Questions tagged [stanford-nlp]

Questions on the open source natural language processing software from the Stanford University NLP Group, in Java, Python, and C, including Stanford CoreNLP, Stanza, and GloVe.

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189 views does not loading any modules does not loading any modules. My code is given below, when I run these code I'm getting the timeout error without loading the model. How can I solve it?? Without completing the commands ...
fahma bakkarka's user avatar
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TypeError while trying to run stanfordnlp's corenlp demo script

ds from stanfordnlp.server import CoreNLPClient import os os.environ["CORENLP_HOME"] = r'C:\Users\Shreyans\Downloads\stanford-ner-2018-10-16\stanford-ner-2018-10-16' text = "Chris Manning is a nice ...
Shreyans Jasoriya's user avatar
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sentenceDelimiter option does not work during using Stanford nndep Parser in command-line

sentenceDelimiter option does not work during using Stanford nndep Parser. The command is java -classpath stanford-parsing -mx2000m \ edu.stanford.nlp.parser.nndep.DependencyParser \ -model ...
James.D's user avatar
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Is there a smaller version of Stanford CoreNLP?

I am trying to reduce the size of a plugin (written in java) I am working on and we use CoreNLP to parse some text. We don't use too many features of CoreNLP, but it is by far the largest component of ...
Chris's user avatar
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Glove Word Embeddings supported languages

I started experimenting with word embeddings, and I found some results which I don't know how to interpret. I first used an English corpus for both training and testing and afterwards, I used the ...
patri's user avatar
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Get GrammaticalRelation of root node

I'm attempting to parse Medical research reports, using the Stanford NLP. I can get the GrammaticalRelation of all the nodes except the first or root node. How do I get this valus. I have written a ...
Don Flinn's user avatar
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Use StanfordCoreNLP in parallel

This thread contains a nice example on how to use a wrapper for Stanfords CoreNLP library. Here is the exmaple I am using: from pycorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://...
Tyler D's user avatar
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Apart from Keras and Spacy, can I use Stanford Core NLP for Deep Learning?

I'm trying to perform sentiment analysis over twitter data using Deep Learning ( RNN ). I know that there are various other deep learning libraries out there like TF, keras , gensim etc., but i wanted ...
D.M Arbaaz's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a way to remove a word from a KeyedVectors vocab?

I need to remove an invalid word from the vocab of a "gensim.models.keyedvectors.Word2VecKeyedVectors". I tried to remove it using del model.vocab[word], if I print the model.vocab the word ...
Matheus Tramontini's user avatar
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Can stanford ner tagger process hindi or nepali language?

I would like to train a ner model using stanford-ner.jar CRFClassifier for Nepali or Hindi language. Can I simply use the java command line mentioned in the here
oya163's user avatar
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Add punctuation to text

I am looking for a way to add punctuation to a sentence as in: hey mike how are you -> Hey Mike, how are you? If that model takes care of correct casing I would not be mad either. I've used nltk, ...
Stefan Falk's user avatar
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Sentiment Analysis using RNN through Stanford Core NLP

I'm trying to perform sentiment analysis on twitter data using standard Machine Learning algorithms ( SVM , Logistic Regresression , Naive Bayes etc) . Now i want to compare these results from Deep ...
D.M Arbaaz's user avatar
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what is "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in

While installing the new stanfordnlp package on my anaconda prompt i get this error message in red : Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\Asus\AppData\Local\Temp\...
Ahmed BEN KHALIFA's user avatar
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Getting Stanford NLP to recognise named entities with multiple words

First off let me say that I am a complete newbie with NLP. Although, as you read on, that is probably going to become strikingly apparent. I'm parsing Wikipedia pages to find all mentions of the page ...
Chris Rae's user avatar
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Stanford NER throws exception on docker

I have a .net 472 executable which uses the nuget package. var classifierPath = (config.ClassifierDirectory ?? ...
Yair Halberstadt's user avatar
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Drop in performance between stanford nlp 3.7.0 and 3.9.2

There seems to be a performance drop between in java for stanford nlp version 3.7.0 and 3.9.2. I am running the following pipeline props.put("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, ner, parse, ...
user260495's user avatar
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Dependency parse large text file with python

I am trying to parse a large txt file (about 2000 sentence). when I want to set the model_path, I get this massage: NLTK was unable to find stanford-parser.jar! Set the CLASSPATH environment ...
Niloo's user avatar
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How to feed CoreNLP some pre-labeled Named Entities?

I want to use Standford CoreNLP to pull out Coreferences and start working on the Dependencies of pre-labeled text. I eventually hope to build graph nodes and edges between related Named Entities. I ...
AlexanderIIIOfMacedon's user avatar
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ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack - Glove

I downloaded the Glove model and I train the Glove model use my own corpus, I didn't change anything else other than adding my own corpus. but it gives the ...
Sashini Hettiarachchi's user avatar
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UnicodeDecodeError in StanfordNERTagger compilation

I'm using NLTK wrapper for NER tagging using Stanford 3class model. On BBC news raw text that is written in English getting UnicodeDecodeError. Here is my code from nltk.tag import ...
Saurabh Verma's user avatar
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Stanford NLP GrammaticalRelation Types?

Soo... The program works exactly how it should, but I do not understand what the fancy abbreviations that the program outputs. If I input 'I wish today was a school day', the program will output I/...
AJ_4real's user avatar
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Dependency Parser Not Working - Stanford Core NLP

I've been working on a project regarding NLP and I'm using Stanford Core NLP library for it, but it's parser function doesn't seem to work. I run the code and it always gets hung up, not responding ...
Mushood Hanif's user avatar
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Why does a Sentence parse throw an exception only the first time?

I am using the edu.stanford.nlp.simple package to generate parse trees for sentences in several different languages. The English and Chinese models produce the expected results, e.g. > val s = new ...
b4c3's user avatar
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How to process a text file and find the coreference using stanford coreference resolution?

I want to tag the contents in the file and find location from it.but i am new to this so i dont know .i just try to give file instead of text to BufferedReader fr=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(".....
vishnu mangalasseril's user avatar
-1 votes
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Named Entity Recognition RegexNER add more columns for information

There is a way to do this ? Add another column to the regexner.mapping file that describes some aspect of the named entity, for example: Bachelor of Engineering DEGREE 2.0 ...
JaviC's user avatar
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Stanford NLP POS tag X in Spanish

I am doing POS tag in a text in Spanish and for some words the tagger marks it with the X tag. static public void main(String[] args) { String text = "Posteriormente, el desarrollo ...
user4052054's user avatar
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NLP: Extracting domain specific Data from PDF Files

NLP Problem: I have pdf file which contain some important information that needs to be extracted. Some of them are in key value pairs. . For example, the pdf file contains the following information. ...
nodechef's user avatar
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Stanford NLP regexNER on lemmas

I've been experimenting with Stanford regex NER annotator and TokensRegex. It works great, I just wonder if it's possible to do regex matching on lemmas instead of words? For example, I create ...
tavisEu's user avatar
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How to implement Tokensregex based entity extraction in python

I wanna use tokensregex feature of Stanford for basic entity extraction. But don't have any idea how to use it through wrapper classes in python and where I can put my own regex rule to use it. ...
Saurabh Verma's user avatar
-3 votes
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Extract bold and underlined texts from .pdf

I need to extract text from pdf. But the pdf has some bold and underlined texts. I tried MyPDF2 but getting error while trying to read those pdfs containing formatted texts. import PyPDF2 ...
Nandhakumar Rajendran's user avatar
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Remove stopwords list from list in Python (Natural Language Processing)

I have been trying to remove stopwords using python 3 code but my code does not seem to work,I want to know how to remove stop words from the below list. The example structure is as below: from ...
thrinadhn's user avatar
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Error: Could not find or load main class

I am trying to train custom relations in Stanford CoreNLP using the birthplace model. I have gone through this documentation which details us to make a properties file (similar to the roth....
Kunal Mukherjee's user avatar
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Overriding default env settings for TokensRegex in stanford

What is the setting to over ride edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations$TextAnnotation to edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations$OriginalTextAnnotation when token regex rules are added. Sample example:...
user2277149's user avatar
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averaging a sentence’s word vectors in Keras- Pre-trained Word Embedding

I am new to Keras. My goal is to create a Neural Network Multi-Classification for Sentiment Analysis for tweets. I used Sequential in Keras to build my model. I want to use pre-trained word ...
HelpASisterOut's user avatar
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Restricting Stanford CoreNLP's Set of Phrase-Level Tags

Piggybacking on the question I posted here, I would like to ask if it is possible to rule out certain phrase-level tags when parsing. Specifically, I am using the Stanford CorenNLP version 3.9.2 Shift-...
tarskiandhutch's user avatar
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Sentiment analysis with Stanford CoreNLP in Python

I am learning NLP and have just installed the Stanford CoreNLP. I use Windows10 and have installed Python3 with Anaconda3. I also installed pycorenlp - 0.3. I run CoreNLP using the following command ...
user8270077's user avatar
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When we run coreference resolution program it will throw an error how can i solve?

I am new to coreference resolution when we run the program it will throw an error i m very confused to resolve please help me with it Annotation document = new Annotation("Barack Obama was born ...
vishnu mangalasseril's user avatar
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why I'm getting multiple entities as one

I'm using a Custom NER model(CRF based) for NER tagging. but the problem is whenever multiple entities separated by punctuation or any stopword occur in test data. it tags whole as one entity. for ...
Saurabh Verma's user avatar
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Stanford NER custom model accuracy testing

I am working on Entity extraction using a custom model. I trained my CRF based model on a large dataset as java -Xmx16g stanford-ner.jar -prop ner.prop using ...
Saurabh Verma's user avatar
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Entity Mention Detection is not working properly with TokensRegex

entitymention doesn't seem to work. I followed similar approach mentioned here by adding entitymentions as one of the annotators How can I detect named entities that have more than 1 word using ...
user2277149's user avatar
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What stanford core nlp relation dependencies represent

I am using coreNLP library in a project to generate Enhanced++ Dependencies. We can try using this link But I am not getting any proper list of what all these dependencies ...
Mayank Bajaj's user avatar
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Similarity of two words in GloVe

How to find similarity of two words in Glove? We have model.similarity(word1, word2) in Word2vec. Is there a similar way in GloVe? How to save and load trained GloVe model?
Priyadharshini Ravi's user avatar
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how can I get the binary parsed tree from coreNLP parser?

I need the binary parse tree of an sentence to do my experiment. But after I used Stanford Parser and CoreNLP parser, I got non-binary tree. I have tried to add propertiy "parse.binaryTrees": "true",...
廖胜兰's user avatar
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How to "debug" StanfordNLP text classifier

I'm using StanfordNLP to do text classification. I have a training set with two labels: YES and NO. Both labels have more or less the same datums per label (~= 120K). The problem is that StanfordNLP ...
Bob Rivers's user avatar
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How to set tokenizer options when using the simple CoreNLP API?

I'm aware of the tokenizer options that are available in CoreNLP and I know how to set them in the standard version. Is there way to pass the options, e.g. the untokenizable=noneKeep, when using the ...
Ailef's user avatar
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Is it possible to give an input set of named entities as well as a set of sentences to coreNLP for coreference resolution

I am trying to do co-reference resolution on a data-set however Stanford's named entity recogniser is unable to properly classify the named entities within my set of text. As such is it possible to ...
Cooke1007's user avatar
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Java Out of Memory Error while using Stanford POS Tagger

I am getting the following error in my Jupyter notebook: Loading default properties from tagger C:\Users\bdiplus_admin\Desktop\ABSA\stanford-postagger-full-2018-10-16/models/english-bidirectional-...
Vibhu's user avatar
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How do I get word embedding using CoreNlp from Stanford?

I am using CoreNlp to get the information extraction from a large text. However, its using the "triple" approach where a single sentence produce many output which is good, but there are some sentences ...
anggor's user avatar
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How to train a custom Glove vector representations using many PDF files?

I wanted to train my own custom Glove representations from using many PDF files. How can i do that ? and is there any way to use the concept of POS tagging and dependency parsing etc? Can you suggest ...
Arpit Sah's user avatar

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