Questions tagged [sysobjects]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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ODBC query against sysobjects does not return user defined objects

I'm running the following query SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' ORDER BY name against several SQL Server 2019 databases using ODBC. For one of the databases the query refuses to return ...
babycarrier's user avatar
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Looking to see how many sysobjects uses tables from a particular database

Looking to see how many sysobjects uses tables from a particular database. I am running a query in sysobjects in DB (and ssis packages) to confirm how many object we would need to review before we ...
suki's user avatar
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SQL User Cannot Select Objects from sysobjects where UID = User

I'm working with a legacy system that attempts to execute schema changes in SQL for specific users by first querying sysobjects as that user to determine if the object exists. If it does it creates an ...
user1695323's user avatar
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Moving from dbo.sysobjects to sys.tables in sp_ procs

I used to write database-agnostic stored procedures by creating them in master with the sp_ prefix and referring to dbo.sysobjects, which at runtime would bind to whatever database I happened to be in....
ekkis's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Finding objectid that faced with an error in a SQL Server try/catch block

I'm using try...catch instructions to handle errors in SQL Server and I need to recognize the object (e.g. code of the field that has been faced with error) so that I can show my own message instead ...
Farshid's user avatar
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