Questions tagged [splice]

splice copies data between two file descriptors of which one must be a pipe. Effectively, this is equivalent to a userland function that performs a read/write operation to and from a kernel-owned buffer.

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Why splice with sockets cannot improve performance without DMA?

In Wikipedia's introduction to splice, I found: When using splice() with sockets, the network controller (NIC) must support DMA. When the NIC does not support DMA then splice() will not deliver any ...
sliter's user avatar
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Random splice image from image array and call function when array = empty

Currently I am trying to make a scratch card game using html, javascripts and css. The math random fucntion work well but i want to add splice and call function when array become empty. However it ...
Yi foong Chan's user avatar
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how to implement splice_read for a character device file with uncached DMA buffer

I have a character device driver. It includes a 4MB coherent DMA buffer. The buffer is implemented as a ring buffer. I also implemente the splice_read call for the driver to improve the performance. ...
yun wang's user avatar
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What are the semantics of splice(2) when the source file changes after splicing?

I'm trying to figure out the semantics of splice(2) (man page here). Let's say I've got a regular file on disk, and I want to write a portion of its current contents into a pipe (actually into /dev/...
jacobsa's user avatar
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How to remove empty arrays in a nested array/object?

I have an array of objects that have array within themselves. I want to loop through the object and delete any empty arrays that I have. The object is shown below: let a=[{children:[{children:[1,2]},{...
Hassan Raza's user avatar
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Is syscall splice atomic if only PIPE_BUF bytes is copied?

I know that writing less than or equal to PIPE_BUF bytes to pipe is atomic. However there isn't any document on whether doing this using splice has the same behavior. I wonder is it guaranteed that ...
JiaHao Xu's user avatar
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Algorithm for sorting array of numbers into sets

I have a n array of n objects like so: [{'item1': 144}, {'item2': 0}, {'item3': 366}, {'item4': 15}, {'item6': 366}, {'item7': 19}, {'item8': 211}, {'item9': 121}] The item values are 0-n. ...
Rick Sanches's user avatar
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using splice with socket may cause starvation

I'm writing a TCP proxy, using edge-triggered epoll to monitor fd, splice to transmit data. Here is the problem: How do I know the socket receive buffer is empty? For example, if you call read(2) ...
Nifury's user avatar
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Using splice with an array of strings

I have an array of strings. I want to ckhek if in the array there are strings of blanks only and remove them. To this purpose I've written the following code that trims the blanks and should then ...
Beppe's user avatar
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splice() from pipe to TCP buffered?

xpost from, sorry... I wrote a small test program to see if a simple proxy would benefit from using splice() but it always takes 200ms for the data that I spliced from a pipe to a ...
bennymack's user avatar
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How to use the splice and binary search on the data to delete and search

I am trying to the splice method but it is not working properly want to delete one user but it is deleting 2. Also want to add the binary search button this is the requirement for binary search ...
KILLER's user avatar
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Re-use vmsplice buffer when not gifting to kernel

I am trying to understand how vmsplice works, especially when it comes to buffer re-use. In the example below, I have passed no flag so normally vmsplice should be blocking and the kernel is not "...
NougatRillettes's user avatar
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Removing an element with splice getting error

I am solving problem in Codewars as a practice. I have a question which asks to remove a character if it is included in a string. In my case the character is '!'. My code is: function ...
tsetsko's user avatar
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How do I splice an item from a variable?

I feel like this should be so easy, but for the life of me I can't get it to work. Print Bill's salary from the my_list object shown below. my_list = [{'Tom': 20000, 'Bill': 12000}, ['car', 'laptop', '...
SHANNON NIX's user avatar
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indexOf give alternate return from same value after using splice

I make a function that checks if an array has a certain value. If yes, then move it to the first element. If no, write that value as the first element. I use splice as a mean to both remove and add ...
Kuro DCupu's user avatar
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Write to multiple file descriptors with minimal syscalls

I have a REST API that also serves SSE's to send events to clients. The expected load can be anywhere up to 10k concurrent. Luckily since the client never sends data we don't have to worry about ...
Killpot's user avatar
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Sequentially splice values in array

I'm trying to add data.addRows() positions in google.visualization.LineChart that needs multiple array of 2 values in one array, where first value need to be 0 to 127: /data.addRows([ [...
A.J. Hart's user avatar
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How can i fix this? Splice is not a function Vuex

I want to remove an Id in an array of id in events of the user in vuex. Here is the code my mutation REMOVE_USER_EVENT (state, payload) {, 1) } it says splice ...
Peter Parker's user avatar
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removing an index from an array of objects in react.js always removes the last index

I'm having an issue with removing an index from an array of objects in react.js. I have a table which displays the name and value of the data from the state. Each row will have a button to delete it ...
user2032522's user avatar
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VueJS Typescript WebPack, impossible to remove object from array with splice or delete

i try to remove a object from array in vueJS but this is impossible. I tyr a lot of thing and read some solution on stackoverflow but nothing work for me. I have a fake list like this in my vue.html ...
Espinasse's user avatar
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jQuery - remove items in array using splice, but return array with remaining items, not with the removed item

I'm having a major problem trying to do something that is very simple. I'm pushing elements into an array based on the value of a select element. I'm pushing elements in fine, but if the user changes ...
Ian's user avatar
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How to edit and delete from json after displayed to a page

Hello, I am extremely new to javascript and json and I am trying to edit and remove my JSON object from after it is displayed to the page. Here is my html enter code here <body> <!-- ...
user9083297's user avatar
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Apply filter using AngularJS that eliminates some options in array

My e-commerce site sends back all options for USPS and UPS shipping + rates via an API. These are all the options a customer sees at checkout: US Postal Ground $XX.XX USPS Priority Mail Express 1-Day™...
Andy's user avatar
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fixed length Vector can be spliced without throwing an exception -- is this intentional?

According to Adobe documentation, if a Vector has been set to have a fixed length then fixed (Boolean) : Indicates whether the length property of the Vector can be changed. If the value is true, ...
jpwrunyan's user avatar
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Why does a custom splice function outperform native splice when the array size is lower than 3-5000?

I'm writing an implementation of A* path-finding for a game, and are trying to find the fastest way of inserting values into an array of integers. I've made a custom splice function, and tested it ...
LongInt's user avatar
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I think I am using the splice method incorrectly

I am trying to solve a problem and I have having a hard time getting the answer from my splice method. I am trying to pull out all the odd numbers from an array, put them in order, and place them back ...
jcs1977's user avatar
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AngularJS In ng-repeat splice the last object of an array and it removes the properties of a form tag

In my AngularJS app, I use ng-repeat to display rows of records. When the user removes the last record in the array, it removes the custom properties on the form tag. This is breaking all of the ...
CMLee's user avatar
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Angularjs splice array of objects inside of an object always removes last object

I have an object which contains an array of objects called "blocks": $scope.microsite = { images: [ {url: ""}, {url: "
Mobiliseme's user avatar
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Python Sound Splicing

I am working on a program that takes in an audio file, locates and then removes any silence from the file. At this point the program runs, but when we play the returned sound, it is simply a slowed ...
user3386133's user avatar
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best way to remove a word from an array in a react app

I'm working on a speed typing game using React and I have this function that removes the word from the array after it's either skipped or entered correctly. I think there's a better way to do it by ...
Taariq Elliott's user avatar
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Push quantity value to href query string on change event

I need to update an add to cart url every time the user selects an option from 4 select elements and push a quantity value at a specific index that matches an ID. The select elements all contain the ...
Mat's user avatar
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deleteArrayElements(number = 6, startIndex = 0, everyIth =2) should delete every second element out of the first 6 elements of the passed array

Implement the function deleteArrayElements() that reads N elements from the array starting from the given start index i and deletes every x-th element within this sub-array. The parameter startIndex ...
Avissa Taghizadeh's user avatar
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Netty Splice operation not working in channelRead

I am using Splice Operation to transfer data from one inbound channel to outbound channel and vice versa using Splice operation to improve performance. Inbound channel is between client and proxy ...
nakulmatta's user avatar
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React Why I am getting Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'slice') Error?

I can delete dataValues ​​without any problems, but when I try to delete dataCategories, I get the error Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'slice'). The ...
user's user avatar
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how can you splice a string using a variable with defined indexes in Python?

I have 2 files, genomic_dna,txt and exons.txt. The first file contains the genomic DNA sequence of interest and the second file contains the start and stop codons of the exons. I want to import the ...
Bismah Ghafoor's user avatar
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how to convert .ssj file or custom binary format video file into standard video file

I have a custom binary file with the .ssj extension, and I'm looking to convert it into a standard video format like MP4, AVI, or MKV. Unfortunately, there is no official documentation available for ...
rawan's user avatar
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Splitting whole numbers into different cells

I'm trying to take a number and split it into other cells, so if the number is 12345 then in A1 should have 1, A2 - 2, A3 - 3, A4 - 4, A5 - 5 This is what I have so far though: ` for row in range(0,...
kim james's user avatar
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AS3 How to put a function within a Sprite and then hide the sprite?

I am a beginner programmer, making a snake game with some added features; there's a feature where I would like to remove 5 parts of the snake when it eats a certain food. So far with my attempts, i've ...
webdog's user avatar
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AS3 How to remove elements from an array using splice()

I am new to programming in general and making a snake game. I have three fruits in the stage, one for adding into the length of the snake using an push(), while the other will remove using splice(). I'...
webdog's user avatar
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Why this buffer array is 1 sample less the actual signal

I am trying to create an arrray (buffer_array) in which I push 1 sample at a time and when it gets full I remove first 50% and fill again with new sample. I am basically using a random number to ...
Greyfrog's user avatar
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How can i drag and drop nested lists in React?

I have a list of items that can be dragged and dropped, and it's working fine. However, I'm having trouble dragging and dropping grouped elements across the index. The array comes as it is shown in ...
Leandro F.'s user avatar
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my JavaScript todolist not deleting the last item remaining

when I add multiple items to this list, and then try to delete all, the last item remaining always stays on the page, any help? I tried Splice() to delete each item when I click delete, and even ...
Ahmed Anwer's user avatar
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How to interchange an element between 2 arrays?

I've been trying to use the splice() and indexOf() methods on javascript for the first time, but I don't understand the parameters. I'm trying to make a game. When you click a card, it goes up and ...
GrimmTVT's user avatar
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What is the correct syntax for my 'if' logic in my Javascript code if there is nothing left to splice from an array?

I'm new to JavaScript coding and I'm drawing a blank on what to write for a particular eventuality. I'm writing a quiz for a coding course project. The quiz has 11 questions and the code is designed ...
Jon Slack's user avatar
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Process array of objects to return least priced per product using JavaScript

Given an array of objects, containing products. A single object contains a single product offer. Products can have a identical productId, while offerId are unique for each product. Process the data to ...
d4nospice's user avatar
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Push spliced array to empty array in JavaScript

I want to iterate over an array and consecutively push them into another array after adding the first n numbers: let arr = [] let iniArr = [...Array(9).keys()].map(item=>1) let push = iniArr.slice(...
József Kiss's user avatar
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Does anyone know the meaning and what he makes?

I don't know what this [0] in the mudarPosicao function, can someone explain it to me? var array = ["CAIO", "ARIADNE", "LETICIA", "SOFIA", "ENRIQUE", &...
Jorge Lucas's user avatar
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Javascript Array.splice stopped working correctly in my Angular project

I was working on a project in Angular 4 and needed to batch through an array of ids. I would send the removed items to an Observable function, and when the subscription returned I would check the ...
kepcrom's user avatar
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Scratch card game for e-commerce

This is a scratch card game I modify using script from . I was trying to make a scratch card game that plan to use on a e-...
Yi foong Chan's user avatar
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Online splice array progress

This is a javascript for a scratch card game. So far I want to make it to have one user can only scratch the game once. There are 3 var for example so it will be like after 3 seperate user scratch it, ...
Yi foong Chan's user avatar