Questions tagged [testing]

Software testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results.

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Android : instumentation testing for app widgets

I am looking to automate testing for home-screen widgets. I have looked at android testing page, and the InstrumentationTestRunner class. I have also looked at CTS source code; but I have not been ...
Chaitanya's user avatar
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Tool for path finding algorithm testing

Anyone know, some tool for path finding algorithm testing. Where i could test my own writed path finding algorithm on 2d grid. Something like this But where i could write ...
macro's user avatar
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AutoIt testing of Eclipse RCP

I'm struggling with AutoIt regression tests. AutoIt was chosen because requirement is 100% blackbox GUI testing (no intervention to tested project). This solution has nevertheless got some issues, ...
UltraMaster's user avatar
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"Duplicate key value" error when running Django tests on auth

I have a Django site that's working fine. It has a small amount of data in the database which I want to use for testing. I've done dumpdata to generate a few .json fixtures. But, when I try to run a ...
Phil Gyford's user avatar
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What is a good set of device configurations to test Android app on an emulator?

Ideally I'd have a heap of physical devices to test on, but in reality I don't have access to devices with all the different characteristics. I'm targeting Android 1.6-current (4.0.3 at the moment), ...
Pēteris Caune's user avatar
5 votes
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SoapUI jetty thread still hanging after MockService stopped [SoapUI API]

I'm using SoapUI 4.0 and i'm starting my mockservices via SoapUI API : public static void startMockServices(String soapuiProject) throws Exception { WsdlProject proj = new WsdlProject(...
Fábio Neves's user avatar
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javascript unit testing : how do you keep track of all the tests you have written and what code coverage you have?

I'm writing up unit tests for a app but I'm having difficulty keeping track of what scenarios I've tested for in each method. I'm currently using qunit and creating a testing directory for each ...
tee's user avatar
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Automated Flash Testing with C#

I am trying to write some software for automated testing of flash contained within webpages. Specifically I am looking for assistance with 'hooking' onto a webpage which is running the flash and ...
cosmarchy's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: Functional Testing: POST does not send raw XML data

I have the following: @request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] = data @request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'application/xml' @request.env['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'application/xml' post "create", :api_key =&...
NullVoxPopuli's user avatar
5 votes
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Having a default port when running tests in ruby on rails

Im trying to run my tests with rake spec Im using rspec,capybara with selenium as webdriver. The problem is when ever I try to run the specs It starts up the testing environment in a different port ...
Themasterhimself's user avatar
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Body is empty when using MockMvc

<pre><code> @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebMvcTest(CustomerController.class) public class CustomerControllerMvcTest { @Autowired private WebApplicationContext wac; ...
Ashish Sharma's user avatar
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3 answers

How to call method on every py.test assertion failure?

Background: I'm using py.test together with pytest-selenium, now I would like to take a screenshot of page when assertion fails. Currently I have defined small helper method in my base page object ...
stawek's user avatar
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Async() methods in WCF test client

I wrote a simple WCF service and when I debug the project I get a WCF client window in which each service method has an async() version (for example, for the method ConnectMessages() from the service ...
user207809's user avatar
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JMeter: How to find the reason of a

I am making load test for my web application, and I set the connect timeout and response timeout to be 20 seconds, and sometimes I am getting exceptions like: Non HTTP response code:
Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
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iOS Local Notifications Testing

In testing my local notifications, for some reason setting the date and time on my iOS device does not trigger my local notification to appear. My notification's fire date is set to be several days in ...
L. Desjardins's user avatar
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How to implement a symbolic execution engine for a particular language?

I'm considering using symbolic execution to test the robustness of programs written in a particular language such as java. I've read some papers introducing the basic concepts of symbolic execution. ...
clasnake's user avatar
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How to test asynchronuous code

I've written my own access layer to a game engine. There is a GameLoop which gets called every frame which lets me process my own code. I'm able to do specific things and to check if these things ...
MOnsDaR's user avatar
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EmberJS no model was found but it's there

I'm writing an ember-cli app. I have the following model: // app/models/school.js export default DS.Model.extend({ name: DS.attr('string', { defaultValue: '' }) }); It was generated using an ember ...
Hugo's user avatar
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How to Install .ipa File on XCode iOS Simulator

I have downloaded an .ipa file from an iOS developer for our project. I need to test the app on my simulator because I don't have a physical device, but I don't know how to. how to install the .ipa ...
Tetsu's user avatar
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Difficulty verifying hibernate update queries inside a transaction with test code

I am running into quite a bit of frustration trying to writing the verification portion of my test code for hibernate DAOs that use direct sql queries to update the db within a single transaction. ...
matthauck's user avatar
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Jest not closing because of Mongoose.model

I am trying to create my first test with jest. user_model_test.js const mongoose = require('mongoose') const User = require('../user_model') describe('user model tests', () => { beforeAll( ...
Rodrigo Pereira's user avatar
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webdriver manager update only to chrome driver version 114

I am still using protractor for automated testing. I got the latest chrome driver version 116 and chrome browser version 116. I tried running npx @puppeteer/browsers install chrome@stable to get the ...
Allisona's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I run Android virtual device in Azure VM?

I need the ability to run the Android emulator on a VM as part of a test environment to automate UI testing for a mobile app. I have created my Azure VM: OS: Windows 10 Pro Size: Standard D4s v3 (4 ...
Stanza's user avatar
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Does Vitest have an equivalent option to jest's 'transformIgnorePattern'? or how can I prevent moving breakpoint in Vitest?

I encountered the same issue as this link suggests. There is a response that this is due to the sourcemap existing in the virtual and real files, which can be prevented by setting ...
JunKim's user avatar
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Quarkus + kotlin dependency injection in tests

I am working on my quarkus + kotlin application. Having class: @ApplicationScoped class ParrallerCronScheduler(private val someService: SomeService) : CronScheduler When the application is running ...
Damian Kapłon's user avatar
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What is the main usage of MatTestDialogOpener into Angular 15 - Material?

In an Angular developement I am trying to write a test for testing a dialog component. I am quite new with angular testing especially with Material harnessing but I found it very cool. Here is this ...
Théophile Dodemont's user avatar
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Gitlab Self-Hosted: ERROR: Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 308 Permanent Redirect

I am trying to visualize test coverage using jacoco for my Android application with Kotlin and I am following this article for our Gitlab (self-hosted) instance:
Rod Elias's user avatar
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1 answer

renderHook returns undefined

I have the following code: import { useState } from "react"; export const useCounter = (initialValue = 10) => { const [counter, setCounter] = useState(initialValue); const ...
manou's user avatar
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Cypress - getState() function always returning initialState when invoked from cypress test

I am testing my react-redux app using cypress following this blog: The issue is that when I am invoking getState from it is always returning the initial state. cy.window() .its(&...
kaushalendra pandey's user avatar
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How to reinstall the app between every testWidgets in Flutter integration test?

In Flutter integration tests, is there any way we can kill the app & reinstall it for every testWidgets? void main() { IntegrationTestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); testWidgets('...
Jagadeesh's user avatar
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2 answers

How to mock a function/method in Vue 3 with Vue Test Utils 2?

I am in the process of converting my project from Vue 2 to 3 and also testing library to Vue test utils 2. Before, mocking methods works like magic: export default { methods: { greet(text) { ...
Wally Jose's user avatar
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Insomnia how to upload file and json data

How can I test data like this { "slug": "some-slug", "poster": "here must be image", "translations": { "ge": { &...
Boychik's user avatar
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Test which uses MemoryRouter to render a component requiring parameters is not working, 'unable to find role: heading'

I am trying to unit test the Profile component which contains a userParams() call to get the userID from the path variable, to display the information for that user in a profile format. The test uses ...
devo9191's user avatar
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Android instrumentation tests throwing SecurityException

I'm developing a small set of instrumented tests using JUnit and Espresso to automate the testing process of my activities and fragments, but I'm having some crashes in some devices. The test suite ...
Daniel Schröder's user avatar
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xcodebuild error: `Error deleting scheme: Cannot modify data because the process disallows saving.`

I'm trying to test a Swift package using xcodebuild. The command is: /Applications/ test -scheme BokenEngine -destination "platform=iOS ...
Jose Celano's user avatar
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Idiomatic way of testing a Diamond smart contract

I've been writing and testing solidity code for quite a while, and I've been finding myself using the smock2 library quite extensively. In a nutshell, making sure that during a ContractA test, testing ...
Doodloo's user avatar
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testing next/image loader prop is not covered

I'm building some test units with jest on a NextJS project and I'm aiming to do a 100% coverage for my components tests. I used this to mock next/image: jest.mock('next/image', () => ({ ...
Ahmed Zrouqui's user avatar
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How to verify title of header in NativeStack?

I'm trying to test the value of the header when using React Navigation with a NativeStack but when I try to do something like const title = queryByText('Title'); expect(title).toBeTruthy(); The value ...
Archimedes Trajano's user avatar
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How to properly setup Catch2 tests in a Makefile?

I'm trying to setup tests with Catch2 and setup a testing rule in a Makefile, it's a pre-requisite, I can't use CMake. I'm not sure how to go about that. For example, I have something along those ...
Nathan Furnal's user avatar
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How to run cypress tests using browsers in docker

I am trying to run my tests using chrome instead of default electron. My docker-compose.yml is version: '3.8' services: nextjs: // frontend app e2e-chrome: image: "cypress/included:4....
howard wolowitz's user avatar
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How to publish to google play from visual studio

I have a cross platform Xamarin app that I have already delivered to App Store Connect for internal testing and it works great. It was not an easy process but now that it is setup properly my testers ...
charles young's user avatar
4 votes
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No such module was linked: electron_common_features - Electron react test failing

I created a react electron app from electron-react-boilerplate. And installed the @electron/remote package. Also changed the test case. Now when I run npm test it says No such module was linked: ...
Muhammed Rahif's user avatar
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How do I validate an input in elixir?

I am trying to write tests using hound and elixir and I cant seem to figure out a way to validate what was input into an input field... There is obviously a way to do this, but I have not figured out ...
Kody Berry's user avatar
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How to (mock) test external API request that happens inside Next.js getStaticProps

I'm using cypress to test my Next.js build. As the point of getStaticProps, a query is made to an external API and the data returned is formatted and then passed as props to the component. I know ...
martyjg's user avatar
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How to not break Cypress tests if element you'r looking for is not exist

I have the div with classname 'okrSelectorSelect__value-container' in DOM. <div class="okrSelectorSelect__value-container"><div> This div is optional. I want to click on it and ...
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Is there an equivalent to pytest's markers in jest?

I want to group all of the known flakey jest tests in a codebase with the equivalent of a marker in pytest (docs here) as a strategy to eventually remove them. Does jest allow for this? Is there some ...
D00dood's user avatar
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is there a "fail fast" option for flutter tests?

to save time and money both locally and in CICD I would like to add "fail fast" to my flutter tests but I cannot find it in the official docs is there a way to do that?
aoatmon's user avatar
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How to test that spawned Node child process is detached and unref()'ed?

I have a desktop Node.js application that spawns a child process. After spawning, all communications between the parent and child processes go through the network, and I need the processes to be ...
Rafael Sofi-zada's user avatar
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How to get the Ref value in a test with Vue 3 Composition API

I have a v-if rendering in my component that is link to a ref in the setup method. How can I test the rendrering in my testing script. Example: In the component: <div v-if="isCovid" class=...
Olivier's user avatar
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Old receipt information is retrieved for in app purchases for test users

I am using Auto-renewable subscriptions on my app and I am using sandbox users to test it with and for the first time purchase of an auto-renewable product in the app, its working fine, and the ...
Raghuvanshi Harsh's user avatar

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