Questions tagged [sencha-fiddle]

A web based IDE for Sencha Products to quickly start building apps. Similar to JSFiddle.

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FInding saved fiddles in new Sencha Fiddle

I cannot find my saved fiddles in the new Sencha Fiddle : I used to be able to click on my name in the top right corner and get a list of saved fiddles. I can no longer find my saved fiddles.
Oliver Watkins's user avatar
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Chained comboboxes with possibility to select child cb without parent

So basically i am trying to do the same as i did in my previous question - Chained combobox shows valuefield instead of displayfield when changing parent cb BUT now i want to be able to select child ...
layabout's user avatar
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Chained combobox shows valuefield instead of displayfield when changing parent cb

How to reset chained combobox in my example the extjs way? Consider this two comboboxes: { xtype: 'combo', bind:{ store: '{contacts}' }, ...
layabout's user avatar
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How to test crud ajax requests in Sencha Fiddle

I would like to use a Sencha Fiddle to test create and update events. I want to investigate, how configuration of the Proxy and format of the response must work together to get successful crud ...
Lorenz Meyer's user avatar
  • 19.6k
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Why can't I find my fiddles using 'View My Fiddles'

I started using Sencha Fiddle, and I have a hard time to get it work. So far I created two fiddles, but I can access them only via their URL fiddle 1 and fiddle 2. But when I want to access them ...
Lorenz Meyer's user avatar
  • 19.6k
2 votes
1 answer

Importing FiltersFeature for ExtJS in jsFiddle

I would like to have a runnable demo of ExtJS using Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature in jsFiddle. I have not been able to figure out how this is done. I tried this: Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true}); ...
Oliver Watkins's user avatar