Questions tagged [staging]

Staging is the process of deploying to an intermediate, usually internal, repository so that deployed artifacts can be tested and later promoted to higher levels so that they can finally be release to public repositories

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Migrating only specific database items in Wordpress from staging to live

I want to find a way to push only certain pieces of my database from the staging environment to production. For instance, if I make a change in Widgets, but there’s changes in Pages I don’t want ...
John White's user avatar
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Discard changes in the preparation area to take them to the working directory

Add by chance all the directories of my computer with git add, I would like to discard them all, and try with git reset and checkout -. I am currently in the master branch
junior-26's user avatar
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Putting a react-django staging site behind basic auth, but auth clashes with token auth for endpoints

Whats the situation? I've got staging site which is built with Django + React. Parts of the API you have to login to access. I'm using Django's token authentication for that. I then wanted to put ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
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Azure Deployment Slot swap EF core update database

I am building a Blazor application and deploying to Azure, first going through a Staging deployment slot. When you do a slot swap to bring staging into production, from what I have read it works ...
pingu2k4's user avatar
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Deploying python application to staging and production

I have a little application (it's Django, but that is likely not relevant; could be any python app) that I would like to deploy to a staging and eventually to a production server. My servers are ...
scherand's user avatar
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Set currency .00 in staging SSIS

I work with SSIS (SQL Server Integration System) and data related to currency. I want to normalize the currency so that every value followed by .00. For example, the 85000 to be 85000.00. But, if the ...
elisa's user avatar
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3 answers

Manager Identity error when running a pipeline in Data Factory with Staging Blob Storage + Polybase to a Azure DataWarehouse

I am getting this error message when trying to use Polybase + Enabling Staging Blob Storage to pull data from Azure SQL to Azure DW Database. Managed Service Identity has not been enabled on this ...
Rafael Tardelli's user avatar
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Redirection on primary and staging WordPress site with code snippet

I have thus in my functions.php: function trucklesoft_login_redirect( $url, $request, $user ){ if( $user && is_object( $user ) && is_a( $user, 'WP_User' ) ) { // Valid ...
Andrew Truckle's user avatar
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Define a Multi-Stage-Environment UI (Angular) in Kubernetes

A question regarding a multi-stage-environment in Kubernetes. I got a dev,test,prod K8-Cluster, and I got environment variables that differ from stage to stage (like Backend-urls). I was thinking ...
noircc's user avatar
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what is difference between sandbox and staging environments?

If the staging environment is an isolated environment for testing by testers and also sandbox is an isolated environment for testing, So what are those differences? Actually I could not find any ...
Mohammad Jamal Dashtaki's user avatar
2 votes
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Change variable based on current stage

I have Serverless application that has two stages: develop (on branch develop) and master (on branch master). It has a file called config.js like this: API_URL: But I want ...
Terry Djony's user avatar
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Should we also Stage .dll files while committing the changes to the repository?

I have five different projects in one solution. While I am staging my changes to the git repository, I am only staging my .cs and migration files and excluding all the .dll files. When the other guy ...
Chakradhar Reddy's user avatar
4 votes
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Are there any reasons not to use RAILS_ENV=staging on Heroku?

The Heroku documentation at says I shouldn't use a staging.rb file to define my staging environment. It may be tempting ...
Kevin Lawrence's user avatar
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Heroku Rails deployment/build error: Could not find 'bundler' (version) required by your Gemfile.lock

I have a Ruby on Rails and Redux/React app I have already pushed dozens of times to heroku via "git push heroku master" and it builds correctly. I recently tried to create a staging environment. After ...
BrianisWinston's user avatar
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How can I make this callback change dynamically for local, staging and production?

This function works well in my local. However, if I want to make it work on staging, I need to change the callbackURL to: "" and then commit ...
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36 votes
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How to set NODE_ENV from package.json for react

I am trying to target multiple environments from local while executing React app. 1. Development 2. Staging 3. Production I am also trying to test for offline mode in any of the environments. So, the ...
Mithun Shreevatsa's user avatar
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Best methods for staging tables you updated in Redshift

Just a brief question on early thoughts about best methods for staging tables in Redshift for update-insert-delete approaches (for a continual basis ) process in Redshift. Thanks
Brian Sullivan's user avatar
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Laravel - Setting up common storage for staging and production post deployment

I have taken over a Laravel project that has been deployed for a while now that has been using separate storage folders for files that are uploaded to the respective websites. My experience with ...
Tony Cowling's user avatar
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Git Practice for Separate "Demo" site with dummy content

I am currently getting ready for my first ever release of a saas product. I am having hard time deciding whether I should keep my customer onboarding "demo" site (with some dummy content) seperate ...
eleven0's user avatar
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How can I automatically restore my Heroku Postgres staging database from a daily backup?

I have my Heroku production database scheduled to make daily backups, and I want to restore the backups onto my staging database daily as well. This way I can keep the staging box in sync with ...
C-RAD's user avatar
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constantBuffer get wrong value (feat memcopy)

I am trying to implement the constant buffer for the array. So I am using MEMCOPY macro and mapping for writing into constant buffer. First, write data into a constant buffer struct TestStruct {...
KIM CHANGJUN's user avatar
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Consolidate Perforce `add` and `edit` file operations

To automate Perforce staging, I face a dilemma that add and edit are two different ops and they work on files of different SCM status, i.e., "already under SCM or not". This is different from git ...
kakyo's user avatar
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Will 2 servers running Rails + Sidekiq, using the same redis server cause unexpected behavour?

I'm planning to migrate my 2 sidekiq instances to use 1 Redis database. I'm concerned there may be issues with race conditions. Is it safe to do this or not? I currently have 2 rails servers in ...
David Milanese's user avatar
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Font-Face works locally, but not on staging server

Font face works perfectly on my local machine, and when i am viewing the staging site on my local machine, but when viewed on my phone or other computers the font doesn't load correctly. @font-face { ...
TMWLSH's user avatar
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reading GPU resource data by CPU

i am learning directx11 these days. and i have been stuck in compute shader section. so i made four resource and three corresponding view. immutable input buffer = {1,1,1,1,1} / SRV immutable input ...
KIM CHANGJUN's user avatar
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How to deploy serverless code in different stages via command line?

Currently I'm using following command line to deploy in different stages from my local mechine: serverless deploy --stage qa But this code create whole new section (project) in the API Gateway ...
FR STAR's user avatar
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WordPress slick slider error on staging but not local

I have a WordPress site locally and I have used 'Slick Slider' and ACF to create an image gallery in a custom post. This all works great locally, but when I have pushed to my staging site, the area ...
Leanne's user avatar
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Testing docker on developement server and deploying it later and updating it with changes

I have my project folder "Myproject" with dockercompose.yml and context build folders of Django_with_httpd and postgresql within it. Inside the build context folder lies my django app code. I am ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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MDS Staging with automatic codes creation

everyone! We're using MS SQL Master Data Services to organize our enterprise master data and some of entities, we keep, consists of data, that we load from external sources almost as-is. We regularly ...
Anton Matyushov's user avatar
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500 error on new WP install on multi-site, staging server

I'm working for a client that has a multi-site server, which hosts about 5 live sites. Within that, he also has a "staging server" where we are trying to re-design one of the existing 5 sites. I have ...
mickdeez's user avatar
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Firebase Authentication Staging Environment

I find nowhere in the docs how to setup a separate development (pre-production, staging, etc.) environment when working with Firebase Authentication. I do not want to create and delete arbitrary user ...
Sammy's user avatar
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AWS infrastructure for debugging

I've made an AWS serverless application with Lambda. I made it and tested it a lot before using in production, so mistakes were allowed in development process. It entered a stable state, so that I ...
Mateus Felipe's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How can I specify an angular environment on ionic build?

The Ionic framework uses Angular. Angular 6 defines environments in ./src/environments/environment.stage.ts . When building an Angular app, I can select the environment with the parameter --env=stage ...
Martin M's user avatar
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Let react dev accessing staging from workstation: bad practice?

We have 3 environements: Dev (local to their workstation) -> Staging -> Production React developers wants to have access to staging backends in order to have real data and work with real use cases. ...
Kelindil's user avatar
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Creating a local dev environment for appsync

We have a react mobile frontend and an AWS appsync backend (DynamoDB, step functions, lambdas, graphql, auth) Is there an easy way to do this? We have an application and backend in production, and ...
friartuck's user avatar
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Extend StagedModelDataHandler for Journal Article in Staging

I am working on local live staging in Liferay 7.1, in which I have one custom field in Web content. When I export those web content to local live, I want to check that custom field as result I would ...
John carter's user avatar
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ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR after migrating WordPress site to another site - attempting to create staging environment

I have a site hosted on 1&1 Ionos hosting. Purchased an SSL for the site from 1&1 Ionos as well. So let's say is what I have. Then I have another another site say ...
Werner's user avatar
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How to push just one edit, on a file, without also pushing the rest of the history of changes, since the last release?

I have 3 remotes: Dev Staging Live The Dev mirrors the Local copy that I have and can be updated each time I fix a bug. I normally git push to dev master THere are hotfixes, however, and those ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Azure App Service: Converting Staging Slot into Standalone App

I have an Azure App with a Staging Slot. I'm trying to find a way to convert my Staging Slot into a normal Standalone App Is there any way to achieve this? Why do I want to do this? Because I want ...
Jayendran's user avatar
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Errors Occur when switching from Development to Staging Environment - ASP.Net Core MVC

I've been developing a web-application with ASP.Net Core MVC using C# and Entity Framework Core to interact with a SQL Database running on SQL Server 2017. The application is now in Staging, but I'm ...
Corey P's user avatar
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From staging to existing production Laravel application

Hey folks and moderators, Let’s say I have deployed a Laravel application on production server and how do I modify and update the application without affecting production data? Assumed that I wanted ...
Juno Fernando's user avatar
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Environment-variable as condition for rewrite rule in web.config in azure web app

I want to use a different robots.txt for my different environments (such as staging and production). Is there a way to make the environment-variable as condition instead of pattern="somePattern" ...
dindunuffin's user avatar
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Understanding azure slots swapping and effect on git repositories

I am trying to create 2 different slots in Azure for a Web application (staging and production). I am using "Local Git Repository" to push my already built application to Azure (so, no VSTS). From my ...
Learner's user avatar
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Moving WordPress from Live to Localhost

I am attempting to move a live website to a localhost for testing purposes and I cannot get the website to load. When I go to localhost:8888/example my browser loads the page indefinitely and displays ...
Seeth's user avatar
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Staging in Cloud Foundry

Can someone explain staging in cloud foundry. I have some high level knowledge on this. That CC sends request via cc bridge to diego brain, etc..does staging happens inside a container created ...
Joemon Emmatty's user avatar
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Git attempting to stage 5000+ documents

I'm running into a problem with github on my computer. It started when I installed brew on my mac, I also used git init within a program folder today inorder to push it to my repo, but this is ...
Ahmad Al-Bassyiouni's user avatar
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How can I require admin login on a Django site only if a certain environment variable is set?

I have two AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments serving content using the same Django web server. One of them is a staging site (i.e. for development/testing purposes) and one of them is the production ...
Solomon's user avatar
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Where to find backend print outs on staging/production?

Usually when I have backend print outs, I just look in the console that's running npm run dev. That's for local development, but where do I look for console.log() after pushing to staging or ...
HunterLiu's user avatar
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Page updates not reflect on staging tasks list in Kentico

Any ideas why small changes on a page like a field value or attachment did not appear on staging tasks list? Pages on dev and live have same GUID and alias. No workflow enabled on the site. Staging ...
Udalov Volodymyr's user avatar
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patch for files disappearing in the eclipse Navigator

The files in Navigator and editor tabs keeps disappearing in eclipse workbench. Eclipse seems to be not interested in fixing the due to the fight ...
Chidveer's user avatar

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