Questions tagged [servletunit]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Test the jsp pages which includes jstl code in servlet using Httpunit and Servlet unit

I am trying to test the following servlet code using httpunit servlet runner. Here every thing goes fine except jsp pages which includes jstl. public class ListTenantServlet extends HttpServlet { ...
majji's user avatar
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ServletUnit RequestDispatcher forward() / include() methods AbstractMethodError

I'm doing a java web app with a servlet and I wanted to write some tests to check its functionality (ex. authorization form). I hadn't been using any framework, just bare java in eclipse with tomcat 7....
DerelictProgrammer's user avatar
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How do we unit test servlets that forward to JSP using ServletUnit

I have a servlet that forwards the request/response to a JSP, but I keep getting the exception junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: An exception has been thrown. com.meterware.httpunit....
jcb's user avatar
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HttpUnit not honoring load-on-startup in web.xml

I'm still trying to navigate how the httpunit class architecture works, but I've come across an issue where I'm not seeing my "load-on-startup" directives in web.xml being honored when I use ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Testing Web Apps with HttpUnit & ServletUnit

I am a pretty naive programmer looking forward to test my web app with Fitnesse + (HttpUnit/ServletUnit). The idea is to test the action/representation layer in completeness, I do not intend to test/...
Bhuvnesh Pratap's user avatar