Questions tagged [toolchain]

A toolchain is a collection of software tools that work together to build and manage programs.

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Cross-compiled program for openwrt does not work and displays no errors

There is a TVBox powered by openwrt (ARM). After boot it runs vendor's shell with a few buttons. Every button is associated with a file. I can edit .sh file to execute my command. But I can'...
TJS's user avatar
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Arm scatter file custom section

I want to add a custom section just after the RESET at a fixed address offset for the ARM toolchain. But scatter file loading assigns the custom section (.app_version) to some random location. file: ...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Android kernel overclock

How to increase Android kernel processor speed, I will compile it with source codes the processor has persistent kernel source codes from 1.60 to 1.70 What are your suggestions, which path should I ...
Mdh1's user avatar
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How do I specify compiler toolchain for specific modules in yocto

We have a huge project. The project is based out of GCC 6.4.0 There is a feasibility being conducted , if it can be upgraded to GNU v11.2 I need to check only if my module . How do I compile only my ...
Mark Watts's user avatar
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ld.exe cannot find "-ldl, -lm, -landroid, etc" on Delphi

I've just installed Delphi 12 to work with Android applications. My SDK installed components are:  But, when I try compiling for any Android architecture, even with an empty multi-platform project, I ...
Stack_Potter's user avatar
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Linaro toolchain build for armv5 builds for Armv7

I'm trying to use the linaro toolchain on Windows to cross compile for an ArmV5 target. My command looks like this: arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc.exe test.c -march=armv5te -v -mtune=arm926ej-s With this,...
jay's user avatar
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Unable to find registered toolchains of certain type in new bazel module

I'm writing Bazel rules for Apple's new config language pkl. My repo for the new rules is here. I am attempting to register toolchains and use those for the 'pkl_eval' rule that would essentially call ...
Connor Latham's user avatar
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How do I get IntelliSense in VS Code for toolchain headers stored in a docker container?

I maintain a legacy embedded Linux application written in C++. The platform SDK is in the form of a Ubuntu 18 virtual machine housing the cross compile (ARM) toolchain. Code is checked out into VM to ...
porblem's user avatar
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Xcode 15 error : No .app bundles found in the package

I created a Kivy test app to access IPhone files. I have an error on trying to upload the app to AppStore. The upload summary: The error: The .app file is not generated by the build process. Why? My ...
Flowev's user avatar
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verify if binary is compiled using gnx gcc or qnx qcc

I have written a toolchain for qnx gcc and qnx qcc. I have compiled a sample program using toolchain String dump of section '.comment': [ 0] GCC: (GNU) 8.3.0 20190222 (lookup) [qnx710 1535#57] ...
Maneesh Singh's user avatar
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arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++: No such file or directory

I am newbie to develope for Linux and recently stumbled upon this error arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++: No such file or directory. I tried to fix the error which came while I was following the code from ...
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Rust E0463 building Dioxus Fullstack but wasm32-unknown-unknown Target is Installed [duplicate]

Running dx build --features web --release or cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown returns the following error: [INFO] 🚅 Running build command... error: Broken pipe (os error 32) Error: 🚫 ...
Alexander Michaud's user avatar
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Json Data Corrupted Error After Updating macOS to 14.2.1 and Xcode to 15.2 with ixguard Toolchain

After updating my macOS to version 14.2.1 and Xcode to version 15.2, I am encountering an issue when attempting to run my iOS app on a physical iPhone device. The app runs successfully in the ...
Bhagwat Singh's user avatar
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How to build baremetal x86_64 libcxx toolchain from llvm-project's sources with CMake

I'm looking for a way to get a modern, fresh baremetal x86_64 C++ toolchain with libc and libcxx (both reduced to baremetal/no-standard functionality). The LLVM project offers a CMake-based libcxx ...
phip1611's user avatar
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Guidance needed to build a native toolchain for RISC-V

I'm in the process of developing a native toolchain for my RISC-V Evaluation board. Currently, I have a cross-compiler provided by the vendor and a corresponding sysroot for the same board. Given my ...
SOORYADEV's user avatar
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2 answers

How to specify the default dynamic linker name when building gcc/glibc?

I want to compile a program for a target ARM system, the system's program uses /lib/ for the dynamic linker path, but my toolchain uses /lib/ Even if I compile my ...
William's user avatar
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Using MinGW to compile 32-bit modern applications on Windows

I wish to use MinGW to compile a 32-bit application from source that contains c++20. Thus, apparently OG MinGW won't cut it due to compiler support for modern C++, but I instead need to use MinGW-w64. ...
Warpspace's user avatar
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Where is GCC package on Debian experimental?

The Debian experimental link has multiple packages for a large number of software artifacts However, there is no GCC package under the 'Development' section ...
mskcc's user avatar
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Fix HardFault on stm32h7 with arm native toolchain, with CubeIDE it works fine

I have the following function that serializes the RTC data of the microcontroller: string serialize() const { return "\"counter\": " + to_string(counter); } Besides the clear ...
Mrmudkip's user avatar
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U-boot cross compilation: why isn't make using chosen toolchain?

I have an odd problem, that I have noticed. For the purpose of building ancient uboot (2012.10), I am using an external toolchain (uClibc-ng). I am building ARM target. Here's the command that I am ...
zbro's user avatar
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Ran make V=s command to build the toolchain for my Audiocodec Board AC494. Returns error

"make[3]: Entering directory '/home/pulkit/new_sdk/lede/feeds/packages/utils/attr' if [ -f /home/pulkit/new_sdk/lede/staging_dir/target-mipsel_mips32_uClibc-
P.S's user avatar
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CMake build issues

I had the build environment running but as I switched projects I had to install few more stuff that cause my previous project toolchain to break. When I try to build I hit the below error CMake Error ...
mb2's user avatar
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Conan 1.X and CMake disagree on toolchain

I have a C++ project that has some 3rd party dependencies that I build on the fly using cd build conan install .. --build=missing cmake .. However the last command produces this error: CMake Error at ...
glades's user avatar
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Linking a 64bit dll to the Rust project

I'm new to programming, and especially to the Rust language, and I'm trying to figure out how to connect a 64-bit library. to the project. The library is compiled in Rad Studio, but there is also a ...
Андрей Ковынёв's user avatar
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Always use specific toolchain (profile agnostic) to build the app

I want my conan build . to always use a certain toolchain, say clang++14 and cmake 3.20 to build itself and its dependencies. How can I accomplish that? The reason is that our company uses either ...
glades's user avatar
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How to specify custom Java toolchain URL to download in Gradle?

Configuration toolchain { languageVersion.set(JavaLanguageVersion.of(21)) } fails with the following message: > Unable to download toolchain matching these requirements: {languageVersion=21, ...
Nolequen's user avatar
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Ubuntu cross compiling: install host or target dependencies in sysroot?

I'm trying to cross-compile an application for arm64 on Ubuntu 20.04 that depends on 3rd-party libraries like grpc. I think I need to install those dependency libraries in my cross-compiler's sysroot, ...
TS_'s user avatar
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Compile gdb for os161 on Archlinux

I started following the os161 course, from ops-class, and I'm having trouble setting up part of the tool-chain required to do the exercises. I tried to follow the setup guide and managed to: install ...
cloud's user avatar
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How to add user #define to the GCC predefined macros?

I'm building GCC cross-compiler from scratch. I need to add my own #define to the predefined macros. How to do it? I have not found any configure option for this purpose. I expect that the command arm-...
Radim Kalaš's user avatar
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Gradle - get the installation directory of a resolved java toolchain

I have a gradle project which applies the following configuration: java { toolchain { languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17) vendor = JvmVendorSpec.AMAZON } } In the ...
Scroobius's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to build toolchain because PATH contains spaces, TABs, and/or newline (\n) characters

I'm working on a Buildroot project on Raspberry 4. I wanted to start by building a cross-compilation toolchain : make toolchain but I'm stuck on this error output: Your PATH contains spaces, TABs, ...
MMyster's user avatar
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arm-none-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -- compilation success without executable being created

I'm using Fedora 36 through VirtualBox, and trying to compile some code for Cortex-A53 by toolchain taken from I have downloaded the archive, unpacked it in Downloads folder and then ...
Mk Kvease's user avatar
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cross-compiling application to work on older linux operating system

I need to cross-compile my application to run on a target machine using centos7. I am basing myself in the following cross-compilation repository This ...
NCLibardi's user avatar
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when calling vxCreateContext(): Error: _OpenDevice(1249): FATAL: Failed to open device, errno=No such file or directory

I am tring to cross-compile tim-vx-imx. target machine is imx8plus from nxp. I have managed to obtain the ovxlib drivers (CLC, Gal, VSC, ArchModelSw, NNarchPerf, OpenVx and OpenVXU) from a prebuilt ...
Abd Alrahman Atieh's user avatar
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Exec format error while cross compiling erlang 24.0

I am trying to cross compile Erlang version 24.0 for 32-bit Linux system using PowerPC toolchain. While cross compiling this exec format error occur. This is the error: /bin/sh: 1: /home/cdot/Pooja/...
poojak cdot's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I compile OCaml code to run on Android?

I am trying to compile Unison, which is written in OCaml, for Android. The only two OCaml toolchains for Android that I am aware of are opam-cross-android and opam-android-repository. However, they ...
user149408's user avatar
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Clion + Docker Toolchain with Conan: Problem highlighting / linting problems including dependencies

I developed a C++ project, and use Conan for my dependencies. I recently switched to also shipping a Dockerfile, for setting up a Docker toolchain in CLion to ease the setup for other developers who ...
mutableVoid's user avatar
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Proper use of toolchain_type in Bazel?

I need to implement a custom toolchain in Bazel to use a custom compiler ccppc. I'm following this, but it seems like Bazel is having trouble with //ccppc_tools:toolchain_type. My command: bazel ...
mtribiere's user avatar
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Where is the source code from the WCH RISC-V toolchain?

WCH, the company behind the famous 10-cent RISC-V microcontroller, has based its RISC-V toolchain on the xPack builds from Liviu Ionescu:
K.Mulier's user avatar
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Cannot find `cargo` binary on Rust toolchain on Apple M1

I got this error when I override the rustup toolchain to use the rust-toolchain in the repo directory: error: the 'cargo' binary, normally provided by the 'cargo' component, is not applicable to the '...
Seto's user avatar
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How can I set toolchain path in Conan with CMake for different users?

I have multiple repos which use multiple toolchains. Each developer installed the toolchains in different path. I have multiple profiles to handle each of the supported toolchains, for example the ...
sagi's user avatar
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Does clang cross compilation —sysroot require a cross compiler? Or target arch compiler?

I am attempting to cross compile on host x64 for target arm using llvm / clang. I know a sysroot and gcc-toolchain are required, and their flags point to a gcc compiler for the target platform. I’m ...
schumacher574's user avatar
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C++ cross compile for nao-robot

I am trying to cross compile the C++ movehead example from SDK, my machine is a VM UBUNTU 18.04.6 LTS. I created the ctc toolchain and configured it in qibuild. The cmake path is defined in cmakelists ...
Atan Cardoso's user avatar
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Got error `undefined reference to `getauxval’` during Rust cross-compile to aarch64 on x86_64

I am trying to build Rust application for two OpenWRT routers. One is on ramips (mipsel) platform and another is on rockchip (aarch64) platform. I completed the cross-compilation for mipsel very well, ...
Janvier P.'s user avatar
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How can I Build a macosx app with Release Scheme?

I have recently installed XCode 14.3 and am now having problems Building a macos app as Release. The Build fails with the following error message: File not found: /Applications/
user12719663's user avatar
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Which part of Embedded toolchain generates the linker script

Which part of the Embedded toolchain is responsible for generating the linker script? And if it is the linker, why would the linker generate a script for itself to define the memory segments? Aren't ...
Ahmed Hesham's user avatar
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Error: opcode not supported on this processor: mips1 (mips1)

when I was cross-compiling for mips-openwrt-linux,I encounter an error showing below. It seems that protobuf using an opcode which was not supported by my compiler with mips1 opcode. /tmp/cczgWQVg.s: ...
vudinhlong's user avatar
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can't load cross compiler header files into main.c

trying to compile this AVR microprocessor source file Clion can't manage to load include files into the project CMakeList.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23) project(avr C) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD ...
cloner's user avatar
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How to install toolchain and custom GDB in VSCode to debug remote target

I am trying to debug a cross compiled remote target with GDB. The target OS only has gdbserver so I have to use a custom GDB from my WSL host to remotely attach to it. The target is cross compiled ...
W.S's user avatar
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How to properly create a CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE script for compiling with mingw on Windows in CMake? [duplicate]

I want to build a very simple project using mingw compiler on Windows which is not in PATH and I don't want to manually set the environment variable before calling CMake command. Some people suggested ...
Nima Ghorab's user avatar

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