Questions tagged [symlink-traversal]

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13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Firebase "symlink" to another node

In relation to my other question about modelling a real user-facing tree structure (Using firebase tree structure to represent a "document outline" structure directly), I was thinking of ...
KarolDepka's user avatar
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OSX Apache web pages on external drive don't work

I have a symlink /Library/WebServer/Documents/2Tlnk to /Volumes/2TMacBook/lnk1 which is a directory with an index.html file in it. 2TMacBook is an external drive, not a separate MacBook computer. I ...
Garr Lystad's user avatar
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Eclipse CDT indexer won't follow symlinks?

In my source folders, I have two alternate versions of some part of my code, with a symlink choosing which one will be built. Now, in Eclipse, I use a resource filter to not see the two originals and ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Disable symlink and mount path resolve in Mac

In mac (el captain), when a file is selected by browsing through a symlink path that points to network or mount point, and you show the file info, then the network path or device path is retrieved ...
Belal Salem's user avatar
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Symlink/link in project directory

I've got a project directory that's become a bit of a mess, and I'm trying to tidy it up into a structure something like this: /data /raw /cleaning_scripts /analysis ... Some of the raw data ...
Empiromancer's user avatar
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Efficient way to walk directory tree containing link cycles

Is there a more efficient way to walk a directory tree that contains link cycles than tracking which files have already been visited? For example consider walking a directory containing these files: ...
Matt Joiner's user avatar
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How to use symlinks with PHP and Nginx (or Lighttpd)?

I've installed Nginx + FPM-PHP under Debian and ArchLinux. Both are working fine. However, I can't figure out how to get the PHP part to follow symlinks. I've also tried with Lighttpd, but to no avail....
Luis Soeiro's user avatar
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In nodejs, cwd option of `child_process.exec` is not honored if script is executed from the symlinked directory of cwd

It appears the cwd option isn’t always honored, specifically when I run the following script from the symlinked directory of the specified cwd, but running from all other directories works fine. What ...
joy gao's user avatar
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Symlinks not working from Explorer but work fine from cmd shell

I'm seeing a weird behaviour for one user in a network. They cannot follow some symlinks we have configured on the file server. If I open a command shell I can open the symlinked folder without ...
Ian's user avatar
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How to create a symbolic link or hard link to another symbolic link?

For example, I create a link ln -s /mytarget /mylink (where mytarget is a directory). Now I would like to create a link to /mylink, i.e., ln -s /mylink /mylinkother. The first link mylink works fine, ...
Evandro Coan's user avatar
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Cygwin: follow symlinks with MinGW fopen/etc

Problem: I'm writing some code that is portable to Linux and Cygwin (compiled on msys), and the handling of symlinks is different. On Cygwin, if I create a symlink in the normal way, with a default ...
QF0's user avatar
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How to create symlinks in laravel for a directory to a external link

I want to create symlinks for my laravel site media link from `/public/uploads/*` to a link `*` For example, I have a site There an image with media url :
Anonymous Girl's user avatar
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Create symlinks for directories that don't exist - Windows

I got this as my main directory. └───etc_core └───modules_core ├───core_module_1 ├───core_module_2 └───core_module_3 I got another directory with the same structure, but ...
Ravenous's user avatar
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