forecast lines cannot be drawn

AzureDevOps is returning the following "Error" when I turn on forecasting for my backlog. Based on the velocity you have entered, the first item on your backlog cannot be completed in the remaining ...
maouriceg's user avatar
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TFS / Azure DevOps : perliminary SA subtask makes PBI displayed in the wrong Sprint

Working with TFS / Azure DevOps. To better describe the issue, lets say current Sprint is 52 We create a PBI under the next Sprint (for example: 53), then the System Analyst creates a subtask under ...
Lotgan's user avatar
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How do I report user stories that are active more than a sprint?

I am looking for a way to report active user stories for more than a sprint. We practice sprint planning by selecting groomed user stories from the product backlog into sprint backlog and aim to ...
UrbanPlanet's user avatar
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VSTS : Need list of users assigned to the story for their task

I have number of user-stories for my project. For each user story I have around 5 to 6 child task and each is assign to different people like PM, developer, QA etc. Fetching user story and task wise ...
Jigar Parekh's user avatar
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GitHub Commits review

We are almost 7 developers in the project. When selecting the review, each team member must currently be entered manually. It would be nice if a group could be selected here. I created teams in Github....
ultraslan7's user avatar
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Can you map an iteration to a column on your TFS board?

My team has our backlog, sprint backlog, and sprint. On our board we have New (backlog), Ready (sprint backlog), Active (sprint), Resolved and Closed. Is there any way to map the sprint backlog (...
cookiecutter's user avatar
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How to add nodes in VSTS Scrum backlog to group sprints?

In VSTS Scrum project, in the backlog, we have sprints organized in parent nodes "Past", "Current", "Future". But can we add others parent nodes (as Releases or milestones) to group sprints, to have ...
Phil's user avatar
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Getting Kanban throughput data from Microsoft VSO

I'm creating a throughput calculator for my team based on our data in the MS VSO tool. In order to accurately indicate the date we start work on a PBI I need to extract the date a PBI is committed to....
Andrew Kidd's user avatar
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TFS2015 modified Scrum Template Tfs_Warehouse DimWorkItem System_WorkItemType always null

We use a modified Template based on the Scrum template. Basically there are some new fields introduced we are need for our deployment process. After some time we looked into reporting and take a look ...
Erich Bauer's user avatar
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How to view the used capacity for a previous sprint in VSTS

VSTS has a really nice ability to show you the utilized versus available capacity in the work details section that's on the right hand side on the current sprint's backlog. I would like to see what ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to present task in jira as they are in rally

Our team is transitioning from rally as agile development tool to jira. And we are having problem to view user stories data as we used to in rally. For instance this is picture that represents two ...
agnor's user avatar
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How to calculate velocity if sprint backlog has tasks which are not directly related with stories in product backlog? [closed]

I have a product backlog with some features and a sprint backlog which includes tasks for these features, and also such tasks which are not directly related with stories in product backlog (for ...
Anastasia's user avatar