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Questions tagged [solver]

A solver is a generic term indicating a piece of mathematical software, possibly in the form of a stand-alone computer program or as a software library, that 'solves' a mathematical problem.

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0 votes
1 answer

loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type Float which has no callable log method

a = 0.5 b = 1 l = Symbol('l') l = solve(a*b/2+b/l-1, l)[0] num = 1-l/b*(r-a*b/2) -1/l*np.log(num) gives error TypeError: loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type Float which has no callable ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to let Excel pick up several numbers that give a sum wanted?

I'm not sure how I can phrase the question better but please see the image attached below. Basically, in the example, I have a number as the goal, 10 (on the left). Then, I have a number list on the ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to Use Solver with If Statements to Optimize Stock Market Returns

Hello StackOverflow World, I am trying to analyze a stock trading strategy using Solver, but when I try to run the simulation nothing happens. I've added some context below and here is the link to the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Gurobi: ImportError: DLL load failed while importing gurobipy: The specified module could not be found

I use 'conda' to install gurobi 11.0, and when I run the code on the pycharm 2023 platform 'from gurobipy import *'. It then always gives off ' from .gurobipy import * ImportError: DLL load failed ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Can I define multiple objectives for solver in excel without writing a macro?

I need to solve an equation for each cell of a column in excel by changing one variable (a separate cell in the sheet) that will impact all the cells. how can I do this in excel?
1 vote
1 answer

Setting values for IntVar for CP-SAT solver from OR-Tools

I am currently using a google OR-tools CP-SAT solver for a planification problem. I am using IntVars as a representation of the date. All those IntVars are in a dictionnary. I have a few constraints ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the role of Pyomo/JuMP/Yalmip in solving optimization model using Python/Julia/Matlab and Gurobi Solver?

I am trying to understand the role of modeling frameworks such as Pyomo for Python, JuMP for Julia, and Yalmip for Matlab in solving the optimization model. I am solving a model with many constraints ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to convert a CNF file (in Dimacs format) to NNF file using any python library? [closed]

Sorry if I didn't mention what I tried before with PyEDA. I have a CNF(Conjunctive Normal Form) file in dimacs format and want to convert it or to represent it into a NNF (Negation Normal Form) file ...
0 votes
0 answers

Algorithm Optimization - Lights' Out game modification

I am given a m x n board (maximum 8), and k pieces (maximum 15), and a depth variable (maximum 4). The board contains values between 0 and depth. When you put a piece on the board, it will increment ...
3 votes
1 answer

VBA Solver disabling the dialog box that pops after each iteration

I am using the built-in solver in Excel 2007 within a VBA loop to solve a number of different problems. Occasionally, the solver hits the maximum time, which causes a pop-up dialog box to appear ...
0 votes
1 answer

Solving Constraints with Closed World Assumption in Z3 Solver

I am working on a constraint satisfaction problem using the Z3 Solver in Python, where I need to solve a constraint of the form: ForAll([x, y], Implies(And(situation(x), situation(y)), And(actions(x), ...
1 vote
1 answer

Get the only solution based on given constraints using z3 theorem

I have a set of constraints: Lane(l0) == True, Lane(l1) == True, OnComingLane(l1) == True, LaneMarking(m1) == True, LaneMarking(m0) == True, SolidWhiteLine(m1) == True, SolidWhiteLine(m0) == True, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is cvc5 able to minimize or maximize an expression, given a set of constraints?

Other mathematical solvers, such as z3 or cplex, are able to solve mathematical models with multiple constraints with the purpose to minimize/maximize an expression, such as: a+b=10; 2<=b<=6 ...
23 votes
5 answers

poetry install | SolverProblemError Because my_project depends on string (*) which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed

I am yet to use poetry to run project, so excuse lack of understanding. I successfully installed the poetry python library manager, using: curl -sSL
-1 votes
0 answers

Match-3 gravity games solver?

[sorry for bad English] I’m playing a game similar to candy Crush. There’s only one level, but it can be can played potentially forever, increasing points. There’s only one problem:time running down. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a constraint to pieces of the stateFunction only go in ascending or descending order?

I have 3 intervals: dvar interval MyInterval[0..2]; And I have state function stateFunction MyStateFunction; And I have constraints: alwysConstant(MyStateFunction, MyInterval[i]); alwyasIn(...
0 votes
1 answer

Solving equation with integration using MATLAB

I would like to solve an equation below using MATLAB: All the parameters except p are known, so I only need to solve for p. However since I need to consider the sign of the integrand and there is an ...
0 votes
1 answer

Matlab: Using Ode23 on a continuous input span

I'm trying to figure out how to use ode23 for this. I have a function: function res = HardyWeinberg(inAFrequency, inFitness_AA, inFitness_Aa, inFitness_aa) fA = inAFrequency; wAA = ...
0 votes
1 answer

solve for a parameter such that area under curve equals 1

I have just found that I can use the function trapz in Matlab to find the area under a curve given a vector. What I want to do is to normalize the values in this vector in such that the area under the ...
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0 answers

Cannot cast array data from dtype('O') to dtype('float64') according to the rule 'safe' in Ode solver

I have a function which needs to be simulated by using a scipy 'odeint' solver. I am providing initial values as an numpy array which contains 13 parameters which are different in sizes. Also, all are ...
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0 answers

Change variable cells in OpenSolver model

I am trying to change the variable cells in OpenSolver with a click of a button. Like with vba to change the OpenSolver model's variable cells. I tried to use the following: Sub ChangeVariableCells() ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible for "alwaysIn" (state functions) select from set of values?

State functions looks like the best option for modeling my situation. The image as it is now Now interval variable X might be in range of state functin from 'vmin' to 'vmax'. But in my situation any ...
0 votes
0 answers

Maple polynomial equation solver not identifying solutions

I have a polynomial in four variables and would like to use Maple to find all the solutions to F = n for particular values of n over the integers (so I am using isolve). F (below) is defined with a ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to un-encrypt a string in javascript

Here is the the format of encription The password structure is as follows: <section1>-<section2>-<section3>-<section4>-<section5> Section 1 The first name length added to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Python solver returns no values upon running the code

I need to calculate the vertical natural frequency and the horizontal natural frequency of a beam. In order to do this I have been given two values of the vertical and horizontal natural frequency ...
1 vote
3 answers

Optimisation problem with constraint in R: how to solve problem with "complex" logarithmic benefit functions?

I have the following optimisation problem: Maximisise combined benefit functions F(x) = 2*10^9 + 160*x - 7*x*ln(x) F(y) = 3*10^9 + 170*y - 7.5*y*ln(y) subject to x + y <= 3*10^9 x,y >= 0 I ...
0 votes
0 answers

Excel Solver - Useful methods to "kick" Nonlinear solutions out of a stuck point

I'm running Excel Solver using the Nonlinear method (because the problem is much too nonlinear to suggest using any other method). There are over 40 variables, so there are over 80 constraints - some ...
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0 answers

LP problem status is not correct when time limit is used in PuLP solver

I´m solving a Integer linear programming problem in python using the PuLP library Solver "PULP_CBC_CMD". I defined my problem as: model = pulp.LpProblem("shift assignment problem", ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Adding constraints to PULP. Transportation problem

I am solving transportation problem using PULP. I have a list of suppliers (supply) and list of customers (demand). The supply is always more than demand and in some cases not every supplier is chosen ...
0 votes
1 answer

Looping though Rows and Columns while running Goalseek

in an Active Worksheet, I want to create an array of values where in the Macro copies values from a particular cell (let's say "L5") and paste it into target cell (I4). Thereafter run goal ...
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0 answers

How to optimise result of a macro with Excel solver?

This is my first title here. I hope I do not make any formatting mistakes. I have been having issue to trigger a macro and optimise its result with excel solver. I have not seen such an example and ...
2 votes
0 answers

math domain error in a python code involving fsolve and quad integrations

Im getting math domain error in this code. But the same function F does work in another program (I didn't use fsolve) without any domain error. import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import quad from ...
1 vote
2 answers

sympy solve one equation in 2 unknowns and symbols

import sympy from import x, y, z, a, b I want to find the roots in x and y for the following equation: f(x,y) = 2(x - a) + (y - b), whose roots are x=a, y=b. Using sympy I get instead sym....
0 votes
1 answer

I need a highly accurate simultaneous equation solver for Python

np.linalg.solve(X,Y) just isn't accurate enough. The code below solves a relatively small system of 5 equations: import numpy as np n=5 Y = np.random.rand(n) X = np.tile(np.array(range(1,n+1)),n) X ...
0 votes
2 answers

Solver: OR-Tools or clingo(ASP) model for "simple" logical problem

I try to solve a "simple" logical problem with OR-Tools or clingo(ASP). It goes like this: I have a set of Persons like Person(Tony, Bob, Ann, Carl, Amber, Peter) I also have groups like ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to solve an equation in Python? Which is the equivalent to ode45 for Matlab?

I'm trying to solve an equation in Python. This is an implicit equation and this is not easy to solve. I think that the Matlab command is ode45, but what is the equivalent for Python? Is there a ...
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0 answers

Consumer Maximization Problem Doesn't Work in Wolfram Mathematica

I'm trying to solve a problem that can be seen in the paper "The Role of the Structural Transformation in Aggregate Productivity". The problem is: Manually it is difficult to find the ...
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0 answers

Migrating from CVXPY directly to Solver or How to Make CVXPY run faster

I am trying to solve a convex optimization problem very quickly with python. My problem looks like this: with p, m, z and o being arrays of values. Z being the one to solve for. and both p and z ...
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0 answers

Solve( in tibasic is outputting the wrong answer

If I have a solve command set up in a tibasic script like so: Solve(A=BC, A, 2), where B=2 and C=5 The Solve( will output 2. To my knowledge the syntax for solve is: Solve(expression, variable, guess, ...
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2 answers

Python ODE system 4th order with equation system

I'm coding a python script for the solution for the following ode system. I use scipy solve_bvp library. Here is my implementation: from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp import numpy as np def ode(r,...
0 votes
1 answer

Pyomo error: No value for uninitialized NumericValue object

I'm a very new Pyomo user. I have been trying to find examples similar to my problem but I couldn't find any that were neither too easy or too difficult. It appears I have a problem initializing a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Details of numerical methods used by Dymola solvers

Dymola offers a wide range of ODE and DAE solvers, which the user can choose from depending on the application. However, I have not been able to find any reference to the details of the related ...
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2 answers

Sympy Solve Taking forever to run

I've been trying to solve a system of equations with Sympy's solve() function; but whenever I run it in my Jupyter Notebook, the kernel just says it is busy and it doesn't seem to finish running and ...
1 vote
3 answers

Set of equations describing general triangle only numerically solvable using sympy

I have two triangles sharing side c. Knowns are angles alpha,alpha' and side a and a'. I am looking for b and b'. From the set of 3 cosine rules I can find e.g. b' as shown in the code below. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Pyomo - Streaming model solver output via Websocket with FastAPI

I'm creating an optimization model with pyomo and trying to expose it via FastAPI (plain FastAPI or celery). In this process I'm trying to capture the solver output to stream it near-real-time to user ...
1 vote
1 answer

Differences between Excel Solver & PuLP solver in python,

Solver in excel is more efficient like PuLP Solver, or I made some mistake. Please can you help me? Python PuLP (Not correct results): from pulp import * p = (120, 72, 80) o = (0.85, 0.85, 0.80) lp= ...
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1 answer

Basic javascript solving quadratic equations

Very new programmer, trying to make a quadratic equation solver in javascript. //QuadSolver, a b c as in classic ax^2 + bx + c format function quadsolve(x, a, b, c) { var sol = ( ((a * (x * ...
23 votes
5 answers

JavaScript equation solver library

Is there a JavaScript library or function that will solve equations for variables? Such as 9 = 3 + x and solve for x. But it should also solve more advanced equations that include sine, cosine, and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Constraint programming to ensure uniqueness of tuples of variables while minimizing number of distinct values

I would like to solve the following optimization problem : I have integer variables P[r][c][s] in -k,k with : r in 0, 9 c in 0, 9 s in 0, 3 Contraints Those variables are under the following ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Forgot My Username and Password for Oracle SQL Developer

I am using SQL Developer for Oracle, but I forgot my username and password. I need help finding the username and password enter image description here Is there a command-line option for recovering my ...

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