Questions tagged [svd]

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a factorization of a real or complex matrix, with many useful applications in signal processing and statistics.

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5 votes
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SVD Matlab Implementation

I tried to write matlab code that would decompose a matrix to its SVD form. "Theory": To get U, I found the eigenvectors of AA', and to get V, I found the eigenvectors of A'A. Finally, Sigma is a ...
Ana M's user avatar
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numpy svd: is there a way to find only the first singular vectors instead of doing full svd?

numpy.linalg.svd function gives the full svd of the input matrix. However I want only the first singular vectors. I was wondering if there is any function in numpy for that or any other library in ...
Harit Vishwakarma's user avatar
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How to use SVD correctly in

SVD stands for Singular Value Decomposition and is said to be the popular technique to conduct feature reduction in text classification. I know the principle as this link. I have been using C#, using ...
user3819222's user avatar
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Python: Implement a PCA using SVD

I am trying to figure out the differences between PCA using Singular Value Decomposition as oppossed to PCA using Eigenvector-Decomposition. Picture the following matrix: B = np.array([ [1,...
Luk's user avatar
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Using SVD to plot word vector to measure similarity

This is the code I am using to calculate a word co-occurrence matrix for immediate neighbor counts. I found the following code on the net, which uses SVD. import numpy as np la = np.linalg words =...
Seja Nair's user avatar
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Calculating SVD using multiple cores in R

I want to run svd() in R on a large sparse matrix (17k x 2m), and I have access to a cluster. Is there a straightforward way to calculate SVD in R using multiple cores? The RScaLAPACK package (http://...
Christopher O'Brien's user avatar
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Pagerank vs SVD

Pagerank works on the nodegraph of a series of pages and the directed edges formed by their respective inward and outward links. Thus the rank of a particular page is broadly a locally-induced effect ...
Phil H's user avatar
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Using the SVD rather than covariance matrix to calculate eigenfaces

I'm using the set of n = 40 faces from AT&T ( to try and generate eigenfaces via the SVD. First I calculate the average vector: ...
mic's user avatar
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Generalized Singular Value Decomposition & Sparse Matrices

I want to compute the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD) for sparse matrices A and B. Therefore I am looking for an implementation that is capable of using a special data structure for ...
Matthias Munz's user avatar
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Doing PCA in java on large matrix

I have a very large matrix (about 500000 * 20000) containing the data that I would analyze with pca. To do this I'm using ParallelColt library, but both using singular value decomposition and ...
dacanalr's user avatar
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Using alternative LAPACK driver in numpy's svd method?

I'm using numpy.svd to compute singular value decompositions of badly conditioned matrices. For some special cases the svd won't converge and raise a Linalg.Error. I've done some research and found ...
schtopps's user avatar
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large sparse matrix, svd with spark,python

I want to analyze data on spark. I need svd matrix to achieve recommendation algorithm using python or scala if python doesn't work. But the data is large and sparse. there are two columns in the ...
DarryO's user avatar
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R - Get a matrix with the reduced number of features with SVD

I'm using the SVD package with R and I'm able to reduce the dimensionality of my matrix by replacing the lowest singular values by 0. But when I recompose my matrix I still have the same number of ...
ClydeX's user avatar
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sign determination of singular vectors ind matlabs svd function

Does anybody know how the sign of the singular vectors resulting from Matlab's svd function is determined? Let: B = U*S*V' be a valid svd decomposition of a real or complex 2-by-2 matrix B, then: ...
user1618022's user avatar
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Truncated SVD is taking lot of time

I'm trying to reduce dimension of data set by computing what can be the best n_components using truncated SVD but its taking lot of time. from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD pca = ...
Kashif Shariff's user avatar
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R Mclust - getting svd error 'infinite or missing value'

I'm using Mclust function (from mclust package) to perform a mixed gaussian glustering. The data set is composed of 21000+ rows and 10 columns. I got the following error: Error in svd(shape.o, nu = ...
lilloraffa's user avatar
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SVD implementation map reduce

Hi I need to perform a Singular Value Decomposition on large dense square matrices using Map Reduce. I have already checked the Mahout project but what they provide is a TSQR algorithm http://...
Marco Seravalli's user avatar
4 votes
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Number of components Trucated SVD

One can reduce dimensionality by using truncated SVD. It performs linear dimensionality reduction by means of truncated singular value decomposition (SVD). However, one has to choose the number of ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Matlab SVD output in opencv

in Matlab SVD function outputs three Matrices: [U,S,V] = svd(X) and we can use the S Matrix to find to smallest possible number of component to reduce the dimension of X to retain enough variance. ...
Saeed.Torabzadeh's user avatar
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Predict with SVD matrixes

I'm participating in programming contest, where I have data where the first column is a user, second column is a movie, and the third is a number in ten-points rating system. 0 0 9 0 1 8 1 1 4 1 2 6 ...
rel1x's user avatar
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How can I compute SVD and and verify that the ratio of the first-to-last singular value is sane with OpenCV?

I want to verify that homography matrix will give good results and this this answer has an answer for it - but, I don't know how to implement the answer. So can anyone recommend how I may use OpenCV ...
Tony's user avatar
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Why scikit-learn truncatedSVD uses 'randomized' algorithm as default?

I used with truncatedSVD with 30000 by 40000 size of term-document matrix to reducing the dimension to 3000 dimension, when using 'randomized', variance ratio is about 0.5 (n_iter=10) when using '...
Kyeongpil's user avatar
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Obtaining an invertible square matrix from a non-square matrix of full rank in numpy or matlab

Assume you have an NxM matrix A of full rank, where M>N. If we denote the columns by C_i (with dimensions Nx1), then we can write the matrix as A = [C_1, C_2, ..., C_M] How can you obtain the ...
D R's user avatar
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Singular value decomposition in R

Following the example of wikipedia's page on SVD, I created the following matrix in R: M <- matrix(0, 4, 5) M[1, 1] <- 1 M[4, 2] <- 2 M[2, 3] <- 3 M[1, 5] <- 2 Computed the SVD from ...
F. Privé's user avatar
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Basic Pseudocode for using SVD with Movielens/Netflix type data set

I'm struggling to figure out how exactly to begin using SVD with a MovieLens/Netflix type data set for rating predictions. I'd very much appreciate any simple samples in python/java, or basic ...
oli's user avatar
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svd imputation R

I'm trying to use the SVD imputation from the bcv package but all the imputed values are the same (by column). This is the dataset with missing data #load data dataMiss =...
Sojers's user avatar
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how to check whether the image is compressed or not after applying SVD on that image(regarding size of compressed image on disk)

I=imread('cameraman.tif'); figure(1),imshow(I) I1=im2double(I); [U,S,V]=svd(I1); figure(2),imshow(I1) for j=1:90 I2=U(:,1:j)*S(1:j,1:j)*V(:,1:j)'; end figure(3),imshow(I2) I3=U*S*V'; figure(4),...
Suj's user avatar
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Dimension Reduction

I'm trying to reduce a high-dimension dataset to 2-D. However, I don't have access to the whole dataset upfront. So, I'd like to generate a function that takes an N-dimensional vector and returns a ...
PlexLuthor's user avatar
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Low rank approximation using scipy

I'm trying to use low-rank-approximation for latent semantic indexing. I thought that doing low rank approximation reduces matrix dimensions but it contradicts the results I get. Assume I have my ...
zemiret's user avatar
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precision difference of svd solve between opencv and eigen

I found the precision of solve function between opencv and eigen have much different , as you can see the code below double A[12 * 12] = { 898985.9229685856, 810318.7228193029, 249750.0195282509,...
Mr.Guo's user avatar
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how to use svd to recommend item based on items

I have trained a SVD model to recommend items based on userId. However, is there any way to recommend items based on items list instead of userId? For example, given a list of items, [1,2,3,4,5], ...
remykits's user avatar
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Getting negative S value from SVD decomposition in Numpy?

I want to whiten the CIFAR10 dataset using ZCA. The input X_train is of shape (40000, 32, 32, 3) where 40000 is the number of images, and 32x32x3 is the size of each image. I'm using the code from ...
Soroush's user avatar
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Calculating spinv with SVD

Background I'm working on a project involving solving large underdetermined systems of equations. My current algorithm calculates SVD (numpy.linalg.svd) of a matrix representing the given system, ...
Rushabh Mehta's user avatar
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Plot K-means clusters after TruncatedSVD Python

I'm trying to plot the results of running clustering on my data set but I'm getting the error: File "", line 93, in <module> Z = kmeans.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) ...
user3440639's user avatar
4 votes
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NumPy SVD Does Not Agree With R Implementation

I saw a question about inverting a singular matrix on Stack Overflow using NumPy. I wanted to see if NumPy SVD could provide an acceptable answer. I've demonstrated using SVD in R for another Stack ...
duffymo's user avatar
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SVD image reconstruction in Python

I am trying to do a Singular Value Decomposition of this image: taking the first 10 values. I have this code: from PIL import Image import numpy as np img ='bee.jpg') img = np.mean(img, ...
user avatar
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Matrix values increasing after SVD, singular value decomposition

I am trying to learn SVD for image processing... like compression. My approach: get image as BufferedImage using ImageIO... get RGB values and use them to get the equivalent grayscale value (which ...
Jeet Parekh's user avatar
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SVD algorithm implementation

Does anyone know good scalable implementation of SVD on C# for very big matrix?
Dmitry Borovsky's user avatar
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Error in irlba starting vector near the null space

train.irbla <- irlba(t(train.tokens.tfidf), nv=300, maxit = 100) I am trying to do a dimensionality reduction. The actual dimension of the train matrix is 1140*5418. Warning in irlba(t(train....
Newmen's user avatar
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I am using LAPACK dgesvd to compute the SVD of a real-valued Hankel matrix as a part of my C program and am comparing the results obtained against the MATLAB function SVD. I notice that while the ...
user2971034's user avatar
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Native library missing warning while running SVD on 10Kx10K dense matrix

I am doing SVD on a dense matrix of size 10000x10000 using computeSVD method on IndexedRowMatrix on Apche Spark. The run log shows warning as follows WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from: ...
Chandan's user avatar
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Convergence error of function svd() in R

When coding in R, I find the function svd() may sometimes throw out the error message: Error in La.svd(x, nu, nv) : error code 1 from Lapack routine 'dgesdd'. After searching some information in ...
qqwqert007's user avatar
3 votes
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Comparing svd and princomp in R

I want to get singular values of a matrix in R to get the principal components, then make princomp(x) too to compare results I know princomp() would give the principal components Question How to ...
edgarmtze's user avatar
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My example shows SVD is less numerically stable than QR decomposition

I asked this question in Math Stackexchange, but it seems it didn't get enough attention there so I am asking it here.
daydayup's user avatar
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Matrix Low Rank Approximation using Matlab

Consider a 256 x 256 matrix A. I'm familiar with how to calculate low rank approximations of A using the SVD. Typically after using [U S V] = svd(A), I would use Ak = U(:,1:k)*S(1:k,1:k)*V(:,1:k)'; ...
Exc's user avatar
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How to handle negative values of cosine similarities

I computed tf-idf of my documents based of terms. Then, I applied LSA to reduce the dimensionality of the terms. 'similarity_dist' contains values which are negative (see table below). How can I ...
kitchenprinzessin's user avatar
3 votes
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Singular Value Decomposition: Different results with Jama, PColt and NumPy

I want to perform Singular Value Decomposition on a large (sparse) matrix. In order to choose the best(most accurate) library, I tried replicating the SVD example provided here using different Java ...
user2588219's user avatar
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How to convert 3D array to a list of 2D arrays in python?

I want to convert a 3D array (say size = 3x3x4) to a list of 3 (3x4) arrays. The 3D Array A in the else block is not the same type as in the if block. I tried tolist() function, but it converts the 3D ...
Neuling's user avatar
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Solving Linear Systems of equations with SVD Decomposition

I want to write a function that uses SVD decomposition to solve a system of equations ax=b, where a is a square matrix and b is a vector of values. The scipy function scipy.linalg.svd() should turn a ...
Eli Rees's user avatar
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Toy R function for solving ordinary least squares by singular value decomposition

I'm trying to write a functions for multiple regression analysis (y = Xb + e) using a singular value decomposition for matrices. y and X must be the input and regression coefficients vector b, the ...
Rilja's user avatar
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