Questions tagged [selenium-webdriver]

Selenium WebDriver provides the WebDriver API for controlling browsers in different programming languages ("language bindings"). When using this tag, also add a tag for the programming language you are using.

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How to Connect to a Socks5 Proxy with Auth in Selenium?

I need to connect ChromeDriver to a socks5 proxy with authentication, but Chrome doesn't support it. So is there a way to create a sort of interceptor that will redirect all requests to my socks5 ...
Illia's user avatar
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vba code in excel unable to automatically select the listbox item after input data into the search field with selenium

I want to automatically select the specific listbox item after I input the keyword into the search input box, just like my attached photo, but it is failed after I tried to use the findelementbyId or ...
terry bogard's user avatar
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Selenide - Web app with Flutter - Headless mode - SendKeys doesn't work

Maybe anyone has experience of UI testing for Flutter Web app? I'm trying to use Selenide for this purpose. But during testing a have faced problem, when I'm using HEADLESS mode for running tests (...
diego's user avatar
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Validate underline appears while hovering on tab options

I am trying to validate below use case through test automation in Java and Selenium but unable to get an idea about how to proceed. Use Case- In, home page displays 6 tabs on top of the ...
user3609098's user avatar
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Pycharm, python, selenium practice with scrapping issues

Im new to coding. What does this mean, and how do I fix it? This is the error Im getting: At line:1 char:1 + from selenium import webdriver + ~~~~ The 'from' keyword is not supported in this version ...
martin garcia's user avatar
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Selenium scraping same titles, subtitles and links from The Sun Football webpage

I'm encountering a challenge while scraping news headlines, subtitles and links from The Sun Football website using Selenium. Despite implementing seemingly correct XPaths to target the desired ...
Darry Mich's user avatar
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Can't Navigate to the next page while web scrapin

I was trying to extract the required skills to work as a data analyst to make an analysis project to know the most wanted skills My code is working fine till the part of navigating to the next page to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to select options from dropdown Admin or ESS for Orange HRM site for UserRole

I'm new to Selenium and python and am creating a framework using pytest from scratch. The URL The username and password is documented ...
vishal deshpande's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to close a browser tab using seleniumbase? [duplicate]

I open a page, then from that page I open links in new tabs, perform actions and return to the original page: driver.switch_to_window(i) current_url = driver.get_current_url() title_text = driver....
kuchuluk's user avatar
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WebDriverManager in an infinite loop when trying to launch a Chrome browser session

As part of upgrading program to the automation infrastructure, I've decided to remove Chrome driver exe from my project, and to implement a new approach to reduce the manual Chrome driver updates ...
elads11's user avatar
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Selenium safebrowser

I've been trying to find a solution, but I haven't found anything yet. I need to use Selenium to launch some potentially malicious links and check if they give an error, similar to what's shown in ...
Владимир Горин's user avatar
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Dealing with online PDF files in Selenium

Following from my previous three questions: Most pages I scraped lead to PDF files, for speeches done before 2010. I want to use something like tika or pypdf to extract the text from the pages, but ...
Marcelo Soares's user avatar
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Allow a port from one docker container available to another docker container?

I have one docker container running for selenium/standalone-chrome. docker pull selenium/standalone-chrome docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm selenium/standalone-chrome I have created ...
bhanu's user avatar
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Issue during download through Invoke-WebRequest

I'm trying to download from a website two programs. Their links are protected under a login form. And if this sounds little for someone, the website is protected by a Clflare protection. So: ...
Ken Rosenberg's user avatar
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Scraping text by clicking on a button with selenium

I want to scrape some text data with selenium, I have no problem scraping the page by itself, but I need to click on a button to extract the full article of which I have just the title from the main ...
Roberto Artiaco's user avatar
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Hello, I'm trying to click on the filed but it is invisible, after i switch to iframe,i receive timeout and thats it

After i switch to iframe I try to find field using async function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function loadWaiting(driver, locator) { await ...
Vladyslav Oksonenko's user avatar
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python/selenium: how to use any_of with element_to_be_clickable

My selenium-project needs to wait for a certain element of three to become clickable. I am using this code atm: LOC1 = (By.ID, "ID1") LOC2 = (By.ID, "ID2") LOC2 = (By.ID, "ID3&...
kiesel's user avatar
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Download popup window is still appearing in Selenium

While running the selenium script in grid. The download popup window is getting appeared. The same script is getting run in local computer. These are the pref for the chromedriver prefs.put("...
Aman Syed's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to find element in selenium ignoring apostrophes

Can anyone tell me how to use selenium to search for something ignoring apostrophes? For example, if i search for the word "Hes", and inside the page content contains "He's" it ...
Daniel Cahill's user avatar
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Selenium - Powershell - Wait-for-element not working

I am trying to implement an increased wait period for elements. However, it appears that neither the increased time out 60 seconds, nor the default of 10, are being recognized. It takes about a ...
sbagnato's user avatar
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2024: chrome not reachable python selenium

I want to open a chrome window with my settings and connect to it via selenium. I start chrome then try to connect but I get selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: ...
gaut's user avatar
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Unable to execute request for an existing session: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException for selenium tests triggered from Jenkins on GKE cluster

Chrome: node-chrome:123.0.6312.86-chromedriver-123.0.6312.86-grid-4.19.1-20240402 selenium/hub:4.19.1-20240402 dotnet 6 We have our selenium grid/tests run on parallel nodes on GKE cluster. Since ...
kvm006's user avatar
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Get link from an tag <a> href="JavaScript:void(0)" [closed]

I am trying to Web Scrape a Web page using python with selenium. The main problem is that i need to get an link on href of a tag and when i got this data i realized that it was not an link but 'href=&...
Thiago Araujo's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to solve this problem in webdriver in selenium 2024 [duplicate]

I'm running a test using the selenium web driver, and I can't run the code because of the error "java.lang.NullPointerException at
Pedro Campos OCampos's user avatar
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Outlook automation with Selenium - wants to. open email links popup block in selenium

Screenshot for reference I am trying to use selenium to automate outlook. but I am getting this pop up, while accessing outlook with selenium, this doesnt show up in inspect as well and is from ...
user23940203's user avatar
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Error in closed shadow root in Selenium using Python

I'm performing automation where upon accessing the initial login page link, I'm able to retrieve the components within the Shadow root, so far so good. The problem arises when I initiate a flow where ...
Marlon Jerold's user avatar
-3 votes
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I need to install chrome web driver but I can't figure out how

I am coding a bot on a website called to visit a website a specific number of times to get profile views and I need to install chrome web driver to visit the website but I can't ...
Hyphon XL's user avatar
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How to accept cookies popup with Selenium IDE only if popup is being shown

I'm running a Selenium IDE .js test that goes to a website and perform a login and some more button clicks after that. Sometimes the website is showing the cookies policy popup and sometimes not so I ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Get all H2 elements from a page with Selenium

Following from my previous two questions: does Selenium have something like BeautifulSoup's Find All? I need to get all the content of H2 tags in a page like this one. The great code JeffC brought in ...
Marcelo Soares's user avatar
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NoSuchElementException in Selenium with text cell

The code: driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get("") driver.implicitly_wait(10) casella_testo = driver.find_element("id", "Cap") The ...
Federicofkt's user avatar
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Android Appium long press not working on 2.5.1

On my local appium that runs 2.0.1 this works: WebElement element = assertElement(new AppiumBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiSelector().resourceId(\"" + resourceId + "\")"...
rosu alin's user avatar
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Scrapers blocked but not browser

I am trying to scrape from using python At first, it worked with a simple request.get(), however, the subsequent attempts failed on the next day. I did allow Windows to ...
Electron X's user avatar
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Selenium python change default directory for download without opening windows popup

I would like to change the default download directory using Selenium. I also want to avoid the Windows dialog box from opening to select the name because I can't interact with Selenium. If I leave the ...
Jordan.M's user avatar
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Html interaction (select and click-submit) with Selenium under C#

I am trying to interact with an html page with Selenium and I cannot perform the actions that I would like to. I have a form to fill-in with two sets of actions that needs a final validation before ...
Douar Gwenn's user avatar
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SessionNotCreatedException: Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: session not created: Chrome failed to start: exited normally

I am unable to run selenium tests in Jenkins pipeline because of below error. Error details - [Guice/ErrorInjectingConstructor]: SessionNotCreatedException: Could not start a new session. Response ...
sumit's user avatar
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Error: Main parameters are required ("file1 [file2 file3...]")

All my prog is getting same error previously it was running well Error: Main parameters are required ("file1 [file2 file3...]") Usage: <main class> [options] file1 [file2 file3...] ...
Sinu Dubey's user avatar
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Why is there a difference between accessing through Selenium and Chrome browser?

I'm making a program to collect information on the AliExpress site in Korea for learning. I filled in my User-agent information and turned on Chrome with selenium. However, despite the same link, ...
송상훈's user avatar
-3 votes
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python 2captcha recaptcha get repsonse code but checkbox not solved true

python 2captcha recaptcha get repsonse code but checkbox not solved true on site not solved this is my code def Carvvx(): # try: options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() service = Service(...
samer kaemco's user avatar
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HTTP 404 Error using Undetected Chromedriver

Name: undetected-chromedriver Version: 3.5.5 I know this was an issue in the previous version, I just updated UC though and still having the same issue. HTTPError ...
K D's user avatar
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Selenium Headless Mode Issue with Chrome Extension Rendering

Encountered a problem with Selenium in headless mode where Chrome extension page wouldn't render, resulting in blank screenshot. Disabling headless mode fixed the issue. Seeking a solution to render ...
Ali Zain's user avatar
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How can I make my python selenium script work while minimized?

I have a python script that reads input_names.csv which contains names and zip codes. Using this information the program open chrome with selenium, minimizes it, and enter the information into White ...
William DeVries's user avatar
-2 votes
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pass a class str table to a dataframe

tabela_site = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME,"table") tabela = tabela_site[0].text Como passar esse resultado que é a tabela para um dataframe ? df = pd.read_html(tabela) df Da o ...
fernando's user avatar
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Getting a blank navigation dropdown when trying to access website using Selenium (using Python)

I am trying to automate a process where I can visit a website, hover over the menu navigation bar and click on options from the dropdown to visit that page. I am working with Selenium (using python) ...
Annie's user avatar
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<WebDriver cannot be resolved to a type error/>

I am new to automation testing and learning java selenium automation testing through Raghav Pal sir's Youtube tutorials. For my first program I am trying to open a specific website. However I am ...
Kiran Khandre's user avatar
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Trying to click on an element that is clickable manually, but not with automated test in C#

I'm trying to automate tests for a mobile application in C# using Selenium with Appium. This application was made using Flutter and there is a section where I have to select the purchase date for an ...
Evangeline Drink's user avatar
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Selenium move target out of bounds

I am automating a bot to move the mouse around the screen and click on different elements using selenium. The movement is supposed to be human like so instead of the cursor teleporting around I have ...
momchil milkov's user avatar
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how to get shadow-root element inside the shadow-root element [closed]

I am trying to get button element that is inside multiple shadow-root elemenets using selenium in firefox and python. Any idea how can I get it? enter image description here I tried this one but it ...
Carl's user avatar
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pyautogui for multiple image upload

# click on Add Photo button captureinpsection.find(CaptureInspection.addPhotoButton).click() # List of file names file_names = ["Ceiling-1.jpg", "Ceiling-2.jpg&...
Lisa's user avatar
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unable to input data input the input box by selenium as I can see there is name and id inside the script

I am unable to input data into the username and password by using the findelementId or findelementName in selenium web driver, however I can see there is name and id inside the script. website= https:/...
terry bogard's user avatar
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Getting an exception as java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/Rotatable. May i know how to resolve this error

I am trying to open the calculator application from my device through this script. public class OpenCalculator { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ...
Vishal.B's user avatar

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