Questions tagged [spotify]

Spotify is a streaming music service for multiple platforms. This tag covers Spotify's various developer libraries and public APIs, including Web API, mobile SDKs, and Web Playback SDK.

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Passing access_token to access private Spotify playlists

I am working with the web-api-auth-examples repository from this link All in all a good example and made me understand the authentication code flow better. Now I am trying to move into something more ...
r.gjoni's user avatar
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spotipy spotify python api get all of an artist's releases

i want to use the spotify api to get all releases by an artist. I think there are two ways I could do this, by curling the api url, or using the Spotipy python api (
Martin's user avatar
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Getting status 415 error when trying to request Spotify access token

I am trying to acquire Spotify's Client Credentials Flow access token, but the following code just gives me status error 415. I am using React Native/axios. makeSPYReq = (id) => { ...
Jon's user avatar
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Spotify Implicit Grant Flow with React - user login

This React Component below connects an app to Spotify using the Implicit Grant Flow, redirecting the app back to my client after token is obtained for user. import React, { Component } from 'react'; ...
8-Bit Borges's user avatar
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Python Code to add songs to a Spotify playlist using Selenium

After logging in, my program starts looping over a list of songs to add them to my Spotify Playlist. But after the first loop, it raises the "stale element reference: element is not attached to the ...
Priyesh Mehta's user avatar
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Flutter | How to get a data stream with an Event Channel from Native to the Flutter side?

I want to use an Event Channel to get a data stream from the Spotify SDK. On the native side, I can automatically display the status of a current song by subscribing to my PlayerState. My goal is to ...
Jonas Frei's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to link a Spotify playlist on the Spotify app using flutter?

I am trying to link a specific playlist to a button on my flutter application. So far I have only been able to open to Spotify app using . Is there a way to link a playlist on ...
damehero's user avatar
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Anyone has Spotify Streaming SDK sources for Android?

Anyone has Spotify Streaming SDK sources for Android, because Spotify deleted repo? Or can you help me where I can find this?
Yurii Ploskyi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Spotify web API results "undefined"

I am trying to get playlists/albums/songs with the Spotify web API. I am able to output to the console these things but if I want to get just the name I get undefined I am trying to retrieve ...
Aindriu's user avatar
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SPTSessionManager does not initialize or fail

When I try to call sessionManager.initialize() neither func sessionManager(manager: SPTSessionManager, didFailWith error: Error) nor func sessionManager(manager: SPTSessionManager, didInitiate session:...
ShortTail's user avatar
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Explicit tracks in Spotify always returns None? [duplicate]

I am getting a list of my 50 top artists artistList. From this list I get the albums of each artist in artistAlbumsList, from which I then loop through the tracks of the artist's albums until I hit an ...
Alex's user avatar
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RSS feed for Spotify with PHP

I want to make a podcast together with a good friend of mine. I found out that we have to host a RSS feed as well as our sound files to publish our recordings to Spotify. That itself isn't a problem - ...
jam0's user avatar
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Call this.props.message() onClick

I have passed this.props.message() to my redirection component, and I want it to flash when button is clicked. But it only works inside componentDidMount()and not in handleRedirection(), as shown in ...
8-Bit Borges's user avatar
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Spotify in Vue.js

I try to do with simple documentation steps that read on, but also dont work. Also try to do with this
Ostap's user avatar
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How can I play music directly in an app using the Android Spotify SDK?

I'm currently working with the Android Spotify SDK and I want to play music directly in the app. Right now I can only start music through the Spotify Player: if (mSpotifyAppRemote != null && ...
Jonas Frei's user avatar
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Alexa custom skill - interact with other skills

I would like play a particularly song in a specific way. let speechText = ``;//Happy ${currentYear - year}th birthday!`; if (currentDate.getTime() !== nextBirthday.getTime()) { if(...
Ninosnow's user avatar
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Flutter: How to add a native SDK (Spotify Android SDK) to an app?

I want to write a package that accesses the Spotify Android SDK. I'm trying to add the authentication. That doesn't work. I didn't manage to open the login screen. Do I need to add a view in the dart ...
Jonas Frei's user avatar
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Spotify Remote SDK For Android - AuthenticationFailedException

The steps that have been taken thus far to integrate the Spotify Remote SDK into an android application are: 1) Created application profile on Spotify Dashboard, 2) Generated Debug Fingerprint 3) ...
lifewithelliott's user avatar
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I am using php to connect to spotify's API with PHP and with the client credentials flow

I am new to using an sort of REST protocol and am having trouble getting my access token back from the cURL request. This is using WAMP. I have already enabled the cURL extension and that works now....
Scott Howard's user avatar
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How to use the Spotify API and the Spotify SDK [closed]

I'm making an Android app which uses the Spotify SDK. The user connects to Spotify with the SDK. I want to get the users library, wich is not possible with the SDK. Therefore you must use the API. How ...
Gijs Withagen's user avatar
-3 votes
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Spotify getting acces token on a server - is Spotify API that bad?

I have a Python application that calls the Spotify API and then analyses the result (serach about song information and save them in a file). The only problem I got is that there is no way to acquire ...
Janekx's user avatar
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Python - Spotify API returning Error 400 "Malformed JSON"

Heyo. I'm trying to make a small application in my spare time that uses the Spotify API . I have managed to get my program to use oAuth 2 to let a user authorize my app to manipulate their Spotify, ...
MrBabalafe's user avatar
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React Native fetch returns 404 but postman does 200 ok

I am integrating Spotify web api into react native application. I have problem with React Native fetch. When I call the api inside Postman, I get 200 response code but if I run it inside emulator(...
Masoud's user avatar
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Spotify API auth in PHP - Invalid redirect URI

I'm trying to connect to the Spotify API. I get the authorization code with: <?php $redirect_uri = 'http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8000'; ?> <a href="
user43107's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the current playback time using spotify's API

I am making make a web app where I'll embed my spotify podcast episode. I need certain things to happen on my website once a certain number of seconds have been played. Is there a way to get the ...
Slyknight's user avatar
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Opening Spotify app from my reactnative/expo app

I would like to open Spotify from inside my react-native (expo) app. I currently use WebBrowser; which opens up, unsurprisingly, a new browser, displaying the playlist. Has anyone found a simple way ...
David Pears's user avatar
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Spotify Redirect adds character before parameters

Problem I am currently creating a ASP.NET application that has the user login to Spotify before use using the Spotify Web API. Upon calling the API you specify a response_type, client_id, scope, ...
Andrew Gosselin's user avatar
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Spotify API - Getting 406 Unacceptable On Token Request When Using HttpRequestMessage

In my requests to Spotify's "get token" endpoint using .NET's HttpRequestMessage, I'm getting a 406 (Unacceptable) response. Here's my post method (fyi, this is not optimized code -- more of a proof ...
Ben Osborne's user avatar
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How do I allow a user to login with OAuth

I am currently building an application. The front-end is built in React and the back-end in Node. The application's primary purpose will be to provide interaction with Spotify on behalf of a user. I ...
kenyonl's user avatar
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Helping to understand a token swap service and how to implement one?

I am after a little advice and some guidance on how to implement a token swap service. I am trying to implement the steps involved for this SpotifyApi wrapped found (
Ceri Westcott's user avatar
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django spotify api python http post 500 error

Hello I am trying to make a django website using the spotify api, so I am trying to get some simple example code working using the spotipy python library, but keep getting a http post 500 whenever my ...
Martin's user avatar
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AspNet.Security.Oauth.Spotify HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("spotify", "access_token") Returning a null token after second login+

When using the ASP.Net core 3.0 angular SPA individual account template, and the AspNet.Security.OAuth.Spotify nuget package. When A user logs in, I want to be able to get their spotify access token ...
Alex Manzer's user avatar
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Flutter: Oauth2 - Problems with redirect uri

I want to set up the oAuth authentication of the Spotify API in my Flutter app. I chose the flutter_web_auth 0.1.1 package. So far, I have managed that the user can log in to Spotify. After logging ...
Jonas Frei's user avatar
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Getting an Authorization Code on Spotify API (POST request)

This is a spotify documentation I'm following. Out of the 3 options of 'Authorization Flows', I'm trying the 'Authorization Code Flow'. Finished step 1. Have your application request authorization. ...
PuffedRiceCrackers's user avatar
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Cannot authenticate to Web Playback API with authorization code flow

I would like to use the authorization code flow to authenticate with the Web Playback API. Unfortunately the playback does not work properly. My browser plays a couple of seconds and then skips all ...
slyzer's user avatar
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How to click the Spotify Play button with Python

Hay, I try to click the Spotify Play button with Python browser.find_element('<button class="btn btn-green false">PLAY</button>').click() What is the correct code line to click required ...
Malte e's user avatar
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Spotify API responds with forbidden to my seek to position in currently playing track request

For a small project I had in mind, I wanted to familiarize myself better with the Spotify API. Everything was going well until I wanted to try the seek to position in currently playing track request ...
Stelrin's user avatar
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Spotify web api doesn't work with ios devices

I'm building a webapp with Spotify and Deezer api where I can listen and control (next, previous, pause, play) music. Everything works well on Android devices or on desktop, but not with IOS devices (...
Nitneq's user avatar
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How to fix ""

I'm making an Android app which uses the Spotify app-remote SDK. But it gives an error when connecting to the Spotify server. The code is the same as the code of the example project of Spotify ...
Davide Cutrupi's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to pick out an array in a JSON response from spotify web API

I need to assign the genre field to a new array but I am not sure how to only get that field, or how to call that field var SpotifyWebApi = require('spotify-web-api-node'); var spotifyApi = new ...
gpjs's user avatar
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Spotify API call returns Internal server error with springTemplate

I'm trying to call Spotify API endpoint using spring restTemplate, however, HTTP call returns Internal server error. Is this an issue in Spotify end? Or am I using this API not correctly? Example:. ...
CrazySabbath's user avatar
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Spotify API full song play

I am trying to make a music streaming web-app using spotify's API. But after many research I am not able to find a way by which we can stream a song from spotify by just clicking the play button from ...
shaykoo's user avatar
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How to authenticate Android app to connect with Spotify?

I want to create my own (non-commercial) DDR app on my phone for fun that uses music from Spotify. So far I've tried to follow the quickstart tutorial:
Maxis's user avatar
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How to return a value (access token) inside a function without promises?

const callback = (req, res) => { // your application requests refresh and access tokens // after checking the state parameter if (state === null || state !== storedState) { ... } else {...
fbkz's user avatar
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Stream Spotify preview_url in iOS Swift

I am trying to stream the preview url Spotify provides from their Web API which is working well and I am getting correct links but they are not playing properly. A sample url would be https://p.scdn....
David Heffernan's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to extract the data from spotify web API

I can't find the JSON object in the http response I am trying to develop a react app which uses the spotify API to get artist's information. I use fetch to generate the GET request This request ...
bugbear's user avatar
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How to fix '"com.spotify.error.client_authentication_failed"

I'm making an Android app witch uses the spotify remote SDK. But it gives an error when connecting to the spotify server. The code is the same as the code of the example project of Spotify included ...
Gijs Withagen's user avatar
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Auth code failing when requiring data from another js file. But works when inside same file - why?

Still an unsolved mystery. Anyone who finds the answer will now save my project! I have an app which requires credentials from Spotify. I am using a template (
Marcooz2007's user avatar
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Ensuring the program retrieves the credentials from the database BEFORE setting them

I am relatively new to Javascript and promises so I am not sure how to ensure that the code follows a certain order in this scenario. Fundamentally, I need to retrieve the credentials from the ...
Marcooz2007's user avatar
-1 votes
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Errors in fetching access token from Spotify API [duplicate]

Please bear with me, as I am fairly new to React. I'm trying to create a React app that uses the Spotify api. I want to use the client credentials authorization flow. I've set up a basic React app ...
probot's user avatar
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