Questions tagged [touchscreen]

A touchscreen is an electronic visual display that can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area. (Wikipedia)

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0 votes
0 answers

How to get touch screen coordination from WM_INPUT raw data

I have my touch screen monitor registered with RegisterRawInputDevices. When I tap with one finger, I receive many WM_INPUT event. How can I get readable data from WM_INPUT HID (touch) event (...
5 votes
3 answers

Disable Double Tap To Click On Touchscreen iOS Devices

So, quite recently I've been working on a website that was given me to improve and make responsive, and one of the issues that I've been faced with is that there are many elements that are clickable, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Raspberry Pi screensaver/DMPS on/off to trigger shell script on change

I've got a touch screen without backlight control and and turning off the HDMI-output just brings up a "no signal" placeholder on the screen. I've soldered a octocoupler to the power toggle ...
1 vote
0 answers

Google Maps API problem with Marker icon SVG path size on laptop with touchscreen

I am trying to display Google Maps markers with a circular icon as a SVG path. I have this HTML: <div id="map-canvas"></div> And this javascript: function initialize() { let ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Need a Gui Keypad for a touchscreen that outputs a pin when code is correct

I have a raspberry pi with a touchscreen running raspbian, I'm hoping to have a Gui on the touchscreen that had a number keypad that when a correct input is entered a pin will output to a door latch ...
0 votes
1 answer

Kivy: how to stop touch screen events passing through to desktop

I have a Python Kivy (v1.11.1) app on Raspberry Pi 3B+, and use touch screen to interact with the app. The touch screen events work well with the Kivy app. However the same touch screen events also ...
110 votes
6 answers

How to use ADB to send touch events to device using sendevent command?

I am trying to send touch events to a device using AndroidDebugBridge, so that I can do some basic automation for UI tests. I have followed the discussion in LINK. I am able to use sendevent to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can mouse variables of p5.js be used on a touchscreen device? (JAVASCRIPT)

Is it possible to use mouseX and mouseY on touchscreen devices? If tapped-and-dragged on a touchscreen, will it keep updating mouseX and mouseY? It is important in my code for the mouse variables to ...
1 vote
0 answers

session storage is not changing dependent box value dynamically on moble

I have a webform with 2 select boxes (class name & student name ) getting their values from sql database whereas "student name" is dependent on "class name" value. I am saving my data on session ...
1 vote
1 answer

OpenJFX 11 Raspberry Pi Touchscreen No Touch

The facts: Raspberry PI 3B+ OpenJFX 11 10" Touchscreen D-WAV Scientific Co., Ltd App is running and you see everything you want but... No Touchevents From my research, that doesn't seem like a nice ...
1 vote
0 answers

How Android normalizes estimated pressure on capacitive devices

I'm currently working on research in which we employ a task where participants tap a touch screen with the ball of their foot as many times as they can for a period of time. One of the variables the ...
1 vote
0 answers

MFC: Touchscreen scrolling problem on Windows 10

I need to migrate a big Visual studio 2010 MFC project from Windows 7 to Windows 10 My application is intended to be used on tablets with a touchscreen (the source of the problem and therefore the ...
13 votes
2 answers

Remove the mouse over effect on a ListView in WPF

How can I get ride of the pale blue mouse over effect on my ListView? When I touch the screen a pale blue selector appears and stays in the middle of the screen as I scroll up and down (but the ...
0 votes
2 answers

Move the prefab on the swap direction of the screen touch - unity2D

I am new to unity and I searched for my expected behavior and implemented up to a certain extend. I have prefabs instantiated in the main game script, and I need to add a direction to the gameObject ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a way to have Windows 10 honor pywinauto.mouse.move after tapping on touchscreen?

I'm writing a python 3/kivy app that sends keycommands to another application on Windows 10 using pywinauto. The kivy interface runs on a secondary touchscreen monitor. When touching a button on the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Accessing raw capacitive touchscreen data

I wanted to get access to the raw capacitive touchscreen data on my android app. I noticed the following link walks through the steps to do this.
0 votes
1 answer

Issues with button script in Unity

enter image description here<--- Edit, I narrowed it down to this error that appears when I press build and run on my mobile. Any ideas why my buttons work in the editor but not on mobile? My ...
0 votes
1 answer

Find FT6336 Touch screen Library for ESP32

I'm working with a FocalTech FT6336G touch screen module. The FT6336G module interfaces with ESP32_devKit through an I2C interface. Currently I'm working on the flash memory and compiling a program in ...
0 votes
1 answer

how to constantly update a variable with a touchscreen dragging input event position

My game require constant update of a var with a drag gesture postion as my finger is moving on the touch sreen please help as im pretty new to programming.
0 votes
1 answer

What is the maximum number of screens that android can use at once?

Today I heard that android can only support two separate touchscreens at any time. Is this strictly true? I haven;t been able to find a reference online. If limited to two screens only, the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unity choose only one from all tagged gameObjects

I have 100 cubes with name tag (card) and I want only the cube I press to be able to rotate.My code works but rotates all of the cubes with tag (card) Here is my code I just need to rotate from the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Teensy 3.2 outgoing packet payload limit 8 bytes

I would like to emulate 3M USB touchscreen controller. I found exact protocol and slightly changed the source code in teensy3 library. I changed VendorID and ProductID. Also I added my USB isr handler ...
0 votes
1 answer

GestureDetector - Detect double click in GridView item's although returning false in onTouchEvent()

I wrote a simple subclass of ImageView that I want to use to detect double clicks on GridView-items: public class DoubleClickImageView extends ImageView { public interface ClickListener { void ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to stop a temporary cursor from showing up when touching QLineEdit?

On a touch screen application, there are various Textboxes (QLineEdits). The mouse/cursor is hidden, however the problem is that touching with a finger to focus on the texbox will show a temporary ...
1 vote
2 answers

TouchGFX widget visible on empty screen

I'm evaluating the TouchGFX tool additional to the STM32-Platform. Everything works "fine", like the interaction with some hardware resources of the STM32F746G-Discovery board, but there is another ...
0 votes
1 answer

Bootstrap 3 - navbar dropdown menu still visible after closing the dropdown - on viewport < 768px

I've been trying to fix the issue with the navbar dropdown menu when using viewport smaller than 768px (mobile/touchscreen). When tested on touchscreen, one click is supposed to open the dropdown (...
0 votes
0 answers

How to prevent the program being closed when it runs on the touch screen with full screen mode?

I am developing a mall guide program using the Firemonkey framework.The program runs on a touchscreen all-in-one machine without physical keyboard and mouse. The operating system is Windows 10. This ...
0 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop - two inputs at the same time (mouse + touch screen)

I try to create WPF application (.net Core 3.1) with support touch screen and non-touch screen with two inputs at the same time. I found a sample how to do this with VWvare and Virtual maschine here ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to initiate touchscreen on page load

I have a menu that uses hover to display submenus on a desktop. It seems with touchscreen devices the menu focus doesn't get initiated until after another element is touched (focused) first. When I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I use this touchscreen with my ESP32 controller?

I have an old 7" touchscreen which I originally bought for my Raspberry Pi 3B, but have recently started exploring MicroPython on ESP32 controllers. Long story short, seeing as how the ESP32 ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to disable/enable touchscreen programmatically without rebooting or signing out in Windows 10?

I have perhaps a silly question, but I am curious to find out if, you can code a program, for instance in c++, which would disable or enable touch screen without rebooting or signing out, in addition ...
21 votes
1 answer

QTouchEvent instead QMouseEvent on Linux

I am trying to handle QTouchEvent from M3 touchscreen in Qt 5.9. I use Qt Finger Print example and it works fine on Windows 7 but on Ubuntu 16.04 I receive mouse events instead of touch events. Is it ...
3 votes
1 answer

Framework recommendation for interactive multitouch application

We are currently developing a multitouch multiuser application which runs on a big touchscreen table. Obviously the application has a lot of animations and transformations included, i.e. moving and ...
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0 answers

C# Winforms panel scrolling with touch

Basically I have a panel in a winforms project that contains a collection of picture boxes. The panel and picture boxes are all created at runtime and added to an existing panel on the form. The ...
0 votes
2 answers

scratch/touch problem detection in android

I am looking for a solution to test the touch screen of the android device like Amazon/Flipkart etc. do. Can I get any working reference link which does a similar functionality?
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0 answers

pdfsharp hyperlink AddDocumentLink not working on touchscreen Android

MY code generates the PDF fine, and all links work on Desktop, but on mobile i cannot get the links working with touchscreen. Any advice would be appriciated rect = New XRect(100, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Detect touch on OpenCV C++ window

I'm trying to open web-cam video and then pause it on first tap and then close it on second tap on a touchscreen display. I'm using OpenCV version 3.4.0. Currently I can do it by either pressing q ...
2 votes
0 answers

Issue with ASUS Touch Screen Monitor and Android Device

I am connecting my Android Device with ASUS VT168H monitor over USB and HDMI. The issue I am having is with the asus touch screen monitor. It doesn't invoke the proper touch, means if I touch at at ...
2 votes
2 answers

Connecting Android studio to raspberry pi +touch screen dispaly(Android things)

I am doing a project using Android things,I have downloaded image and flashed in memory card ,n I got Android things os screen.... Until this is all fine.. Now I want develop to connect to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Registering a touch screen HID with RegisterRawInputDevices does not work

I am trying to get raw input data from a Surface touch screen, using RAWINPUT API. Getting the devices list works good. But when I want to register the touch screen device with ...
3 votes
2 answers

Disable pinch zoom and multi touch gestures in windows 10?

I hooked up a LG 23ET63 multi-touch monitor to my windows pc Windows 10 looking to run a site on Chrome in kiosk mode. But currently I have facing some problems trying to disable pinch zooming on ...
0 votes
2 answers

Firemonkey ListView scrollbar visibility

In the Firemonkey's TListview the visibility of the scroll bar depends whether the system has a touch screen. How can I override this behavior and show vertical scrolling always when there is not ...
1 vote
1 answer

UPDATE WORKING-- How to Test Smartphone Screen by swiping finger on the touch screen in android?

I am making a mobile e-commerce application that tests the user's mobile screen condition by dragging or swiping on the screen to test whether the screen is broken or not. I added an image that the ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to make the Windows OSK open when a TextBox gets focus, instead of requiring users to tap a keyboard icon?

We are working on a WPF application in .NET 4 that will be used with a touch screen. We are trying to use the built-in Windows OSK for our input, and the last remaining issue is to get the keyboard ...
1 vote
4 answers

Bad Display Name when running Python script on boot with Touch Screen

Attempting to run a Python script on boot on Raspberry Pi 3B+ 1GB RAM, Raspbian, with a SunFounder 10" Touch Screen, - .log file returns "Bad display name' Python script is 100% functional when run ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to configure 3.5 inch touchscreen on raspberry pi running android?

I was making a smartphone using an RPI 3B and I am running Emertia os. Can someone help me get the touchscreen feature working?
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1 answer

How to enable scrolling with stylus in a WPF touchscreen application?

I have controls like scrollviewer, datagrid, combobox etc.. and I can scroll with my finger, mouse wheel, but not with the attached pen. Is there any behavior, or property where I can enable this ...
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0 answers

Script for keypress character conversion does not work on touchscreen devices

I made a script which converts keypress character typed by user to another desired character and put in input field. It works very well on desktop computer, but it is totally useless for touchscreen ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to move character forward and also face moving direction?

I am a newbie to Unity, any help will be much appreciated. I want to make a game where character (shown in below image) moves forward continuously. Character has to move upwards when user touches ...
1 vote
2 answers

powerpoint: completely hide tooltips over shapes with hyperlink

Using Powerpoint 2010, we are developing a touchscreen application to be displayed in the Kiosk mode. Now I have here a powerpoint slide with a transparent,invisible shape that has a hyperlink to a ...

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